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THE SMACKDOWN! GENERAL MANAGER, Theodore Long! The guy who uses playa at the start and end of every sentence. The man who seems to have a long pause in between each of his lines, the GM who sounds like he's reading off a piece of paper, and probably the least interesting and entertaining current character on Smackdown!

Now it's obvious I am not a fan of him. Every time he randomly comes out of nowhere to make a main event match or add a stipulation, I CRINGE. While he has been around a while and I respect his dedication to the business, he SHOULD NOT be the Smackdown General Manager. His on air tv time where he talks always bore the hell out of me. He shows no character, he sounds like he is reading straight off a script (i know he is but hey, most characters at least sound like they are giving their own speech) and the overuse of the word playa really annoys me.

It's time for a new Smackdown! GM, I would personally love someone like Stephanie or Shane McMahon to come back as it, but thats a far stretch from reality so I think having Edge stay on tv as GM could be quite fitting, he would be able to get involved in storylines and play the role well.

This isn't just a rant, my question to you is:

I like Teddy Long's character. He's been around for ages(1985!), from refereeing to managing and so on. He's fun to watch and I don't see any reason to not like the guy, really. To me, a catchphrase is a pretty thin argument to make. You don't think he's talented and that's ok.
I would like him to stay, but that's not really up to me.
If he were replaced, it would be nice to see another long time performer get the spot. I cannot say who that would be though, as there are many possibles.
Teddy Long bores me now. Even more so as a face. I would give it to Michael Cole. He could do the role superbly and get his ass handed to him every week. I am sick of hearing Coles voice on commentating. I just think he would be more entetraining 'running the show'.

Obviously when his storylines on Raw have ended and the GM is revealed.
I like Theodore Long. Besides the scrapped Montreal Screjob Angle at Breaking Point there's nothing controversial with Long as the GM, that's a good thing. He's just there to make sure everything is in check, make matches, and keeps the angles consistent. Sometimes this is a good thing and it totally works on Smackdown!

Should he stay? I'd say yes due to the reasons stated above.
Well playa,

He isn't boring, he is only a GM for a long time...
But i like him, he's a good character and he has credibility to be General Manager, he is funny, (at least he makes me laugh every time he says "Christain") he can be intimidate and the faces respect him a lot, so he is very good....

Michael Cole for GM? Maybe in the future, like 5 years from now or even 3 years, well after people forget about The Anonymous Raw GM, because Cole only fits as RAW GM!
Everybody hate him, and some is like cant stand him, so he is a heat magnet, and he is a "gold character" i'm very pleased about him (and guess what he is undefeated :D)

Do you remember when Teddy Long was ECW GM? Everybody wanted him on SmackDown, because he is like part of the furniture now, and he can really make every aspect of his character good!!

Hola!! :D
I hate Teddy Long, he bores the fuck outta me. I also hate how he randomly comes out to make a match and speaks if he is reading what he is saying off a paper. He bores me whenever he is on the mic. Man needs to go amd have Vickie Guerrero as Smackdown GM. I absolutely loved it when she was GM of smackdown. i honestly only used to watch smackdown because of her. A heel GM is better than a Face GM.

He needs to go, i feel like he has been there forever. I thought it would of been nice if they would drafted the anonymous G.M. over to Smackdown and bring Long over and fire him on Raw. Long has attributed to my lack of interest in watching Smackdown, but then again i've never been a big Smackdown watcher. Raw has always been my brand.
I hate teddy long.. Not hate him personally.. but just hate him being the GM.

He has had that forever! Vickie took it for like a year and then he got it back.

Vickie was far more entertaining than him, but i dont think she could pull it off correctly again. Vickie was a big reason i was into smackdown

They need to find someone else.. and i dont mean a wrestler.. atleast not someone who is already under contract.

I wish Flair became the GM back when rumors were circulating on that.

Long is a reason why ive stopped watching smackdown this year.. its always been my show as i hated raw when it was centered around HHH and i hated the guest host raw where 45 min of each show was just boring BS. and i certainly hate it when its the JohnCena Show.

I wish i could think of a good name for vince to make as the GM of smackdown but i can't, and its obvious he can't either.. otherwise we would probably have a Actual GM on raw and teddy long would be replaced.. but the anonymous GM on raw is where better than some random lame GM like teddy was back when he became GM of SD in what 04?

He does need to go!
I like Teddy Long playa, he is a good face GM and I wouldnt want him to leave. If I had to choose someone to replace him,it would be Edge,Batista or Stephanie McMahon.
Teddy Long, although I like the guy, has probably been Smackdown GM too long. So long in fact, that I forgot he was the GM mutiple times throughout the last 6/7 years. He has such a very small role for a GM. He really dosent have much of an impact on the show at all. He's funny and seems like a nice guy, but really isnt contributing to anything unique on the show. Maybe it is time for him to leave the show.
I for one like the guy, but the way he sets up matches is way too damn predictable. That's the thing I dislike about him. You know odds are if three guys come out to challenge whoever is champion, Long is going to put them in a Fatal Fourway watch. He did that once when JBL was WWE Champion, he did that when John Cena was US Champion, and he has done it the world over. I really think his character has gotten stale as of late and he really needs to revamp who he is.

