Theo's WWE 2013

Theo Mays

Part Time Poster

The WWE enters a New Year and with the first Raw of the New Year (January 7th) right around the corner, the WWE has some big news coming out of its corporate headquarters. Vince McMahon will be back and he will have the name of the new Raw General Manager along with him. Vickie Guerrero has been given the thumbs up as the supervisor of Raw for the past few months, but the Board of Directors have put their heads together and have come up with a permanent name to fulfill the role.

CM Punk also enters the New Year the same way as the last, still WWE Champion. Punk had yet another controversial title victory at TLC as he just barely escaped the raw power of Ryback. Punk can thank The Shield once again for saving his championship reign. Punk now looks to the 2013 Royal Rumble on January 27th, where he will go one on one with The Great One. The Rock’s return is imminent as CM Punk’s title reign is said by many to be on life support.

With the affair scandal behind them, Cena and AJ look to move on. Cena and AJ have vowed to leave their relationship off screen and look to set their sets on championship gold in their respective divisions. Cena vowed that he will outlast 30 men and headline Wrestlemania and recapture the WWE championship, a championship that has been off his waist since October of 2011. Meanwhile AJ looks to capturing her first Divas championship, but has a mountain of Divas that want a piece of Eve Torres.

On the Smackdown side of things, Booker T’s job is safe…for now. The Board has put all their focus in the naming of a new Raw GM and now that a name has been decided on they can shift their focus onto Booker T. Booker has gotten the seal of a approval, but his job is on high alert.

The World Heavyweight Championship is now back around the waist of Sheamus as he recaptured the gold from Big Show at the TLC PPV in a grueling Chairs Match. Big Show told in an exclusive that he isn’t waiting long for his rematch as he plans on doing so on the first Smackdown (January 4th show cancelled due to Holiday) of the New Year, a live special on January 8th. Show has revenge on his mind, Sheamus may want to be on high alert.

Now onto the championship titles not mentioned. The tag team division is heating and is one of the hottest things going in the WWE. Following their upset victory in a ladder match at TLC, The Primetime Players (Darren Young/Titus O’Neil) have been spouting off their Millions of Dollars is being made. However Team Hell No has their eyes on recapturing their title belts. However the dysfunctional team can’t seem to decide on the date. Will the tension between Daniel Bryan and Kane continue to build or will they use it to their advantage and retain the titles that were once theirs.

Kofi Kingston overcame the odds at TLC and retained his Intercontinental title after a grueling duel with Wade Barrrett. Barrett says he isn’t done with Kingston after an assault on the high flying champ during the final episode of Smackdown in 2012. Kingston plans to strike back as he has issued a challenge to Barrett for the first Raw of the New Year. Is Kingston biting off more than he can chew or will the Wildcat IC champ continue his roll of success as champion?

And that leaves Antonio Cesaro. The anti-US champion has had the gold in his hands since Summerslam and once again took care of R-Truth at the TLC PPV. Cesaro has been unmatched as he looks for a new challenger. He has bashed the WWE Universe (in five different languages, albeit) on twitter and put out the challenge to any American who deems themselves worthy of taking on the US Champion. Cesaro will address the WWE universe and his challenge on the first Raw of the New Year.

All of this and much much more as WWE heads into a New Year!


AJ Lee
Alberto Del Rio (w/ Ricardo Rodriguez)
Alex Riley
Alicia Fox
Antonio Cesaro
Big Show
Brodus Clay (w/ Cameron & Naomi)
CM Punk (w/ Paul Heyman)
Cody Rhodes
Curt Hawkins
Damien Sandow
Daniel Bryan
Darren Young
David Otunga
Dean Ambrose
Dolph Ziggler
Drew McIntyre
Evan Bourne
Eve Torres
Ezekiel Jackson
Great Khali
Heath Slater
Jack Swagger
Jey Uso
Jimmy Uso
Jinder Mahal
John Cena
Justin Gabriel
Kofi Kingston
Mark Henry
Mason Ryan
Michael McGillicutty
Randy Orton
Rey Mysterio
Roman Reigns
Rosa Mendes
Santino Marella
Seth Rollins
Sin Cara
Tamina Snuka
Ted Dibiase
Titus O'Neil
Trent Barretta
Triple H
Tyson Kidd
Vickie Guerrero
Wade Barrett
William Regal
Yoshi Tatsu
Zack Ryder

Tag Teams/Stables
3MB (Drew McIntyre/Heath Slater/Jinder Mahal)
Co-Bro (Santino Marella/Zack Ryder)
Great Khali and Hornswoggle
Hunico and Camacho
International Airstrike (Justin Gabriel/Tyson Kidd)
Primetime Players (Darren Young/Titus O'Neil)
Primo and Epico (w/ Rosa Mendes)
Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara
Rhodes Scholars (Cody Rhodes/Damien Sandow)
Shield (Dean Ambrose/Roman Reigns/Seth Rollins)
Team Hell No (Daniel Bryan/Kane)
The Usos (Jimmy and Jey Uso)

Announce Teams
Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler (Monday Night Raw)
Josh Matthews and John "Bradshaw" Layfield (Friday Night Smackdown)

Ring Announcers
Justin Roberts (Monday Night Raw)
Lilian Garcia (Friday Night Smackdown)

Backstage Announcers
Matt Striker
Scott Stanford

For a history of the championships along with the current holder go here:
January 7th, 2013:::Tampa Bay Times Forum (Tampa Bay, Florida)

Justin Roberts-Ladies and Gentlemen, he is the Chairman of the WWE…MR. MCMAHON!!!

”No Chance” blares out as the WWE Universe pops for the Chairman as Vince appears from backstage, all smiles. Fans can be seen bowing as Vince does his trademark strut down to the ring. Vince even embraces some fans at ringside before entering the ring and shaking hands with Justin Roberts before taking the microphone.

Mr. McMahon-Monday Night Raw!!!

The crowd pops, but Mr. McMahon is not impressed.

Mr. McMahon-Come on Tampa, Florida, I know you can do better than that. This is Monnnndayyyyy Niiiiight RAW!!!!!

The crowd absolutely eats it up the second time around as Mr. McMahon nods his head in approval.

Mr. McMahon-Now that’s more like it. Now to the business at hand shall we? Since AJ Lee stepped down as Raw General Manager and Vickie Guerrero took over as managing supervisor, we’ve gone through a rollercoaster of a ride. The Board of Directors and myself included have finally come up with a GM who will keep this show a little more stable. Are you ready to meet your new Raw General Manager?

The crowd pops in anticipation for the new GM.

[Mr. McMahon-Then without further adieu, your NEW-

Vickie Guerrero-Excuse me?

