The show will be stopping next year..

It seems peopel are forgetting one important thing. HBK gre wup looking up to Ric Flair and retired him is it not there for fitting that Jericho who became a pro wrestler beacuse of HBK be teh guy to end his career. Jericho becomes the new show stopper. Everyone admits he has upped his game this last year and if he continues Jericho would make perfect sense.

I could see another thing happening with Taker, but unlike hwta has already been said you have them fued ofr a year with both announcing that 26 will be their last maina and HBK beating Taker, then they both leave the two greatest wrestlemaina performers in history.

Finaly My choice would be and the guy who needs the rub teh most, Christian. Retiring HBK would be huge for the Instant Classic. It would certainly propell him up towards teh main event.
I'd like to see Michaels vs Morrison at the next Wrestlemania. Michaels and HHH already had an amazing fued, they beat each other half to death back and forth over countless matches. Jeff Hardy doesn't need Michaels' help to get over, plus he's kind of a one trick pony and can't come close to matching Michaels ground game. Morrison feels like "the next HBK" to me. BUT, if Morrison and Michaels doesn't happen...

Then I have to say I want to see Michaels vs. Jericho, one last time. These two have more of a rivalry than HBK/HHH, they've put on FAR better matches. I dunno, just seems fitting.

ALSO!!! I think Michaels should go out winning at Wrestlemania. Time after time he puts on the best show at WM, and time after time he also loses. If he doesn't win I think there should be a 10 count on both competitors... almost thought that's what they were going to do with Taker... haven't seen that in 10+ years...
Here are the latest odds you can get on HBKs wrestlemania opponent for WMXXVI.

I'm going to go through them, because I'm bored.

2/1 HHH (Favorite)

Definately a strong possibility - people will probably complain that we've seen them wrestle before, and they should really get over that. The 2 have one of the best histories in the business, and both will go down as legends. You know that they will have a good match, and Triple H retiring Shawn would be something different. You can also count on the emotion of the Flair retirement match.

4/1 Undertaker

I think I'd have gone for this if they hadn't fought this year - if Shawn had decided to retire this year (which I'm thankful he didn't) their match at WM would have been perfect.

7/1 Randy Orton

I'd be pretty pissed if it was Orton, actually. I don't think his last match would be as special, somehow. Orton, the 'legend killer' hasn't really been killing many legends lately, I don't really think that's his gimmick anymore. While this would be good if he decided to go back to that, I don't think that it would mean as much, somehow.

8/1 Jeff Hardy

It'd put him over, sure. But does Jeff really need that? He's already more over with the fans than most, and has already been Shawn cleanly. I don't think this would be the best way to end his career.

Same as Orton, really. They'd have a good match, in fact, this feud is something I'd like to see in shawn's last year. But I'd prefer to have someone with whom it'll look to mean more.

9/1 Chris Jericho

Someone like Chris Jericho. I'd be happy if it was Jericho - it'd be exactly the same as how Shawn retired Flair. Jericho grew up admiring Shawn, and their feud last year was excellent, very personal. I can see Jericho being just as sorry as Shawn was last year.

12/1 Kurt Angle (I think, his TNA contract expires in September)

It'd never be as good as their WM 21 match, and I'd spend the entire match comparing the 2. It'd be good, I wouldn't complain if it happened, but Triple H and Jericho are both better for this.

15/1 Rey Mysterio


25/1 John Morrison

I'd like this - they guy who many have called the next HBK. To be honest, I don't want Shawn's last match to be him, but I think a good feud would do wonders for Morrison, and they could definately have 2 matches.

50/1 Marty Jannetty

Again, seriously?

100/1 Bret Hart (rank outsider)

Haha, that would be great, in a funny way. It would probably take away from it being Shawn's last match though - something I'd be concious of happening. I would laugh I think, though.
The Showstopper can't retire.

He can, and should.

He is the WWE.

He's not. Plenty of other superstars could take that honour.

The WWE won't be the WWE without Shawn.

It will. Remember when he got injured. The WWE were fine.

There'll be no more 5* matches

There will. Quite a few wrestlers capable.

There'll be no more amazing promos

He wasn't that good at them to begin with.

