Things That Make You Squeamish

Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
Are there things that make you want to heave or faint as soon as you see them? Or are you a sensory iron(wo)man, someone capable of looking at everything but not being fazed one bit?

While I'm going to assume that most of you are squeamish when it comes to blood, this is something that has never particularly bothered. Lacerations, gashes, abrasions, severed limbs, exposed brains...none of this makes me head for the toilet or for the floor faster than someone stung by an Ali cross. However, broken and dislocated bones have ALWAYS made me squeamish. There's just something about displacements and breaks that has always made me weak in the knees. This is probably the reason why I find myself averse to getting into MMA.

All right, the floor is yours. Are you like me? How are you when it comes to blood? If you aren't made squeamish by the usual suspects (blood and mangled bones), is there anything that does make you squeamish?
I can say I don't mind blood so much as it's the broken bones, sounds of broken bones along with the gore that doesn't sit well with me. It doesn't make me throw up as it is something you just have to get used to. I don't want to hear bones snap and what not, specially my own.

One thing that makes me squeamish is when someone bites into ice cream, whether it is a Popsicle or actual ice cream. The sound drives me absolutely insane, along with giving me the chills with it. I just can't stand it and it makes me cold and not wants to enjoy ice cream around the person who is doing it.

Another thing is, when dudes wear skinny jeans. Yes, call me shallow or whatever you want but this makes me squeamish as I wonder what in the blue hell makes them even think about wearing them. How they even put them on, and then decide to sag them to their ass makes it look like they're walking around with a diaper full of shit. It looks stupid and makes me squeamish as my nuts thank me for giving them freedom in wearing normal style jeans.

My last thing for now is women who don't shave their armpits or legs and the hair is growing back and you can see it. This makes me throw up as I hate hair especially under gross nasty armpits, along with on the legs. It is by far disgusting and I am that prick to like a girl and see that and stop talking to her. Hell, my ex would do this because she wore jeans 24/7 and she wouldn't shave her legs and I touch them and want to throw up. Least she always shaved her pits thank god.
All right, the floor is yours. Are you like me? How are you when it comes to blood? If you aren't made squeamish by the usual suspects (blood and mangled bones), is there anything that does make you squeamish?

Skin getting deeply cut/ open gashes really make me 'squeamish.' There's this programme I really like. It's called 'The untold stories of the ER' and it mainly shows operations and patients who have come because of some strange incident. So when I watch it and an operation comes up, I instantly find myself holding or covering my neck, it's odd. Lol. It's not the blood, that really doesn't have any effect on me - It's just the skin opening up like that.. I can't explain it any clearer.
Blood has never bothered me much, i'm used to cleaning game when I go hunting and i'm pretty clumsy sometimes so I accidentally cut myself in the kitchen all the time, i'm comfortable around blood.

What gets me grossed out I actually just realized the other day,prepare yourself because this gets gross. My mom called me into the house because she thought my old dog Zeus's foot was throbbing, I don't know what she saw but when I turned his paw over I saw that there were maggots squirming around inside his broken hollow nail. Apparently what happened was he broke the bottom half of his nail off and while sleeping in the backyard a fly must have laid eggs in his nail and then when we found them they were half inch long maggots. My mom had to run into the other room while I dealt with it, I had to pick as many as I could(about 5) out myself with a pair of tweezers, I could still see some wrigling around up farther in his nail that I couldnt get out so we sent him to the vet and they took out 10 more and cleaned out his nail. Those things on their own are bad but not horrible, but finding them moving around in my dog was absolutely disgusting, I came very close to puking.

Also puss is disgusting, and I don't want to talk about it as the maggot story already has be feeling gross again.
When it comes to feeling squeamish I am a little different in what causes it. I am usally fine with blood or mangled bones. For me it is needles and witnessing various injuries. When I see an injury happen, whether that be onscreen or real, I picture it happening to me and think about how it would feel. The usual suspects here are anything involving teeth or toenails. I automatically cringe if something ever happens to someone in either of those locations because mine begin to hurt just thinking about it. I never did understand why. It just makes me both squeamish and extremely uncomfortable. Needles and car crashes are the worst of all though. I begin to freak out and feel squeamish if people even mention them and I by reflex close my eyes if I ever see them for myself, including in movies where it's fake.
Being the horror film fanatic that I am I have always been comfortable with blood and broken bones. However the one thing that makes me loose my apetite, feel nausea, and sometimes puke is.... gooey boogers.

When something that disgusting comes out of ANYONE'S nose (with the exception of mine) absolutley drives me insane. That green gooey slobbery stuff sorounds a big wrinkled pruin like substance is nasty as hell. I don't get why i am groosed out by this because i have done far more atrocuosly gross things with my own (having had nasal problems for many years) And I get uncomfortable when I see those of others (which fortunaltley is rare).
When it comes to blood, I'm usually alright. It's deep cuts that get me. To the point where you can see the bone, yeah, that's horrific. But I can't imagine anyone being OK with seeing that.

Anyway, this is my main one. It's going to look really bad on my part but I'm going to write it anyway. Deformed people. The phrase "deformed people" is pretty broad. It ranges from people with more limbs than normal (missing limbs are fine, though) to conjoined twins, and everything in between - people with hair all over their face, burnt faces, reconstructed faces to name a few more. However, there's one that really gets me - people who like the Elephant man (I don't know the correct term). I know this makes me look bad, but you have to understand that I'm just being truthful here. I don't think less of these people and I don't hate these people. I can't stress that enough. Hell, I admire them for putting up with what they go through. I just can't look at them. Interestingly enough, though, I'm a big fan of dwarves.
Things that make me squeamish?

You may think I'm an absolute freak, but fingernails have always been horrible for me. The way you can scratch them against a blackboard, the way the can sometimes be in-grown, the way they snap easily, everything about them. I even take it so far that I bite my nails right down to the bare bones hoping to never see them grown.

If there's one thing I hate, it's nails, lulz.
I'm ok with blood, guts and whatnot, but I am very squeamish about eyes. Watching a horror movie and seeing a knife come within millimeters of someone's eye bugs the shit out of me. I had no problem with the blood spewing frantically in a movie like Hostile, but when someone's eye is involved I need to cover my own eyes and focus on some other shit. Other then that, I don't mind anything. I like my horror/thriller movies and I can't be a fan of those and be squeamish of various things.

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