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Oh and by the way, I have a new wrestle zone forum account, i dont know if thats legal or not, but you can find me at xxCM_PUNKxx, sXeBoy40, or sXeBoy92.
A: You're a shit poster.
B: You're a shit person.
C: I know of personally 20 women who could kick your ass
D: Alt Accounts = Perma Ban.
E: Fuck off.
Y2Jake, i would love to counter your Khali post, please realease me so i can

I've unbanned you. If you have something to say put it in here. I was amused by what you wrote in the Khali thread. Write something similar again so I can rip you a new ********.
I know that you are a guy, i alsways did. So shit the fuck up. And no duh im gunna flame you aver the internet, its not like im going to hunt you down. And if i ever met you in person I would have the balls to punch you in the face. And yes i do have a problem with girls in the wwe, i think they are a waste of my fuckin time. And if any women comes up to me and is all high and mighty with womens rights bullashit, i would like to see her try and slap me around.

I thought my spelling was bad.

If somebody brags about hitting women, then I doubt they would actually have the balls to talk to a woman. Your mother doesn't count.
You know, at the risk of getting banned myself...seriously, this cat doesn't seem all that bad, provided you aren't a pussy and talk shit when you know he can't reply. I'm not going to attack anyone personally on here, yeah, I have before, but for real, this is a discussion forum, wtf is the point of putting someone in "prison" because they may get a little dramatic and invloved with their opinions. If he does hit women, not saying he does, but if he did, it's up to a court of law judge him, not a bunch of ass hammers in a wrestling forum, hell I don't even bother posting in here much anymore A. because the pretention and "badasses" are just fucking irritating, especially when, well, there are actual real world issues that could be discussed outside this forum, and dealt with in the "big boy world" and B. you can't even keep a decent fucking server running, and it fucks up every time you turn around, so, ban me if you must, just know that A. this obviously MUST be a duplicate account for the criminal b/c gd forbid anyone defends someone in here, and B. personally, i don't giove a rats ass if I'm banned or not
Well EP Punk, guess what, this isn't a fucking court of law, this is a private message board, meaning its up to the mods and admins discretion on what is allowed and what isn't. If we're too "sensitive" and are "*****es" then you can fuck off we don't need you here. The guy got put in the prison for BREAKING THE RULES. Not hard to comprehend here. Who here has acted like a "badass"? If anyone its the fucking douchebags that litter the Prison who are always posting about how they fucked our mothers and would kick our asses in real life.

And we have more then a decent server, what the fuck are you talking about? This site hasn't been down in like 6 monthes, so obviously your computer is just a piece of shit because the server on this website is superb.

You don't care if you're banned? Good. Because you are.
Wow... I've thought many a bad thing about the mods and admins of this forum. But reading through this thread has converted me.

Keep up the good work.
I talk to EP Punk online and I would like to pass along a message from EP Punk:

hey, xfear, maybe you should pull your head out of your ass for two seconds realize that just because you are a moderator on a sorry ass internet forum, you are still basically a worthless piece of shit. Wow, you can stop someone from posting! Bravo, you are a worthless tool, the only one more worthless is Jake, the lymie *********** that thinks he is not only god's gift to women but pretty much the coolest guy ever. Well, like I said, you can take your elitist bullshit and cram it, because you are both nothing to anyone outside of your families, and THAT'S probably a stretch. Have a nice day, fuckheads, and try cramming your fingers a little farther up your own asses, maybe it'll make you feel even better about your sorry ass selves

I would like to second the immortal words of EP Punk.
why the hell would EP Punk get banned, he was just defending me, and he didnt flame any1. But xfear likes to get his daily erection by banning somebody.
I get my daily erection from my ironer. It feels goooooood.
Yep you sure got me, I sure do like to ban people and I do get hard from it. How the fuck did you ever figure me out?!

EP Punk got banned for flaming. Simple as that. Just like you got banned for spamming. All of you are shitty posters who don't contribute anything to the forum. You can insult all you like, but odds are if you're coming onto a wrestling forum, you're not exactly the most popular guy in town. Infact, you're a fucking nerd. And I have no problem admitting that. You come on here, you're a fuckin' geek, that simple. Nobody who wasn't would come on here.

So pass this along to EP Punk: You suck at posting. You were banned for flaming. If you ever took the time to read the fucking rules, you'd realize why Criminal was banned and why you were. Insult me if you like, but you're still the fuckin loser who needs to insult people over the internet and call others "losers" when you infact are one yourself. Anyone who posts on a wrestling forum is a loser. Some of us can just admit it.

But yes, continue the insults, they're great. Whats so hard for you fucking idiots to understand? There are rules. Read them. If you break the rules, you get in trouble. This isn't fucking rocket science here, its quite simple. I don't ban anybody because I "feel like it", I ban people for breaking the rules. You broke the rules. You were banned. Stop being such a little boy and man up and admit you broke the rules, therefore, you deserved the trouble you got into.

A: You're a shit poster.
B: You're a shit person.
C: I know of personally 20 women who could kick your ass
D: Alt Accounts = Perma Ban.
E: Fuck off.

