Think Positive. What can TNA's new signings bring to the table???

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King Of The Wasteland
So with TNA's new set of signings I want you to think of positives to them being brought in (they must have been brought in for a reason)

Jeff Hardy: (Most obvious) Is a very popular wrestler could interest viewers in checking out TNA, is athletic enough to help the X-Divison out and make it a decent division again, any wrestler he has a fued with will get a rub because of his popularity.

Shannon Moore: Athletic and young, helping the X-Division out as well to making it a good division again.

Orlando Jordan: Can be used as a jobber, allowing people like Amazing Red to seem less weak.

Ric Flair: As a legend will gain people's interest and possibly get them to tune into TNA to see what he's doing
My friend told me today that Val Venis was involved in one of the highest rated segement with TBP on Monday. he must feel invincible, they need to get rid of Orlando, Nasty boys and get Mistico, get Petey and Sonjay back. And oh yeah bring back KAZ.
JEFF HARDY!!!!!!!!!!!! his shocking return debut was in my mind worth the wait for s GOOD superstar other then Hulk but there was also Ric Flair but most likly he wont wrestle so MODEST TO THE TOP AND IT BRINGS JEFF HARDY
Jeff: He's just about the most popular guy in wrestling right now. He's easy to merchandise for (crazy arm bands, self designed T shirts (he's using the artist gimmick, regular T Shirts, Teddy Bears (died in jeff's hair colour) etc.) and they'll all sell well.

Orlando: Every company needs jobbers. Orlando can play that role well. He was also on hulk's tour

Ric: Can mentor a young guy (giving them a rub in the process (but not by beating him. I dont want to see him wrestle again. stay retired. Please.)) and reprise his feud with Sting from WCW. Also, he was on Hulk's tour. that seems to be a running theme.

Val: Good mic skills, good ring skills, all around a solid pair of hands that can work with anybody who has nothing better to do and have a decent match with them. also See above jobber reference for Orlando.

Nastys: They can brawl and are a tag team. They can keep 3D as far away from the titles as possible and maybe have an ok series of gimmick matches before going.

Hall: The NWO was big in WCW. TNA is booked by the same people as WCW therefore it will be big, like it was in WCW.
I think there is a lot of possiblities for the future of TNA now with the new crew. Hogan, Bischoff, and Flair all bring credibility, and name to the brand. Flair still has a couple of good matches in him, and I think he can tutor alot of these guy's and give them some more stage presence in the ring. Nasty boy's are really no different than the dudley boy's. Both have a deep passion for the wrestling and i think they will have a great program against each other, and build the tag team division. The young bucks tag team will be a good add for tag team division also. Orlando Jordon was a great wrestler in WWE, except he could never shine because of HHH, Austin, Rock etc.... I think he will be much better off here in TNA. Jeff Hardy brings a ton of experience for the x-division, and he already is a former world champion. X-Pac I think could help alot in any area, he's pretty much been all over, and has alot of experience in all the big companies. I think there is definately a nWo style program in the work's or at least a wolf pac reunion. I hated the nWo for the most part, but they were fun to watch and drew curiosities of all fans. Bischoff is a hardcore ratings maker. He will do what ever needs to be to get the rating's up, and the company brought up to another level. Val Venus looks like he's going to keep the same character, and just change his name, and i have to say I thought he was funny as hell in WWE, and he's a very good wrestler. He will help the midcard a great deal. I think Tomko need's to be push to a midcard, and possibly in the title hunt. Tomko vs Matt Morgan, or Kurt Angle would be great matches. I hope RVD sign's and Mr. Kennedy. I think you will see the rating climb more and more with all the talent being signed. Bischoff will make sure he keeps it interesting. I truley hope he brings the x-division on strong, and crazy, like he pushed it in WcW days. Fast and furious wrestling is very fun to watch.
Jeff Hardy: Like many said, he's a top star when he left and can draw some audiences and sell sh*tloads of merchandise. He can be booked easily since he fits in the X division and/or the main event.

