The WrestleMania 29 Entrance Thread

Every year at WrestleMainia most of the main event stars have especially big entrances. A few examples that come to mind are the heaven/hell entrances for HBK/Undertaker at WrestleMania 25, the Miz's entrance at WrestleMania 27 simply due to the awesome video package that was used, and pretty much all of Cena's WrestleMania entrances, the marching band at 24 being my personal favorite. So, I thought it would be a cool idea to have a thread dedicated to suggestions and predictions for special entrances at WrestleMania 29.

I'll start with an idea for Sheamus, who I can picture coming out in some sort of ridiculous, over-the-top Celtic Warrior garb, kind of like Triple H's whole Norse King getup at WrestleMania 22. Maybe they could even go so far as to have an entire legion of Celtic Warriors in full battle armor come out and line the entryway and then have Sheamus enter on horseback with a sword and shield. I'm only half-joking about this. It would be fucking hokey, campy and ridiculous but I still think it would be awesome, and you deny that it would be memorable. FELLLLLAAAAAAAAAA.

Alright so there's my horrible suggestion, now let's see what the rest of you can come up with.
You have a huge glass window structure with a glass ceiling, inside will be images of all the current male wwe superstars. John Cena of course will make his entrance by walking on top of the glass ceiling on his way to the ring.
I always thought it would be great to see Rancid play CM Punk to the ring (like Motorhead did for Triple H at WM17). Most of us know what great friends he is with Lars Frederiksen, so I'm sure they could pull some strings to make that happen. They could do one of their own songs or a faster paced punk version of "Cult of Personality". Maybe have a giant clock on stage or on the Titan Tron and suddenly the alarm goes off and you see the words "It's Clobberin' Time" appear just before the music hits. Maybe giants letters spelling out "Best in the World" for him to walk through like The Miz's entrance at WM27.

Another one would be for Jericho. Have the arena completely dark as usual, only have LED lights spell out in Y...2...J in huge letters that cover the entire aisle. Have the Y light up, then the 2, then the J, and repeat. Maybe even have lights around the ring posts and ropes if possible. This would likely take a while to set up, so he'd probably have to be in the first match.

A foggy graveyard on the stage under the Titan Tron for Undertaker, with the names and dates of each of his former WM opponents. This might've been done already, it sounds familiar. I know the fans are always holding up those tombstones in the crowd, but I don't know if WWE has actually had them on the stage or not. If so, someone correct me.

I like your idea about the legion of warriors in body armor for Sheamus' entrance. They could all be holding battle axes from both sides for Sheamus to pass under. Maybe even have an Irish band like Dropkick Murphys perform his theme.

I know Del Rio doesn't use the car entrance anymore, but just for Mania it would be kind of cool to see him be brought out in a traditional yellow New York City taxi.
Daniel Bryan coming out to Final Countdown would be fantastic. I'm an old ROH guy though. So yea, I'd also like to see Punk use the AFI song for at least the intro of his song. It's New York, they'll get it.

I'd like to see Cena come out NFL style with other WWE superstars lining up the sides. Then again, I'd book the WWE title match of Cena vs Rock as Cena winning the belt back for the boys who are there every day.

Kane comes out on fire. Literally, in a suit where he can be on fire and walk. Course it has to be put out before he gets in the ring.

Alberto Del Rio coming out in a taxi cab is a good idea.

Mysterio in Bane garb with some sort of chant might be cool.
I hope I'm not alone in this, but I may be. What I want is simple:


Ring carts!

The headliners can get whatever kind of falderal they want, but for the bulk of the show, I'd like to see these little beauties. How they'd work it with the stage and all of that is on WWE to figure out. I just always liked them and thought they should still show up periodically. Plus, WWE could use the time spent walking on wrestling (or some terrible backstage sketch).
For John Cena, I'm thinking a bunch of kids could come out and line up the sides on the entrance ramp like those fake Cena's at Wrestlemania 25 or Cena could come out with a lot of kids surrounding him on the entrance stage before he starts going to the ring. These kids would be wearing John Cena caps and t-shirts, and maybe holding Fruity Pebble boxes. Rock's always making fun of Cena for representing kids, and this entrance would be Cena's way of sticking it to The Rock as if to say "Yeah I do it for the kids and I'm damn proud". I dunno, just something involving kids.

Like TWJC, I was also thinking Rey Mysterio could come out in Bane garb at first, but The Shield and Bane have similar looking attires, so maybe Rey could come out in Dredd garb instead. Actually, imagining Rey in Dredd attire with a mask designed like Dredd's helmet looks a lot better to me than if he were to come out as Bane.

For Sin Cara, maybe he could come out as Hawkeye from The Avengers, the comic book version not the movie version where he doesn't even wear a mask.

