The Worst of the Worst: The Russo Regime of WCW

Worst of Russo's Regime?

  • David Arquette

  • That 70's Fat Chick Thriller Mike Awesome

  • Se7en

  • Oklahoma

  • New Blood

  • Other

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The Shark Should've Worked in WCW
Each wrestling company has an era where there programming goes to absolute shit. It's part of the reason promoters have become complacent giving the excuse that the wrestling business is "cyclical", when in reality, it's the absolutely shit booking that is causing the lulls in not only creativity, but also in attendance, ratings, and overall revenue. Say what you will, but every company has an "absolute worst" era, in which they suffer an extraordinary amount of bad television that, typically, defines the "era" of that company. Naturally, many of these eras typically spell out the "end" of the company, and such is the case with what we're looking to in this thread. After writing, and calming down, about how royally Vince Russo fucked over WCW, I started to think of all the ills of his booking. I've said my angry rant, and quite frankly, I have no more angry speeches. Now, simply, I want to hear yours. What was the "Worst of the Worst", coming from Vince Russo's regime in WCW.

Now, the actual regime is marked in two periods; one in which he and Ed Ferrara fucked up WCW, and another in which he and Eric Bischoff fucked up WCW. Quite frankly, there's no way to decide which of these periods were worst, because both eras are pretty fucking horrendous. So with that in mind, I’ve combined the absolute worst of the two Russo eras, and put it into one blur of a clusterfuck. I’ve put in five of the gimmicks/events of the Russo era, and then I’ll add the Other category. But which of these do you think is the worst of the Russo Regime?

David Arquette- In my opinion this last piece of gimmick garbage is a given at No. 1. David Arquette, being all of 160 pounds dripping wet, the WCW Champion? The perfect example of why this company went under. I understand the logic of puting him on the program. The movie Ready to Rumble featured many of WCW's top talent, and it was a great cross promotional opportunity. But why give him the title? In a tag match between Arquette/DDP and Jeff Jarrett/Bischoff the stipulation was whoever got the pin, got the title. Arquette got the pin on Bischoff and won the title that greats like Flair and Sting had worked so hard to keep pristine. Less than a month later he was in the pay-per-view's main event where he turned heel on DDP, giving Double douche the title. The Arquette title reign was viewed as one of the biggest slaps in the face to the industry. Whoever came up with the idea should be fired, oh wait, that's what happened less than a year later. So taking the top spot, the king of Courtney Cox's castle, Dewey from Scream, AKA David Arquette

That 70s Guy, Mike Awesome- Fat chicks need loving too and no one knows that better than Mike Awesome. In mid 2000 Awesome was given a tweak to his persona as he would go to the ring and pick out heavy set women that caught his eye. The Fat Chick Thrilla had been born....

And as quickly as he was born, he was done. He feuded with Big Poppa Pump and Lance Storm for a while until getting yet another makeover. Thus "That 70's Guy" Mike Awesome was born. He would walk to the ring in his Travolta-like attire and even had a date rape 70's van that he would drive into the arenas at one point. Hell, he even had a talk show, the Lava Lamp Lounge, which lasted just as long as the Chevy Chase show. Eventually he would get yet another gimmick for a few more months until Vinny Mac finally put WCW out of its misery. A duoply of dump, the Fat Chick Thrilla/That 70's Guy.

Se7en- What's gayer than Goldust you ask? Well, it is the very short lived gimmick that WCW gave Dustin Rhodes called s7even. Now what exactly was the gimmick? To this day I still don't really know whether he was supposed to be a boogeyman or a fat Pinhead look a like.

Evidently, the suits at Turner thought he was either a child abductor or a pedophile.

WCW aired several vignettes prior to his supposed arrival where he stood outside a little kid's bedroom window. Creepy! Goldust wants to have sex with your kid. WCW scrapped his character very quickly and Rhodes returned to do a shoot on crappy gimmicks. (By this time I think he had his doctorate) Rhodes would go on to feud with several mid-carders before eventually moving back to WWE and developing a stuttering problem after being electrocuted.