Shannon: Well he can be a great addition to the x division or he and jeff can pair up and compete for tag titles to add more spice in the tag division. i'd prefer them at the tag division since there's already a cluster of people (and i heard there's more to come) competing in the X divison and the main event.

Orlando Jordan: He can be a good midcarder. Can also be someone's lackey or a jobber.

Flair: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! need i say more?

Val Venis: He's not that old so I guess he'd be a perfect mid card.

Hall & Waltman: I guess a one night nWo wouldnt hurt maybe for some of the younger people to see that didn't manage to get a glimpse on the action 96-99.

Hogan & Bischoff: Hope they book creatively and not do the same mistake they did back then.
I think one of the major positives is what tips these guys can give the actual TNA roster. Even someone like Val Venis has been in the ring during one of the biggest booms in wrestling and would have some insight. Guys like Flair will have great knowledge on how to get the TNA roster over and how to make themselves bigger attractions. If Flair could work with AJ, Joe etc. behind the scenes on perfecting their characters, then that would be the best contribution they could make.

In front of the camera, Jeff Hardy would make the biggest contribution as he is the most over wrestler of 2009 and will bring in younger fans who like his style and will stay because they will see guys like AJ, Daniels the Guns even Joe doing their thing and they will love them like they love Hardy...
Jeff Hardy's stock right now is high, much higher than that of any of the new arrivals that TNA brought in Monday night. Hardy proved himself over the course of 2009 as a main event caliber performer in the WWE. He managed to win a few world titles and his matches with CM Punk were, hands down, some of the absolute best this year. Jeff Hardy signing with TNA could be a real boon for the company. He's really the only one I'm excited about.

Ric Flair could be used to mentor some of the young guys on the roster, his presence giving them a bit of a rub. According to his deal, he'll get into the ring and wrestle on occassion. That's all well and good, but it doesn't really interest me all that much. I guess because it's a role that Flair has played at various times in the WWE off and on. As far as the wrestling aspect goes, I've really got no interest in seeing Flair wrestle. As great as he was, he's 60 years old and I just think it's time to hang up the tights.

The Nasty Boys, I just don't care about. A couple of out of shape, middle age guys that I haven't laid eyes on since the mid 90s and are about to get into a feud with the Dudleyz, who in and of themselves have gotten tired and stale. I'm just not excited about the prospects.

Shannon Moore is an IWC darling from what I gather. I haven't really seen anything from the guy to make me all giddy and excited about him. At least he is young and has some athletic ability. Who knows, maybe he could be the one to put some starch back into the X Division.

The nWo reformation doesn't really interest me either. It could potentially be a good thing, for instance, if Hall and Nash team up and are used to really give the rub to some young teams. I don't really see that happening, however, and expect to see Hall and Nash with the TNA tag titles within a few months.

Orlando Jordan and Sean Morley....yeah...not interested at all. But maybe they'd be a couple of good jobbers.
Jeff Hardy: Can elevate anything he is in, whether it be the World Title Pictures, Upper Midcard or X-Division

Orlando Jordan - Good on the mic, like everyone else says, Jobber

nWo - Big name draw for the company, if old hardcore WCW fans who dont watch wrestling anymore and hear about the nWo reformation, they will come watching

Shannon Moore - I liked the Prince of Punk gimmick in the X-division

Sean Morley - Fits in well with TBP, More-less a jobber though

Nasty Boys - Dudleys arent doing anything really in TNA at the moment, why not feud with a team they probably havent feuded with before.

