The Way Competitors Are Introduced In Championship Matches


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Something that hasn't really bothered me until recently is how the competitors in championship matches are introduced (specifically on PPVs).

The way they are doing it now of course, is more like boxing where the champion and challenger come down to the ring with just music (no intros) then when they're both in the ring, they announced them.

In the past (and on the TV shows), they do an actual WWE intro where the person is introduced when their music hits and they are walking down to the ring.

I like the "normal" or "old" way of doing it. One of the things that makes WWE unique are the entrances. To me, it's kind of anti-climatic if the person's music hits, there's pyro, but then they're not introduced until both people are in the ring. It's not boxing so they shouldn't be announcing it like boxing.

I think they're doing it to get the "fight night" or "big fight" feel to it but I think that's totally un-necessary.

What are your thoughts?
to the best of my knowledge they have been introducing big name matches in the ring after the enterances for quite a while. WCW did it all the time and WWF/WWE did it when the match was of big importance and to be honest it dont really bother me either way.
to the best of my knowledge they have been introducing big name matches in the ring after the enterances for quite a while. WCW did it all the time and WWF/WWE did it when the match was of big importance and to be honest it dont really bother me either way.

Inconsistently. They have done it both ways in the past. Now, it seems like at every PPV, they are doing the boxing style entrances.
I like the boxing way of doing it. It makes the match seem more important to me. Since I always associate the boxing way to boxing, and I see boxing titles meaning more then wrestling titles.

I just wish they would do it every time not just some of the time the title was on the line. Also have the title holder come out last. When the Miz came out first at WM I got real disappointed. Since on the biggest stage of them all they still made John Cena come out last. Making him seem more important then the champ.
I like the boxing way of doing it. It makes the match seem more important to me. Since I always associate the boxing way to boxing, and I see boxing titles meaning more then wrestling titles.

I just wish they would do it every time not just some of the time the title was on the line. Also have the title holder come out last. When the Miz came out first at WM I got real disappointed. Since on the biggest stage of them all they still made John Cena come out last. Making him seem more important then the champ.

I totally agree that the Champ should always be introduced last no matter what. If you introduce the challenger second, you're basically saying the challenger is more important than the championship.
It honestly makes no difference to me but I have no problem with the way their doing it now. It gives a chance for the crowd to show who their rooting for etc. You just have to look at Cena Punk recently the introductions set the stage for the entire match.
Here is what I would prefer:

• For non-title/non main-event bouts (wrestling), I prefer introductions as a part of the overall entrance. This is what has always made entrances in wrestling unique and I do not think that should be changed in any way, shape, or form.

• For non-title/main event bouts on television (Raw), I would prefer the ring announcer to announce that this is the evening's main event, and then allow introductions to occur during entrances. If there is a stipulation to the contest, announce that when announcing it's the main event.

• For title bouts, I prefer having the entrances occur right from the beginning, challenger first. After the champion has arrived in the ring, the ring announcer should make the following style of announcement.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, this contest is scheduled for One Fall (or stipulated falls) and it is for the (Championship here)! Introducing first, the Challenger..."

He then introduces the challenger by discipline (submission based, brawler, technician, etc), height, weight, hometown (by way of...), and the same for the champion.

I think there should be a blend between Wrestling's intro and Boxing/MMA's intros, and in this "Era of Reality", it wouldn't shock me if that's what happens.
Agreed, a simple thing like introducing the Champ last adds credibility to them. Great point
I totally agree that the Champ should always be introduced last no matter what. If you introduce the challenger second, you're basically saying the challenger is more important than the championship.
Also have the title holder come out last. When the Miz came out first at WM I got real disappointed. Since on the biggest stage of them all they still made John Cena come out last. Making him seem more important then the champ.

I agree that the Champ should always come out last. Only legit reason I've seen for them doing it this way is so that the face gets a bigger reaction. In this instance, however, that's just plain stupid, because It's JOHN CENA. Only your biggest face in the business right now. He was going to get that reaction no matter where you placed him, so if he's chasing for that belt, have him come out as a challenger should come out, and that's first, and then have your Champ come out last.
I'm also an avid believer that a champion should be last to enter a matchup. After all, heel or face, they "earned" that title and deserve all of the honor and respect that should go with it. Regardless of whether the match takes place on Raw, Smackdown, No Way Out, Money in the Bank, or even Wrestlemania, the champ should always be the "man to beat" and should be given the respect of being the second to enter the arena.

