The Worst Traffic Stop In The History Of Ever


Sally Section
Remember drivers' ed? (If you're still too young for that, pay especial attention to this.) Perhaps you remember your teacher harping on about always coming to a complete stop at an intersection, no matter how safe it appeared upon approaching. You probably thought that the reason for this was for the added degree of safety when operating a motor vehicle.

Actually, it's because you could end up being forcibly sodomized by your local police department.

New Mexico man has a shit day

You can click on the link for the story, but my version is a far better telling. David Eckert finishes shopping at his local Wal-Mart, and leaves the parking lot without stopping completely at the stop sign. He's pulled over and asked to step out of his vehicle. When he does, the officers believe that he is clenching his buttcheeks in an attempt to hide contraband, and ask him to show them what he's hiding.

For those of you who have never been in this situation, when a police officer says "show me what you're hiding", the correct answer is never "I'm not hiding anything". A police officer interprets that as "spend the rest of the afternoon and evening searching everything of mine you can get access to, and please don't be gentle or avoid destroying my belongings."

Well then.

The police officers acquire a warrant for an anal cavity search, and take Eckert to the hospital. The doctors there inform the officers that they went to the wrong kind of hospital, and they've arrived at one that doesn't do forcible invasive procedures on patients without their consent. This is the very last thing that happens in a sane universe- after this, shit gets crazy.

The officers at this point now say "well, next hospital", and drive across county lines to another hospital, where the doctors say, "oh, you need us to forcibly penetrate an unwilling person? We're that kind of hospital!"

It starts with an X-ray, which comes up negative. Not surprising- X-rays aren't a tell-all, and sometimes small items can be obscured by, oh, bone or what have you. We can justify this.

Next, a doctor examines Eckert with his finger (the doctor's, not Eckert's.) Nothing.
So he tries a second time. Nothing. No shit.
So they figure, "let's give this guy an enema and flush the drugs out." Nothing except enema water.
So they give him a second enema.
And then a third.

Now, at this point, this poor guy must be feeling clean. In both the legal and physical senses. But, major lesson here, never tell a cop you're not hiding drugs, because they WILL search until they find them.

So, they forcibly anesthetize him, prep him for surgery, and give him a fucking colonoscopy. Because, you know, that baggie of cocaine could have traveled halfway into his large intestine. As I'm sure everyone here can guess- no drugs, only a sparkling clean rectum.

The police release the man, and the hospital sends him a bill for the procedures. Yes, of course he's suing. The only lesson I can draw from this is DON'T FUCKING GO TO NEW MEXICO.
The Lawsuit

David Eckert is suing The City of Deming and Deming Police Officers Bobby Orosco, Robert Chavez and Officer Hernandez.

Eckert is also suing Hidalgo County Hidalgo County Deputies David Arredondo, Robert Rodriguez and Patrick Green.

Eckert is also suing Deputy District Attorney Daniel Dougherty and the Gila Regional Medical Center including Robert Wilcox, M.D and Okay Odocha, M.D.

I guess Eckert has everyone covered, although I wonder if the doctors who performed the procedure should be blamed if they were compelled to act by the warrant. If Eckert can prove the MDs get happy when sticking their fingers up a male's rectum, they're in deep shit (in more ways than one).

I suppose Eckert's behavior at the time of his arrest and what else might have transpired that made the police act as they did could affect the lawsuit, too. Personally, I can't think of anything that would call for this level of treatment, but I wasn't there.....hopefully, the true facts will emerge during the lawsuit.

The only lesson I can draw from this is DON'T FUCKING GO TO NEW MEXICO.

'Course, you realize the state motto of New Mexico is "IT GROWS AS IT GOES."

What grows? The drugs as they're being cultivated......or the drugs as they make their way through Eckert's body?:confused:
although I wonder if the doctors who performed the procedure should be blamed if they were compelled to act by the warrant.

Any doctor in his right mind, even being compelled by police, would know that after an X-ray, finger examination and a single enema, there's nothing there. 3 enemas? Followed by a colonoscopy? This guy had the worst day of his life and was subjected to things that no human being should be, especially for doing nothing but rolling through a stop sign.

This is absolutely ridiculous. I am definitely not a backer of people suing for stupid shit. The McDonald's hot coffee woman and the other stupid lawsuits like that make me sad for our country. That said, this guy deserves to sue anyone and everyone involved. Seriously :wtf:

Now I'm not one to condemn a whole state for something like this. Every state has towns with weird stuff going on. I lived in the south for a few years and some of those backwater towns are ones to avoid. I'm definitely staying away from Deming, NM though.
The McDonald's hot coffee woman and the other stupid lawsuits like that make me sad for our country.
That poor McDonald's woman actually had a really good case, but people got caught up in the "she's mad over being burnt by coffee?!?!?" hysteria and never bothered examining the case itself.

What had happened was the bottom of the coffee cup melted through, since McDonald's was at the time serving their coffee 30 degrees hotter than a home coffee maker or a sit-down restaurant's serving temperature. This resulted in second and third-degree burns to the woman's genitalia. Hot coffee will scald you like a motherfucker, but it won't make your skin bubble and blister.

McDonald's wasn't found liable simply because their coffee was hot; they were found liable because they were serving this super hot coffee in a container which it could melt through.

There are lots of silly lawsuits that never make it to trial, but the McDonald's coffee one isn't one of them; now, it's a textbook example for first year law students in examining the merits of a case, rather than social noise.
I guess Eckert has everyone covered, although I wonder if the doctors who performed the procedure should be blamed if they were compelled to act by the warrant. If Eckert can prove the MDs get happy when sticking their fingers up a male's rectum, they're in deep shit (in more ways than one).

I suppose Eckert's behavior at the time of his arrest and what else might have transpired that made the police act as they did could affect the lawsuit, too. Personally, I can't think of anything that would call for this level of treatment, but I wasn't there.....hopefully, the true facts will emerge during the lawsuit.

'Course, you realize the state motto of New Mexico is "IT GROWS AS IT GOES."

What grows? The drugs as they're being cultivated......or the drugs as they make their way through Eckert's body?:confused:

The doctors most certainly should be blamed. There is no current law that can force a doctor to do an exploratory procedure. If they partook in all these procedures, it was completely voluntary (and paid for by the cops I assume).

The only time a court order can force a doctor to do a procedure is if it's a life-or-death situation, but this was clearly not one of those cases.
The doctors most certainly should be blamed. There is no current law that can force a doctor to do an exploratory procedure. If they partook in all these procedures, it was completely voluntary (and paid for by the cops I assume).

The only time a court order can force a doctor to do a procedure is if it's a life-or-death situation, but this was clearly not one of those cases.
Nope, Eckert got sent a bill for the procedure in the mail. So at least there won't be any dispute in the settlement when it comes to "is there any proof this happened?"

Which, no freakin' way this goes to trial. This guy could field a football team with all the lawyers he must have volunteering their services on this case.

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