Instead of coming out from the crowd, The Shield could come out in a tank this time. I know DX have already done this, if The Shield are in a match with DX at Mania, they could use this to mock them. Or even if The Shield aren't facing DX at Mania, I still think them coming out in a tank would suit them perfectly. On TV shows or in movies, when you see teams that are out to serve justice or whatever it is The Shield are doing, you usually see those teams driving tanks or vans or riding in helicopters.

When Kane comes into the ring and he raises up his arms to set off fire from the ring posts, not only does fire explode out of the ring posts, but there's a large sign on the entrance stage which sets on fire and the sign reads out "YES". Like this...

But the sign reads "YES" and it's on the entrance stage
This entrance would be Kane's way of riling up Daniel Bryan.
Great idea for a thread!! I have a few of my own.

John Cena
Similar to what he did before with the “1,000 Cenas” entrance, only this time, have the clones each wear a different Cena shirt from the past. Imagine the rainbow of colors. HAHA!!

Undertaker and / or Kane
Similar to John’s “1,000 Cenas” entrance, but more like something I seen Madonna do, have a bunch of 6’ 10” 300 lbs. guys dress up in all the different Undertaker / Kane costumes coming to the ring. Imagine if they were teaming in a Tag match with this entrance together at WM.

CM Punk
I want to see Living Color perform his entrance, like RATM performing the DX entrance. That is all.

Chris Jericho
I want to see him enter with a mic in his hand, singing, “Don’t You Wish You Were Me”, but I guess he would kind of have to be Heel to do it.

Ultimate Warrior
I’d have him start running from where he came from and record it all the way to the ring. Oh wait, where is Parts Unknown??

Only if Brandon Lee and Heath Ledger were still alive. I’d have them both come out in costume like Nash and Hall and introduce Sting like he’s Hollywood.
I've never been much of a fan of live bands doing the entrances at WM. They usually sound really muddled.

I'd mark the fuck out if The Rock came out to his Hollywood Rock theme, complete with the helicopter video or whatever. I always thought that was pretty epic. In fact, it's more appropriate now than ever.
I've never been much of a fan of live bands doing the entrances at WM. They usually sound really muddled.

I'd mark the fuck out if The Rock came out to his Hollywood Rock theme, complete with the helicopter video or whatever. I always thought that was pretty epic. In fact, it's more appropriate now than ever.

I can picture it starting with a video of a helicopter flying over New York at night. The helicopter then actually flies overhead, above the open MetLife Stadium as we hear the words " cooking..." and the Rock's 2003 theme music begins. Would be epic.
Lol. I remember that band doing the worst version of "America the Beautiful" imaginable and getting booed by ever fan in the arena.
Lol. I remember that band doing the worst version of "America the Beautiful" imaginable and getting booed by ever fan in the arena.
That was poor form by those fans. The DX band was just expressing itself.

Anyway, I'd pick these entrances:

Y2J: Show scenes from the 20th century as it counts down to the year 2000. 10-1900s movie 9-WW1 8-Roaring 20s 7-Depression pic 6-WW2 5-Elvis 4-Beatles 3-ABBA 2-Michael Jackson 1-SCSA in his prime

And then at 0... BOOM! Y2J in huge letters, and he comes out like always, back to crowd with arms stretched out.

Albert The River's: Mexican National Anthem with scenes of great Mexican wrestlers from years past. Then his normal song. The Son of The Saint accompanies him to the ring.

cena: Flintstones opening with the lyrics:

Johnny, Johnny Cena, he's in WWE!
From ol, West Newbury, he's the greatest guy in history!
Some day, he'll be ready for the fight
For all, the kids that cheer for him that night

When you're, Johnny Cena
We guarantee you'll have a good time
A jolly good time
You'll have a gay old time!

On the Titantron will be cena driving home from work in that stone age car, after having left a stone age arena where he was wrestling a sabertooth tiger in a ring that had trees for posts, and vine for ropes.

The Rock: Emotional intro where he talks about how he moved on to Hollywood, but being WWE Champ is still more important than winning an Oscar or setting box-office records. Then his music hits.

CM PUNKVideo that shows different Guiness records of best in the world. Best runner, high jumper, swimmer, debater, scientist, etcetera. Hologram of Chicago Skyline under the tron, then Living Colour hits, and CM comes out with Heyman, Usain Bolt and Michael Phelps.
For the Rock:

There are giant "HOLLYWOOD" letters like the actual letters in Hollywood. The letters can be foam or whatever (like Miz's "AWESOME" letters a couple of years ago). Then, Rock's music will hit and he will smash through the Hollywood letters and they will be all over the place. As he stands in front of the smashed up Hollywood letters, fans (pre-selected) will come out of the front and side rows and set up letters down the side of the aisle that say "People's Champion."

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