As for announcements, I could take it either way. Sure, Howard Finkel was always iconic as he would announce the competitors as they entered the arena and made their way down the entrance ramp. However, I also feel it's smart for the WWE to do these boxing-style announcements in order to really hear a true crowd reaction to a wrestler. It's a direct determination as to whether they're over with the crowd or not.
I like the way they announced title matches now!! It makes it seem that more important when they do the introductions when both competitors are in the ring!! As far in the order they come out!! Champion should always always come out last.. Shoot fire son your the champion you have earned the right to come out last!! This is adding to the excitment of the match gives the crowd a chance to clearly voice their opinion on who they want to win and lose!!
I just think it's weird when a guy has pyro, like Edge for example, and we hear his music but then they don't introduce him until his entrance has died down and everyone is standing in the ring. To me, I get more excited about a wrestler and a match when I hear the music, then hear his name, weight, and hometown being announced as I'm watching his entrance. It's part of the entrance!

Using the Edge example again, it sounds sorta lame when the announcer says "the rated r superstar, Edge, while both guys are standing their in the ring. It's more exciting when pyro is going off and he says "the rated R super star, Edge (or whatever wrestler it is)."
I actually prefer this method for ALL main events.

I think that a match is given more of a main event feel when the announcer introduces both men as they stand in the ring across from each other.

It definitely ups the ante on the "big fight" atmosphere.
I'm also an avid believer that a champion should be last to enter a matchup. After all, heel or face, they "earned" that title and deserve all of the honor and respect that should go with it. Regardless of whether the match takes place on Raw, Smackdown, No Way Out, Money in the Bank, or even Wrestlemania, the champ should always be the "man to beat" and should be given the respect of being the second to enter the arena.
On some occasions, champions come out first for a given reason. If memory serves correctly, at Wrestlemania XIX, Kurt Angle, then WWE Champion, entered first for his match with Brock Lesnar. The commentators then mentioned Angle chose to go first because he felt that confidant and prepared. Touches like that go a long way for storytelling, and they should be done more often rather than being ignored.

As for announcements, I could take it either way. Sure, Howard Finkel was always iconic as he would announce the competitors as they entered the arena and made their way down the entrance ramp. However, I also feel it's smart for the WWE to do these boxing-style announcements in order to really hear a true crowd reaction to a wrestler. It's a direct determination as to whether they're over with the crowd or not.

I prefer my intro's as the wrestler walks down. The boxing thing is obviously a cheap time-killer trick. Victory Road '11 showed me that. But in wrestling, fan reaction is key and hearing a wrestler's introduction gains a massive reaction. Doing that as they walk by gains the best results. Why? Because stalling for intro's kills that buzz. Picture Rock and Austin walking out for a WWE title match. Austin flips the bird to the crowd, Rock raises the eyebrow, then they both get in the middle of the ring for 2 minutes of intro. That's a massive buzzkill for guys with the kind of entrances and ovations they would get.
I have always preferred the main event style entrances (names in the ring)..It just feels more important. The champion should always come out last. even if he is a hell it will only make him more over if hes is last.
I've gotta say I like the boxer style introductions, but only really during the big championship matches /defining matches. Not every championship match should be done this way.
I personally like the way they do the introductions, it makes it all seem more formal and a bit more.... legitimate, should I say.. because the intro style they seem to have now is assosiated with boxing.
I don't have a problem with the way they are doing the introductions now. It places importance on the title and gives the match more of a main event feel for the fans. I think they actually do it right.
I'm also an avid believer that a champion should be last to enter a matchup. After all, heel or face, they "earned" that title and deserve all of the honor and respect that should go with it. Regardless of whether the match takes place on Raw, Smackdown, No Way Out, Money in the Bank, or even Wrestlemania, the champ should always be the "man to beat" and should be given the respect of being the second to enter the arena.

As for announcements, I could take it either way. Sure, Howard Finkel was always iconic as he would announce the competitors as they entered the arena and made their way down the entrance ramp. However, I also feel it's smart for the WWE to do these boxing-style announcements in order to really hear a true crowd reaction to a wrestler. It's a direct determination as to whether they're over with the crowd or not.

Exactly my thoughts. The Champion should always be introduced last, as they have earned that right. Introducing the challenger after the champion signifies to me that the challenger is the bigger, more important name and that should never be the case, no matter who they are.

Also, D-Man's thoughts on the announcers introducing the wrestlers are also the same as mine. There are benefits to either way, but in the ring can give the match more of a "big fight" feel, and look more professional. I would not want this to be the case for every match though, I have always loved the wrestling style introductions, with the ring announcer introducing the wrestler as they come down the ramp.

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