A WWE without Shawn is so hard to think about.

It's quite easy, and it's been like that before.

And who's going to take on his role of putting over younger stars? Undertaker? I somehow doubt it. I think there's a problem there.

I think you'll find Undertaker does that too.
Well I think the most likely pairing would be Triple H vs HBK at WM26. Which might not even be such a bad thing, even if they've done it numerous times before. The best thing about it - Triple H doesn't need to have a title for a match like this, so he could be in a high-profile 'Mania match while the title matches are left to others this time around.

Should it have a stipulation? Not really, but maybe a Special Referee would be nice... I could imagine Ric Flair stepping in for that job. Would be nice to have him being a part of HBK's last match, when HBK was part of Flair's. Or of course... the thing that is not going to happen, but still... Bret Hart, either inducting HBK into the HOF (yeah right) or doing the special referee for HBK's last match. But I guess Hart is way out of wrestling anyway, and besides, I fear there's really too much legit bad blood still between Hart and HBK for that to happen. But a nice thought.

Another Angle vs HBK or Jericho vs HBK would be cool as well, though I consider Jericho vs HBK unlikely, as they had this long feud last year, and pairing them yet again would not seem smart; Jericho could be used better in other combinations; besides, the Main Event scene could do with some spicing up anyway - I'd rather see Cena vs Jericho for the world title or something like that, instead of Jericho just "doing the honors" again - this time not for Ricky Steamboat, but for HBK. Not a bad option, definitely... but I could imagine better ones.

Other than that, HBK vs Taker II would of course be tremendous, especially with "careers on the line"... they could even bill it as career vs career match, since people know Undertaker is close to the end of his as well... so HBK claims that Taker got the best of him this year, but he wants to try again, putting all on the line... if he wins he doesn't only end Taker's streak, but his career as well... If he loses, he retires. But somehow I can't see it happening two years in a row. I suppose they might do another HBK vs Taker somehow later this year, around Survivor Series or so maybe, where HBK wins (kind of like HBK's matches with Kurt Angle at WM 21 and Vengeance)...

I guess there are several good options, but HBK definitely needs to go out with a bang, with a "showstopper" - I don't think a loss to give any young guy a rub at WM26 would do him justice. But right now, I would also think that HBK vs HHH is the most likely option for WM26. But who knows what 2009 will bring, so right now, I won't call anything yet heh.
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With Shawn Michales retiring it at least looks like there's something to look forward to next year. We should steal that countdown clock Kennedy was using two years ago when he said he was going to use his MITB briefcase at Mania.

A boring performer who hasn't produced any five star matches in years. Good riddance.
So it's being reported that Shawn Michaels is saying that WM26 will be his last match. It's a good time for him to hang up the boots because HBK has done his time and he's done it damn well. At his age (which isn't exactly old) and still putting on the shows he does is still amazing to me. I know many others have done the same, but it seems like HBK just always has a leg up on everyone. So this raises a few questions. Some past, and some future questions.

1.) Why has HBK gone since the first elimination chamber match to hold one of the major titles? Yes I know he doesn't exactly have the God complex like HHH has, but he is picky who he puts over. But for HBK to not have the title for that many years is pretty lame to me. I realize he knows and we know that he doesn't have anything left to prove, but in that near 7 year period you would think he would have had it at least 1 or 2 other times. I at least think so. So does anyone think that he will hold one of the big ones before he hangs it up? Personally, I don't think he will just because like I said above, if he hasn't for almost the past 5-6 years, he won't now. Plus I just don't see how it would really fit in, but I could be wrong.

