The X-Division's "Rebirth" Tonight on Impact...

Glass ceilling huh? So let me get this straight, this new weight limit is just some scheme designed by Eric Bischoff to make sure that X Division guys can't get to the main event? Does he get some kind of bonus based on the size of his main eventers? What on earth does he stand to gain by holding ANYONE back? He's not a wrestler himself, and he doesn't have any sons or son-in-laws that wrestle does he?

That's the difference between then (WCW) and now (TNA). Back then you had guys like Nash and Hogan who held back those guys to protect their spots. The people in power now don't wrestle, so they don't have spots to protect.
Does anyone remember when Nash called the entire X division "Vanilla Midgets", the X division stood by its former moniker of "No Limits", the fact that the division stood moreso for high impact, its moniker insinuated that the division itself stood for more than just weight.

By placing a limit on the division Bischoff has basically inferred everything that Nash and others have stated prior, that its full of vanilla midgets who dont deserve to be anywhere near the heavyweight title, why do you think the WWE retired the Cruiserweight belt?, because the title surved its purpose as a lower card title and found that guys like Gurerro, Mysterio, Hardy have more to offer than being pigeonholed in a division that they where handcuffed to by getting rid of the negative stigma WWE managed to give each individual a chance to shine at the top of the card, something that WCW would never have done with the active cruiserweight division.
You do know that Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio won World Title's while the Cruiserweight title was still active right?
You do know that Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio won World Title's while the Cruiserweight title was still active right?

Yes they did despite the division but werent placed back in the division after due to the fact that the title was beneth them after winning the world title, they won the world title despite the stigma that was placed on them.

Not everyone in the X Division is Rey Mysterio or Eddie Gurerro, but they can be the next AJ Styles of Christopher Daniels, when i watched the matches between Styles and Kid Kash i never once thought of the X division, i saw the grudge matches between two wrestlers who wanted to be viewed as the best, i wanted to see two men settle a grudge without restraints, without stigma, without limits.

this is something that the current X division wont be allowed to do as they will be curtain jerking Impact Wrestlings Pay Per Views instead of headlining them, The X division should not be a niche moreso it should be about the spirit of competition unlike the Television title wich is being paraded by an idiot doing crappy llittle skits.
And why won't anyone in the current X-Division be able to get past the PPV opener? Let me guess, because it happened in WCW 15 years ago? Some of you guys need to just let that go already.
And why won't anyone in the current X-Division be able to get past the PPV opener? Let me guess, because it happened in WCW 15 years ago? Some of you guys need to just let that go already.

No because you have an idiot booking a division that he doesnt fully understand, the same division that Bischoff hates, without a standout star the division will just stay as a lightweight division with no difinit chance of striving, simple, at least as a midcard title it can serve as a bridge between the main event and the uppermidcard stars waiting for a chance to make an impact instead of being a division for wretlers who are not heavy enough to be world champion.
I'm very excited for this Rebirth of the X-Division and that has nothing to due to the weight limit placed on it by Bischoff, My excitement for the Division's future is because of the TALENT within the division and thats whats Most important is the talent not the weight limit and to me right now this is the most talented group of X guys that division has had in a couple of with the recent additions of Aries, Ion, Nese, Sorrensen, Kash, and Haskins and current guys like Shelley and Kendrick I think this Division has a Bright Future.
I'm very excited for this Rebirth of the X-Division and that has nothing to due to the weight limit placed on it by Bischoff, My excitement for the Division's future is because of the TALENT within the division and thats whats Most important is the talent not the weight limit and to me right now this is the most talented group of X guys that division has had in a couple of with the recent additions of Aries, Ion, Nese, Sorrensen, Kash, and Haskins and current guys like Shelley and Kendrick I think this Division has a Bright Future.

I love your optimism! Especially given your username here on the WZ forums (since Joe was such a big part of the "original" X-Division).

I think everyone's missing the real point here. I don't think anyone's saying that the X-Division wrestlers definitely WILL be pigeonholed...just that it could happen. Yes, the main reason that it's being said is because of guys like Jericho, Benoit, Guerrero & Mysterio during WCW's Cruiserweight heyday.

Personally (I can't speak for everyone here), I feel that the X-Division guys will NOT be pigeonholed into only being seen as members of the "new" X-Division because of one guy: Vince Russo. I know that everyone hates Russo, but he's a guy that won't hesitate to pull the trigger if he knows a wrestler is over. I know I've mentioned Russo in this thread already (more than once), but I feel it bears repeating.

If the X-Division booking was up to only Eric Bischoff & Hogan (I don't think they're actually in charge of booking anything on TNA programming, but I could be wrong), then I might be more worried about the X-Division wrestlers not being given a fair chance. Since Russo is there, I'm not as worried...that's because I believe Russo was elemental in getting the World Heavyweight strap on Samoa Joe & AJ Styles (the only two former X-Division wrestlers that were able to make it to the main event, and win the TNA World Heavyweight Championship).

Russo probably isn't the only guy who wanted to see AJ & Joe with the WHC, but I bet he was one of the loudest voices backstage that was pulling for them. I might be way off, as I really don't know anything about the way Impact is booked. I just feel better knowing that Russo will be there to help the X-Division guys get to the mid-card (if not the main event) if he feels they deserve a shot. I'm not nearly as worried about the proverbial "glass ceiling" as I was this morning, although I do feel that it's still a possibility.

I hope that TNA gets a new mid-card title, because the TV Title is a complete waste. They might as well just chuck it in the garbage at this point. I think that's the reason I was most worried, because I always saw the X-Division Title as TNA's mid-card belt. Now, it looks like it's eventually going to become the #3 Men's Championship. I bet TNA tries to raise the importance of the TV Title, or scraps it and adds a new belt (to be their equivalent of the Intercontinental/US Title.
No because you have an idiot booking a division that he doesnt fully understand, the same division that Bischoff hates, without a standout star the division will just stay as a lightweight division with no difinit chance of striving, simple, at least as a midcard title it can serve as a bridge between the main event and the uppermidcard stars waiting for a chance to make an impact instead of being a division for wretlers who are not heavy enough to be world champion.
Excuse me? Did you just say that Russo doesn't understand the division? He created the X-Division!

And Bischoff hates the X-Division? Buying into on-screen storylines much? This is the same Eric Bischoff that took the lightweights under his wing in WCW, brought people from all over the world and had massive success with it. It all fell through eventually, but it was his idea and he made it happen, and for you to say that Bischoff hates it is absolutely moronic. Bischoff never said he hated it, he said that coming into the company he asked people what the X-Division is and nobody could give him a straight answer. That frustrated him.

To say that Bischoff hates cruiserweights when he made a lot of them famous is like saying McMahon hates huge, meatheaded wrestlers.

And what would that answer be, in reality? "Uh, yes, well the X-Division guys do a lot of flips for no reason. There is no weight limit so anybody can be in it and that's not really what a division is all about but whatever. So yeah, flipzz and moar flipzz".

Now the Division is being slowly built back up the RIGHT way. The weight limit is step one.

And you fear that without no standout star it would simply stay as a lightweight division? Well, first of all, it already has one - Austin Aries. And second of all - the minute ... no wait, the second the X-Division becomes more than a lightweight division, moves up the card and even becomes the main attraction of the show will be the day I quit watching TNA, because that would mean that the mid-card is dead, the Main Event is even worse than that and everything else is in the shitter.

Face it, the X-Division is always going to be less important than the Main Event and the mid-card. It's always been like that and it better stay that way. No company was based around skinny midgets. Well, one was. Ring of Honor, and it's dying a slow death.