The Tampa crowd gives Vickie some major heat and it seems Mr. McMahon isn’t too happy either as Vickie has interrupted the announcement.

Mr. McMahon-This better be good Miss Guerrero.

Vickie Guerrero-It is Mr. McMahon. I just wanted to make a case for my job before you make the big announcement. Since I took over we can both agree that the show has been in better hands. I mean no longer do we have that little, immature girl AJ Lee running the show flirting and having affairs with a handful of superstars. We now have a strong, independent woman.

Mr. McMahon-You make some good points Vickie.

Vickie Guerrero-I do?

Mr. McMahon-Yes, you do. In fact. Ladies and gentlemen your new Raw general manager, VICKIE GUERRERO!!!

The crowd serves up a heaping pile of boos as Vickie is in shock as Vince has a big smile on his face.

Vickie Guerrero-Really? I’m the new Raw general manager?

Mr. McMahon-No.

The crowd laughs as Vince stares at Vickie with a stern look and Vickie has gone from excitement to disappointment in a matter of seconds.

Mr. McMahon-In fact Miss Guerrero, I’m giving you a little vacation. You won’t be needed here and you’ve been so overworked in the recent months. Some time off will do you some good. Now let’s get going, you don’t got time to waste. Send the kids my best wishes and have fun.

Vince shushes Vickie out of the ring as if she was a pet puppy. Mr. McMahon dusts off his suit before continuing on.

Mr. McMahon-Now as I was saying before I was interrupted. Your new Raw general manager!

”Wreck” hits and the Tampa Bay Times Forum erupts as Mick Foley appears in vintage Foley fashion. Foley is rocking a blazer over a Cactus Jack shirt, dress slacks, and sneakers. Foley embraces the fans and rolls into the ring, shaking hands with his boss. Vince does his best Vanna White impression as he showcases Mick to the crowd before bowing out.

Mick Foley-Now that’s what I call a welcoming party. I’m excited and I can tell you guys are excited as it is Monday Night and we are live here from the great city of Tampa Bay.

Foley smiles and gives the camera a thumbs up as the crowd eats up the mention of their city.

Mick Foley-That’s gonna get annoying after a week or two, am I right? Cheap pop aside, it is great to be back and I’m more than honored that I was the top pick to be the new Raw GM. It brings back some memories. I’ll spare ya the sappy stories; you can just read them in the many books I have written. Four to be exact and all are on 2013, who would have ever thought we’d make it here. Through the ups and downs-

”Cult of Personality” hits, interrupting the new GM. Punk comes out to a series of boos with some cheers sprinkled in. As always the WWE Champ is accompanied by his sidekick, Paul Heyman. Punk has his bright yellow GTS shirt peaking through a gray hoodie and shorts overtop his wrestling gear. Punk cuts his music off as he has a mic handy inside his hoodie pocket.

CM Punk-Michael Francis Foley, it seems we agree on something. Who ever thought CM Punk would come into 2013 still the WWE champion? Really Mick, it is an amazing thing. And for the first time in my life I might be happy to see your overweight, overrated ass standing in my ring.

Foley isn’t too thrilled to see CM Punk however as it looks like the new GM is ready to throw fists as the crowd boos at Punk’s insult of the GM as the champ enters the ring.

CM Punk-You see we actually have a GM capable of making a stand and standing up for what is right. Vickie Guerrero certainly wasn’t capable of that, but you Mick, you have such a passion that you won’t take no nonsense from anyone. That’s what I like about you Mick.

Punk throws his arm around the new GM, but Foley shrugs away and addresses the champion.

Mick Foley-I think you and I have seen enough of each other in the recent months Punk. And don’t think that because I making decisions around here means I’m going to cater to your needs all of a sudden. You see Punk you are a great competitor. You may very well be the best in the world.

Punk smiles at the notion and says he is the best in the world as Heyman applauds the champ in the background.

Mick Foley-But I don’t respect how you achieve those things. First you rely on a slimy worm like Paul Heyman and now you have these three youngsters from NXT helping you out.

CM Punk-Hold it right there Foley. I’ve said it before and I’ll do it again, but I have nothing to do with Shield and their doings here on Raw. The only person I care about is CM Punk. I don’t need Shield’s help.

Mick Foley-Oh is that so Punk? Is it? Then why were they there at TLC to once again cover your ass against Ryback. It is pretty much set in stone Punk. That’s why I am banning them from any involvement in your match against The Rock at the Royal Rumble.

The crowd pops at the mention of The Great One and the stipulation put forth for the WWE title match in nearly four weeks time.

CM Punk-That’s just what I’m out here to address Foley. Dwayne doesn’t deserve a championship match. Dwayne just comes and goes and declares whatever he wants? He can’t just put himself in a title match. What kind of company just lets an “employee” who works a whole week just step into a championship match? You’re a man of reason Mick, fix this.

Mick Foley-Fix what Punk? I can’t fix you, you’re a lost cause now that Heyman has you. And cancel the WWE Championship match at the Royal Rumble? Do I want to set the record as shortest running GM in Raw history. I don’t think so Punk.

Punk is furious as he storms around the ring as Heyman tries to calm down his champion.

Mick Foley-Have a nice day!

The Tampa crowd pops as Foley’s music hits as the new GM exits the ring, leaving a very angry champion behind. Punk shouts out to Foley that he can’t do this and he will pay as Heyman is still trying to settle the champ as we head to our first commercial of the evening.


Justin Roberts-This match is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the Intercontinental Championship!

”SOS” hits as the energetic IC champion appears on stage to a great ovation from the Tampa fans. Kofi sports highlighter yellow trunks with black trim along with his new “I Can Fly” shirt. Kofi gives the fan some “Boom Boom” and leaps down the ramp accompanied by pyro. Kofi embraces his fans as he is all smiles before entering the ring.

Justin Roberts-Introducing first, he is the Intercontinental champion…KOFI KINGSTON!

Michael Cole-Kingston is all smiles as he is still champion King, but has the Wildcat champ bitten off more than he can chew following the attack from Wade Barrett?

Jerry Lawler-You can think that way Cole, but Kingston has proven that he can go out there and back himself up.

”Just Don’t Care Anymore” plays as Wade Barrett appears from the back with blue trunks and his Barrett Barrage shirt. Barrett wiggles his taped wrist as he has his eyes intently focused upon Kofi and his IC title. Barrett enters the ring and throws some air punches followed by the knockout as the crowd in Tampa doesn’t appreciate Wade’s taunting.

Justin Roberts-And his opponent and challenger…WADE BARRETT!

Michael Cole-Barrett has pretty much snuck himself into another match for the IC title after the attack on Kingston. Like it or not King, Barrett is a smart man.

