Theme Parks

Yeah they're all fairly small in England, planning permission and all that. Most theme parks have to build below the tree line. We have small trees as well.
DAMN YOU! I wanna go ride kingda ka so fucking bad. That gives you ultimate bragging rights untill they build one taller.
Yeah but where's your vertical drop?

Oblivion ftw.


Ohhh.... Theres my virtical drop
True. It's not necessicarily a bad thing though, Nemesis was originally going to be a copy of some ride at a Six Flags, the locals complained, so they they had to condense the whole thing and stick half it underground. It's a whole lot better for it. But yeah, we need taller trees.
Oblivion does look prety cool tho. I saw a pic of it got a big hole and a yellow ting that says dont look down. Hehe prety nice
nah its a power tower. Its 300 feet tall and you get shot up and then down like 250? Not sure I did'nt ask. I've rode it once. And wont again. To many chicks ride it and bleed your ears out.
Really, Hell thats not to far. And its in a town made by a choclate factory! We should totaly go ride rides there sometime ed.
I've gone on damn near every ride in cedar point. Just don't like to ride with noisy people tho. Its not that fucking scary lol
The only rides I don't like are fucking wooden coasters. They hurt guys ya no. And lol screaming on rides is cool. But when you get like 20 people in a car and 10 are chicks and there all screaming it sucks

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