I'm totally against the idea of the X-Division Belt being a mid-card title so it can be a transition. You know what that would do, smart ass? The best stars of the X-Division will go on to the Main Event (whether they draw or not), the Main Event will be sweet and the X-Division will slowly die because of lack of a standout star (the same one you wanted) or stars because they're int he Main Event and then the IWC will once again go on a bitchfest about how the X-Division is dying. Don't believe me? What happened to the Division once AJ, Daniels, Joe and Sabin moved on? Yeah, exactly.

The mid-card should stay and be the mid-card. The X-Division should, must and will have to be its own entity. People can go ahead and Main Event if management feels like they're ready, but it should never be the mid-card and its purpose being to groom people for the Main Event. The X-Division needs its own Main Eventers, its own mid-carders and its own low-carders/jobbers. Having max. two storylines for the X-Division is more than enough. Sign talented wrestlers who can talk and do the X-Division style, give them enough time and meaningful storylines and there you have it.

Blow this idea that you don't matter and you can't strive if you're not at the top of the card, in the Main Event, ruling it all, out of your ass. I'm sick and tired of IWC drones going on and on about how if AJ isn't World Champion they're misusing him, or if Joe isn't Main Eventing they're wasting him away. Same thing with you. "If it stays a lightweight division it has no chance to strive". Hog-freaking-wash. The only way it won't have a chance to strive is if it's not good.

And why do you make it sound like having a weight limit and limiting light midgets to a light midget division is a bad thing? Once again I ask - show me a guy under 225 pounds who was as successful as Rock, Austin, Undertaker or any other legend. Face it - wrestling is built on men who are physically intimidating . That way people can believe that this person is larger than life, he can perform amazing feats of strength and endurance and that he'll go through hell and back for the World Title.

When you tell Steve Austin - "Your mother is a cranky ****e" - he won't say a thing, flip you off and stomp a hole in your face.

When you tell Brian Kendrick - "Your mother is a cranky ****e" - he'll say "Well, I'll hit you with the Sliced Bread and then hit you with a springboard drop kick and the I'll fly around the ring and deliver some weak punches!!!"
Excuse me? Did you just say that Russo doesn't understand the division? He created the X-Division!

I took it as he meant Eric Bischoff, even though he might have meant Russo. I agree with you, if that's the case. I happen to think that Russo will be the X-Division's best ally backstage. Also, I don't think Bischoff has anything to do with TNA's booking at all, although I really have no clue.

I also really enjoyed reading your entire last post, as you handed that dude his own ass! Bravo, as usual.
I like the weight limit idea. TNA can't have guys like Abyss and Matt Morgan challenging for the X-Division Title. It just doesn't seem fair. If there was a 4 on 1 handicap match with 4 X-Division guys vs Matt Morgan, I'd expect Morgan to win. How can he be allowed to compete in that division? If TNA allowed anyone to compete in the X-Division, it wouldn't be the X-Division. It's always really been a cruiserweight division now it just has that definition.

I always thought the X-Division should just be used to open up a show/PPV. They're fast paced, exciting matches that get the crowd going. But I wouldn't have thought a lot of people buy a ticket to see those guys? But if TNA are going to push Austin Aries as the face of the "new" X-Division, then I believe it could become a lot more relevant than that. Austin Aries has something that a lot of the other X-Division wrestlers don't have, charisma and an ability to draw a reaction from a crowd without doing a somersault.

With Aries as (hopefully) the face of the division and guys like Abyss no longer being able to dominate the division (it's just realistic), I think the X-Division could become an important part of the show. The division has finally been given some definition now, where as before it was just "lets see who can do the best moves". Now it gives the smaller guys (who let's face it, it's just not plausible for a lot of them to be main eventers) a sort of World Title of their own. And that's not to say the more talented ones (Aries and MCMG) can't go onto bigger and better things after winning said Title. They would be the best in that division, time to move on.
Excuse me? Did you just say that Russo doesn't understand the division? He created the X-Division!

I call bullshit, the guy thinks wrestling titles are props, show me proof that russo created the division and then ill recant.

And Bischoff hates the X-Division? Buying into on-screen storylines much? This is the same Eric Bischoff that took the lightweights under his wing in WCW, brought people from all over the world and had massive success with it. It all fell through eventually, but it was his idea and he made it happen, and for you to say that Bischoff hates it is absolutely moronic. Bischoff never said he hated it, he said that coming into the company he asked people what the X-Division is and nobody could give him a straight answer. That frustrated him.

Bischoff called lightweights vanilla midgets, same as his buddies like Hogan and Nash and Hall who only care about elevating themselves.

To say that Bischoff hates cruiserweights when he made a lot of them famous is like saying McMahon hates huge, meatheaded wrestlers.

Mcmahon loves meatheads but most of them arent exactly wrestlers are they, Vince changed with the times shame Russo doesnt.

And what would that answer be, in reality? "Uh, yes, well the X-Division guys do a lot of flips for no reason. There is no weight limit so anybody can be in it and that's not really what a division is all about but whatever. So yeah, flipzz and moar flipzz".

You sir are a damn idiot, you keep claiming that i have no idea about TNA but keep echoing the words of russo, bischoff and Dixie Carter like your some kind of sheep, next you'll tell me that the angle heel turn was the best thing for the company, when you actually come up with an individual thought then actualy debate.

Now the Division is being slowly built back up the RIGHT way. The weight limit is step one.

If they really wanted to elevate the division they would turn it into a midcard division and get rid of that damn tv title.

And you fear that without no standout star it would simply stay as a lightweight division? Well, first of all, it already has one - Austin Aries. And second of all - the minute ... no wait, the second the X-Division becomes more than a lightweight division, moves up the card and even becomes the main attraction of the show will be the day I quit watching TNA, because that would mean that the mid-card is dead, the Main Event is even worse than that and everything else is in the shitter.

Aries career in TNA is young, he has done nothing to standout as of yet, nothing in the company has made sense, and he fact that you turn off tna because guys like aries will move up the card (or any X division wrestler) moves up the card then i will be glad idiots like you will be tuning off because as far as im concerned you have no idea what real wrestling is about you moron.

Face it, the X-Division is always going to be less important than the Main Event and the mid-card. It's always been like that and it better stay that way. No company was based around skinny midgets. Well, one was. Ring of Honor, and it's dying a slow death.

The X division built the company, people came to see TNA because of this, there would be no impact wrestling without the x division moron.

I'm totally against the idea of the X-Division Belt being a mid-card title so it can be a transition. You know what that would do, smart ass? The best stars of the X-Division will go on to the Main Event (whether they draw or not), the Main Event will be sweet and the X-Division will slowly die because of lack of a standout star (the same one you wanted) or stars because they're int he Main Event and then the IWC will once again go on a bitchfest about how the X-Division is dying. Don't believe me? What happened to the Division once AJ, Daniels, Joe and Sabin moved on? Yeah, exactly.

again a load of crap, the division can work if it was actually booked properly you moron, you need to think outside of your little Tna bubble and start looking at the company as a whole, the x division braught the company into the mainstream without it the company would never have made it in the first place.

I'm totally against the idea of the X-Division Belt being a mid-card title so it can be a transition. You know what that would do, smart ass? The best stars of the X-Division will go on to the Main Event (whether they draw or not), the Main Event will be sweet and the X-Division will slowly die because of lack of a standout star (the same one you wanted) or stars because they're int he Main Event and then the IWC will once again go on a bitchfest about how the X-Division is dying. Don't believe me? What happened to the Division once AJ, Daniels, Joe and Sabin moved on? Yeah, exactly.

+100 times this.

This is 100% the truth.

Everyone loved the X Division stars, demanded them be in the WHC picture. They moved on, X Division died and people started crying about the X Division being dead. You cant then move AJ and co back to the lower card because everyone would cry about them not being in the WHC picture.

The X Division needs to be booked like its own seperate brand almost.

Upper and Lower card X Division wrestlers.
I call bullshit, the guy thinks wrestling titles are props, show me proof that russo created the division and then ill recant.