Oklahoma- The beginning of the end in WCW came when they hired Vince Russo and Ed Ferrara to come aboard and handle writing duties. Typically, what we got were insane, inept rip offs of their WWE counterparts. But where they really hit below the belt was with their character Oklahoma. Ed Ferrara, who had done a Jim Ross impersonation on WWF television, imitated gold ol' J.R. right down to his bells palsy. This was not as bad a gimmick as it was a distasteful and demeaning gimmick. In the end both Russo and Ferrara were shown the door as ratings dropped. Ferrara has patched things up with Jim Ross since, but still it doesn't give Ferrara the right to do what he did.

The New Blood- This, in truth, was the beginning of the end, though it was trumpeted as the “restart” of WCW. By restart, I say that it really is the quickening of the pace that WCW would book itself into total oblivion. And lo and behold, that’s exactly what Vince Russo and Eric Bischoff did to the company. They started doing so by having the main event wrestlers job out to such pathetic names as Billy Kidman, Buff Bagwell, and Vampiro. Ok, perhaps pathetic isn’t the word to describe it; I guess the best word is inexperienced, as the New Blood just didn’t have the experience at the top. Rather than building them up, Russo decided to hot shot his guys to the top, in exchange for the credibility that was left on the legitimate stars of the company.

Alas, what, for you, is the Worst of Russo’s regime?
Oh boy Tenta. That's a tough one.

The first thought would obviously be David Arquette. Mostly due to the fact that someone gave a television star a championship reign due to a movie airing. Hoping it would hype ratings. Obviously it didn't and it failed miserably. That would really be assumed as the worst thing Russo ever did.

However. I'm gonna go another way. I think the Oklahoma thing was the worst. Due to the mockery of Jim Ross. Jim worked for WCW for a few years. He was so damn well respected. He never did anything to deserve that mockery and I know it hurt Jim. At least I heard him talking about it.

There's a lot of awful things coming from Russo. But I definitely think Russo and Ed Ferrera topped the lows with that storyline.
However. I'm gonna go another way. I think the Oklahoma thing was the worst. Due to the mockery of Jim Ross. Jim worked for WCW for a few years. He was so damn well respected. He never did anything to deserve that mockery and I know it hurt Jim. At least I heard him talking about it.

There's a lot of awful things coming from Russo. But I definitely think Russo and Ed Ferrera topped the lows with that storyline.

I think, again, it depends on how you're looking at the situation.

From a personal standpoint, it's probably the worst. I should know, I called Ed Ferrara an untalented schlock who will wind up dead in an alley way while hobos nibble on his corpulent ass. But was it really that bad for WCW?

David Arquette, on the hand, killed the legitimacy of the company. Now, anyone could win the world title from that company. Gary Coleman could have been number one contender. It shot all of the realism away from the company, which quite frankly, that's about the only thing it had left. I feel that Oklahoma was bad, but they could have righted the ship after it. David Arquette? There was no way to right the ship after that abortion of an angle.
I think, again, it depends on how you're looking at the situation.

From a personal standpoint, it's probably the worst. I should know, I called Ed Ferrara an untalented schlock who will wind up dead in an alley way while hobos nibble on his corpulent ass. But was it really that bad for WCW?

David Arquette, on the hand, killed the legitimacy of the company. Now, anyone could win the world title from that company. Gary Coleman could have been number one contender. It shot all of the realism away from the company, which quite frankly, that's about the only thing it had left. I feel that Oklahoma was bad, but they could have righted the ship after it. David Arquette? There was no way to right the ship after that abortion of an angle.

That is completely true it didn't really ruin anything for WCW other than the respect for Russo that some people had. At least the bit they had left.

And that's why I'm saying that David Arquette is the one you would jump to first. But it's not the one I would think is the worst of the worst from Russo.