Ric Flair - Name alone brings audience....Maybe have some more great matches with Sting

Hulk Hogan/Eric Bischoff - Know what it takes to take a company to the top...Just this time, dont let the company fall back down. They know what will and wont fly in wrestling to bring the audience
Jeff Hardy- crazy some bitch will do any high risk moves and he possibly one of the biggest stars in the world
Val-awesome on the mic, can bring some wrestling ability back to TBP
Orlando Jordan- decent in the ring, and can wrestle with some of the best
Nasty Boys- i really don't see why they are still wrestling they should retire but if it keeps 3-D away from the belts then fine
NWO- it made WCW into the top company well if DX can have 50 renuions, well hell TNA can do the same with the NWO i am happy cuz they are picking up right where they left off in WCW
Hogan and Bischoff- know how take a small company to the top
Hell i also heard somewhere that Tommy Dreamer is comming to TNA which will make TNA even more EXTREME which means we could see a RAVEN/DREAMER fued pick up again which would be awesome..........cause i might see the return of some truly hardcore brutal matches that would never be shown on WWE
Jeff Hardy - Looks like he's going to end up going to jail eventually so it really seems quite pointless; guess we'll get our last look at Hardy before he's off.
Val Venis - Are you serious? This guy has been a novelty act since his last serious gimmick, you know the one where the Asians wanted his dick on a platter.
Orlando Jordan - Never thought much of him; actually I can remember hardly anything besides his bisexual pictures that leaked.
Nasty Boys - Really? REALLY? THEY are getting in the ring? THEM? Did no one watch Hogan Knows Best? Did we all forget in what shape they are in? The guy was struggling just to walk around Hogan's home, FLAIR would put on a better match.
nWo - It was somehow nice to see these guys, I'm not sure why but I actually did enjoy seeing X-Pac back in the ring and kept just thinking that WWE had the chance to grab some of these guys for D-X or whatever and missed their shot. X-Pac looks almost exactly the same as he always did.
Hogan/Bischoff - Nice having Bischoff back around the ring but they need to decide whether the team is a heel group or face group. The nWo/Hogan promo made Hogan look like a face with the nWo being heels but the Jarrett/Hogan promo made Hogan look like a heel that was pissing on everything TNA had ever done. They need to decide where to go with this group. How are they going to swing that Hogan/Dixie Carter are a face group against the heel founder of TNA Jeff Jarrett? That would have been like making Shane/Stephanie/Heyman the faces against the heel founder of WWE, just feels weird.
Jeff Hardy - What can I say that already hasn't been said? He left WWE red hot and getting pops that were rivaled only by John Cena. His merch sales were through the roof and he doesn't know how to put on less than a barn burner when it comes to PPV matches.

Shannon Moore - Vastly underutilized in the WWE. Excellent talent in the ring but his mic work is less than up to par. I can see him bringing a lot to the X Division but ultimately I see him ending up lost somewhere between Jeff Hardy's shadow and glorified jobber to the X Division. Shame really, he could put on some killer matches with 90% of the locker room.

Ric Flair - The man himself. WWE gave him a massive emotional sendoff even though he wasn't ready to hang it up just yet. I will forever be a fan of Naitch but he is obviously set up in a mentor kind of role. I see him ending up like Nash when he was advising guys like Jay Lethal. Except I see that angle actually working for him.

Sean Morley - I've always been a fan of Val Venis and thought he was a phenomenal performer in the ring. On screen he is there working with TBP but I honestly think he was brought in to be a road agent for new, younger talent. Solid on the mic, solid in the ring, he has a great look to be a star but something about him just doesn't seem to click with the higher ups. He'll become the Paul Burchill of TNA.

Orlando Jordan - I've always thought of him as a less charismatic version of D'Angelo Dinero/Elijah Burke. I don't really see him being anything more than a jobber to elevate currently tenured talent. Maybe I could be proven wrong in the future, but any push he could ever hold out hope for will go to Pope by default. Similar looks and styles in the ring but Pope has the mic skills to get it done better.

Hall/Waltman - If they were the performers from ten years ago when they were both still prime-ish I would mark the fuck out. I enjoyed Hall's mic work and the way he carried himself in the ring. Waltman never impressed me on the mic but his in ring ability was undeniable. I don't see these two being long term investments and rightfully so. They have more cons than pros now when it comes to being employees.