Jerry Lawler-A smart man, sure Cole. But lets see now that this is a fair fight if Barrett can live up to that.

Summary: Kingston and Barrett didn’t waste any time to get started as Kingston took down Barrett and went to work with a round of rights and lefts. Kingston maintained the advantage until Barrett moved out of the way from a outside dive from Kingston that sent him straight into the barricade. Barrett followed up by driving Kingston into the steel post and focused his attack on Kingston’s back for the majority of the match. Kingston caught a break however after ducking a Barrett clothesline and nailing a dropkick, keeping himself and Barrett down.

Ending: Kingston is slow to his feet as he pulls at the ropes to maintain his balance. Barrett holds at his face following the impressive dropkick from the IC champ. The challenger is up first and grabs the wobbly Kingston, but with that Kingston turns around and nails a series of right elbows that sends the challenger staggering back. Kingston bounces off the closest ropes and nails a double chop to the chest and follows up quickly with another and finally keeps Barrett down after a jumping clothesline. Kingston holds at his injured back as he is running on pure adrenaline as he lets out a yell to get the crowd here in Tampa going. Kingston bounces off the ropes and “boom, boom”, nails Wade with the Boom Drop and follows quickly with a cover.


Kingston staggers back to his feet, still clutching at his back as he steps towards the corner. Kingston begins to clap his hands as he sets up for Trouble in Paradise. Barrett is slow to his feet and turns around and Kingston launches. However Barrett ducks out of the way and nails the turning Kingston with the Winds of Change right into a pinning predicament.


Barrett grits his teeth in anger and verifies with the official that it was a two count. Barrett grabs Kingston by his dreads and nails a series of stiff elbows to the side of the head before the attack is broken up by the referee. As the ref takes to Kingston’s well being Barrett begins to untie one of the turnbuckle pads. Barrett succeeds and then shifts his focus back onto Kingston. However Kingston has other plans as he nails consecutive kicks to the head of the challenge that have him backpedaling. Kingston is off to his feet and he charges Barrett, who is standing at the unpadded corner. Kingston leaps into the air and lands on Barrett’s shoulders and nails a series of punches to the challenger, but Barrett grabs hold of Kingston and dumps him over and the champ smacks his face atop the exposed turnbuckle. Barrett sneaks up for a quick rollup on the champ.

3? NO!

Kingston just gets his shoulder up as Barrett can’t believe it, nor can the Tampa crowd as they pop for the surprise kickout. Barrett holds at his jaw as Kingston crawls towards the ropes. Barrett has him right where he wants him and he grabs hold of the champion and he goes for the finish, the Bull Hammer elbow shot, but Kingston counters and hits his trademark SOS rollup.


Justin Roberts-The winner of the match and still Intercontinental Champion…KOFI KINGSTON!

Kingston rolls out of the ring as the ref holds his hand in victory and hands him his championship. Barrett has a look of disbelief on his face as he has come up short yet again in capturing the IC title. Kingston is all smiles and short of breath as he celebrates with the Boom Squad as Wade Barrett takes to arguing with the referee. Barrett kicks the ropes out of frustration as Kingston continues the celebration as we cut backstage to Mick Foley, the new GM’s office.

Mick Foley-Man the times sure have changed, haven’t they? My old office compares nothing to this bad boy. I mean I have a leather couch, posters, a coffee table, the works. Hell this is better than my office at my house.

The camera pans to reveal that Mick Foley is talking to longtime friend and WWE Hall of Famer, Edge. The crowd in Tampa pops at the sight of the ’11 class headliner.

Edge-That’s great Mick and I appreciate you inviting me here to be your guess. We had some fun back in the day, that’s for sure. But Mick lets not get sidetracked. You have a lot on your plate, are you sure you’re gonna be able to handle it?

Mick Foley-Handle it? Edgester, I’ve always had a lot on my plate and I’ve come out alright. I mean sure I’m missing some teeth and part of my ear and I can barely walk, but life is good is it not?

Edge looks at Mick with a confused look and then just lets out a chuckle but their bonding moment is broken up by the sight of a very angry Ryback, who is received with a nice pop from the Tampa crowd.

Ryback-Feed. Me. Punk.

Edge-Good luck on this one Mickster.

Edge leaves the room as Ryback doesn’t take his eyes off Mick Foley.

Ryback-Feed. Me. Punk.

Mick Foley-Ryback my man. I’m afraid I can’t do that. Now before you go and start wrecking stuff let me offer you something else in return. You know feed me more? It doesn’t get any “more” than the 30 man Royal Rumble match. You have your pickings at 30-

Ryback-You’ve said enough. After I win the Royal Rumble it will be…feeding time.

Ryback storms off as Foley lets out a “pffw” as he whips the sweat from his brow before being joined by the most must see WWE Superstar, The Miz. The crowd embraces the newly faced Miz as he shakes hands with his Survivor Series captain and new boss.

The Miz-The calming of the storm, well played Mick. Mick Foley, new Raw General Manager…I like the sound of that. It just rolls off the tongue dontcha think?

Mick Foley-That it does Miz. What can I do for ya?

The Miz-I’m good Mick, not looking for any favors at the moment. Just enjoying the day.

Mick Foley-And looking good while doing it. What is this? Men’s Warehouse?

The Miz (chuckling)-Ahh Mick your eye for fashion was never strong. This here is one of Etro’s finest designs.

Mick Foley-An Etro you say? Mighty fine piece of work. Speaking of work Miz, I got lots to do. How about we put you to work as well? A chance for you to shine, in our main event…against the WWE Champion, CM Punk.

Miz nods his head in approval as the crowd in Tampa approves as well. Miz shakes the hand of Mick Foley one last time before we cut to a commercial break.


Michael Cole-Welcome back to Raw ladies and gentlemen and King, right before the break we found out about our big main event tonight.

Jerry Lawler-I can’t wait Cole. I hope Miz finally shuts CM Punk and Paul Heyman up. They’ll get what’s coming to them.

”Move (Get It In)” hits as the new tag team champs appear on the ramp to a round of hit from the Tampa crowd. The duo does their “millions of dollars” dance as Justin Roberts takes to announcing.

Justin Roberts-This tag team match is set for one fall. Introducing first, they are the WWE Tag Team Champions, Darren Young and Titus O’Neil…THE PRIMETIME PLAYERS! And their opponents, in the ring…ZACK RYDER AND SANTINO MARELLA!

Michael Cole-As we get set for tag team action here, the Primetime Players have been on quiet a roll since beating Team Hell No and Mysterio and Sin Cara at TLC.

