I have been looking around and reading comments and I have just decided to make this post to discuss an issue that has been bothering me as of late... Everyone keeps talking about how they want this guy to get pushed and this guy to get pushed and these guys to be in the main event and these guys to run every show and be Champion and main event mania. Now here allies the problem NOT EVERYONE CAN BE CHAMPION AT THE SAME TIME. You guys act like you want all these guys to be champion and main event and if they aren't then they are being "buried" in your eyes. You can't just have all your favorites in the main event and split the title into little pieces so all the guys you want to be champion are. You can't have barret and Wyatt and roman and cessaro all to have their shining moments all to be pushed and main event and be champion all at the same time. WWE can only push one guy and that's best for business because you can't have tenth man battle royals and six pack challenges all at mania main event because their can only be 1 champion, 1 guy to get pushed in the main event and it isn't the end of the world when it's not your guy.