Bischoff called lightweights vanilla midgets, same as his buddies like Hogan and Nash and Hall who only care about elevating themselves.

Mcmahon loves meatheads but most of them arent exactly wrestlers are they, Vince changed with the times shame Russo doesnt.

You sir are a damn idiot, you keep claiming that i have no idea about TNA but keep echoing the words of russo, bischoff and Dixie Carter like your some kind of sheep, next you'll tell me that the angle heel turn was the best thing for the company, when you actually come up with an individual thought then actualy debate.

If they really wanted to elevate the division they would turn it into a midcard division and get rid of that damn tv title.

Aries career in TNA is young, he has done nothing to standout as of yet, nothing in the company has made sense, and he fact that you turn off tna because guys like aries will move up the card (or any X division wrestler) moves up the card then i will be glad idiots like you will be tuning off because as far as im concerned you have no idea what real wrestling is about you moron.

The X division built the company, people came to see TNA because of this, there would be no impact wrestling without the x division moron.

again a load of crap, the division can work if it was actually booked properly you moron, you need to think outside of your little Tna bubble and start looking at the company as a whole, the x division braught the company into the mainstream without it the company would never have made it in the first place.


Exactly I completely agree. This new limit on to the x-division will turn into light heavyweight division version 2.0. The recent signings will bring more interstate to the division wich is the good thing about this supposed rebirth. And Zion stills calls himself a tna mark.:suspic:
I call bullshit, the guy thinks wrestling titles are props, show me proof that russo created the division and then ill recant.
I could bring Russo to your house and have him tell you and you still won't "Recant". But anyway, Russo came up with the name "TNA", he came up with the chicks dancing in cages and wanted the product to be this adult-oriented high-octane thing. Just search for some shoot interviews, I remember watching one of his way back where he mentioned what he had in mind. That or you can continue to be delusional and call bullshit to facts. Take your pick.

Bischoff called lightweights vanilla midgets, same as his buddies like Hogan and Nash and Hall who only care about elevating themselves.
I hope your 10%-er crown is not too heavy. Really? Are you seriously buying into on-air storylines? Again? Bischoff's better than I thought. Then again, just like Obi Wan, he has control over the weak minded.

Mcmahon loves meatheads but most of them arent exactly wrestlers are they, Vince changed with the times shame Russo doesnt.
Yes, most of them are wrestlers, you truck. All of them, actually. They got trained, they worked in the indies or whereever and they came to the WWE. What they did before that is irrelevant.

Besides, what does that have to do with anything I said?

You sir are a damn idiot, you keep claiming that i have no idea about TNA but keep echoing the words of russo, bischoff and Dixie Carter like your some kind of sheep, next you'll tell me that the angle heel turn was the best thing for the company, when you actually come up with an individual thought then actualy debate.
Pot .. kettle ... black. I'm not echoing anything but truth. You're echoing common IWC idiotisms which are easy to prove wrong.

And no, turning Angle heel isn't the best thing for the company. It's convulted, it's messy and it might not pay off as well as they thought. I still like heel Angle's performance thus far.

If they really wanted to elevate the division they would turn it into a midcard division and get rid of that damn tv title.
Why does it matter where it is on the card? Tell you what, as long as they get enough TV time, storylines and matches, they being the mid-card or not makes absolutely no difference.

And tell me this - genius - if the X-Division becomes the mid-card, what happens to the mid-card and all the talented wrestlers in it? Do they become low-carders and jobbers? Joe? Matt Morgan? Pope? Daniels? AJ Styles? A guy like Matt Morgan is damn sure ready for the Main Event. He's marketable, he's talented, he's got the X factor, he's got the experience and the time in TNA to deserve this. But you would stick him in the opening matches, in the low-card, move the X-Division to the middle of the show, let it be the mid-card, groom XD wrestlers for Main Eventers and instead of pushing Morgan in the Main Event you would push ... who? Mark Haskins? Austin Aries? Kendrick? You will have the X-Division lose its best talent, the talent that makes it worth something and ultimately kill it? How stupid are you?

Aries career in TNA is young, he has done nothing to standout as of yet, nothing in the company has made sense, and he fact that you turn off tna because guys like aries will move up the card (or any X division wrestler) moves up the card then i will be glad idiots like you will be tuning off because as far as im concerned you have no idea what real wrestling is about you moron.[/qute]
Learn to read. I didn't say I'll quit watching if Aries moves up, I said I'd quit watching if the X-Division as a whole moved up and replaced the mid-card and GOD forbid the Main Event, because that would mean that the mid-card, the Main Event, the tag division, the KO's division are all pure shit and TNA will become a rich man's Ring of Honor - and that my friend is an automatic death sentence. TNA won't die, but it sure as hell won't flourish because the masses don't quite care about skinny guys jumping around.

There's a reason why the cruiserweights in WCW were never moved up the card, there's a reason why the cruiserweights in WWF/E were never moved up the card, and there's a reason why the X-Division guys in TNA will never move up the card. Are you going to tell me that you're smarter than WWE, TNA and WCW combined? I know you're a slimy smark, but you can't be this obnoxious. Or can you? Do you know something we don't?

Aries hasn't done anything to stand out yet? Is that why he won the X-Division tournament? Is that why he was shot straight to an X-Division title match and is now going to apparently be aligned with Immortal in some fashion? The same Austin Aries that pretty much steals the show on every card he's at? You're a special type of cretin, aren't you?

The X division built the company, people came to see TNA because of this, there would be no impact wrestling without the x division moron.
I know it is, and I appreciate it. I don't want it to die or be removed. I never said that. I want it to flourish where it's at and contrary to what you might believe, it can become great without being the mid-card. All you need is talented guys, good storylines, fair booking and great matches. You give that to your fans I guarantee you they'll like it, watch it, follow it, enjoy it and not give a damn where it is on the card as long as it's on it because that shit matters as much as the length of a match or how many moves someone executed, and is mainly harped on by the stopwatch fans as Bischoff calls them who deem a match horrible if it's under 8 minutes and shit on wrestlers for having "5 moves of doom".

And loosen your training bra, Sally. You're so cranky.
i like the idea of a weight limit for the x divison i mean come on does anybody ever wanna see abyss or someone equal in size to him holding the x divison title again? im pretty sure at 1 point team 3d kidnapped the title as well im glad this means no more storylines of big guys trying to destory the x divison by taking its title and taking people was done atleast 2 times thank god it wont happen again someone said austin aries will have trouble breaking through the "glass cieling" but i disgaree aries is going to end up beating brian kendrick for the x divison title down the road its just a matter of time and i see him getting a long run and maybe when hes done he will move up the card? hes got alot of talent hopefully they see this and dont screw him up...btw while were on the topic of the x divison champion i just wanna say why all the hate on kendrick as the champion and his promos? yes hes weird and his promos are weirder but come on that makes him entertaining! atleast he HAS a GIMMICK unlike most people there!
Russo most definately created the X division idea. Who else, who can actually book stuff, has as much of a hard on for small flippity guys who aren't over than Russo? Remember him pushing Kidman over Hogan?

The X division would be better if they booked it for emotion and not "honorable athletic contest". If they revive it, I hope they add more emotion. Still allow the athletic matches, but add story to it (both in and outside the ring, I don't want to see a gymnastics exhibition).
Russo most definately created the X division idea. Who else, who can actually book stuff, has as much of a hard on for small flippity guys who aren't over than Russo? Remember him pushing Kidman over Hogan?