Jerry Lawler-It kills me to say it, but they have been Cole. It seems these two loudmouths have finally reached their peak and now there is no shutting them up.

Summary: The Primetime Players enjoy the early portions of the match as they take advantage of their size as they wear down Santino. Young and O’Neil use some great tag team wrestling and cut Santino off from Ryder, who is itching for a tag. The Tampa crowd is itching to get their Zack Ryder fix as they chant “We Want Ryder”. Team Co-bro finally can see the light as Santino does a split to duck the Darren Young clothesline and follows up with a hip toss.

Ending: Santino is down, Young is down as the crowd continues to chant “We Want Ryder”. Titus shouts at Darren to heal up and get the tag. Young slowly crawls and tags in the Real Deal, but it isn’t enough as Santino dives and tags in Ryder as the crowd erupts. Ryder ducks an O’Neil punches and then rallies off a series of his own that has the big man on jello legs. Ryder bounces off the ropes and O’Neil swings for a clothesline, but Ryder ducks and counters with a spinning back elbow. Ryder is getting the crowd into it as he goes for an Irish Whip to the corner, but Titus counters and throws Ryder into the corner. Titus charges the Woo Woo Woo Kid, but Zack counters with two knees to the sternum and then heads to the top and nails a missile dropkick that sends the Real Deal flying. O’Neill is out cold in the corner as Ryder throws up the fist and the Zack Pack “Woo Woo Woo’s” with their leader before Zack nails Titus with the Broski Boot. Zack drags O’Neil out from the corner and makes the pin.


Darren Young out of nowhere breaks up the count and saves the match for the PTP. Young is blindsided by Santino, who clotheslines Young and himself out of the ring. Ryder has victory in his sight as he throws up the “LI” as the crowd anticipates the victory. O’Neil is up and Ryder launches himself for the Rough Ryder leg lariat, but Titus counters in midair and nails Ryder with the Clash of the Titus (Sitout Spinebuster). Titus makes the cover.


Justin Roberts-The winners of the match, Titus O’Neil and Darren Young, THE PRIMETIME PLAYERS!

O’Neill and Young run to the timekeeper’s table and grab their championship gold and take Roberts mic from him.

Titus O’Neil-Ladies and Gentlemen, did you see that? That performance right there was worthy of millions of dollars.

Darren Young-That’s right Titus. Anything the Primetime Players do is worth millions of dollars haha.

O’Neill and Young (together, dancing)-Millions of dollars, millions of dollars, millions of dollars.


Kane’s pyro interrupts the PTP’s celebration as the Big Red Monster comes out with a mic in his hand.

Kane-Titus, Darren. You guys won’t be worth “millions of dollars” after I’m through with you. Team Hell No is using our rematch clause next week.

The crowd pops at the announcement from the Big Red Monster, but is soon interrupted from a muffled voice.

Daniel Bryan-No! No! NOOO!!!

The No’s from Bryan are countered with Yes’s from the Tampa crowd as they love getting Bryan’s goat.

Daniel Bryan-No! Kane we are not using our rematch clause next week.

Kane-Yes we are.

Daniel Bryan-No Kane, we are not. We are using our rematch clause at the Royal Rumble.

Kane-No Daniel, we are using our rematch clause next week on Raw.

Kane gives his partner a light shove and Bryan counters back with a shove of his own.

Daniel Bryan-No we are not!

Kane-Yes we are!

Daniel Bryan-Are not!

Kane-Are too!

Daniel Bryan-Are not!

Kane-Are too!

Daniel Bryan-NO!


Daniel Bryan-NOOO!!!!


The Tampa crowd and the Primetime Players are enjoying the bickering of the former champs, Team Hell No. Mick Foley has heard enough of the bickering as he appears on the titantron to settle this dispute.

Mick Foley-Easy there killers. Lets not get riled up too much now. There is one way to solve this issue and that is by taking it to the fans. A Rawactive to be exact. So take it to social media. If you agree with Kane that the tag match should be held next week tweet using #Kane. If you agree with Daniel Bryan tweet using #Bryan. Have a nice day!

Kane and Bryan continue their argument atop of the stage before we cut backstage where CM Punk and Paul Heyman are talking.

CM Punk-Can you believe this Paul? Mick Foley is actually doing a worse job than AJ and Vickie Guerrero combined. What gives him the right to put me in a match with a worthless talent like The Miz.

Paul Heyman-You’ve got that right champ. You are the reigning, defending, WWE Champion. You deserve more than this. You deserve your name up in lights. You deserve to headline Wrestlemania!

CM Punk-And I’m going to do just that Paul. The only thing that stands in my way is Dwayne. A man that shows his face here just a few times a year and he thinks he can be WWE Champion? Today embarks my 414th day as champion Paul. I’m the Best in the World. I should not be subjected to this sort of treatment. Go fix this Paul, do what you do best.

Paul Heyman-Right away champ.

Michael Cole-What could those two be up to King?

Jerry Lawler-You never know with those two Cole, all I know is that it is beginning to smell real fishy in here.


”Written in My Face” hits as the Tampa crowd gives the World’s Heavyweight Champion a welcoming greedy. Sheamus is all smiles as he beats on his chest and belts out a loud “FELLA!” which the crowd eats up. Sheamus smacks the hands of some youngsters before running up the stairs, mic in hand.

Sheamus-No matter how many times I look at ‘dis it makes me smile. Ya see fellas, it jus’ doesn’t get old being the World Heavyweight Champion. And I’ll tell ya what, it was hell get back ‘dur. And now that I got the belt back on me waist there won’t be any way to get it off. That’s towards you Show. Don’t tink I’m taking our match tomorrow night lightly fella. It’s gonna be yet another war between us two, one final battle in our saga Show. And lemme tell ya, I look forward to it.

”Here To Show The World” hits and the Tampa crowd doesn’t treat Dolph Ziggler too kindly as the Money in the Bank winner comes out, mic in hand.

Dolph Ziggler-You can keep talking Sheamus, but who knows just how long that title run is gonna last. In case you have forgotten I still have this right here and at anytime I could strike. Maybe tomorrow night after Big Show is finished with you I’ll pick up the scraps and the Show Off era begins.

Sheamus-Well fella, if you’re so confident why don’t ya cash in that briefcase right now.

The Tampa crowd is all for the World Heavyweight Championship match tonight as they pop as soon as Sheamus proposes the challenge.

Dolph Ziggler-Easy there big guy. When the time is right you’ll see me.

Sheamus-Oy so you’re one of ‘dos guys fella. A guy who will jump ya from behind and take all ‘ye money. One of ‘dos back alley bandits who’d take ya food if ‘ye looked at ‘em funny. Well I’ll tell ya what Dolph, I’m in the mood to fight, so lets fight.