Arquette killed WCW's credibility as well as the world championship. He is highly credited as the one person that truly started the downfall of WCW. However the lack of respect for what would go on to be a Hall of Fame awarded announcer is sickening to watch. Especially the fact that they poked fun at an illness that isn't just limited to Jim Ross. All due to that. I find it the most sickening material Vince has produced with WCW.
Both Oklahoma and New Blood were both terrible in their own respective ways. That was probably the hardest two to choose from. I think I stopped watching WCW by the time Se7en was introduced or that probably would have won the tasteless award. I had to lean towards New Blood just because nothing screams "We're screwed" than a restart.
I remember, Tenta, when we talked about the New Blood last year in the Horrible Gimmicks Memorial, and I thought it was a great idea but just happened one year too late. Oklahoma was in very bad taste but I don't think it was the lowest point in the Russo regime. Se7en, I thought was actually worse than Oklahoma b/c it was seemingly a child molester gimmick. Mike Awesome, may he rest in peace, was the perfect example that most ECW guys should have stayed in ECW. Now David Arquette, I think is the most horrible, mind numbing, and down right awful booking decision EVER. If someone can find a worse decision than that, I will watch Hulk Hogan vs the Dungeon of Doom for a week while listening to the West Texas Rednecks.
The shoots.

Russo was hell bent on making everything as real as possible and trying to tear down the veil covering up the real stuff behind the camera. He didn't realize two things though: most people didn't care and most people didn't have a clue what he was talking about. He had the whole Hogan one at BATB, he had Goldberg walk out at New Blood Rising while the announcers say Steiner and Nash will have to improvise a new finish now, he had the Rhodes shoot interview. Was just wrestling so bad? Seriously? Was that so hard to do? Instead of actual wrestling, all he wanted to do was make things as much of a SHOOT as possible and it just wasn't needed. It just didn't work and it broke the back of the company.
Well everyone on here has great theories. Very well respected theories. From David Arquette winning the world championship, to the new blood. But I'm going to go a different approach on the Russo Regime.

Giving Jeff Jarrett a main event spot in WCW was a great killer of the company. Hell, it even lead to the firing of Hulk Hogan at the Bash at the Beach. That was just one stupid move that fixed that company. Yea Hogan was a diva. That is stated very well. However, he had a right to be a diva, because he was the biggest draw in the company. His main event status in WCW but meat in the seats. Yet, Jeff Jarrett gets in the main event picture. Just an awful idea.

Don't forget the Golberg Heel turn. That was just great stupidity. He was very well over with the crowd. Loved by the kids. The other big draw in the company. Then he does a heel turn, then turns around to go face a few months later. Very poor executed storyline.

Let's not forget... Just plain out fucking over Sting. Hey, let's light him on fire, turn him heel and rarely use him. That makes sense. Everyone likes Sting. Sting likes doing his job. But, your right, it just makes sense.
I feel that all the aforementioned reasons are all WrestleCrap induction worthy, but I have to mention one that is absolutely tasteless.

Remember how during the Sid vs Scott Steiner match, Sid broke his leg in the most disturbing way. I mean it was hard to look at that and the guys at WCW kept showing us replays the next Nitro ( the break was on a PPV, the name alludes me)

Ok so during this itro, they do a run in during the last segment where security (lots of it) rushes to the ring and Scott Steiner is manhandling all of'em and finally he puts the cherry on this man-assault of a cake by taking his lead pipe and 'breaking' a security guy's leg!!

I know they gimmicked the break to give Steiner the image of the 2nd coming of The Crippler

But 24 hours from one of the most horrific and gruesome injury to one of their top performers on LIVE TV mind you!!! they honor him by ridiculing it.....

Now that my friend is tasteless.

Honorable mention- Vince Russo's decision to have Jarrett lay down for Hogan, a worked shoot that was supposed to entertain the IWC!! Brilliant booking knowing that most of the viewers (and still) do not go through the dirt sheets , and this was 1999
Giving Arquette the title is the one I would pick.

It was an insult to every wrestling fan to spends their hard earned cash on watching a show or buying the PPVs. Fans know the "sport" of wrestling is fixed, but it is a form of escapist entertainment where we can get into it and believe in the stars we love and boo the guys we dont. To put the title on a hollywood actor is a slap in the face to the paying customer

Not only that, but it is also an insult to the other wrestlers, the guys who sacrifice their bodies every night for the good of the company and the business. Some of these guys will have had the boyhood dream of holding the world title and have never achieved it, and to see David Arquette come in and be given the belt must have been such an insult. It was an embarressment to the wrestling business. Russo must have lost so much respect (if he had any) from the wrestlers, not to mention the disgust that the fans showed the angle.