The X division would be better if they booked it for emotion and not "honorable athletic contest". If they revive it, I hope they add more emotion. Still allow the athletic matches, but add story to it (both in and outside the ring, I don't want to see a gymnastics exhibition).
True enough. I'm all for fancy moves but I hate them when they don't mean much. Add some story, add some emotion AND the crazy moves and you got yourself some compelling part of the show right there.
True enough. I'm all for fancy moves but I hate them when they don't mean much. Add some story, add some emotion AND the crazy moves and you got yourself some compelling part of the show right there.
Couldn't agree more. I love it when a highspot comes out of nowhere. Jeff's Whisper in the Wind the first time I saw it looked spontaneous and exciting, it's a freaking top rope corkscrew body attack. Or let's say you have a guy who is outweighed and doesn't have the technical ability of the other guy, and isn't even that much faster, he NEEDS to do crazy shit. That's a story.

I harp on him a lot, but Alex Shelley is the kind of guy that makes me cringe. He's exactly how not to do fancy wrestling. Evan Bourne is exactly how to do fancy wrestling.
Couldn't agree more. I love it when a highspot comes out of nowhere. Jeff's Whisper in the Wind the first time I saw it looked spontaneous and exciting, it's a freaking top rope corkscrew body attack. Or let's say you have a guy who is outweighed and doesn't have the technical ability of the other guy, and isn't even that much faster, he NEEDS to do crazy shit. That's a story.

I harp on him a lot, but Alex Shelley is the kind of guy that makes me cringe. He's exactly how not to do fancy wrestling. Evan Bourne is exactly how to do fancy wrestling.
Well Shelley is changing. He's very ground based and techical. I've loved his singles run thus far. This spinning figure four is the best submission I've seen in a while. It looks cool and it feels like he'll snap some shit up when he spins. I like him.
Man, Deexter Jorgan really needs to get himself a life. He was arguing some really stupid shit on this thread as well:

He literally said that the Bully Ray/Mr. Anderson feud would be better if it was more like the Pope/Devon feud. I simply gave up the debate at that point. Obviously this guy's a troll, who gets off on spewing bullshit in these forums. Also, when someone starts resorting to name-calling during an argument (especially in every other sentence), you know that person is out of ideas to prove their point. Deexter Jorgan is not interested in a logical, polite debate...he just wants to fight. My best guess to explain his hostility is sexual frustration, but like I said - that's just a guess.

/rant - On to the topic at hand:

I call bullshit, the guy thinks wrestling titles are props, show me proof that russo created the division and then ill recant

Yes, Russo has said the belts are "just props"...but I think that a lot of people take that in the wrong context. The term "prop" doesn't necessarily have "bad juju" written all over it; calling a wrestling title belt a "prop" simply means that it's something a wrestler can wear around his waist (or throw over his shoulder). Here's a definition of the word "prop", when it's used in a theatre sense (this definition was copied from

2 [usually plural] a small object such as a book, weapon etc, used by actors in a play or film:

This definition sounds pretty good to me, when talking about a wrestling title belt. A wrestling title belt is a "small object" (well, an object at the very least) used by "actors" (wrestlers) in a "play or film" (wrestling show). With me so far?

A wrestling title belt IS a prop. Think about it - it's a title that's "won" by winning a fight with a predetermined outcome (it's a fixed fight). Since wrestling is a fictional "soap opera" type show on television, all of the wrestlers are given "lines" (or at least outlines for what to say). The winners of these belts are predetermined, it's not like the wrestlers are going out there and actually fighting for the belts. If that was the case, then wrestling would be MMA/kick-boxing, instead of professional wrestling.

The above definition sounds like it can be used perfectly for a wrestling belt. I'm sure Vince McMahon, Eric Bischoff, Dixie Carter, Paul Heyman and every other wrestling booker since the beginning of Pro Wrestling all feel the EXACT same way about the belts. They're not real "championships", they're fucking props. Russo was just the first guy to come out and say that they're props. Since Russo said this, every wrestling fanboy (who needs a reason to hate Russo) brings this up in an anti-Russo rant. Everyone feels the same way about the belts (that they're props), trust me...even most of pro wrestling's fans.

The WWE uses their MitB briefcases as similar props. Daniel Bryan & Alberto Del Rio won their respective ladder matches, to "win" these props. On WWE television, these MitB briefcase "props" could be "cashed in" for a chance to "win" the WWE Title or World Heavyweight belt(s) - AKA: "props". News flash: Pro Wrestling is fixed, and the belts aren't real championships. The champions of a wrestling show are decided in a board room, not by a referee in the middle of a Pro Wrestling ring.

Russo has always been good at pushing young talent. He was good at it when he worked for the WWF during the "Attitude Era", he was good at it when he jumped to WCW in '99/2000 (you'll have to excuse me, I don't remember exactly when he switched brands), and he's been good at it during his time with TNA. Need some proof? Okay...

When Russo worked for WWF: I'm sure he helped the careers of guys like Steve Austin, The Rock, The New Age Outlaws, Mick Foley, The Hardy Boyz, Edge & Christian, HHH, Kane, Ken Shamrock, Jericho (if Russo was still there when Jericho came to WWF), Big Show (see Jericho), Test, The Acolytes, Val Venis, The Godfather, Jeff Jarrett, Gangrel (with or without The Brood), Droz, The Headbangers, 2 Cool, Rikishi, and probably more that I missed.

When Russo worked for WCW
: He helped Jeff Jarrett there as well ("The Chosen One"), Booker T, Bret Hart (Bret got his first WCW World Title under Russo's reign), Vampiro, Sting, Goldberg, Chuck Palumbo, Sean O’Haire, Mark Jindrak, The Maestro, 3 Count (Shane Helms, Shannon Moore, Evan Karagias), Jung Dragons (Kaz Hayashi, Yang, Jamie-San) , Filthy Animals (Kidman, Mysterio, Konnan, Eddie Guerrero), The Cat, Norman Smiley, Scott Steiner, Disco Inferno, Juvintud Guerrera, Hugh Morrus, Chavo Guerrero, Johnny The Bull, Big Vito, Reno, Shane Douglas, Chris Kanyon, Tank Abbott, Lance Storm, etc. Again, there might even be more that I missed.

Since Russo has worked for TNA: He's helped AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Christopher Daniels, Abyss, Sting, Crimson, Gunner, Bully Ray, Mr. Anderson, Beer Money, Motor City Machine Guns, Kendrick, Jeff Hardy, Doug Williams, Hernandez, Homicide, Suicide, Kazarian, Matt Morgan, RVD, Eric Young, Robbie E, The Pope, Austin Aries, Shannon Moore (and Jesse Neal), Amazing Red, Jay Lethal, Consequences Creed, Petey Williams, etc. There are probably quite a bit more that I missed, and a lot of these guys are X-Division wrestlers! Imagine that...

Russo pushed almost every single guy I mentioned above, or at least he played a role in getting them pushed. Not all of them had the drive to "make it"; maybe some of them didn't get "over enough", or didn't have that "it" factor that made the fans go crazy for them. Is that Russo's fault? At least he gave them a chance to succeed, or the chance to try & fail. I believe that Russo understands the fact that new stars have to be made in the wrestling business, otherwise a wrestling company can go under just like that (you have to imagine that I snapped my fingers, when you read the word "that"! lol).

IMHO, Russo will continue to push the wrestlers who deserve to be pushed. In some cases, he might even push guys who don't deserve a push (see: Rob Terry). It won't matter to Russo who "graduates" from the X-Division to the mid card (or main event), because the belts are just "props". Not only to Russo, but to the wrestling business as a whole. Do you care to recant yet, Deexter Jorgan? Or do you want to open your mouth and sound like a complete jackass some more? Lady's choice.
LOL!!! Deexter Jorgan just gave me red-rep, using this as his feedback:

when you actually debate logically and stop being a moron then i will aid you in that discussion

Got it, I wasn't being "logical" by using facts...I was being a moron, because I was using facts that disproved his point. Seriously, you need to get a life. Go find a girl (or a guy, if that's what you're into - no judgement) to have some fun with. You really need it, if you're getting your jollies by arguing bullshit on these forums.

