[Theory] Shane McMahon and The Authority are going to double-turn


Mid-Card Championship Winner
A lot of people keep complaining about how Shane's storyline is very vague and no one understands what his motivations are, or what Vince's are at this point. Even Stephanie is confused, as she's been asking Vince why he gave Shane a match and Vince just blew her off with some Machiavelli references.

Vince and Shane are in cahoots, and this entire feud has been a charade for Vince to consolidate power and get rid of Triple H and Stephanie who've slowly been trying to oust him.

Vince just needed an excuse to put control of the WWE on the line. He told Stephanie that Shane has something on him, and she trusts her dad, so they all agreed the best way to deal with this is in the ring. The match is now sanctioned and there's no turning back. Vince and Shane will team up to take down Undertaker, and when they do, they'll oust Triple H and Stephanie once and for all.

The hints are in all the vague things Shane has been saying. He said that he's seen talentless people get opportunities they don't deserve. He's of course talking about AJ Styles who's never cut his teeth in WWE but got to debut in a WWE title match. He's talking about Dean Ambrose and Dolph Ziggler who don't have a lick of starpower in them, but his idiot sister gave them opportunities to go up against the champ. He's talking about all the indy guys in NXT who Triple H keeps picking out of bingo halls, but have no chance at becoming real superstars. And of course, he's talking about Triple H who married into the family to make it in the big time, and had no business handling the business.

Shane has always been about the MONEY, and he's going to make WWE as corporate as ever. And this is where my most ridiculous prediction comes in....

Shane will help Roman Reigns win the WWE Championship and solidify the double turn.

WWE is not going to ignore the boos any longer. Just like The Rock, he's going to sell out, and he's going to become Shane's corporate champion. This will set up a big heel run where he'll get to shoot on the crowd and eventually set him up for a face turn where the crowd actually likes him. Meanwhile, Triple H and Shane will be in a big power struggle for the company and will most likely face off 1-on-1 at WM33 to end it all.

Since Shane only wanted to take over "Monday Night Raw", it's possible that Triple H will get to keep Smackdown and flood it with his own NXT talent that Shane doesn't believe in. This will lead to a big Survivor Series feud that possibly stretches all the way to WrestleMania 33 where the new blood fights Vince and Shane's handpicked guys.

Many wrestling personalities have mentioned that the reason the fans turn on anyone WWE pushes is because the WWE itself is a heel in the fans' eyes. I mentioned before that the only way to fix this is to bring in an outside force to take over and the WWE has to fight back and get it back. Well, this is their way of doing it. Triple H and Stephanie will be taking charge from here on out, so they have to be faces in the eyes of the fans. Shane and Vince will be their foil, and at the end of the day, The Authority will win, take back the company, and run the WWE with the fans' adulation and respect.
I posted this exact angle in the comments section of an article a few days ago.

100% agree, this is the route WWE should take. Not saying it's what will happen, but this whole set up screams double-turn. One of the fans biggest complaints is that The Authority are heels on screen, but major faces in real life. Where as Shane walked out on wrestling, turned his back on the fans and yadah yadah yadah.

Shane will cost HHH the title at 'mania, thinking he's doing the fans a favour. Then when Roman continues to get boo'd around the country, he will shrug it off and say screw the fans all over again. "The McMahons know wrestling. Roman is the future. They know more than we do" etc.

Enter HHH, with a certain someone from NXT (Finn Balor?). Then the lines have been drawn. The 'out of touch' McMahons "forcing their guy down our throats" (lol), vs. HHH, who wants to give the fans what THEY want (ala NXT).

Armchair booking over.

EDIT: I'm not saying HHH is going to spearhead an NXT invasion, but I doubt he's going to continue fighting Reigns after WrestleMania. This would be the perfect opportunity to call an NXT star to the main roster and give them instant legitimacy with the casual audience. Reigns (depending on how much of a twat you are) beats/"buries" the NXT call-up, then Rollins returns...

Now I'm done armchair booking.
It's really not that hard to understand.

Shane wants control. Vince doesn't want him to get it. So Vince puts Shane against Taker inside the cell, basically guaranteeing he loses and doesn't get control.

Shane might not even be around too much longer.

There's no chance Roman Reigns is going to turn heel. WWE wants him as a face WWE Champion whether we like it or not.

Do you really see this stretching out another year?

Shane only wanted to take control of Raw because even he knows Smackdown is irrelevant.

Yeah I don't see any of this happening. Shane will lose and leave, Reigns will win and stay face, and things will get back to normal two weeks after 'Mania.
Oh my God why can't people understand this? What you do on-screen and off-screen are two separate things. This isn't the 1980s. Kayfabe is dead.

So if Chris Benoit didn't hang himself after killing his family, and returned as a massive face, the fans would cheer for him? Get real. Kayfabe is dead, but the fans brains aren't (for the most part lol). Remember when it was revealed that Lisa screwed Edge behind Matt Hardy's back? Both her and Edge were faces at the time (I think), and the fans turned on them. What a performer does off-screen still has an impact on the way audiences react to them.
Well no, Edge was a heel after he turned on Benoit and started his campaign to be the champion. Lita as a heel under the awful angle with Kane, slowly became somewhat of a face again but was lost in a pointless angle. If anythong the whole thing benefitted all three individuals (well not Lita initially, took a few years of retirment for people to forget all this and call her a legend again)

As for the initial point of this thread, I dont see it happening on the basis that Shane doesnt appear to be staying long after this angle and would you really expect Vince at his age screwing over Taker without help from somewhere? There has been no hint at all Vince has an individual in the sidelines ready to take Taker out for Shane to win.