It was done to promote Ready To Rumble, a WCW funded movie, but how can anyone sensibly justify putting the world heavyweight title- THE most important symbol of their company- on a skinny hollywood actor to promote a film? How can anyone think that is a good idea, and will help their company? It is stupid, and anyone can see that. Anyone except Russo that is!

It was impossible to take WCW after this, a once great company brought down by idiotic, mindless booking by someone who had NO CLUE as to what he was doing or how to book a wrestling show. How Vince Russo can still get a job in wrestling is beyond me, the guy is a joke and has been ever since he did pathetic angles like giving the WCW world title to Daivd Arquette

Rant over
Arquette by a mile.

It's David Fucking Arquette, folks. A pathetic B-movie style comedic actor who's biggest claim to fame (other than actually winning the WCW World Heavyweight Championship) is being the "star" in such block-buster greats as "Eight Legged Freaks", "Ready to Rumble" and playing the pathetically timid "Dewey Riley" in the Scream films.

Having him win the WCW WHC was quite literally the straw that broke the camel's back if you ask me – or at the very least was of the driving forces behind what eventually killed the WCW.
Ok.... I voted for Arquette too. I think we can all agree that this was a horrendous call, and admittedly, this was probably the apex of Russo's illogical, and otherwise drastically horrendous booking during the WCW's time on its death bed. However, right now I'd like to take the time, and defend the choice, as it can actually be defensible.

1. It did actually garner publicity. Professional wrestling rarely gains publicity from the mainstream media, and if they do, its usually geared towards the WWE, and rarely WCW. Yes, they could have gotten the same publicity by, I don't know, not giving David Arquette the title, but it did get the public's attention, so if for nothing else, it at least made WCW the topic of discussion by the media.

2. The WCW Title was already pretty weakened. Granted, this put the belt on its death bed, but at this point, the belt had already been booked to oblivion. Hot shotting the belt to the next person, having it won in tag team matches, putting it on fifty year old men; folks, the WCW Heavyweight Title was already completely booked to death. Furthermore....

3. How was this different from Vince putting the belt on himself not but eight months earlier? I mean, Vince isn't a trained athlete, and while he won by shenanigans, he still took the title away from a young star in Triple H. I feel if the roles were reversed, this could have been similar to putting the title on David Arquette. The only problem was, while the WWE was putting out quality television, WCW was putting out shit television.

4. At the least, David Arquette did use his salary to pay Martha Hart, and the families of wrestlers who had suffered catastrophic injuries, such as Droz. So at the least, some good did come out of him winning the world title.

Look, him winning the world title was bad. But at the least, some good came out of it, and that's more than you can say for most of the other gimmicks. At the least, David Arquette shouldn't be winning by a landslide.
I'd like to add one of Russo's terrific ideas to the list, if you don't mind, Tenta. I know it can't be added to the poll, but it's certainly worth noting, if you ask me:

The Pope Mobile.

Remember that ridiculous shit? Russo would ride to the ring in the damn thing (carted by Jeremy Borash) as if he were bullet-proof? Jesus jumped-up Christ in a sidecar, you have got to be fucking shitting me!

When Goldberg attacked him, I (along with half the world) I think really wished he'd have actually killed him on the spot. Damn shame, that kayfabe thing.
I'd like to add one of Russo's terrific ideas to the list, if you don't mind, Tenta. I know it can't be added to the poll, but it's certainly worth noting, if you ask me:

The Pope Mobile.

Remember that ridiculous shit? Russo would ride to the ring in the damn thing (carted by Jeremy Borash) as if he were bullet-proof? Jesus jumped-up Christ in a sidecar, you have got to be fucking shitting me!

When Goldberg attacked him, I (along with half the world) I think really wished he'd have actually killed him on the spot. Damn shame, that kayfabe thing.

Christ, I forgot all about that. I think that was probably his most megalomaniac of all his creations. Now then, for what it's worth, it did get heat, but it was more the idea that everyone was sick and tired of him. It was more the idea that he was an arrogant, smug son of a bitch.

You know what... That reminds me of another megalomaniac booking decision... How about this moment?