Nasty Boys - I'm gonna hold out hope for a hardcore match between them and 3D and hope that both teams (notorious for being overly stiff in the ring) find a way to put each other on the shelf indefinitely. Honestly it's looking like the tag division is getting set up to be an old folks home with these two teams and a teasing of The Outsiders reuniting. Anyone got contact info on Stevie Ray? I'm sure Booker could use the extra cash and it's been ages since we've seen Harlem Heat. In all honesty, this doesn't seem like it's gonna go anywhere good.

Tommy Dreamer (rumored) - The innovator of violence. While I followed WCW when I was younger, I'm a true fucking mark for old school ECW. I'd love to see Dreamer and Raven in the ring together one last time because I feel they have what it takes to bring a bit of Hardcore back to the mainstream wrestling scene. Envision a Monster's Ball with Abyss, Foley, Raven, and Dreamer. Might not draw the best ratings, but since when has TNA dictated their booking by ratings?
If Hogan and his crew stay behind the scenes then TNA has a chance, but from the looks of it thats not going to happen. Your going to see the young talent get buried and Hogan hogging the limelight with all the old WCW crew. They killed one promotion already. Vince just has to sit back and watch TNA self destruct. The main bookers should not be active wrestlers, they tend to push themselves and their cronies instead of the promotion. Hogan was okay in his day but that day is over, time to step aside and let the younger talent carry the load.
Hardy can jump into the title scene for another fresh young face.

Ric flair will probably wrestle, which is fine, but I doubt he'll be full time. Looks like he's going to try to get the younger guys over. My guess is that he'll start off by being AJ's new manager.

Val will help the mid card scene

Hogan's going to be your promo guy who'll probably have part to play in the main stroylines, but I don't think he'll be wrestling or TV like he was in WCW or WWE.

As for Hall. It depends on how long he last. Hall is a great mind, and It' actually kinda wierd to see people actually complain about the possibility of him being a main eventer or actually champion. You people do know this is Scott Hall right. He has never been a true main eventer, and has on multiple occasions helped the younger guys. He was never a champion and never wanted to be a champion. I look for him to have fueds with younger guys, but as a start he'll be teaming with Nash probably to help get a big name in the Tag devision.
There's a lot of things TNA's new signings can bring to the table.

Jeff Hardy - He brings name value and a cult like following with him. He's also in the prime of his career and is at the peak of his popularity, so there's really no downside with him. Well, aside from his addiction issues and the fact he may be in jail soon.

Ric Flair - I don't think Flair should be wrestling, but he could bring a great deal by name value alone. He's a great spokesman for wrestling and he can add credibility and quality as a mentor to younger talent, as a manager. The guys a legend and can talk, walk, and draw in crowds with the best of them, even at his age.

Orlando Jordan - He's young and he's not entirely obscure due to his time with the WWE. I definitely don't see him as a great acquisition, but he can be used to put others over and you never know, he may surprise people if given the opportunity.

Shannon Moore - He's a perfect fit for the X Division, he's talented and he's young, and he's even a known name who has as much potential as anyone else in the X Division. There's nothing wrong with Moore from my view and he's a sound addition to the X Division's roster. I'd much rather see him then many of those who've been used or are being used right now.

Sean Morley - I've always been a fan of him and I've never thought he's been given a full chance to show what he's capable of. He has talent, he has experience, he can talk, and he's got charisma.. I always thought he was highly underused by WWE and despite the fact he's older now he still has some good years ahead of him and if given the chance I could entirely see him stepping up and being a star. I'm quite happy about this signing, more then any of the others, actually.