2.) Who will his final opponent be? There's a laundry list of people totally capable of being HBK's final opponent but I don't see how any would fit into much of anything. I think the obvious choice would be HHH, but hasn't that match been already beaten to holy hell? I think so. I have seen enough HHH/HBK matches for my liking and if HHH isn't a monster heel who turns on HBK, the match just wouldn't be interesting. Granted I loved this years WM match with HBK/Taker, but I would have booked things differently with HBK. I would have somehow "drug out" the HBK/Jericho feud to all culminate at WM25 because that was just epic. One of the best feuds in recent years. Then, as HBK is ready to retire around WM26 time, he challenges Taker to his final match... Career vs. The Streak. If Taker can beat him, he'll retire, but if HBK wins, he'll end the streak and still retire...but retire on top. I can't really think of anybody else worthy of going up against HBK in his final match. DO NOT SAY CENA. I despised their match at WM23 and their hour long drawn out time killer on Raw, I do not care to see them again. I'm clueless to who it should be with, so what does everyone else think?
Want to know who it's going to be? HHH! Who else would it be? I mean, the story's etched in stone, my friends. HBK ends Flair's career. HHH is still bitter knowing HBK had to be the man to put the Nature Boy out. HHH would then go on about how HE would have been in the match if he didn't have a title shot that year. HBK goes on about how much of an ego maniac he is and how he's going to shut HHH up for good and have a showdown for the WWE/WHC title at WM 26. HHH would say something like 'Nothing would be more honorable than to end the career of Mr. Wrestlemania, STOP the Showstopper, SILENCE...Sweet Chin Music, because I AM THE GAME, AND I'M THAT DAMN...

*FWACK* HBK with a kick to HHH's face. HBK says, "See YOU at Wrestlemania!"

Tell me you can't see this coming...IF HBK does indeed retire. It's very possible, and I look for that to be the logical way they go with it. HHH/HBK would be the end all. They had a helluva match after HBK came back from injury. They can tear the house down.
Hopefully it will be not used to put over some other rising star. I`m all for veteran putting over new guys but not in this situation....not for the last HBK match.
So I`m thinking HHH. The list is not too long unfortunately...maybe Jericho.
I would love for Shawn to hold the title one more time, and he does deserve it. However, he doesn't want it - Shawn hasn't been working a 'full' schedule for quite a few years now; he doesn't attend house shows, or do as many promotional events as the younger stars e.g. John Cena. I think if Shawn wanted it, Vince would give him it. They could definately do worse. Shawn also understands that the title is supposed to be on the face of the company and he knows that he doesn't fulfill that position anymore.

Regarding his last match, I absolutely hate it when people say last matches should be used to put over a star. Why? They have spent their whole life doing things for the business, putting people over etc. The last match should be about them. If they want to have it that way they can, however I think a match with Triple H or Chris Jericho would be more fitting, and I'm going towards the latter at the moment. It'd be much the same as the Flair/Michaels match was - a huge wrestler ending the career of his role model/idol. And that match was amazing. No it wasn't technically sound, but it did exactly what it was supposed to - say goodbye to Ric Flair and make the fans upset that he was leaving. At the end of that match I was in tears, and I expect it to be the same, if not better for Shawn.
HBK doesn't have to lose his final match. I would rather see him face off against Shelton Benjamin than anybody else in WWE, they had in my opinion the best Raw match I have seen in many many years and I think WM26 would allow them the freedom to put on the best match of the year, and elevate Shelton at the same time win or lose.
lol you cant have hbk going out to just cant. i think it'l end up being hhh...or maybe against edge for the title..because edge and hbk havent had too many matches to my knowledge down the years and iv no doubt that at mania that would steal the show. put the belt on hbk..and have edge face him for it..hbk retires wether he loses or wins..have him win of course.
Shawn Michaels is my biggest influence in wrestling and I'm even using the Elbow off the top as my signature move as a mark of respect to pay tribute (though I'll never make it look as good as he does). I believe Shawn more than deserves to hold the title again before he retires and with a long run as champ as well but, along with most, I don't think it's gonna happen. He's probably the most popular face in the company which makes it silly for him to not hold the belt but since when has WWE done the logical thing in the last couple of years. All we can do is hope he's given an extremely fitting send-off and a well deserved induction to the Hall of Fame class of 2010!!
Shawn Michaels is my biggest influence in wrestling and I'm even using the Elbow off the top as my signature move as a mark of respect to pay tribute (though I'll never make it look as good as he does). I believe Shawn more than deserves to hold the title again before he retires and with a long run as champ as well but, along with most, I don't think it's gonna happen. He's probably the most popular face in the company which makes it silly for him to not hold the belt but since when has WWE done the logical thing in the last couple of years. All we can do is hope he's given an extremely fitting send-off and a well deserved induction to the Hall of Fame class of 2010!!
Maybe you didn't know that Macho Man Randy Savage that move famous; I think HBk should go out against Jericho that would best match besides going against Taker again; HBK and Y2J have great chemistry together and would put on a hellva match again.
I knew Savage made it famous, i'm just a huge michaels fan so i do it for that reason and as for the Michaels vs Jericho...i would love to see it, i loved their ladder match last year so another Michaels vs Jericho would be a privalege for most wrestling fans to see
i think it should be taker again. they had an incredible match this wrestlemania. hbk can win this match and be the one who ended the streak in his last match.
My buddy and I were discussing this very topic in the car driving back from mania.