No, I'm not going to give you red-rep back. It's completely childish that you gave me red-rep in the first place, because I completely blew a hole in your logic (or lack of logic). Maybe I would be able to understand your points better, if you actually used punctuation in your posts. Give it a shot, it couldn't hurt. Please PLEASE get the chip off your shoulder, you're arguing with wrestling fans.

Do you really want to be that big of an ass? Where you just spew bullshit, instead of actually trying to have a discussion? I was only being rude to you, because you were being rude to everyone else...for seemingly no reason, as well. Obviously you'd rather be "right" on a wrestling forum, rather than actually have a sensible debate. Thanks for the red-rep, I'm sure I'll be getting a lot more of it from you in the long as you keep posting like the moron that you are.

Russo WILL be able to help the X-Division wrestlers. Give me a logical reason why he won't, and I'll be happy to read your opinions. Just don't talk to everyone like you're better than them. You're not better than anyone here, you're just another wrestling fan. Show some respect for other people's opinions, and stop acting like a spoiled brat. You shouldn't be red-repping someone because you don't agree with them, and you shouldn't dish out insults if you can't take them. You're the one who acts like you're above everyone else, and you've been acting like a bully. The fact is, you run and "tattle" on me (by giving me red rep) the second I push back. Sounds like the logic of a toddler. Maybe you'll tell the teacher that I was being mean to you, after you were mean to all the other kids first. Go away, I don't even want you to respond here in my thread.
Man, Deexter Jorgan really needs to get himself a life. He was arguing some really stupid shit on this thread as well:

He literally said that the Bully Ray/Mr. Anderson feud would be better if it was more like the Pope/Devon feud. I simply gave up the debate at that point. Obviously this guy's a troll, who gets off on spewing bullshit in these forums. Also, when someone starts resorting to name-calling during an argument (especially in every other sentence), you know that person is out of ideas to prove their point. Deexter Jorgan is not interested in a logical, polite debate...he just wants to fight. My best guess to explain his hostility is sexual frustration, but like I said - that's just a guess.

Your mother must be so proud....

first and foremost i compared it to a booking stand point, if you look at Devons/Pope it has been booked to last, the feud has been progressing in small pieces instead of the crash course booking that we have seen in feuds such as anderson/bully ray.

and if you werent so ignorant you would actually understand the process of real wrestling, do you know what real wrestling is?, of course not becuase your just a casual fan.

/rant - On to the topic at hand:

It wasn't a rant dick you were trying to show me up, I proved on numerous ocassions that Russo's booking is frustrating and no one in this thread who is attempting to defend TNA has yet to establish the fact why you think TNA is in the right by turning its midcard division into a niche division.

Yes, Russo has said the belts are "just props"...but I think that a lot of people take that in the wrong context. The term "prop" doesn't necessarily have "bad juju" written all over it; calling a wrestling title belt a "prop" simply means that it's something a wrestler can wear around his waist (or throw over his shoulder). Here's a definition of the word "prop", when it's used in a theatre sense (this definition was copied from

Lance storm has stated this and Vince concurs on the fact that title belts are championships, no one likes to use the word belt, a belt is what is used to hold up your pants and a prop in terms of entertainment value is just that, no one wants to compete for a prop, they want to compete to show that they can carry the company and be the damn best!, now if you dont think that then why the hell do you even watch wrestling?.

For reference purposes: [SIZE=-1]
Storm wrestling Q & A:

Q: You mentioned a few Q&A's back that Vince hates referring to the championships as "belts." Why is this?

A: Because it sounds low end, and I completely agree with him. He was okay with "Title Belt" just not "belt" by itself. If I'm the Champion people want to beat me to become Champion or to hold the Title. That sounds more prestigious than they want to hold the belt. You want the belt for what it represents not for what it is. [/SIZE]

I get annoyed by idiots like you claiming that you can provide facts but have yet to state anything that is factworthy, you have done nothing to back up your claims which IMO sound like someone who would rather kiss Russo's arse then admit there is a problem with TNA in general in terms of booking, Im not a WWE mark because i stress that there are also problems in the WWE also but atleast they are attempting to rectify it and work on booking more long term storylines that both the casual and avid wrestling fan can sink their teeth into.

This definition sounds pretty good to me, when talking about a wrestling title belt. A wrestling title belt is a "small object" (well, an object at the very least) used by "actors" (wrestlers) in a "play or film" (wrestling show). With me so far?

A wrestler is not an actor, I've studied acting, I've worked as both wrestler and actor and would never insist that both are one in the same, a prop is used by an actor to enhance their environment were in wrestling a title is an achievement, anyone who wins won is the best in their division whether it be Midcard, World or even tag team, I would never consider an award for a performance a damn prop would I? so your point is moot.

A wrestling title belt IS a prop. Think about it - it's a title that's "won" by winning a fight with a predetermined outcome (it's a fixed fight). Since wrestling is a fictional "soap opera" type show on television, all of the wrestlers are given "lines" (or at least outlines for what to say). The winners of these belts are predetermined, it's not like the wrestlers are going out there and actually fighting for the belts. If that was the case, then wrestling would be MMA/kick-boxing, instead of professional wrestling.

It's idiots like you that make sure that idiots like Russo stay in this business, you attempt to justify bad booking from someone who sees this business as nothing, the guy has no idea what wrestling is, or what a title means to those competing for it, you just echo his bullshit and attempt to justify it by making a comparison to an industry that has nothing to do with wrestling only that it is another form of entertainment, you want to get into a debate about the comparison than actually show me some similarities between the two genres of entertainment because so far Vince attempting to incorperate wrestlers into the acting genre isnt working, and incorperating an actor who cant wrestle into wrestling storylines wont work either, why do you think david arquette being wcw champion pissed people off?, because he couldnt wrestle and the fact that he won that title belt didnt help matters at all for a bad wrestling company which inevitably died.

The above definition sounds like it can be used perfectly for a wrestling belt. I'm sure Vince McMahon, Eric Bischoff, Dixie Carter, Paul Heyman and every other wrestling booker since the beginning of Pro Wrestling all feel the EXACT same way about the belts. They're not real "championships", they're fucking props. Russo was just the first guy to come out and say that they're props. Since Russo said this, every wrestling fanboy (who needs a reason to hate Russo) brings this up in an anti-Russo rant. Everyone feels the same way about the belts (that they're props), trust me...even most of pro wrestling's fans.

Bullshit, Give me proof vince said this otherwise your making all this up to make yourself sound intelligent which my friend your failing to do.

The WWE uses their MitB briefcases as similar props. Daniel Bryan & Alberto Del Rio won their respective ladder matches, to "win" these props. On WWE television, these MitB briefcase "props" could be "cashed in" for a chance to "win" the WWE Title or World Heavyweight belt(s) - AKA: "props". News flash: Pro Wrestling is fixed, and the belts aren't real championships. The champions of a wrestling show are decided in a board room, not by a referee in the middle of a Pro Wrestling ring.

Actually not so much, actually a champion is decided by the head booker, not the writer, not you, not a share holder, its decided by the main booker in the company guys like Vince, haymen (with ecw), Jerry Jarett, Jim Cornette to name a few, a champ is not defined in a board room.

Russo has always been good at pushing young talent. He was good at it when he worked for the WWF during the "Attitude Era", he was good at it when he jumped to WCW in '99/2000 (you'll have to excuse me, I don't remember exactly when he switched brands), and he's been good at it during his time with TNA. Need some proof? Okay...

Who filtered Russo?, Vince Mcmahon, do i have to mention David Arquette in WCW again?

