Thinking of changing my name

Fuel The Fire

Getting Noticed By Management
ya im going to try and lable my self as a john cena defender . there are too many cena haters and i dont understand why they hate him so much so im thinking of changing my name to defend cena.. any idea of what to change it to..
Are you kidding me? If anything there are way too many Cena defenders. I have never been on a forum with so many people that love John Cena in my life. Most forums hate Cena. This one adores him. Not that this is neccessarily a bad thing you like who u like. But saying too many people hate him is asinine considering this is the most pro-Cena forum I've ever been on.
Are you kidding me? If anything there are way too many Cena defenders. I have never been on a forum with so many people that love John Cena in my life. Most forums hate Cena. This one adores him. Not that this is neccessarily a bad thing you like who u like. But saying too many people hate him is asinine considering this is the most pro-Cena forum I've ever been on.

Actually I have seen alot more cena haters but i have seen a few defenders but more haters then defenders
im just trying to establish my self as a improved poster and by doing this i figured i would be getting my foot in the right direction
im just trying to establish my self as a improved poster and by doing this i figured i would be getting my foot in the right direction

You don't have to follow the masses like Sly and like Cena just to get respect. I'd respect you more for sticking to your opinions and backing them up. You don't have to change your name either. I like the name fuel.
ya im going to try and lable my self as a john cena defender . there are too many cena haters and i dont understand why they hate him so much so im thinking of changing my name to defend cena.. any idea of what to change it to..

Yeah, there's a lot of haters on here. I've had to defend Cena a lot, what with being one of the biggest Cena marks on this forum, possibly THE biggest one. I don't have it in my screenname, but I do in my posting style. My never backing down from a debate is similar to his never backing down from a match. My respecting my opponents in debates even if I disagree 100% is similar to Cena's top face status because being really rude to other posters counts as a heel in my book.... and finally, my catch phrase "I'm willing to debate this further if you still disagree" is my more polite version of Cena's "You want some, come get some!".

So if you wanna be the "Cena" of this forum then you better get in line since that's already me.... lol .... but it's cool if you're a fan too because he's awesome. We could team up against the haters.

You shouldn't change your name though unless you really dislike it. "Fuel" is kinda cool for a screenname actually.

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