Dolph Ziggler-That’s not happening on my watch Sheamus, plus don’t you think you should be worrying about the Big Show instead of trying to pick a fight with me?

Sheamus-Trust me fella, Show is on me mind plenty. But right now it’s you who I want to see get their arse kicked.

Dolph Ziggler-If you want a fight Sheamus, I know just the guy for you.

Sheamus rips off his shirt and yells for Ziggler to bring it on. After a brief pause “Shrine” hits and Tensai is soon to follow. The big man is in a hurry to get the ring as Sheamus encourages him on. Ziggler pops back up on the stage and wishes Sheamus good luck.

Summary: Sheamus and Tensai wasted no time as the two big men duked it out from the get go. Both men took equal parts in splitting a series of right hands that saw Tensai gain the upper hand after an avalanche like bump that took Sheamus to the ground. Tensai would keep control until missing a corner splash, putting Sheamus right back in it.

Ending: Tensai hits the corner with serious force as he clutches his chest. Sheamus peaks back and sees that he is still in this thing as he hits the ropes and nails a double axe, but Tensai remains standing. Sheamus hits the rope again and nails the double axe and Tensai is still standing, this time on wobbly legs. Sheamus takes it one more time, but this time Tensai tries to counter, but Sheamus ducks. Sheamus this time around nails the turning Tensai with a flying shoulder that knocks the big man off his feet. Sheamus goes for the cover.


Tensai gets his shoulder up and Sheamus heads to the top for the Battering Ram. Sheamus flies, but Tensai manages to catch the flying Irishman and drops him with a body slam and follows that up with a Running Senton. Tensai now is quick to make the cover.


The champ just gets his shoulder up as Tensai scolds the ref. Tensai lifts the champ up, but Sheamus fights him off with a series of rights to the midsection, but Tensai clubs the back of Sheamus, knocking him back to the mat. Tensai now drops an elbow across Sheamus and attempts another pin.


Sheamus again gets the shoulder up. Tensai sees an opportunity as he steps back and blows mist unto his hand. Sheamus turns and Tensai comes at Sheamus in an attempt for the Clawhold. Sheamus manages to counter with a kick to the knee of Tensai and he follows with a running kneelift. Tensai is down to one knee and Sheamus backs up and is calling for the Brogue. Tensai is up and Sheamus makes the run but Tensai counters with a back elbow. Tensai goes for his finish, the Chokebomb, however Sheamus breaks out of the hold. Tensai, stunned turns around and is hoisted up and dropped with the White Noise and the quick cover from the champ.


Justin Roberts-Winner of the match by pinfall…SHEAMUS!

Sheamus celebrates, title in hand as he shouts out another fella as the Tampa crowd eats Sheamus up. Out of nowhere, Big Show jumps the champ. Show takes Sheamus down with a club to the back and as the champ gets back to his feet Sheamus is nailed with a WMD that nearly takes the champ’s head off.

“Here to Show the World” hits as the crowd is in a stir. A mixed reaction this time from Ziggler, who appears on stage as they are unsure of whether Ziggler is cashing in. Dolph is in no rush as he enters the ring and stands over Sheamus and yells that it is only a matter of time. Ziggler looks up and stares into the Big Show’s eyes before rolling out of the ring and holding his briefcase in the air. Ziggler mouths that it is about damn time as we cut to a commercial break.

Michael Cole-Welcome back everyone and Dolph Ziggler might have given us a little foreshadowing into the future.

Jerry Lawler-Dolph Ziggler is all talk Cole, tell me when he does something that’s his own doing.

Michael Cole-Well he did become Mr. Money in the Bank King. And who knows, maybe Ziggler will make a great champion.

Jerry Lawler-Well we’ll have to see about that Cole.

”Booyaka 619” hits and the crowd in Tampa is all in favor of the Biggest Little Man. Mysterio does his trademark pyro entrance and then he shares a bonding time with his young fans as he puts his mask atop a youngster’s head. A 619 chants starts up as Mysterio bounces around the ring, awaiting his opponent.

Justin Roberts-Introducing first, from San Diego, California…REY MYSTERIO!

Jerry Lawler-You know this is gonna be a good one Cole, Rey Mysterio may be the most exciting superstar on the roster today.

Michael Cole-That he may King, but the WWE’s biggest underdog may have his hands full tonight.

”Miracle” hits as the United States champion appears in his Swiss colors. Cesaro does his trademark pose as he shouts out “United States Champion” with each motion. The champ heads to the ring, but he has something to say beforehand.

Antonio Cesaro-People of the United States of Antonio, you disgust me.

The champ gets heat as the Tampa crowd isn’t too thrilled to be associated with Cesaro.

Antonio Cesaro-You get out of your seats and go crazy for a person of Mexican descent, and by the way his people are taking over your country. Meanwhile all you do is shower me, Antonio Cesaro with your hate. This man in the ring is nothing more than a wannabe superhero. Standing in front of you is a very European superhero.

The Tampa crowd continues to shower Cesaro with boos as Mysterio watches on, unimpressed with the United States champion as Cesaro enters the ring.

Antonio Cesaro-You people are neidisch. Invidioso. Envieux.

Summary: Mysterio had heard enough of Cesaro and his “envious” rant as the masked wonder kicked Cesaro in the thigh to get the match going. Mysterio controls the early going as Cesaro can’t keep up with the fan favorite. However Mysterio’s fast pace offense hits a sputter as Cesaro catches Mysterio and nails a beautiful backbreaker, evening the tides.

Ending: Cesaro crawls to cover Mysterio after the devastating backbreaker. Cesaro drapes his over his motionless opponent.


Rey gets his shoulder up just in time as Cesaro, heavily breathing, questions the official. Cesaro lifts Mysterio off the mat, but Rey fights back with some shots to the midsection. Cesaro pushes Mysterio off to the ropes and goes for a back body drop, but Mysterio counters with a kick connecting right at the bottom of Cesaro’s jaw. The champ staggers back as Mysterio charges and hits a tornado DDT to the stunned Cesaro. Mysterio makes for a quick cover.