My God... This was absolutely inane. Not only did it serve absolutely no purpose in the ring, and bore the shit out of the fans, it effectivelty ruined Booker T. Who else could take Booker T. seriously as a champion after this match? Again, there's absolutely no reason as to why a booker, especially a non-athlete booker, should ever win the WCW World Title. Not only that, Russo sufferred a legitmate concussion, the likes of which swelled his brain quite a bit. Of course, that right there would insinuate Russo had a brain.

This, right here, is something that should have went on the list, as well.
Russo at his best, I'd say. Total clusterfuck. The whole damn WCW locker room comes out to help Booker T, and there's a screw-job finish with a huge cliff-hanger leaving fans not understanding what they've just seen when Goldberg spears Russo out of the cage just as Booker T is walking out of it...

Basically, in all that chaos, nothing was told. No story. Just a giant question mark as to who the rightful WCW World Heavyweight Champion is/was.
Well it's not so different from this,

It seems like Vince heard the man say he was starting against the Undertaker in the match b/c his picture look like he was about to piss his pants.

Though I guess you can say that McMahon (had to use the last name for obvious reasons) winning the title actually had personal meaning to the b/w him and Triple H. While Russo was just a big wtf! all around.
I'm going to go with the "New Blood".

  1. David Arquette: The World Heavyweight Championship already meant nothing to me by the time this happened (see also: The Fingerpoke of Doom), which is probably why I wasn't watching when it did.
  2. That 70's Fat Chick Thriller Mike Awesome: Mike Awesome sucked, so while the gimmick was ******ed, it's hardly as meaningful as if Russo/Ferrara had dumped it on someone actually talented or entertaining.
  3. Se7en: His flight to the ring was kinda neat.
  4. Oklahoma: Crass, tasteless, utterly disrespectful, and a great example of why Russo and Ferrara are total wastes of oxygen, but not the "Worst of the worst" that either has done. This angle earned them both hatred, but didn't sink the company any faster than it was going already.
  5. New Blood: Ah, here we go. By this point, I had forgotten that WCW had a show on Monday nights most of the time. My grandfather would fall asleep with it on in Spanish while my Dad and I were watching Raw in the other room. I tuned in one night in time to see the big Russo reveal and the start of the New Blood. You know what? I was sold. Most of the kids were snotty nosed shit stains, but I at the time was still of the mind that many of them could still be something in their careers. So I started popping in to see this angle develop, eager to see some new shit. What I got was a hot shot turd on my face. This was supposed to be their last gasp for air, and they couldn't even have the fucking patience to keep the angle alive until the ppv THAT THEY NAMED AFTER THE FUCKING ANGLE IN THE FIRST PLACE!
  6. Other: The Hogan/Jarrett/Russo affair really should have been on the list. How do you outdo The Fingerpoke of Doom? Why, just get rid of the fingerpoke and replace it with a burning pile of dog poo.
The Arquette title win was the worst of the worst. What makes it even worse is that Russo still doesn't see that he did anything wrong. Reading an excerpt from his new book "how wcw killed Vince Russo" he states he doesn't regret it as "people are still talking about it 8 years later. It was money...pure money". That would be like saying as they're still writing books, making TV shows, films and talking about them that the concentration camps in World War 2 were a good idea.

I think the saddest thing is that even Arquette didn't want to win the title as he was a wrestling fan and knew what the fans would think.

Another honorable mention is Vince Russo as champion as that was almost as bad as Arquette. Russo had X-Pac heat, wasn't athletic and had made a shit of the whole company so he gives himself the title for a week and can justify it as well. At least when Vince McMahon won the title he looks like a wrestler and has charisma and is over, Russo is the anti-christ of professional wrestling. Nothing about him ever changes and all the crap he gets is fully justified.
It's unbelievable that the Oklahoma thing got aired on television. Sure you could probably say the same for everything else on that list, but IMO creating a character with the sole reason for mocking a former employee's physical disability is in a different league of shittiness.

At least some good came out of the Arquette debacle, the guy did give all that money to the Pillman and Hart families. The Oklahoma thing just cements Russo and Ferrara as pieces of shit in my mind.

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