The Undertaker: Post-Wrestlemania!?

Will The Undertaker have an extra brief run after WrestleMania XXX?

  • Yes. I could see him having an extra match.

  • No. There's no way he'll be able to after a match with Lesnar.

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Hard Hit Prince

Not really working as a

Lets create a little bit of buzz around here - The Undertaker is going to defend his WrestleMania Streak against Brock Lesnar in what will be most likely a very physical match. I'm still expecting a good bout no doubt, but without Undertaker wrestling occasionally in house-shows just to get the old mechanics back working, I'll be very surprised if they can steal the show.

But what I want to talk about is Undertaker's post-Mania status. Last year he remained with the company for one week and wrestled The Shield - I was really into it since The Shield was the most entertaining act top to bottom and because that would be a little bit of freshness for The Undertaker's character.

His opponent last year was CM Punk and his match at WrestleMania 29, while a great match, was also a more psychological one instead of a hardcore kind of match. That was a big part in my estimate for that brief extra work for Taker and I don't know if Brock Lesnar is exactly the type of guy that can do the same, mainly because his whole act is to be ruthless and well, a beast. But if by any chance The Undertaker accepts having one or two more matches, I would really like to see him working a small and brief program with Bray Wyatt - maybe hyping up a big match on Raw and letting the kid feel the rub before ending up challenging for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. I also wouldn't say no for a possible title match against one Daniel Bryan, but I'm asking way too much in here I know.

So, answer the poll and tell me what would you like to see The Undertaker do and why! Once again, try not to be a troll and try not go way to far as saying you can see Undertaker wrestling the entire year or whatever against Shawn Michaels just because... Thanks.
The longer Undertaker goes on, the less likely that you'll see him in matches during the course of the year. As it is, he's barely doing any actual work to promote the match with Lesnar. IMO, the mystique is starting to wear off -- maybe it's the lackluster build, maybe it's the quality of his opponent and the obvious result, but Callaway is obviously not into providing much interest for the build; Heyman is shouldering the entire load for promoting this match.

I doubt you see anything from Undertaker after WrestleMania. More likely, they'll try to sell Lesnar as having hurt Undertaker at WrestleMania (despite losing) to help rebuild his stature a bit. Lesnar is more likely to have an immediate presence following WrestleMania than Undertaker.
I think the reason he wrestled two extra matches last year was because it would be his last appearance wrestling on a UK tour. Can't see it happening again.

I'm not on the side of the fence that thinks Undertaker is fragile and will come out of his match with Lesnar as a near cripple. I just think he's at the stage of his career where he doesn't need to show up very often and sees his value as an act for just 6 weeks each year.

I'd like to see him wrestle before Mania 31. I just don't think he will.
The longer Undertaker goes on, the less likely that you'll see him in matches during the course of the year. As it is, he's barely doing any actual work to promote the match with Lesnar. IMO, the mystique is starting to wear off -- maybe it's the lackluster build, maybe it's the quality of his opponent and the obvious result, but Callaway is obviously not into providing much interest for the build; Heyman is shouldering the entire load for promoting this match.

I doubt you see anything from Undertaker after WrestleMania. More likely, they'll try to sell Lesnar as having hurt Undertaker at WrestleMania (despite losing) to help rebuild his stature a bit. Lesnar is more likely to have an immediate presence following WrestleMania than Undertaker.

I completely agree. The real problem with seeing Undertaker post-WM is that he can't really carry a feud, as you mentioned. Guys like Bray Wyatt or Roman Reigns could use an actual feud with a guy like The Undertaker but the problem is, he can't wrestle on RAW, and only can probably wrestle one match in the feud, so then, what good is that?
Unfortunately, I don't expect to see The Undertaker until 2015 after WM30. I think it's possible he's at Raw the night after. But after that it's back to Texas, for his year-long recuperation/vacation. I'm really surprised at how weak the build for this year has been so far, but hopefully that picks up in a big way come Monday. Heyman can't do it all. As a fan I wish he would get back to his old part-time schedule. He's was always back at SummerSlam and took a small a break at some point before the new year. But I guess he doesn't feel up to it anymore, understandable considering he's pushing 50, and has had countless injuries. I'll enjoy him while he's around.
He could do something similar to last year. The Shield wrote him of TV and the commentators used that to talk them up. Maybe this year The Wyatt Family or Rusev do similar.

