The WWE Supplemental Draft 2011...

Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
Is about 2 and a Half Hours away now. It's taking place LIVE on, in a Chat with Fink.

This is the moment where I wanna see certain people be drafted to make Raw's draft just make a little bit more sense, I'll explain.

To Smackdown
Evan Bourne. Now, Sin Cara was drafted to Smackdown last night, but Rey Mysterio was drafted to Raw. So, that stunted the possibility of a great match there. Also, I don't see anyone on Smackdown for him to feud with, well enough. Apart from maybe Gabriel and Rhodes. But they're both busy. So I would like to see Cara maybe beat Wade Barrett for the I.C Title and then have Cara and Bourne feud over it.

Zack Ryder. I wanna see the WWE start all over again with this guy. He does have MASSIVE potential, but the WWE fucked it up first time. A move to Smackdown would mean that they could restart him and possibly make him look very good. We'll see

Santino Marella. I just wanna see him go after the I.C Title again and try the whole beating Honky Tonk Man's reign again.

To Raw
Cody Rhodes. I wanna see Rhodes take on a whole new bunch of feuds, which could boost him right into the Main Event. Plus, I see him being WWE Champ within a year or so.

Jack Swagger. It would make sense, he'd be with Michael Cole on Raw permanently then.

Booker T. I'd like to see someone who isn't a Wrestler be drafted and he'd be SO much more entertaining if he was only on Raw.

So, there's a few of my Random picks. How bout you guys?
SMACKDOWN- Daniel Bryan he could go after the IC belt.
Zach Ryder like you said fresh start and would love to see him reunite with Hawkins and possibly bring in Barretta for a mid card stable.
DH Smith have him turn heel and get a push in upper mid card.

RAW- Swagger he is pretty much on Raw anyways.
Big Zeke with Henry there now there is no room for 3 big monster heels including Brodus Clay.
Chris Masters he needs something new.
Daniel Bryan NEEDS Raw, and Raw needs him. I doubt he'll move.
DH Smith, no. Ted DiBiase, yes. He should be on Smackdown, give him a fresh start as well.

Zeke on Raw could be interesting, but I think they might keep the Corre & Nexus together for a bit longer and Masters is just boring now. He's filler material.
Keep Rhodes on SD please. Otherwise Drew is the top heel on SD. Bill Lesnar doesn't want to see Cody get lost in the shuffle.

Bill Lesnar just said DB needs SD. Turn him heel as well since thier is a shortage over there and DB is better suited to the role. His aggression in the nexus attack etc show he has potential. Christian vs DB in a WHC fued would be shit hot. DB is the heel
Ted Dibiase going to Smackdown, Kofi Kingston coming back to RAW ...

I think I'm going to stop watching RAW, especially if CM Punk leaves WWE.

Holy shit, Alex Riley is going to Smackdown. I'm definitely gonna be watching Smackdown now. Dibiase, Riley, Rhodes, Sin Cara, The Corre.

To Raw
Jack Swagger
Kelly Kelly
Drew McIntyre
Chris Masters
Curt Hawkins
Kofi Kingston
Tyler Reks
Beth Phoenix

To Smackdown
Daniel Bryan
The Great Khali
Jimmy Uso
Alicia Fox
William Regal
Yoshi Tatsu
Jey Uso
Ted DiBiase
Tyson Kidd
Alex Riley

My Thoughts On Raw's Picks
I like the guys that Raw got, but not as much as I like Smackdown's. They came off a LOT better. Loving Drew McIntyre being on Raw now, lots of new feuds for him to take on. Beth Phoenix has definitely been drafted so that next Monday, she'll take a beating from "Kharma". Maybe Curt Hawkins will get some more T.V time, hopefully against Evan Bourne or the like. If Tyler Reks doesn't get shown more, I'll go crazy. He looks like a Beast and pretty much is one in the Ring. Jack Swagger was an obvious Trade, totally expected.

My Thoughts On Smackdown's Picks
Daniel Bryan to Smackdown as the first pick was a great one. That'll definitely be interesting to see him take on some of the new guys he comes across. Khali don't do much for me, whereas the Uso's do. I've got a feeling that next week on Smackdown, they'll be taking on Big Show & Kane in a Title Match. Obviously, Tamina had to go with them, but where does that leave Santino? Maybe, now Beth Phoenix has been drafted back to Raw, he'll go after her again. Hopefully we might see Regal get some more in-Ring time. Alex Riley and no Miz? VERY interesting, could go bad, but he's got GREAT Mic Skills and he's decent In-Ring, so that'll be ok for him. Sheamus followed Daniel Bryan to Smackdown, they'll carry on their feud. It also means Smackdown has both the US & IC Title now, so that'll be interesting to say the least. Maybe a unification is in the Pipeline? Much like Raw, I think the WWE & WHC Titles will end up on Raw soon and then be Unified as well. Finally, I'm SO happy that Ted DiBiase is on Smackdown. I really hope that he gets a huge push, because it was meant to happen, but they fucked it up big time. DiBiase to hold a Title please and soon.

What do you guys think about the draft?
...why is it most of the interesting draft picks happened on the internet, not on live TV. Why did the WWE waste our time with the whole Cena thing and have Sheamus and Alex Riley moved on TV instead.
...why is it most of the interesting draft picks happened on the internet, not on live TV. Why did the WWE waste our time with the whole Cena thing and have Sheamus and Alex Riley moved on TV instead.

Cause WWE are idiots.

The first draft raw won after Cena had been put to Smackdown gave it away for me. The second I saw Cena was available to be drafted back to Raw I knew it was happening. It sickens me how predictable they are. Even with something you'd think would be so unpredictable :banghead:.

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