Things WWE Can/Can't Survive Without

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Do either one but make sure you state which.

Obviously WWE can survive through pretty much anything so dont pick holes in the title. And there's no need for everyone to put John Cena, ECW etc. There's already threads dedicated to those subjects.

And give reasons. If you dont give reasons and complain when you recieve warnings you will be banned on the spot.
Money...No money no big showcasing event with fancy pyro's no expensive creative team, and let's face it how many people watch the product strictly for the wrestling ability?
let's face it how many people watch the product strictly for the wrestling ability?

Mhhmm, believe it or not, there are so much people who watch WWE for some wrestlers in ring skills and development. I know certain individuals that only turn on the TV to watch just 2 or 3 matches (the Wrestling matches: Involving London&Kendrick, Benoit<--drafted, MVP, Matt H., Kennedy<--drafted,etc... Sorry, did I miss some RAW Wrestling talent??? ;)

Anyway, one thing WWE CAN'T survive without.. Pay Per Views :) Do i need to explain why? (yes, unless I want an infraction...) Because they generate A LOT of money from PPVs, PPV's are the beginning and the end of Great story lines, Wrestlemania(the grand dad of PPVs) is like the epicenter of WWE, so imagine if someone fills a lawsuit against WWE for the Wrestlemania rights (Name, video library, media material, etc) and WINS..... :icon_sad: Vince would rise from the death, just to Die again, but Painfully.
I agree with that point.

There's a reason why WWE has many PPV's within 1 year.

Begin it 12 PPV's in 2002, we're now at... uhm.. 15 PPV's a year?
Mind you, if you WWE just had a Wrestlemania PPV, imagine how much money that would generate? It would cover WWE for a good period of time, maybe if they had Summerslam, Wrestlemania and One Night Stand or something they could generate money for the whole year. It seems that if there would fewer PPVs then it would make them a greater specticle, i dont think they could have started out that way, but after time i think they could dwindle down to just a few pay per views a year. I doubt they'd ever do it, WWE usually needs there money soon and fast, to give to there employee's.
One thing that WWE wouldn't be able to survive without is Vince McMahon. They couldn't have ever made it to where they are without him. Without him WCW would probably have taken them over. Even his character on screen then to with the Mr. McMahon thing helped them have a big heel boss that you loved to hate for what he did. They would have never even taken off without him there to buy out coompanies and raise the company to the top. When McMahon passes the torch to probably Stephanie I think that the WWE will really go downhill and when that happens if TNA is big at the time also, you could see TNA overtaking WWE eventually. I think Vince is the most important thing to WWE.
One thing, and it's a big thing, the WWE can't survive without is fans, I know it seems like a pretty obvious answer, but it's true without fans paying to see the product, buying merchindise, and going to shows, then WWE wouldn't turn a profit, and wouldn't be able to pay the talent, and be forced to close shop, and that would kill the industry, since like it or not, WWE is the face of professional wrestleing today
One thing I've noticed that the WWE can survive without is in-ring talent. It doesn't matter what kind of skills you have in the ring, as long as you have good mic skills. The WWE has proved that by placing all their stock in people who are more like actors than wrestlers such as Cena (sry had to do it... I guess it's an infraction for me, o well), Batista, Khali, Umaga, and now Foley (as much as it hurts to say it). And it must be working if we all sit here typing about the WWE, even though most of the big stars should be in movies, not on Raw, Smackdown, or ECW.
Mind you, if you WWE just had a Wrestlemania PPV, imagine how much money that would generate? It would cover WWE for a good period of time, maybe if they had Summerslam, Wrestlemania and One Night Stand or something they could generate money for the whole year. It seems that if there would fewer PPVs then it would make them a greater specticle, i dont think they could have started out that way, but after time i think they could dwindle down to just a few pay per views a year. I doubt they'd ever do it, WWE usually needs there money soon and fast, to give to there employee's.

Not to be a jerk but they did start out that way Originally there were just 'Mania Summerslam, Survivor Series, KotR, and the Rumble. Anyone remember when all the other PPV's were still called 'In Your House: Something'??