Yes storyline purposes it wouldnt surprise if there was a twist considering Shane and Vince have done this many a times but none of it makes sense, why have Taker involved? Why not Shane v HHH for control of the company. Which would actually be the better for both men and the audience.

I suspect that Shane will lose not reappear the next night but on his return tell whay he has on Vince anyways.
I love this theory. However I doubt it's happening. It's not WWE's style to do such major angles, including multiple superstars these days. If it is, then kudos to them, because they really need a small reset button. Pushing that reset button at Wrestlemania is perfect.

My only problem is this: If Vince really wanted to take Triple H out of control, why does he need to sacrifice The Undertaker against Shane?

The rest of it is perfect and it's not just some random swerve. It has backings and roots.
So if Chris Benoit didn't hang himself after killing his family, and returned as a massive face, the fans would cheer for him? Get real. Kayfabe is dead, but the fans brains aren't (for the most part lol). Remember when it was revealed that Lisa screwed Edge behind Matt Hardy's back? Both her and Edge were faces at the time (I think), and the fans turned on them. What a performer does off-screen still has an impact on the way audiences react to them.

I'm not sure he was talking in such absolute terms that double murder and banging your friend's girlfriend are to be ignored. Then again, Edge had some turns as a face even after his feud with Hardy was over.

But to the topic at hand. It is one thing to break an old picture frame but it is another thing to push your son in to an angry dead man. I'd go a step further and argue that there is probably a simpler way to get you and your son control of a company that you have a lot of power over than basically sending him to his grave in a match with a dead guy. To go one step further, is it really possible to easily turn Stephanie that quickly?

I don't know, Mania is a really dull card. Spicing it up like this may be good for future Raws but it doesn't look like WWE has had much interest in selling Raw over the past couple years. It also doesn't seem like Shane is here to do anymore than help his dad out with a quick story and match.

We'll see.
It's a nice theory but there's been nothing that points to Shane sticking around long term, which would be great if he did because the Authority storyline has run its course it either needs a shot in the arm with an antagonist like a Shane McMahon or it needs to go away. As far as the Hunter and Steph are faces in real life argumennt goes, of course they are, anyone over the age of 12 should understand that they are playing a character on TV, as soon as those cameras are off them the character ends.
My only problem is this: If Vince really wanted to take Triple H out of control, why does he need to sacrifice The Undertaker against Shane?

He needed to convince them that Shane had no chance of winning. Triple H has also lost 3 times to Undertaker at WrestleMania. He thinks it's such a foregone conclusion that Shane is getting his ass kicked that he couldn't care less about this match and it's the last thing on his mind. If the obstacle had been any lesser than what it is, Stephanie would figure out that something's up. By putting him up against The Undertaker in the Cell, Vince has been able to save face and convince Stephanie that he's going to get rid of Shane once and for all. The Undertaker has given Stephanie a false sense of security, but Vince already has a plan.

I don't know exactly what the plan is. It could involve just his own interference, or the Balor Club's, or maybe something boring like the Wyatt Family. But I'm positive he has a plan and the "his blood will be on your hands" promos are just misdirections. Vince never intended Shane's blood to be spilled, and he'll reveal that at Mania.
That's a great idea. Which is why WWE wont do it. They will stay the course and have Roman beat everyone all year as a face until Rollins steals a victory somehow. Then Cena wins the rumble, rollins loses to Roman in the sheild triple threat, then Cena vs Roman at WM33 to another main event filled with a chorus of boos because fans can't decide who they hate more LOL
So if Chris Benoit didn't hang himself after killing his family, and returned as a massive face, the fans would cheer for him? Get real. Kayfabe is dead, but the fans brains aren't (for the most part lol). Remember when it was revealed that Lisa screwed Edge behind Matt Hardy's back? Both her and Edge were faces at the time (I think), and the fans turned on them. What a performer does off-screen still has an impact on the way audiences react to them.

Well obviously it does if you murdered someone or cheated on them.

My point was that just because you're a heel on-screen doesn't mean you can't do good things off-screen (such as Stephanie endorsing Susan G. Komen).
It's really not that hard to understand.

Shane wants control. Vince doesn't want him to get it. So Vince puts Shane against Taker inside the cell, basically guaranteeing he loses and doesn't get control.

Shane might not even be around too much longer.

There's no chance Roman Reigns is going to turn heel. WWE wants him as a face WWE Champion whether we like it or not.

Do you really see this stretching out another year?

Shane only wanted to take control of Raw because even he knows Smackdown is irrelevant.

Yeah I don't see any of this happening. Shane will lose and leave, Reigns will win and stay face, and things will get back to normal two weeks after 'Mania.

Right! I can imagine HHH will really try to make Reigns life a living hell though.
I really can't see Stephanie McMahon turning face.....unless she's off screen for a long time first.

HHH could pull it off, just because the fans like cheering him as a face and sometimes even as a heel. But they certainly prefer booing Stephanie, and she's a much better heel than face.

I don't see it, unless she goes off screen.

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