The champ gets his shoulder up as Mysterio stays quick on the offense. Mysterio bounces off the ropes and nails a dropkick on the seated Cesaro and heads to the top rope. Cesaro is groggy as he is up to his feet and Mysterio makes the dive, but in a feat of strength Cesaro catches Rey in midair and drives him into the corner. Cesaro cracks his neck and dashes towards Mysterio, who counters with two feet to the face, sending Cesaro back pedaling. Mysterio leaps to the middle rope and nails a bulldog, taking down the US champ. Mysterio bounces off the ropes and nails a spinning head scissor that sends Cesaro flying to the outside. Mysterio goes for a dive to the outside, but Cesaro is quick to move out of the way. Mysterio however takes it to the apron and nails a seated splash, sending both men down on the protective padding. Mysterio seems to have tweaked his knee on the landing as he panders to the crowd. Mysterio hobbles over to Cesaro and rolls him into the ring. Mysterio gets onto the apron, but is quickly stopped as Cesaro targets the knee. Cesaro kicks Mysterio right in the knee, knocking Rey into a kneeling position atop the apron. Cesaro grabs the wounded Mysterio and throws him in the air and nails him with a wicked European uppercut that sends Mysterio bouncing off the top rope and launching him back to the outside. Cesaro does his trademark taunt and bows to the crowd as they show Cesaro how they really feel. The US champ rolls to the outside and brings his opponent back into the ring. Cesaro drives some elbow shots into the head of Rey before entering back into the squared circle and covering his wounded competitor.


Rey manages to kick out, much to Cesaro’s disbelief. Cesaro signals the end as he goes for the Neutralizer, but Rey someone counters and sends Cesaro flying head first into the middle rope. Cesaro is out as Rey hobbles off the ropes and hits the 619! The crowd is feeling it as Cesaro crashes to the ground as Rey stands on the apron waiting for the finish. Mysterio springboards up to the ropes, but his injured knee gives out and Mysterio crashes to the mat below, just missing Cesaro. Cesaro is quick to grab Rey and drops him with the Neutralizer.


Justin Roberts-The winner of the match by pinfall…ANTONIO CESARO!

The ref hands Cesaro his championship as he has his hand raised in victory. Cesaro taunts the crowd before throwing his championship over his shoulder and grabbing hold of the microphone.

Antonio Cesaro-You see, no matter who you put in front of Antonio Cesaro, the outcome is the same. They go home whining and crying that they couldn’t get the job done. They take to social media and beg for attention. Well how about you trend this.

Cesaro drops the mic and proceeds to assault Rey Mysterio. Mysterio is helpless as Cesaro focuses on the bummed knee of the fan favorite. Cesaro is unable to be contained as officials try to hold back the United States Champion. The US champs assault comes to a halt as a clock begins ticking and Cesaro is unsure as to what is going on. The crowd in Tampa begins to buzz as “I’m Comin’” hits and the crowd gives a nice ovation to Florida’s own and returning WWE Superstar, Montel Vontavious Porter. MVP makes a beeline to the ring and he goes right for Cesaro. MVP hits a series of rights and follows up with a clothesline, that sends the US Champ out of the ring and running for the hills. MVP checks on Mysterio before inviting Cesaro back into the ring. Cesaro shakes his head before turning backstage. MVP celebrates in the ring as the crowd is in shock upon his return before we cut backstage to GM Mick Foley’s office.

Paul Heyman-Mick, you know what you’re doing is wrong. Listen to me Mick, you use to be one of my guys. What’s happened Mick?

Mick Foley-You want to know what happened Paul? You’re manipulative. You use your so called “guys” until you get what you want and you leave them by the roadside. Look Paul, I see your frustration, but the match is made and that is final.

Paul Heyman-You do realize that CM Punk is your reigning, defending, WWE Champion?

Mick Foley-Yes Paul I’m aware of that.

Paul Heyman-Are you aware of the fact that CM Punk has to defend his WWE Championship at the Royal Rumble against The Rock? A man who hasn’t wrestled a match since Wrestlemania 28 and hasn’t appeared live since the 1000th episode of Raw.

Mick Foley-Yes Paul I know.

Paul Heyman-And if that wasn’t enough, just 27 days before that monumental match you have CM Punk in a match against The Miz.

Mick Foley-I get it Paul, now could you please just leave me alone.

Paul Heyman-I will not leave you alone Mick. Not until you give CM Punk what he deserves and that is respect.

Mick Foley-Fine Paul, the one on one match with Miz is off.

Paul Heyman-Thank you Mick, I’ll be on my way.

Mick Foley-Wait. Instead it will be a tag team match. It will be The Miz and his tag team partner, John Cena going up against CM Punk and his tag team partner. Hmm, lets see, who is left that can compete on the roster. I got it! CM Punk will be teaming for the first time ever with…Paul Heyman.

Paul Heyman-WHAT!! You can do that Foley, I’m not even-

Foley ushers Heyman out as he continues to ramble as Foley shuts his door and wipes his hand of the situation as we head back to the announce table.

Michael Cole-What a change to our main event King, the odds are stacked even more against the WWE champion.

Jerry Lawler-And he deserves it Cole. Punk and Heyman have been weaseling their way around here, it’s about time they get what’s theirs.

Michael Cole-And if that wasn’t enough, we saw the WWE return of Montel Vontavious Porter. And we can confirm that MVP will address the WWE universe tomorrow night on our special live Smackdown.

Jerry Lawler-I can’t wait to hear what MVP has to say Cole.

”Smoke and Mirrors” hits as Cody Rhodes appears to a round of heat from the Tampa crowd. Cody comes out with his trademark hoodie duster as he prepares for action, next!


We return from the break as Cody Rhodes is in the ring, mic in his hand.

Cody Rhodes-In a mere 27 days WWE will be witness to one of those rare wrestling moments. I’m not talking about The Rock verse CM Punk, I’m talking about the night Cody Rhodes rises to greatness. The night where Cody Rhodes cements his name in the record books as the 2013 Royal Rumble winner and the headliner of Wrestlemania 29. I’ve stolen the show with each Royal Rumble appearance. I’ve made it to the final four and I’ve continuously shine each year.

”Somebody Call My Momma” hits as The Funkasaurus and his beautiful Funkadactyls interrupt Cody Rhodes Rumble appeal. Clay receives a nice pop as he does his entrance dance alongside Naomi and Cameron.

Summary: As Clay’s ring pyro goes off, Cody makes the attack as he jumps Brodus from behind. After taking down the Funkasaurus, Rhodes chases off the Funkadactyls. Rhodes continues the fast pace offense in the early going as he keeps the big man ground. However Cody leaves Clay an opening after attempting to go for the Beautiful Disaster, Clay nails a midair headbutt and getting himself back in the match.

Ending: Brodus starts getting going as he gets the crowd entertained. Clay throws Rhodes into the corner and nails a big splash. Rhodes stumbles out of the corner and Clay nails a body check, taking Cody down. Cody is back up, only to go back down with the same maneuver. Clay and the Funkadactyls are getting the crowd buzzing as Cody gets up and turns right into Big Brodus’ Shee-Plex. Clay signals for the end as he runs for the big splash, but Rhodes rolls out of the way. Big Clay is holds at his ribs and then gets nailed with a Beautiful Disaster kick to the side of the head. Clay is on one knee as Rhodes comes from behind and nails Cross Rhodes.