Either that or just do away with him and bring in someone new. I liked his "Playa, Holla Holla Holla" attitude, but as actual General Manager he has never impressed me. He does things way too routine. Gotta shake things up.
I like Theodore Long. Besides the scrapped Montreal Screjob Angle at Breaking Point there's nothing controversial with Long as the GM, that's a good thing. He's just there to make sure everything is in check, make matches, and keeps the angles consistent. Sometimes this is a good thing and it totally works on Smackdown!

Should he stay? I'd say yes due to the reasons stated above.

I agree with this. I’m not tired of Teddy Long. I’m tired of biased general managers that have their own agenda. That type of thing had been going on for 13 years and had gotten old. Long is just there so some sort of authority is represented on Smackdown when necessary. The show isn’t about him and it shouldn’t be. The way matches come together on Smackdown every week is kind of lame, but that’s not Long’s fault. He’s just the messenger. The only reason to make a change is if the GM is going to be heavily involved in storylines and I don’t want to see that.
I’m not tired of Teddy Long. I’m tired of biased general managers that have their own agenda.

Good point. Sometimes, we need to see some balance.....and Teddy Long provides it. Unlike the other general managers, he provides a voice of reason amongst the insanity and I find myself looking forward to his appearances. He's the anti-Vickie, the anti-Bischoff, the anti-Anonymous moron on RAW.

It's not that I'm saying these other GM's shouldn't exist at all; far from it. But good programming requires variety, demanding that every GM shouldn't be like all the others. After all, a GM should be a steadying influence, providing calm, sure leadership to his brand. When things get too crazy, Teddy shows up to restore order. I like his style.

If the worst thing about Teddy is his overuse of the term "playa," I'll stick with him every time.
I don't like biased GMs, only because they can throw their own weight around against others that can't stand up to him/her and keeping their "favorites" close and getting titles on them as soon as possible. Teddy Long isn't a biased GM, but he is a stale GM who doesn't have the charisma to get the crowd off their feet when he announces a match or changes a decision. When Vickie was GM, I have to admit, she had everyone off their seats getting ready to throw stuff at her, but she was a biased GM who wanted to shield Edge and the world title from bigger threats that can beat him for it. They should change that for this year, and bring in a known name who won't be biased, but also will put asses in seats for their show. 2 names come to mind:

-Triple H: He's the likeliest of people to run Raw because of the fact that he won't take sides, and he has more charisma to bring the crowd into a frenzy. Since he's semi-retired, he can take up the job as GM.

-Mick Foley: Foley won't be opting to come back to TNA, so he can be brought back and made a GM, and maybe replace Teddy. He can move the crowd with good, cheap pops and stay unbiased towards any of the WWE superstars, just like when he was Commissioner back in 2000.
I've got no problem with Teddy Long because he does the job he's got well. He's out there for, usually at most, 60 seconds at a time to do his thing. Most of the time, he comes out and will confront heels that draw a lot of heat and will make matches that make the fans happy. After that, we almost never see him until the next episode of SmackDown!.

I like WWE's current approach to authority figures. It's quick, it's painless and it doesn't drag things out. The Raw GM's role is very minor and we usually hear a message from him/her once per episode of Raw and it's the same with Teddy Long. I'm long since burned out on general manager/corporate characters that have very prominent and constant presence on tv. WWE used to do it and TNA keeps doing it over and over again. In TNA, you've got Hogan & Bischoff and, to a lesser degree, Jeff Jarrett though it's mostly Hogan & Bischoff playing the heel authority figures right now. Before too long, they're going to bring in someone representing "The Network" to keep the latest power struggle angle dragging on.

So I say keep Teddy Long. He's not bothering me because he's not really relevant.
Let me start off by letting all of you know how much I love Teddy Long. A lot. He's a goofy little guy, and I've enjoyed him throughout his entire career. However, I think it's time for a change.

He's had the job, on and off, since 2004. My personal feelings for Teddy aside, it's old. He isn't the most entertaining guy they have, and he's very limited in terms of storylines and angles. Smackdown's had a babyface GM for too long, and I'm hoping that changes.

Give the job to William Regal. He was amazing as the Raw GM, and would be twice as entertaining as Teddy. I'd rather see Regal join the commentary team on eithe Raw or Smackdown, but it doesn't look as though that kind of change is coming right now. Regal is far too talented, as a character, to sit on the sidelines. The guy should be featured, no question, and I doubt there's any available position which could use him as well as the role of Smackdown GM.
Deus ex machina angles don't interest me. Then again, at least he's not Michael Cole.

I say keep him, just to keep the likes of Michael fucking Cole out.

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