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whatever xqueer, you, the cockmaster, Y2Jack-off, Tam-prax, and the rest of you mods can take your little board and go fuck yourselves, because personally, I'm above your sorry ass shit, so, like I said, from now on, if you want to talk shit, at least man up, im me and do it yourself, since you are doing the same shit you bitch at me for, you hypocritical, sanctomonious piece of shit. But, for the record, how is it everyone who gets banned, regardless of thei post quality, is suddenly shit?You are a sorry excuse for a waste of flesh, and I can only pray that your mother has been thoroughly ounished for even giving birth to such a fucking moron. Why don't you go back to your kiddie porn, and *********ing over pictures of your dead grandmother, and then maybe help jake exhume his dead relative's corpse and fuck the shit out of it, you know, just like any other wednesday for you morons.
i like the smell of feet in the morning. Thecriminal92 is a ****** derkaderka. rhabadash
Would you care to join us? Tell EP Punk he's free to join us at anytime. We go corpse-fucking every Tuesday, tell him to bring baggy pants.

I love how he says "I'm above that shit" as he's doing exactly what he's saying he's above. There have been plenty of good posters who've been banned, Cyric being a main example as well as the SFW crew. Most of them were very good posters, but they got banned for good reasons. Nobody seemed to call them shit posters.

Yes, because "manning up" means do realize that if I were to IM you it would be the exact same thing thats going on right now, right? You would say something, then I'd reply. Kinda like we're doing right now.

I made fun of you because I fealt like it. Deal with it and stop being such a little pussy, if you apparently "don't care" so much, then fuck off and stop replying. Trust me, the board will survive without your ass.
am i the only person confused by the above posts by thecriminal92? or am i just as stupid as the rest of the guys imprisoned in here?
We're all confused by it. Hey Jake, unban EP Punk, we could have a ton of fun with this idiot.
Oh and tell EP Punk that straight edge people are fucking idiots.
Why do you have to make fun ofsXe people. Im sXe. I bet a lot of cool people are sXe:george bush paris hilton sandman sid viscous(the rocker)lex luger etc.
hey mother fucker, im straight edge, what, were fucking idiots cause we can resist, because were not weak, because we dont give in to pressure, because we can have fun without drugs or alcohol? is that what makes us idiots?
umm i dont hink that paris hilton is straight edge, nor is the sandman and a doudt that sid viscious is straight edge (though for all i know he is), lex luger has been convicted for drugs and doesnt George Bush have a drink driving conviction? (i.e. he isn't straight edge). so none of the 'cool people' you listed are straight edge.
hey mother fucker, im straight edge, what, were fucking idiots cause we can resist, because were not weak, because we dont give in to pressure, because we can have fun without drugs or alcohol? is that what makes us idiots?

Your only straight Edge because you saw it on TV and thought it was cool. If there was a popular Wrestling Guzzling down Tequila shots and shooting up Heroin you'd be straight down the Shop buying Tequila and hitting up your nearest Drug Dealer.
umm i dont hink that paris hilton is straight edge, nor is the sandman and a doudt that sid viscious is straight edge (though for all i know he is), lex luger has been convicted for drugs and doesnt George Bush have a drink driving conviction? (i.e. he isn't straight edge). so none of the 'cool people' you listed are straight edge.

It was a joke. Are you messed up in the head in any way?
Your only straight Edge because you saw it on TV and thought it was cool. If there was a popular Wrestling Guzzling down Tequila shots and shooting up Heroin you'd be straight down the Shop buying Tequila and hitting up your nearest Drug Dealer.

I was straight edge wayyy before i even heard of CM Punk. I was straight edge because i heard the song "striaght edge" by minor threat, and i looked up what it was about, and found that i liked it. I'm also straight edge because there is a history of drug and alchol abuse in my family, and i dont want to end up like them.
I was straight edge wayyy before i even heard of CM Punk. I was straight edge because i heard the song "striaght edge" by minor threat, and i looked up what it was about, and found that i liked it. I'm also straight edge because there is a history of drug and alchol abuse in my family, and i dont want to end up like them.

So you live your life the way you do because of a song? And I can sympathize with your family turning to drugs and alcohol... if I had a kid like you, I know I would.
whatever xqueer, you, the cockmaster, Y2Jack-off, Tam-prax, and the rest of you mods can take your little board and go fuck yourselves, because personally, I'm above your sorry ass shit, so, like I said, from now on, if you want to talk shit, at least man up, im me and do it yourself, since you are doing the same shit you bitch at me for, you hypocritical, sanctomonious piece of shit. But, for the record, how is it everyone who gets banned, regardless of thei post quality, is suddenly shit?You are a sorry excuse for a waste of flesh, and I can only pray that your mother has been thoroughly ounished for even giving birth to such a fucking moron. Why don't you go back to your kiddie porn, and *********ing over pictures of your dead grandmother, and then maybe help jake exhume his dead relative's corpse and fuck the shit out of it, you know, just like any other wednesday for you morons.

I prefer Prax Lotion

So you live your life the way you do because of a song? And I can sympathize with your family turning to drugs and alcohol... if I had a kid like you, I know I would.

no, i heard of it through a song. Infact I dont like the song (not a big fan of punk). I agreed with the lyrical content, and so i looked up what straight edge was, and decided i should be straight edge. And my family was drunks before the had me as a child, and there dead right now.
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