Nasty Boys - They're an established tag team and have experience. I can't say much else about them as in ring competitors since they're old and shouldn't be anywhere near competing in TNA, but there's nothing wrong with using them to guide the younger talent and teach them more.
I totally agree that TNA needs to bring in the classic ECW guys. In addition to RVD and Dreamer, they also need to rehire Sabu, Shane Douglas, Psicosis. also they need to bring back some former classic ECW mangers ( Bill Alfonso for example). And I don't know if anyone has noticed, but if TNA brings in a former main eventer from WWE, He(or She) is typically a Mid-Carder(with Kurt Angle being the exception) and if they bring in a former mid-carder, that person turns out to be a main-eventer(Rhino, Christian, Jeff Jarrett just to name a few). So i think they need to bring in multi time WCW Champion and a former midcarder in the WWF, Diamond Dallas Page. Plus another thought, If WWE and TNA ever have multi-show PPV's, TNA has Jeff Hardy and Team 3D, WWE has Matt Hardy, Edge and Christian, I'm thinking they could have another famous TLC match.

Here is part 1 of that famous match:


I kind of get the feeling Hardy will be misused and abused in order to make WWE look weak. This may sound crazy cause of his age but I feel the guy who will have the biggest impact will be Flair. Have him cut a promo about TNA being the future and have ressurect the Horseman. At least as much as he can i'm guessing Vince owns the rights. Who's in? AJ, Beer Money then who knows maybe a Desmond Wolfe or Matt Morgan even The Pope or Kaz.
Jeff hardy: I feel like the last time he went to tna he was over but not as established as he is now.. And now hell be able to give moore the rub he needs and hey u never know if matt ends up leavin wwe hell have friends/family to join..
Flair: he would give a good rub to the younger guys and he can be used many ways.. He's right now giving aj the rub.. Aren't they both from nc? And if flair wrestles who says that's abad thing.. You know if he gets in a fued with roode or aj or one of the young guys everyone will watch cause one they'll wanna see flair wrestle believe it or not and another reason is if the opponent can carry the match ie shawn michaels then the match will be a must see..
Also maybe he can form his own evolution/horsemen type group..

Nasty Boys: who cares but tna is giving everyone a dream match.. The top tag team from early 90's against one of the top teams of the past decade.. Yeha they are all fat and old but its gonna be dudleyz vs nasty boyz.. That's a dream match like it or not

Val: I liked him and I think he can develop a pretty good mid card group that tna has trouble really developing.. Same goes for orlando

Hall and waltman: idc bout them
I'd like to see Kennedy brought in and being a big star.

Jeff Hardy-Great wrestler great draw, but for how long until he gets sent to prison, the other hardy would be awesome in TNA.

Orlando Jordan-WTF?????

Sean Morley-What will his ring name be then?

NWO-old and washed up, need to be more inventive there TNA.

Nasty Boys-Could really do something suprising here.

Shannon Moore-If used could be awesome has bags of ability.

Nature Boy-Easy way to draw this guy put him in a cage with....SHANE DOUGLAS let them beat the hate out of eachother.

I hope they bring in a hardcore division-and bring back petey williams and jack evans
Jeff Hardy is without a doubt the biggest signing thus far. Here's a guy that 6 months ago was one of the biggest stars in wrestling and main eventing WWE PPVs.

However, I think TNA blew his debut. I understand why they had him come out during the Steel Asylum match, they wanted to shock the fans on TV when they were going unopposed against RAW. The problem is that, contrary to what some people think, Hardy should not be in the x-division anymore. He, like AJ is above the x-division and should be main eventing.

Hardy should have came out during the Angle-Styles match, similar to the way Lex Luger came out during the very first episode of Nitro. He's a recent WWE World Heavyweight Champion and should be thrown into the TNA World Heavyweight Championship picture. If TNA doesn't immediately put him in a program against AJ for the title after the Genesis PPV, then it's a waste.

The positives is that a AJ - Hardy program would be huge and could carry the company for a few months. They could both could still be babyfaces and it would still draw.
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