I think one thing that the WWE could live without are all of their house shows. Once upon a time that was what made a company its money, but these days what with TV deals and merch and PPVs i think house shows have lost their meaning, and think about it if WWE guys didn't have to work 5 days a week they would be less beaten up and less prone to injury. How many times have we heard "WWE star X wants to sign with TNA for a lighter schedule"? Granted TNA tapes 4 weeks of iMPACT in one night but 1-2 days of work a week traveling around and putting on 2 or so good matches is better than 5-6 days a week traveling around putting on matches that you cant go all out on because you have a TV taping in 2 nights and have to look good. House shows can even be traced back as the reason for WWE's move banning and the critizism that WWE recieve for having the low impact "Punch, Irish whip, punch, ref bump, dusty finish" matches that it has. that turned into a rant quick
WWE could do without their useless eye candy Divas. They let people like Nora walk out the door while we get Melina and Candice fighting for the title. Ugh.

WWE could do without lengthy title reigns. Back in the Attitude era we had several title changes a year. Then the milennia hit and it takes forever. Can't we find a happy medium, instead of Cena holding the WWE title till the end of time? Did having Edge hold it for one month really convince people Cena's second run was "fresh"?

WWE can do without running their top end talent into the ground. What good is any Superstar that is on the injured list?
One thing that WWE can survive without is a Cruiserwieght division. It never even uses it to its potential and i constantly hear or read people saying who cares? I certainly want it to use it better but it honestly dosnt need one to keep its fan base and more importantly the money rolling in.
one thing WWE could do without is the crapness it has become.

I remember back in the day when Saturday Night's Main Event was class, not PPV's are just extended versions of Raw pretty much.

Back in the day wrestlers were called wrestlers cause they could actually wrestle, along with thier classic yet cheesy promo's before thier match.

Now it's just all rushed, no actual wrestling these days (or at the very most minimal, i could count on my 1 hand the amount of real wrestlers in WWE) and pointless yet sexy Diva's waltzing around the place effectively flashing their mammories.

I tune in to WWE to watch wrestling, not stupid stories that are so far beyond belief it's get stupid. They need to get back to the basics and make an enjoyable WRESTLING show, not a ridiculous soap opera. God i miss Big Daddy and Giant Haystacks, lol.
A few things the WWE can live without (although I'd love to see them back) are the Womans, Crusierweight, and Tag Team divisions.

The Divas are mostly crap now in the WWE, just about 75&#37; of them are nothing but pointless eye candy. Anyone that wants to see that much ass will just google up some ass. I'm not saying that theres no Talented Divas in the WWE, but they underuse them so much, no one would notice a thing if the WWE released every single diva over a period of a long time.

It's almost the same as the Crusierweight title, except that they are ignoring it to the most extreme extent. If they had someone unify the cruzierweight and us titles, and then drop the crusierweight title, no one (in the WWE) would notice. I mean, look at it this way. How many crusierweight champions have we had in the past two years? We had This time two years ago, we had 3 different champs in 5 different reigns between July and January. Then we had two titles reigns since. Case Closed.

The Tag team division is getting better, but I feel if the WWE cut it off (again) they could keep moving.

As long as the WWE has the WWE, World Heavyweight, IC, US, and ECW titles (Yeah, I said ECW) in their eyes, they will be fine. As long as the WWE keps pushing what they are pushing down our throats, the NON IWC will keep tuning in to see the smaller titles ignored, the bigger guys pushes, and of main charecter of this whole story, "Superman"
To beh onest. There is one thing tahat the WWE can't live without and his name is Jim Ross, the voice of WWE it would never be the same with anyone else.
To beh onest. There is one thing tahat the WWE can't live without and his name is Jim Ross, the voice of WWE it would never be the same with anyone else.

I agree with you there brother. WWE can't survive without it's big names stars liek Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Stone Cold, Undertaker, RVD, Kane, etc. Without these guys, WWE would suck so bad, especially because if they didn't have them guys, they'd be in TNA. And if they were in TNA, WWE would fall to the ground.
WWE has to drop the ladies... Also trim the rosters.. Make the same wrestlers wrestle on SD and RAW.. No more ECW. I mean like it used to be.. You would see the same guy on RAW then SD, When that was done SD was used to hype the payperviews.. With three shows there is just too many damn story lines.. Plus if women are ging to be there they should be managers and wrestle the occasional mixed tag match and maybe a bikini contest here and there.. As far as titles go you would have The World Title, IC, US (would be utilized like the European Title), Tag, and the hardcore title... Fuck the cruisers, it was cool in WCW now its played outt.

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