While it will likely be against HHH I would rather it be against an upstart who will eventually be a main eventer. A passing of the torch if you will. Remember it was Bret who made his career off that loss to the bulldog in Wembley stadium. Shawn would retire on top and push his opponent to main event level at the same's a win win. idea for a gimick I thought up would be to push Morrison and turn him into the "new HBK." Have Melina pair with him again to redo the Sherri role and have her sing HBK's music again as his entrance and have him wear older HBK style outfits. He confronts HBK saying he is no longer the true HBK and despite his accomplishments a shadow of his former self and thus needs to leave or at least "lose his HBK name." This would eventually set up a battle for the title of HBK name at Mania between Morrison and Michaels. Michaels wins so he can retire as HBK and Morrison gets pushed. Granted you would then have to change Morrison's gimick then but it would at least get him over to feud Michaels assuming he gets a win over Michaels prior to mania.

HBK HAS to lose in his last match. He was known all through the 90's as a guy who refused to do the job to anyone, and while he has for the most part managed to get rid of that image, there are still a few people out there who dont quite buy it. If Michaels were to win his final match especially if it was advertised as being his final match and at WM, then I think alot of people would use that as "proof" shawn never really changed. It is a time-honored tradition for people to go out on their back, and that was the catalyst for the whole montreal screwjob when bret didnt want to Job to HBK. If after being involved in Montreal and also being the guy to retire Ric Flair, I think it would be a slap in the face to the business if he didnt lose. I dont think it needs to be against an up and coming star, but it needs to be a clean loss against someone, with Jericho or HHH most likely to be the ones to do it. And to be honest, I dont think HBK would want to go out without losing if he has really changed since the 90's (which I personally think he has) for the same reason he hasnt been the champ but once since his return.
If HBK does hang them up after Mania next year, there are two questions. First, will he win or lose his last match? Second, who will his last match be against? The only one to retire a winner in their last match as of late was Trish Stratus. Everyone else has lost their last match so one might think HBK would lose, but then again, he is Mr. WrestleMania and wouldn't it be fitting for him to prove it one last time! As far as who he would face, several have mentioned upstarts and young stars but I just don't see HBK battling a young guy on the biggest stage. My picks, though, if it were going to be a young guy, would be DH Smith or Tyson Kidd acting on behalf of the Hart family to gain the ultimate revenge for the Montreal Screwjob or Mr. Kennedy because, well, it's Kennedy and he wants HBK to move out of the way so he can have the spotlight. I just think, though, that in his last match he will face an established star who knows HBK extremely well and while I agree that HHH would be an obvious choice, I have another pick for you...Batista. Although HHH was sore at HBK for retiring Ric Flair, he got over it. I'm not sure Batista ever did. If you remember, Batista was beyond pissed at HBK for retiring Flair and if memory serves me right, they never really settled the score. This could be a great build-up and could very well be a match for the ages. Also, Undertaker has an outside shot at battling HBK one more time, but don't count on it because I think their program was a one-time deal. So I'm pulling for HBK vs Batista in HBK's farewell match at Mania 26.
HBK HAS to lose in his last match. He was known all through the 90's as a guy who refused to do the job to anyone, and while he has for the most part managed to get rid of that image, there are still a few people out there who dont quite buy it. If Michaels were to win his final match especially if it was advertised as being his final match and at WM, then I think alot of people would use that as "proof" shawn never really changed. It is a time-honored tradition for people to go out on their back, and that was the catalyst for the whole montreal screwjob when bret didnt want to Job to HBK. If after being involved in Montreal and also being the guy to retire Ric Flair, I think it would be a slap in the face to the business if he didnt lose. I dont think it needs to be against an up and coming star, but it needs to be a clean loss against someone, with Jericho or HHH most likely to be the ones to do it. And to be honest, I dont think HBK would want to go out without losing if he has really changed since the 90's (which I personally think he has) for the same reason he hasnt been the champ but once since his return.

