The "Worst Of" Poster Awards...

Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
Jake has made it very clear in the EOY Awards that he doesn't give a shit anymore. His name will still be added to the actual "Worst Of" thread, but, I'm looking for another person to collaborate with on this thread. I want to put it up late tonight or tomorrow afternoon.
I'm sure I'll be on later tonight if you need any help with thread-creating. Do you have all of the nominations and categories already ready to go?
Nah, we may need to do a little bit of brainstorming with the categories.

The "Worst Of" awards are just in one thread, and no nominees are given; people just nominate whom they want to.
Nah, we may need to do a little bit of brainstorming with the categories.

The "Worst Of" awards are just in one thread, and no nominees are given; people just nominate whom they want to.

I'd love to do it. And collaborate and stuff. KB's got the Posters tourney handled. So I'm game if you are, Flanders.
Here were the awards from last year:

Worst Poster
Worst Moderator
Worst Thread
Worst Section
Biggest Kiss Ass
Most Pathetic Cry Out For Attention/Love (Renamed Biggest Attention ****e)
Person who has been around forever but still acts like a noob.
Most Worthless Forum Member

I am also adding:

Most Unintentionally Funny Poster
The "Waa Waa Waa, My Pussy Hurts!" Award for Whiniest Bitch
The "Raging Hemorrhoids" Award for Poster That Tries Way Too Hard (credit to GuyCompton)
Biggest Troll (credit for this one goes to Doc)

I will add up to four more depending on whether or not they're any good. So, put your suggestions in here. X, Jake, Lariat, NorCal, and I will be the presenters. Sam can get in on it too if he wants.

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