The Warriors

Dean Winchester

Getting Noticed By Management
What a classic films this one was. It came out in 1977 and was an independant film, did not do to well I do not think at the box office but went on to become a cult classic. It may not be one of the greatest things to ever hit cinema but it was indeed a good film. The acting was solid, but film worked because of the plot, characters and atmosphere/environment of the film. The movie was about a group of men who were a street gang known as the Warriors. They were invited to this gathering you will by the toughest street gang in NYC were the film took place, the Riffs. Now nobody was suppose to bring weapons to the gathering of anykind, however another street gang did and killed the leader of the Riffs.

They then followed by putting the blame on the Warriors just for fun and to see how the whole thing would go down. Now the beauty of this film is the leader of the gang Cleon gets killed in the beginning of the movie, so the 2nd in command Swan takes over and leads the group back to Cooney Island, NY were they are based at. Now the Warriors went through alot of hell that night getting back to their turf but they was cleared of killing the leader of the Riffs when someone told them who really killed Cyrus the leader of the Riffs. So the Riffs went down to Coney Iland and killed I assume the members of the gang who did kill Cyrus and the Warriors went off scotch free and continued on with they lives.

Now this movie had colorful gangs, you had for one the baseball furies who did not speak they just try and crush your skull in with baseball bats. Then you had that lesbian group who hated men I assume, the Turnbul Acs and many others. Although the film just focuses on a few gangs who are after the Warriors. Their are like over 100 gangs in the city and all of them show up at the Gathering but only a few are shown on screen and trying to get they hands on the Warriors. But the atmosphere was great I liked the dark and grity appeal of the film and how the Warriors had to trust each other and dig real deep inside them to escape. Swann showed how great of a leader he truly was in commanding the group and he did it well considering the situation.

Discussion now is up for anyone who wants to come on in.
I love this move. The perfect blend of action, adventure, mythology, weird 70's stuff that I will most likely never understand, and awesome costumes and makeup.

The film is a tremendous play on Homer's classic The Odyssey, as the Warriors trek home after the meeting facing all sorts of hazards along the way. It's exciting to make comparisons between the two as you watch the film, and it also gives you insight as to why they did certain things the way they did in the film. If you didn't know this when you first watched the film, I suggest you watch it again. I've seen it about three times myself and enjoyed it each time.

Perhaps my favorite part of the movie, though, comes from all the different gangs in New York City. You have the baseball clown guys, the Orphans, The Lizzies, the Turnball AC's... each gang has it's own gimmick, look, and special place in the New York underworld. Perhaps it's the wrestling fan in me, but I really enjoy the concept of all these different gimmicky villains.

I really love this movie and suggest it for anyone who hasn't seen it. And even if you have, this is a movie that I think anyone can enjoy multiple times.
I love this move. The perfect blend of action, adventure, mythology, weird 70's stuff that I will most likely never understand, and awesome costumes and makeup.

The film is a tremendous play on Homer's classic The Odyssey, as the Warriors trek home after the meeting facing all sorts of hazards along the way. It's exciting to make comparisons between the two as you watch the film, and it also gives you insight as to why they did certain things the way they did in the film. If you didn't know this when you first watched the film, I suggest you watch it again. I've seen it about three times myself and enjoyed it each time.

Perhaps my favorite part of the movie, though, comes from all the different gangs in New York City. You have the baseball clown guys, the Orphans, The Lizzies, the Turnball AC's... each gang has it's own gimmick, look, and special place in the New York underworld. Perhaps it's the wrestling fan in me, but I really enjoy the concept of all these different gimmicky villains.

I really love this movie and suggest it for anyone who hasn't seen it. And even if you have, this is a movie that I think anyone can enjoy multiple times.

Had no idea it wasbased off Homer's The Oddesy but thats an interesting fact that I just learned. And yeah as a wrestling fan too I know what you mean, the villians had personality and charisma that just made them along with their different styles and gimmicks nice to see on screen.
I love this movie, its one of my all time favourites, i bought the video game first then watched the movie and now own it, the film just as that appeal that makes it very watchable and the gangs as well as the characters themselves are very well done. The Warrior's gang has brilliant character, each with their own style. And whats funny is that i see each of the gangs as a wrestling division from the main eventers to the jobbers, with the Riff's being the top gang and The Orphan's being bottom of the barrell.

Its a shame the only actor to actually become a well known actor is James Remar.
I loved the action and suspense the movie provided, but let's face it: you really have to suspend belief to buy the premise of the whole thing. (Not that there's anything wrong with doing that).

Cyrus was a fool for thinking he could unite the gangs of the city. The fact that all these individual groups of guys formed themselves into gangs in the first place is because they refused to live under the rules set up by anyone else. They used anarchy, rebellion and open warfare to solve their problems. And Cyrus expected to unite them to take over the city? ("Can you count, suckers?"). It's no wonder he was killed two minutes into his speech. Now that was realistic.