IMHO, Russo will continue to push the wrestlers who deserve to be pushed. In some cases, he might even push guys who don't deserve a push (see: Rob Terry). It won't matter to Russo who "graduates" from the X-Division to the mid card (or main event), because the belts are just "props". Not only to Russo, but to the wrestling business as a whole. Do you care to recant yet, Deexter Jorgan? Or do you want to open your mouth and sound like a complete jackass some more? Lady's choice.

Yeah I'm the jackass, the guy who actually gives reason and facts, your the guy whose attempting to make me seem like an idiot to put yourself over as a good poster, but your so full of yourself that you ignored the facts that have been put infront of you, Vince made the Attitude era and everyone who contributed to it helped, no one made styles, no one made any of the guys you just stated above and the fact that you infere that a wrestling championship is a prop means you no nothing about the business, nothing about its legacy and nothing about the people that helped build it, so you can call me all the names you want but until you actually start stating facts you will always be an ignorant little man.:banghead:
I could bring Russo to your house and have him tell you and you still won't "Recant". But anyway, Russo came up with the name "TNA", he came up with the chicks dancing in cages and wanted the product to be this adult-oriented high-octane thing. Just search for some shoot interviews, I remember watching one of his way back where he mentioned what he had in mind. That or you can continue to be delusional and call bullshit to facts. Take your pick.

Still no proof, Were is there a column that says this, hell it doesn't even say it in TNA's wikipedia page/

I hope your 10%-er crown is not too heavy. Really? Are you seriously buying into on-air storylines? Again? Bischoff's better than I thought. Then again, just like Obi Wan, he has control over the weak minded.

Because I'm not a fan of Russo or Bischoff I'm a 10%er?, right so basically instead of actually showing proof you'd rather echo Bischoff's words, yep that will get you respect as a poster, when you actually get a train of thought come back and debate with me.

Yes, most of them are wrestlers, you truck. All of them, actually. They got trained, they worked in the indies or whereever and they came to the WWE. What they did before that is irrelevant.

Besides, what does that have to do with anything I said?

Really?, it has alot your attempting to compare WWE to TNA in regards to their train of thought but with all due respect you have to take into account that wrestling talent comes in all shapes and sizes that's the point i was trying to prove but you cant see past anything other than Russo's opinion, if I wanted to know what Russo thought about TNA then I would ask Russo, I don't need you stating his otherwise crappy opinion on wrestling.

Pot .. kettle ... black. I'm not echoing anything but truth. You're echoing common IWC idiotisms which are easy to prove wrong.

And no, turning Angle heel isn't the best thing for the company. It's convulted, it's messy and it might not pay off as well as they thought. I still like heel Angle's performance thus far.

your posting in a wrestling forum, it means you are apart of the IWC you idiot!, you claim that I'm echoing an IWC sentiment but have no proof that the IWC shares my opinion, again check your facts.

Why does it matter where it is on the card? Tell you what, as long as they get enough TV time, storylines and matches, they being the mid-card or not makes absolutely no difference.

Midcard broadens the wrestler, gives them something to work towards, by labelling the division it brings about the realisation that they will be stuck within it, thats what matters, no one in the heavyweight division will take guys like Kendrick seriously because he is defined by a weight limit and nothing else.

And tell me this - genius - if the X-Division becomes the mid-card, what happens to the mid-card and all the talented wrestlers in it? Do they become low-carders and jobbers? Joe? Matt Morgan? Pope? Daniels? AJ Styles? A guy like Matt Morgan is damn sure ready for the Main Event. He's marketable, he's talented, he's got the X factor, he's got the experience and the time in TNA to deserve this. But you would stick him in the opening matches, in the low-card, move the X-Division to the middle of the show, let it be the mid-card, groom XD wrestlers for Main Eventers and instead of pushing Morgan in the Main Event you would push ... who? Mark Haskins? Austin Aries? Kendrick? You will have the X-Division lose its best talent, the talent that makes it worth something and ultimately kill it? How stupid are you?

The midcard would have a title to work towards, it means that talented guys like robert roode, james storm, bully ray (to name a few) will have a title they can work for prior to moving into the heavyweight division soldifying their place ontop similar to guys like bret hart, shawn michaels, kevin nash, the miz to name a few, they all went through the midcard before moving up to the heavyweight division now the midcard has no provess, there is no goal for these guys to work towards.

There's a reason why the cruiserweights in WCW were never moved up the card, there's a reason why the cruiserweights in WWF/E were never moved up the card, and there's a reason why the X-Division guys in TNA will never move up the card. Are you going to tell me that you're smarter than WWE, TNA and WCW combined? I know you're a slimy smark, but you can't be this obnoxious. Or can you? Do you know something we don't?

Aries hasn't done anything to stand out yet? Is that why he won the X-Division tournament? Is that why he was shot straight to an X-Division title match and is now going to apparently be aligned with Immortal in some fashion? The same Austin Aries that pretty much steals the show on every card he's at? You're a special type of cretin, aren't you?

I know it is, and I appreciate it. I don't want it to die or be removed. I never said that. I want it to flourish where it's at and contrary to what you might believe, it can become great without being the mid-card. All you need is talented guys, good storylines, fair booking and great matches. You give that to your fans I guarantee you they'll like it, watch it, follow it, enjoy it and not give a damn where it is on the card as long as it's on it because that shit matters as much as the length of a match or how many moves someone executed, and is mainly harped on by the stopwatch fans as Bischoff calls them who deem a match horrible if it's under 8 minutes and shit on wrestlers for having "5 moves of doom".

And loosen your training bra, Sally. You're so cranky.[/quote]
First of all, let me start by thanking you for posting a rebuttal. I appreciate that you took the time, I really do. You got a few jabs in (and I might very well deserve those jabs), but I'll try my hardest to take the high road in this post. That's not a shot at you, but you have acted a bit standoffish from your very first post in this thread (and the other thread, concerning Anderson).

You also have to understand that I have a nine-year-old son, so I can be very patient when dealing with "childish logic" (not that your logic is/was childish, just that I can be extremely patient when I want/need to be). I also don't let my nine-year-old walk all over me. When he's trying to get away with something, I let him know I'm not going to put up with it. Now that all these formalities are out of the way, on to your post:

Your mother must be so proud....

first and foremost i compared it to a booking stand point, if you look at Devons/Pope it has been booked to last, the feud has been progressing in small pieces instead of the crash course booking that we have seen in feuds such as anderson/bully ray.

Okay, you're right. I agreed with you earlier (if you remember), that TNA shouldn't be so "quick-fire" with their booking style. I also agreed with you when I said that the Anderson/Ray feud did seem to be thrown together hastily, right before the HardCORE Justice PPV. It's not like this is the first time TNA has thrown a feud together this quickly, and it probably won't be the last time either.

The point I tried to make earlier, is that I think TNA has a real opportunity to do something cool with the Anderson/Ray feud (especially after what happened to Mr. Anderson on the last episode of Impact). My feeling is that this feud could progress into something really cool, and last Thursday's Impact furthered the story of their feud. There's no way that the Anderson/Ray feud is over yet, because Anderson will definitely be looking to exact his revenge on Bully Ray (and Immortal) when he returns to Impact.

I think it's too early to judge the Anderson/Ray feud, because it's not over yet. TNA has the opportunity to make Anderson/Ray an awesome feud...whether or not TNA takes this opportunity (and turns it into something "special") remains to be seen. IMHO, I believe that the "seeds" were planted on Impact this past Thursday, and the Anderson/Ray feud will eventually become a LOT more entertaining than the Devon/Pope feud. Before you get upset with me for saying that -- please understand that this is just my opinion of a hypothetical situation (I'm speculating that Anderson/Ray will be more entertaining, I have no way of knowing until I see it unfold on television).