Justin Roberts-The winner of the match by pinfall…CODY RHODES!

Rhodes leaps to his feet and stands over the fallen Funkasaurus with his hand high in the air. Rhodes hops to the middle ropes and says this is only the beginning. Rhodes rolls out of the ring and heads up the ramp as the Funkadactyls check on their man as Rhodes is all smiles following his win and his quest to win the 2012 Royal Rumble.

We head backstage once again to the office of Mick Foley, where the new GM is on the phone.

Mick Foley-Thanks Hunter, that means a lot.

The crowd pops at the mention of Triple H, as we learn that is who Mick Foley is speaking with.

Mick Foley-Yeah I hear ya, Vince is still Vince. What’s that? You are going to be on 20th anniversary of Raw next week to make an announcement. That is great; I look forward to seeing you. Take care Hunter.

A pop for the announcement of Triple H appearing on the 20th anniversary of Monday Night Raw as we head back to Cole and King at the announce table.

Michael Cole-As if next week’s 20th anniversary show couldn’t get bigger King, we now will be joined by the COO, the Game Triple H. I can’t wait!

Jerry Lawler-You’ve got that right Cole, never a dull moment here on Monday Nights.

”Move (Get It In)” hits as we are once again joined by the tag champs, Darren Young and Titus O’Neil. As always the Primetime Players are ready to run their mouth.

Titus O’Neil-DY, tell me and more importantly tell these people here in Tampa why they are so lucky tonight.

Darren Young-Because they got to see the Primetime Players not once, but TWICE!

Titus O’Neil-That’s correct Darren. Now answer this millions of dollars question. Are you ready?

Darren Young bounces around as if he were nervous, as the Tampa crowd isn’t too thrilled with this segment as they give the PTP a round of boos.

Darren Young-I think so Titus, I think so.

Titus O’Neil-Ok Darren. Whether it be next week here on the 20th anniversary of Raw or at the Royal Rumble, what team will walk out tag team champions.

Darren Young scratches at his head as the crowd continues to boo the tag champs.

Darren Young-This is a tough one Titus. You might have stumped me on this one.

Titus O’Neil-Take your time DY, these people in Tampa have never been more entertained.

The crowd boos as Titus flashes the crowd a million dollar smile before smacking Darren Young atop the head.

Darren Young-Well duh, the answer is obviously the Prime…Time…PLAYERS!!!!

Titus O’Neil-Darren Young, you aren’t just one half of the greatest tag team of all time and one half of the tag team champions, but you are now worth…millions of dollars!

The two immediately go into their “millions of dollars” dance before splitting up and Titus doing his trademark dog bark before being interrupted by Daniel Bryan.

Daniel Bryan-No! No! No!

The crowd pops at the sight of Bryan, who is soon followed by the other half of Team Hell No, Kane.

Daniel Bryan-No! No! No! You will not be tag team champions. I’ll be the tag team champions.

Kane-No I’ll be the tag team champions.

Daniel Bryan-No! I’ll be the tag team champions!

Instead of speaking Kane grabs Bryan by the jacket and huddle up. The PTP stand by confused and chuckle at the actions of Team Hell No before the two break huddle.

Team Hell No-NO! We’ll be the tag team champions!

Mick Foley-That’s enough banter guys.

Foley appears on the titantron to a warm greeting as the two teams give him their full attention.

Mick Foley-The WWE universe has spoken, lets look at the results.

The two choices appear on screen (next week or at the Royal Rumble) as the teams watch on intently. Finally the results are up and the WWE universe has spoken.

Mick Foley-First Triple H and now a tag team championship are set for the 20th anniversary of Raw!

The crowd pops as PTP nod their heads and motion they’ll be keeping their titles. Kane and DB state otherwise as they motion for the belts before the staredown is interrupted by Foley.

Mick Foley-I want to spice it up though. Not only will this match be for the belts, but it will be defended so in a ladder match! Have a nice day!

The Primetime Players beg to differ as they instantly campaign against the idea as Kane and Daniel Bryan are more than happy to do so. The last sight we see is the worried look in the face of the Primetime Players.


Summary: We return from commercial break as we are in the midst of a Divas tag team match. In one corner are best friends (formerly known as The Chickbusters) AJ Lee and Kaitlyn going up against Divas champion Eve and Aksana. Eve right now has control as she has Kaitlyn trapped in the corner as she tags in Aksana.

Ending: Aksana delivers a series of elbows to the side of Kaitlyn’s head before driving her knee into her midsection. Aksana throws Kaitlyn to the crowd and climbs up to the middle rope. She blows a kiss to the Tampa crowd before diving off for a seated senton, but Kaitlyn moves and Aksana hits the mat, backside first. Both divas are up at the same time as Kaitlyn nails a clothesline and follows up with another before hitting a big back body drop and making a hot tag to AJ. The Tampa crowd gives AJ a nice pop as she hits a diving Thesz press onto Aksana and bashes her head into the mat. Aksana rolls away and tries to make a tag to Eve, but the Divas champ leaves the apron and grabs her title and makes her way out. Aksana gets up and his it with a spinning heel kick and AJ follows up with a shining wizard and a pin.


Justin Roberts-The winners of the match…KAITLYN AND AJ LEE!

From atop the entrance ramp Eve watches on as both AJ and Kaitlyn have their eyes on the Divas Champion as Eve smiles and waves before heading off to the back.

”Cult of Personality” hits as the crowd in Tampa gives the WWE champion, CM Punk a mixed reaction as Punk comes out in his trademark hoodie and wrestling gear. As always Paul Heyman follows, but not in his usual suit, Heyman is wearing sweatpants and a long sleeve shirt.

Michael Cole-It looks like we aren’t going to waste any time here. Paul Heyman and CM Punk are in action King, as our main event is next.

Jerry Lawler-I hope Heyman gets what is coming to him Cole.


We return from commercial as “Awesome” blares as Miz waits in the ring and Punk and Heyman wait on the outside. “My Time is Now” hits as Cena receives a mixed reaction from the Tampa crowd. Cena salutes the ring and does his trademark entrance. Cena shakes the hand of his unlikely ally, The Miz as Cena throws his shirt into the crowd.

Justin Roberts-And his partner, from West Newbury, Massachusetts….JOHN CENA!!!

Summary: This is basically a handicap match as Punk is in the ring the entire team as he tries to fend off Cena and Miz. However Punk can only go so long as Miz begins to take over and mark a comeback as he nails a DDT following a reversal of Punk’s bulldog from his corner knee strike.