Regarding Montreal, I'd say that was completely different because Hart was going to the rival company, not retiring. There would have been no problem if he was retiring, no fear from McMahon that Hart would take the title to WCW, and therefore no need for what happened to happen.

I don't think he should lose if he doesn't want to - I don't think it really matters, especially if it was against Triple H or Jericho, both who have beaten him before. If Shawn wants to win his last match, he should be allowed to. It was slightly different with Flair because he was still wrestling on the basis he won, so he had to retire with a loss. With Shawn it's different, and if he wants to go out with a win it shouldn't be a problem.
I dont know how silly this is going to sound but, why not have Michaels go one on one in his last match with............. Stone Cold Steve Austin? Austin once said he may be willing to do one last match if "the stars would align just right" and the situation was right. Bill it as a Wrestlemania XIV rematch. Have Michaels go over Austin. Michaels goes out the winner. It doesnt make any "active" wrestlers lose any momentum. Fans get treated to a fantastic match- similiar to HBK/Taker match-several stunners and sweet chin musics. Austin has that one final match. It may not make a whole lot of sense to people on here or even myself. But if done right, it would be one helluva build and even a bigger match!! Of course, as of late, I dont know how much faith I have in the WWE writers.

But if not that match, then it should definitely be HHH. Great match, lots of history, great story-telling. They would have to make HHH the heel though. I want a good storyline and a heel/face storyline as much more depth, IMO, than a face/face storyline.
Now, I'm a huge HBK fan and I have been since he tossed Marty through that window on the Barber Shop all those years ago, so my idea just might be a little biased towards the Show Stopper, but hear me out.

I think he should win the Rumble and go on to challenge the WWE Champion, Edge, at WM26 in a Title vs Career match. Everyone will expect him to lose and retire, but I say have him win. Then the next night on Raw have him say that it's been a good run, but HBK is going to call it a career while he's on top and have him retire as champ.

Not only does that send off HBK on top, as a reward of sorts for being one of the only top stars to stay with WWE through his entire career, but it also sets up the next WWE Title storyline. An epic tournament to determine the next champ. I'm not talking about some 2 or 3 week crappy tournament that ends with Backlash, I'm talking 32 guys from all 3 brands competing over a couple months with all sorts of intertwining storylines going on (people screwing other, friends turning on each other, Ted DiBiase using his father's money to "buy" his way into the final 4).
I dont know how silly this is going to sound but, why not have Michaels go one on one in his last match with............. Stone Cold Steve Austin?.

Nah...SCSA said hes closing the door on his career, if you ask me I say it would be The Rock seeing that he is the most obvious candidate for the HOF next year
i like the shelton idea....that was a great match on raw...probably the best raw match ever. and i like the tyson kidd or dh smith....makes sense. the problem with those 3 guys is that there isnt' enough time to push them so high up that they would even be seriously considered to wrestling hbk at wrestlemania. shelton would have the edge though. if it's shelton, they have to start pushing him soon. and if it's kidd or smith, they better start today! but really, i think it will be HHH. i don't that hhh has to be a heel either. hbk could come to hhh the same as flair did to hbk. now if hbk doesn't lose, or doesn't want to lose, he will be bret hart all over again and i don't think he wants that. so that being said, i think he will lose his last match.
I can only hope that if HHH and HBK square off in a title match at WM 26 next year... that whoever wins the Money in the Bank ladder match cashes it in as soon as HHH beats HBK and takes the title from him... because HHH needs to stop putting himself over and start putting others over. ARGGHHHH!

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