Is this a fact? No, it's not. It's just an opinion, my opinion. We'll have to wait and see what TNA does with the Anderson/Ray feud before either one of us can actually decide what we think about it. I know you have a different opinion on this, all I ask is that you please respect my opinion (and not call me an "idiot" for thinking this way).

and if you werent so ignorant you would actually understand the process of real wrestling, do you know what real wrestling is?, of course not becuase your just a casual fan.

When did I ever claim to be anything but a fan of Pro Wrestling? I freely admit that I have absolutely ZERO experience in the Pro Wrestling business. I've never held any job with any wrestling federation, the closest I've ever got to being in "the business" was performing wrestling holds/moves with my friends. I don't mean a "real wrestling match" or anything, I just mean that I have slapped a full-nelson on a buddy before (for example). Obviously I'm just an opinionated long-time fan, and that's all.

Do I think I could "make it" as a booker, or any other occupation in the wrestling business? Not in the least. I have zero experience in this field, the only knowledge I have of the business is the years of watching wrestling on TV, what I've read online, seen on DVDs/web-videos/interviews, etc. So yes, your use of the word "ignorant" is definitely appropriate in this context. You also have to understand that almost everyone in the wrestling business that "made it" must have started off as "an opinionated fan" (just like you & I). You would have to be interested enough in Pro-Wrestling to pursue a career in that field. I'm not saying that I could become an outstanding employee of a wrestling company overnight, but I believe I could learn -- if given the opportunity. I probably won't ever pursue a job/career in the wrestling business, so don't worry about that. I'm just saying that I think I could give it a fair shake, if I chose to pursue a job in an indie-federation or something. Hell, most of the posters on these forums could do the exact same thing (that includes you, Deexter Jorgan)...I definitely don't think I'm "special" in that way, I'm just saying that I look at most of the posters here as peers/equals.

However, I don't agree with your opinion that I don't know what "real wrestling is"...just because I disagree, doesn't make it so. You could be right, maybe I don't know what "real wrestling is". I definitely don't know all of the "ins & outs" of the wrestling business, but I feel that I understand the basics of what makes a wrestling show entertaining to watch. Also, I never claimed to know anything more than the basics of wrestling. Maybe you're right, maybe I really don't know a damn thing...but I know more than a "casual fan" would.

Your use of the term "casual fan", I don't necessarily agree with either (when directed at me). I think of a "casual fan" as someone who only watches once in a while, or maybe someone who just reads spoilers online. I think the correct term for someone like me is a "wrestling nerd" (LOL!). I just enjoy watching the product, and I thought it was perfectly acceptable to post my personal opinions in these forums about what I do/don't like about TNA, WWE, or any other promotion. I thought that was perfectly acceptable, but you seem to think that every time I disagree with you that it's some sort of personal attack. No one is attacking you personally, it's just that someone may have a different opinion than you. Opinions are not facts, they're just opinions.

I look at these forums as a fun way for us to talk about our opinions of the business. There will obviously be many differences of opinion on these forums, because not everyone thinks the same way. IMHO, we should be respectful if we choose to voice our opinions here...and if we disagree with someone on the forums, we should be respectful when doing so. Again, this is NOT a fact, or a WZ rule or anything.'s just my opinion.

It wasn't a rant dick you were trying to show me up, I proved on numerous ocassions that Russo's booking is frustrating and no one in this thread who is attempting to defend TNA has yet to establish the fact why you think TNA is in the right by turning its midcard division into a niche division.

Okay, this is true. I was trying to show you up. To be fair though, you were trying to show me up first (along with trying to "show up" other posters). I know this logic is childish (in its own right), but I was just trying to give you a taste of your own medicine. It doesn't feel too good when you're talked down to, does it? If you'd like to be treated with respect when you post, you should respect others and their posts. If you want to be treated like a jerk, then you can keep posting like you know better than everyone else. Not everyone is going to put up with you acting that way, however. Someone will definitely speak right back to you in a disrespectful manner if you choose to disrespect them first.

Like I said in an earlier post, you are definitely not the first person to voice their disapproval of TNA's booking style, and you definitely won't be the last. I agree with you; IMHO TNA should stick to a more linear form of booking. TNA would probably be easier to watch if the wrestlers stayed heel or face for a longer period of time...instead of the type of booking they've been doing; trying to constantly "shock" the viewer with all the heel-turns/face-turns/swerves.

Lance storm has stated this and Vince concurs on the fact that title belts are championships, no one likes to use the word belt, a belt is what is used to hold up your pants and a prop in terms of entertainment value is just that, no one wants to compete for a prop, they want to compete to show that they can carry the company and be the damn best!, now if you dont think that then why the hell do you even watch wrestling?.

I think you might have taken what I said earlier about Wrestling Titles being "props" and just heard what you wanted to hear (read what you wanted to read). First & foremost, a wrestling show (whether watched in person, or on television) provides a certain level of "entertainment" to the viewer/fan. The WWE acknowledges this fact, since the "E" in "WWE" stands for entertainment, and they call their product "Sports Entertainment" - instead of "Professional Wrestling". We all know Pro Wrestling is just an "act", with the outcomes being scripted...right?

What you call the "Championship Belts" doesn't really matter here. Yes, a "belt" is something that holds up your pants...but Championship Belts in Wrestling, MMA, Boxing, etc are all still "belts" at the end of the day. They are designed to be worn around the Champion's waist...right?

I definitely agree that these "Championships" should go to the wrestlers that most deserve to hold them. The Pro Wrestler who holds a Championship for their company should be a hard-worker, and someone who takes pride in their work. All I was trying to say earlier is that the decision of who holds these Championships (in Pro Wrestling) is decided behind the scenes. What we see on TV (when a Championship changes hands in Pro Wrestling) was planned out by the head booker, and the finish of the match was told to the wrestlers before they were sent to the ring to "compete" for the Championship.

This "competition" for the Championship(s) that you speak of aren't "real" competitions. They're staged fights, that are meant to entertain the fans. The fans are the ones that give the Wrestling Company their money, so the Championship matches are obviously the most important matches on the Wrestling card. Of course we (as fans) want to see a convincing "competition", but we all know it isn't a "real" fight. The match's ending was cooked up backstage before the match took place, like I talked about earlier. At the end of the day, the Championship Belt will be held by whichever wrestler is the biggest draw (a wrestler who is over with the crowd). Wrestlers become big draws by exciting the fans - either by pissing them off (if they're a heel), or making them cheer for them (if they're a face).

At the end of the day, a wrestling Championship Belt is just a trophy (prop) given to a wrestler because they earned it. The wrestler who holds a championship has to work hard to be given the opportunity to hold it, but it still wasn't won in the spirit of "competition" in the wrestling ring. It was given to the wrestler because the company feels that the wrestler will be able to make the company money (by holding the belt).

Take a guy like Kurt Angle for example: he was recently "given" the TNA World Title because TNA believes it's good for business. Did Angle work hard to get that title? You're damn right he did. Angle strives to have the best match on the card, every night he wrestles. TNA feels they can trust him to hold their World Title, because he will make the company money. They wouldn't put their World Title on a guy like Abyss right now, because they know that the fans would shit all over that idea. Seriously, we (the IWC) would absolutely HATE to see Abyss with that belt right now. They could still give Abyss the title if they wanted to, because the belt isn't a "real" championship. All wrestling titles are props, for a television show about "fake" wrestling competitions. I'm not saying those guys aren't "real" athletes...because they are. Just that the competitions are pre-determined, or they're fighting a "fixed" fight.

I get annoyed by idiots like you claiming that you can provide facts but have yet to state anything that is factworthy, you have done nothing to back up your claims which IMO sound like someone who would rather kiss Russo's arse then admit there is a problem with TNA in general in terms of booking, Im not a WWE mark because i stress that there are also problems in the WWE also but atleast they are attempting to rectify it and work on booking more long term storylines that both the casual and avid wrestling fan can sink their teeth into.