But I liked the make-up of the Warriors themselves. They were a tightly knit group who showed courage and loyalty even while dealing with petty jealousies and political infighting. I'll bet that gangs really function that way; the group dynamic will never be one of peace..... most of them would be more like Ajax than like Swan.

And Michael Beck should have had a better acting career than he did. I suppose "Xanadu" killed any momentum he built up from "The Warriors.":icon_neutral:
I loved the action and suspense the movie provided, but let's face it: you really have to suspend belief to buy the premise of the whole thing. (Not that there's anything wrong with doing that).

Cyrus was a fool for thinking he could unite the gangs of the city. The fact that all these individual groups of guys formed themselves into gangs in the first place is because they refused to live under the rules set up by anyone else. They used anarchy, rebellion and open warfare to solve their problems. And Cyrus expected to unite them to take over the city? ("Can you count, suckers?"). It's no wonder he was killed two minutes into his speech. Now that was realistic.

But I liked the make-up of the Warriors themselves. They were a tightly knit group who showed courage and loyalty even while dealing with petty jealousies and political infighting. I'll bet that gangs really function that way; the group dynamic will never be one of peace..... most of them would be more like Ajax than like Swan.

And Michael Beck should have had a better acting career than he did. I suppose "Xanadu" killed any momentum he built up from "The Warriors.":icon_neutral:

Yeah I agree about the Cyrus part he was never gonna unite gangs all over NYC to battle cops. And Ajax got arrested at the end right by the undercover police women?

Swan was a true leader even when members questioned his leadership he still did not back down and took them all the way back home when the leader Cleon was killed.
Yeah I agree about the Cyrus part he was never gonna unite gangs all over NYC to battle cops. And Ajax got arrested at the end right by the undercover police women?

Swan was a true leader even when members questioned his leadership he still did not back down and took them all the way back home when the leader Cleon was killed.

But could you blame the gangs for acting the way they did. The city of NY had corrupt cops up the ass back then, cities government seemed not to care for the citizens just themselves and for money.
The thing about Cyrus is, he was supposed to be a legend. He was supposed to be the Jesus Christ of New York street crime. If you were in a gang, he was your lord and savior. You had to be one mean and angry son of a bitch to not be follower of Cyrus. That's why he was able to call all the gangs of New York together and call rally them in that way. The Rogues (hm, wonder why they're called that) shooting him was a total shock because it was like the slaying of the one man who had the power to make all their problems go away.

The more unbelievable part is that nobody saw Luther (the leader of the Rogues) shoot Cyrus. Seriously? There were thousands of people there, somebody must have noticed him aiming a gun at Cyrus.
The thing about Cyrus is, he was supposed to be a legend. He was supposed to be the Jesus Christ of New York street crime. If you were in a gang, he was your lord and savior. You had to be one mean and angry son of a bitch to not be follower of Cyrus. That's why he was able to call all the gangs of New York together and call rally them in that way. The Rogues (hm, wonder why they're called that) shooting him was a total shock because it was like the slaying of the one man who had the power to make all their problems go away.

The more unbelievable part is that nobody saw Luther (the leader of the Rogues) shoot Cyrus. Seriously? There were thousands of people there, somebody must have noticed him aiming a gun at Cyrus.

Yeah also surprised got in with guns on them. Cyrus had be smart to atleast have all gangs be frisked or something.
This was a movie that just about anyone have heard about unless you were just born.! Its a classic and it will going to be that way. I always wanted at least another movie like this to come out at least show what has been going on with either gang, you know?!

It was only like a few years ago that I actually brought it on DVD. Now, I can always watch it whenever I want to. This movie had just about everything and anything you wanted in a movie.
This was a movie that just about anyone have heard about unless you were just born.! Its a classic and it will going to be that way. I always wanted at least another movie like this to come out at least show what has been going on with either gang, you know?!

It was only like a few years ago that I actually brought it on DVD. Now, I can always watch it whenever I want to. This movie had just about everything and anything you wanted in a movie.

Supposedly Tony Scott is trying to remake the film and base it in LA with real street gangs. Film suck most likely and this film does not need a remake either.
The Warriors is a movie that doesn't need a remake, it was perfect the way it was and the game was hell of a lot of fun too. The way the movie is almost comic book like as well which is a vibe i get from it.
Warriors, come out to play-ay! WARRIORS, COME OUT TO PLAY-AY! I still say that to people now, and i first watched The Warriors some 3 or 4 years ago.

Great movie, not too long, easy story to follow with a lot of colorful characters to boot. I'd like to meet anyone who didn't like the movie and discuss with them why they feel that way.

Keep on boppin' boppers.

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