1.Shit poster? haha ya sure, your a fuckin hypoctrite
2.Shit person? why cause i went on a rant on a wrestling forum? that must put me up there with Hitler.
3. ohhh nooooo not a perma ban, i give it too weeks until it lets me make a new account.
4.No, fuck you. You think your cool because you can stop someone for posting, ooooo im so sad. XQueer, i just heard your mom calling from the asement stairs, i think its time for dinner, so you might want to stop jackin off to sandmans beer can.
You went to far with that last line. Sandmans beer can is a thing of mystery, kinda like jesus christ. Meaning that if you replace algebra with science then the flying hippos from hell will recive a turquoise warrant for your arrest. While your in algeria a former child star who goes by the name of dickie roberts has two things to say.......Nucking Futs.
Yes actually, you are a shit poster. And everyone who knows what a good poster is would and will agree. The best posters are made into mods---are you a mod? Didn't think so.

You're a shit person because you talk about beating up women like it's something even remotely acceptable to do. Anyone who talks about beating up women and has no problem with it, is a piece of shit who I would personally beat the living fuck out of. You're a piece of shit person and a bigot (is that word too big for you?) and if there is a hell you will be personally sucking Satan's cock in it for eternity.

You can make as many new accounts as you like, we can just IP ban you and even get your internet cut off if you keep making new accounts. So by all means, make new accounts.

I don't think I'm cool at all. Infact I've said like eighty times already that I'm not cool at all, I'm a nerd. Just like you are, and anyone who comes on here to talk about wrestling is.

You heard my mom? Can you tell her to pick me up some crayons and a *****? You're right, I'm sick of jacking off to Sandman's beer can, can I jack off to you sexy boy?
Yep you sure got me, I sure do like to ban people and I do get hard from it. How the fuck did you ever figure me out?!

EP Punk got banned for flaming. Simple as that. Just like you got banned for spamming. All of you are shitty posters who don't contribute anything to the forum. You can insult all you like, but odds are if you're coming onto a wrestling forum, you're not exactly the most popular guy in town. Infact, you're a fucking nerd. And I have no problem admitting that. You come on here, you're a fuckin' geek, that simple. Nobody who wasn't would come on here.

So pass this along to EP Punk: You suck at posting. You were banned for flaming. If you ever took the time to read the fucking rules, you'd realize why Criminal was banned and why you were. Insult me if you like, but you're still the fuckin loser who needs to insult people over the internet and call others "losers" when you infact are one yourself. Anyone who posts on a wrestling forum is a loser. Some of us can just admit it.

But yes, continue the insults, they're great. Whats so hard for you fucking idiots to understand? There are rules. Read them. If you break the rules, you get in trouble. This isn't fucking rocket science here, its quite simple. I don't ban anybody because I "feel like it", I ban people for breaking the rules. You broke the rules. You were banned. Stop being such a little boy and man up and admit you broke the rules, therefore, you deserved the trouble you got into.


no, i am not a geek, i just love wrestling, that doesnt make me a geek.
Yes actually, you are a shit poster. And everyone who knows what a good poster is would and will agree. The best posters are made into mods---are you a mod? Didn't think so.

You're a shit person because you talk about beating up women like it's something even remotely acceptable to do. Anyone who talks about beating up women and has no problem with it, is a piece of shit who I would personally beat the living fuck out of. You're a piece of shit person and a bigot (is that word too big for you?) and if there is a hell you will be personally sucking Satan's cock in it for eternity.

You can make as many new accounts as you like, we can just IP ban you and even get your internet cut off if you keep making new accounts. So by all means, make new accounts.

I don't think I'm cool at all. Infact I've said like eighty times already that I'm not cool at all, I'm a nerd. Just like you are, and anyone who comes on here to talk about wrestling is.

You heard my mom? Can you tell her to pick me up some crayons and a *****? You're right, I'm sick of jacking off to Sandman's beer can, can I jack off to you sexy boy?

Does sandman have a mohawk in your avatar?
Errr...I don't think so.

And yes Criminal92, you are a fucking nerd. If you're taking the time to post about a fake sport on a message board, you sir, are a fucking loser.
The following message is from EP Punk:

so...what you're saying, if I can get this, because, well, I AM an idiot, is don't break the rules? OK, got it, well see, funny thing, the message I got when I tried to log into your WONDERFUL forum was I was banned for flaming and "being a douche" So, A. that does sound like you ban people just for the sake of pumping your nads, and B. shows how much of a sorry hypocrtical piece of shit you being mods as a whole, in case you idiots can't wrap your heads around it. It seems to me you, my friend, are the one who keps slinging the insults, and if I am, as your predictable, overused shot of being a shit poster is true, why is it my posts almost always get complimented, while yours are usually seen as pompous and asinine? Basically, junior, if you had a set, you would man up and let me at least into the prison to fend for myself, instead of doing this petty going thru channels bullshit. better yet, here's my aim: the420etrain, feel free to contact me yourself, jackass,unless of course, you are too fucking wrapped up in *********ing over Mark Henry and The great Khali to do so, you fucking ignoramous.

My sn is b0s0xnati0n92, maybe xqueer if you have the balls you will IM me there
Errr...I don't think so.

And yes Criminal92, you are a fucking nerd. If you're taking the time to post about a fake sport on a message board, you sir, are a fucking loser.

You crossed the line there buddy. Wrestling is NOT FAKE. It is premeditated. Your ..................................:robvandam: GAY ya thats right i said it. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.
First off, I don't decide who goes into the Prison. Not up to me.

Second off....see those green bars next to my name? Yeah, those 223 people who gave me positive comments on my posting don't count at all...

EP're shit. Simple as that. You got banned for flaming. Its not hard. Why are you being such a fucking loser and having your buddy relay messages to me? You got banned for breaking the rules, its not rocket science.
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