What?? I've admitted that I think there are flaws in Russo's booking several times in this thread. Go back and read some of my older posts, if you don't believe me. I'm definitely not kissing "Russo's arse", either. I simply stated that he has been known (in the past) to help push "new stars". That was the entire main point of my last post in this thread.

As far as I understand things, Russo did push for Jeff Jarrett to feud with Stone Cold in the WWF for example. Stone Cold didn't want to feud with Jarrett, because he didn't feel he was a big enough star. Stone Cold was right, look what happened with Jarrett. He was Russo's golden-boy for a while, but never drew a dime as a main-eventer (at least not compared to the likes of Stone Cold, The Rock, etc).

My point is that Russo wanted to give Jarrett a chance to succeed (or fail, as he did). Russo also did the same thing with Booker T in WCW, and that turned out pretty well.

A wrestler is not an actor, I've studied acting, I've worked as both wrestler and actor and would never insist that both are one in the same, a prop is used by an actor to enhance their environment were in wrestling a title is an achievement, anyone who wins won is the best in their division whether it be Midcard, World or even tag team, I would never consider an award for a performance a damn prop would I? so your point is moot.

Wrestlers are given "lines" to deliver during promos, and stuff...right? Aren't actors also given lines? Why do some wrestlers take acting lessons, and learn how to deliver a "perfect" promo? I also don't think that wrestling dialogue & an actor's dialogue are exactly the same...but, just for fun -- we should ask Mickey Rourke, an actor who played a wrestler in a movie (and did a pretty good job of it). Maybe we could ask Hogan, The Rock, Big Show or Stone Cold - they've all acted in movies & on TV.

Both actors & wrestlers have to deliver dialogue...and do it convincingly enough to make the audience believe what they're saying is "real". That, my friend, is a FACT.

It's idiots like you that make sure that idiots like Russo stay in this business, you attempt to justify bad booking from someone who sees this business as nothing, the guy has no idea what wrestling is, or what a title means to those competing for it, you just echo his bullshit and attempt to justify it by making a comparison to an industry that has nothing to do with wrestling only that it is another form of entertainment, you want to get into a debate about the comparison than actually show me some similarities between the two genres of entertainment because so far Vince attempting to incorperate wrestlers into the acting genre isnt working, and incorperating an actor who cant wrestle into wrestling storylines wont work either, why do you think david arquette being wcw champion pissed people off?, because he couldnt wrestle and the fact that he won that title belt didnt help matters at all for a bad wrestling company which inevitably died.

First, I'm not trying to justify Russo's "bad booking". I'm merely trying to understand it, and enjoy it. If someone seems confused as to what's going on, I'll try to explain it to them (just like I explained what I think is happening with the Anderson/Bully Ray feud).

Second, there are plenty of similarities between the "two genres of entertainment" (the two genres being wrestling, and other TV shows/movies). Similarity one: they're both broadcasted on television. Similarity two: actors & wrestlers are both given lines of dialogue to say on television. Similarity three: people watch these shows because they're entertaining.

Third, Vince has attempted to incorporate wrestlers into movies and TV. I disagree when you say that it "isn't working". My strongest example? Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. Dwayne has had more success in the "acting genre" than any wrestler before him, and maybe any wrestler after him. Is Dwayne's career just a fluke? It's possible, since Hogan tried, Austin tried, Big Show tried, Kane tried, Cena tried, DiBiase Jr. tried, Piper tried, HHH tried, etc...

Just because most of the wrestlers aren't going to be as big as The Rock doesn't mean that it "isn't working". We have proof that it has worked, with The Rock. Hogan has probably had the second most success in the acting field, he made a lot of movies in the early 1990s and even had that "Thunder in Paradise" TV show.

You're right when you say that Vince McMahon has tried to incorporate wrestlers into the acting genre. But I believe you're wrong when you say that it "isn't working". All of those crappy WWE straight-to-DVD releases ("The Chaperone", "See No Evil", "The Marine", etc) still made money. I don't think the WWE would keep trying to bridge that gap if they weren't confident they could make a profit in doing so.

Bullshit, Give me proof vince said this otherwise your making all this up to make yourself sound intelligent which my friend your failing to do.
This is your response to when I said that all wrestling bookers think of the Wrestling Championship Belts as "props", including Vince McMahon.

You're right, I was "making all this up". I assumed that Mr. McMahon treats his belts as "props", because he gives them to a wrestler for "being over". The wrestlers aren't going to the ring to have a "real" fight for the belt (like they do in a MMA ring, for example).

I explained this earlier in this post...I will just say that the belt is essentially a "prop", because the fight in which it is won is "fictional". Like I already said, the wrestlers aren't going out there for a "real fight", they're going out there to put on an entertaining match...not a real fight, like MMA fighters would have. These wrestlers finish this "fight" the way they were told to finish it. They don't really compete for anything, unless you count backstage politicking & working hard in the ring.

[/SIZE][/B]Actually not so much, actually a champion is decided by the head booker, not the writer, not you, not a share holder, its decided by the main booker in the company guys like Vince, haymen (with ecw), Jerry Jarett, Jim Cornette to name a few, a champ is not defined in a board room.

Okay, now you're just splitting hairs. You understood what I meant, the champion is decided by someone behind the scenes. Sorry I didn't word it perfectly for you, I'll work harder on pleasing you next time.

Who filtered Russo?, Vince Mcmahon, do i have to mention David Arquette in WCW again?

Yes, you're correct. Now you're repeating a fact you heard on a WWE DVD ("The Rise and Fall of WCW"). I know because I've seen the same DVD.

I remember seeing an interview (on the internet) with Vince Russo about putting the title on David Arquette. Russo said that he came up with the original idea, but presented it to several other people. He said that everyone else thought it was a good idea as well, and that everyone who originally agreed with him immediately backpedaled once the fans became rabid (when Arquette actually won the title).

I don't know if this is a fact or not, as this is just something Russo said. He could be lying, just to cover his ass. I don't know for sure, but either way it was a mistake to put the WCW title on Arquette. I think even Russo would admit that now, but I don't know for sure (I'd like to think that he would, at the very least).

Yeah I'm the jackass, the guy who actually gives reason and facts, your the guy whose attempting to make me seem like an idiot to put yourself over as a good poster, but your so full of yourself that you ignored the facts that have been put infront of you, Vince made the Attitude era and everyone who contributed to it helped, no one made styles, no one made any of the guys you just stated above and the fact that you infere that a wrestling championship is a prop means you no nothing about the business, nothing about its legacy and nothing about the people that helped build it, so you can call me all the names you want but until you actually start stating facts you will always be an ignorant little man.:banghead:

Dude, get off your high-horse. I gave plenty of facts too, you just chose to ignore them. The only reason I think of myself as "a good poster" is because I try to be respectful of everyone -- unless they disrespect me, or another poster. Then the gloves come off.

Yes, Vince McMahon "made" the Attitude Era. But he also had Russo & Ferrara whispering in his ear. Ultimately, it was up to Vince. But Russo was there, providing creative input as well.

You're also right, when you say that a wrestler pretty much has to "make" themself. A character mainly gets over because of the wrestler (or actor) who portrays the character. The bookers/writers help a bit too though, by putting these characters in positions where they'll look strong, or weak (whichever is necessary to further the character's development). The booking does matter, although not as much as the wrestler's work in the ring and ability to convince the fans that they are main event material.

Btw - I never said that Vince Russo "made" Stone Cold, or The Rock, or anyone else I mentioned. I just said that he provided them with storylines that helped to propel them to the top of the card (the main event).

Jesus Christ, this has to be my longest post to date. Now, if you should choose to respond to this post, Deexter Jorgan -- please make note that I was respectful to you and your opinions in this post. I would appreciate the same level of respect if you choose to respond.

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