Ending: Miz makes the hot tag to Cena as Cena leaps into the ring and nails the turning Punk with a clothesline and follows up with yet another. Punk gets back to his feet and swings, but misses as Cena hits the sitout side driver and throws his hand in the air. The crowd is mixed as we know it is time for the 5 Knuckle Shuffle as Cena takes to the ropes, only to be hit be Paul Heyman. Cena doesn’t budge as Heyman begs him off. Cena grabs Heyman and pulls him into the ring and lifts Heyman and drops him with the Attitude Adjustment, much to the crowd’s liking. Cena then focuses back on Punk and goes for the 5 Knuckle Shuffle, but Punk kicks Cena right in the knee before he could follow through with the fist drop. Punk rallies off a series of kicks to a kneeling Cena before taking him down with one final blow as he makes the pin.


Cena just gets his shoulder up as Punk now stomps away on his grounded opponent before taking to the top and dropping the elbow, Randy Savage style. Punk again covers.


Miz steps in and breaks up the pin as the ref escorts him back to his corner. Punk places his hands together and rests his head atop of them, signaling bedtime for Cena. Cena gets up and Punk lifts him to his shoulder and goes for the GTS, but Cena blocks and trips Punk up and locks him in the STF. Punk screams as he tries for the ropes, but Cena has him perfectly placed in the middle of the ring. Miz is getting the crowd into it as Punk tries and crawls to safety. However Cena releases the hold as Miz has been pulled from the apron as The Shield appears from the crowd and begin a 2 on 1 assault on Miz.

Cena goes to the outside, but is blindsided by the missing member, Roman Reigns. The ref signals for the bell, ending the match in DQ. However the assault continues by The Sheild on Miz and Cena. Punk lays motionless in the ring as the beatdown continues. Miz is now out of the picture as Rollins and Ambrose have crushed him between the steel stairs. Now all three members take their focus on Cena as medical attention is immediately taken for Miz. Ambrose begins to rip apart the announce table and before Cena can be officially finished, Feed Me More belts out as “Meat on the Table” hits and the man machine, Ryback is making a beeline to the ring. The crowd is hot as Ryback greats Rollins with a huge shove, that sends the rebel flying into the barricade. Now Ambrose tries to throw some punches as he jumps hold of Ryback, who drives him into the steel post.

Ryback turns around after eliminating two of the three, but is taken down by a head trembling lariat courtesy of Roman Reigns. Reigns belts out a huge scream as Rollins and Ambrose are slow to their feet and now the three men look to put both Cena and Ryback away. The end is near, but the Tampa crowd loses it as If Ya Smell as “Electrifying” rains throughout the arena as The Rock has returned. The crowd is in a frenzy and The Shield can’t believe it as Rock runs to the ring. Rock fends them off before Ambrose initiates the retreat as the rebel group converses in the crowd. The Rock stands tall on the outside as Cena and Ryback begin to stir as Foley can be heard yelling as he makes his way out.

Mick Foley-Enough! Enough of this damn it! I’m sick of all this. Next week on the 20th anniversary we are going to throwdown and take it to the extreme. Six man tag. Shield against Ryback, Cena, and The Rock!

The crowd is losing it as Foley signs us off the air as Rock tells The Shield to “bring it” as he looks at his two partners, standing tall behind him.

Quick Results:
Kofi Kingston def. Wade Barrett to retain the IC Championship
The Primetime Players def. Santino Marella and Zack Ryder
Sheamus def. Tensai
Antonio Cesaro def. Rey Mysterio
Cody Rhodes def. Brodus Clay
AJ Lee and Kaitlyn def. Eve and Aksana
John Cena and The Miz fought CM Punk and Paul Heyman to a No Contest
JAM’s Review

First of all, it’s great to see you writing again Theo. We all miss it I’m sure. Anyway, this seemed like a really good segment to start out RAW. With Foley now at the helm, it made sense because of his past debacle with Punk. So it’d be interesting to see if that feud continues on with Foley being the GM. It did seem a bit short for Foley to say his piece in reply to what Punk said but it’s fine. Looking forward to seeing how things go from now on.

Just my thoughts in general, I like that you’ve given us something to look forward to on your next episode of RAW. That six-man tag team match is gonna be huge! I can already picture that ending with utter chaos. Or Punk somehow gets involved and lays out The Rock. I know you just introduced Foley but I think this was a little too much Foley for my liking. He appeared in almost every segment. Could’ve have some backstage interviews to help build people up or give us someone we can look forward to.
Having MVP back is pretty interesting. I’m not really a fan of MVP but he does add something to the midcard. I guess he’ll do the job of putting Cesaro over. I really like Cesaro so I hope you build him good for the main event. Looks like you’ll be pushing Cody as a singles star and I’m all for it. But don’t leave out Sandow, that guy’s talented as well.

Overall, I do agree with you that it seemed like a regular episode of RAW and that it’ll take time for you to really make this your own so I can wait. The first show is always the hardest to put out but you’re done with that. Looking forward to see what you do with this man. Hoping to see your Mania card. Good job Theo!
Hollywood Quality Feedback:

The long awaited return of Theo here we go! Just gonna drop some feedback on the key things here, And I will say I hope you end up writing full matches in the future.

Love the choice of Foley as the GM, I thought for a second you were really making Vickie the GM but thank god you didn't! Should be fun to see the interactions between Punk & Foley in the future, Maybe it'll lead to a match? :shrug:

MVP back? Gotta love that I always thought he was a talented guy and him feuding with Cesaro should lead to some fun matches. If your plan is to have MVP be the one to end the run of Cesaro that may work, Depending on how he's built up and if Cesaro comes away looking strong still.

Cody setting his sights on main event stardom, What happened to Rhodes Scholars? I didn't see any mention of them breaking up. If so as JAM said push Sandow as well. Both are very talented guys.

I'm not sure I like the fact you gave PTP the tag belts at a PPV you didn't really do. It makes it a little obvious what will happen next week in the rematch, That being said though I hope PTP can keep the tag division entertaining and hope were not about to get a Bryan vs Kane feud.

Gotta say going into Punk vs Heyman I was not looking forward to this at all, Thankfully you didn't let Heyman even get in the ring. WOW! What an ending to RAW! The Rock returning to fight off The Shield? Didn't see that coming but hopefully he doesn't bury The Shield because them getting a win over a legend like The Rock would be beyond big for these guys.

I'm looking forward to seeing how you make WWE your own and it looks like you have begun that process with Prime Time Players as the tag champs and Foley as GM. Next week looks like it'll be a big show so looking forward to that man.

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