A match might be asking too much of Taker and will slightly devalue his Mania appearance. Personally, I'd love to see a confrontation with Sting. When they fight might be irrelevant. Extreme Rules, Summerslam, Survivor Series or WM31, it doesn't matter because they can get people talking.
Undertaker's Post WM schedule i will always have some glimmer of hope.. This is the undertaker were talking about.. But the fact is,he is almost 50 and his body is damn there near cripple status.. Sadly as i type this,i this could very well be the undertakers last match ever.. Lesnar works very stiff,and his style worries me against someone of the undertakers status..

UT only worked last year because of the UK schedule.. But he went against Punk last WM not Lesnar. But a program if he's able the Wyatts could do something similar like the shield did.

But after his match with Brock,I dont think the UT will be healthy enough for anything. His body is just too broken
After his mania match. Sting will debut.
They will have a face off at raw. Wyatts will come out.
Fued will last a bit. Can see Wyatt family vs sting taker kane)mask)
Every year we see this same crap. Look, I will be honest and say that I was a WCW fan during Taker's heyday (which was 15 years ago btw), so I have never been as into him as most. With that said, I understand and acknowledge his place in the hearts of many of you. He is an all time favorite and an all time great. Taker is the best gimmick wrestler that Vinny Mac ever created. However, his fans need to just accept what he now is and that is the ultimate part timer that is only seen between February and May, if that long. While he may stick around for a few weeks post mania, he will certainly not work a program with anybody. It's not what he does anymore. Taker has the best job in the business and no matter how hard it is for all of you to accept, you need to learn to let go. While he did put the Shield over a little last year, it was still very limited and he didn't go on to work a PPV match with any of them. Why should he when he has the best job in wrestling? You guys complain all the time about part timers but still praise the ultimate part timer, very hypocritical.
i definitly see sting appearing after his match. old school. points the bat at taker then at the mania sign. 1 year build up. both end their careers in a buried alive match. lol
I can see him around for like Payback since the star power of Punk, HHH (wrestling), Brock will be missed.

Seems like WWE starts slacking after ER and picks up at MITB
After his mania match. Sting will debut.
They will have a face off at raw. Wyatts will come out.
Fued will last a bit. Can see Wyatt family vs sting taker kane)mask)

To be honest, I really do like this idea. Ignoring the thought that I would like some build-up into this match, it would be interesting. Of course, those who oppose this idea will always issue the same arguments saying that Sting, Undertaker, and Kane are just too old to be in long enduring matches, and they are past their prime. Their remarks are justified as well, but imagine having Hulk Hogan, Undertaker, and Sting standing tall in one ring (hell, lets just add Kane in this since we know it won't happen anyways) .. those kinds of things are nostalgic for fans, especially the older base who grew up watching the Attitude's rise and end.

Back to the original post:

Post-Wrestlemania doesn't seem to be much different than the last few Wrestlemanias for the Deadman. At that age, not much could be asked. I don't see Undertaker wearing a suit and tie and reinventing himself into a gimmick like Kane's. I can MAYBE see him feud with Wyatt (we saw RAW after it went off air with Cena backed up by the Undertaker) but either than that, very unsure. If Undertaker really did claim that he wants his last match against Cena and go off 25-0 in Texas, I really don't know who his other two opponents for the other WMs will be. It would be nice to see him more often to build up the hype for matches, or to even compete .. but he has paid his dues and really doesn't need to or have to.
I can see undertaker being around for a week or 2 after wrestlemania and like last year get taken out but this time by the wyatts because last year he was taken out by the shield.

or another way is have bray face him at the ppv after wrestlemania and have them all beat him down after the match and goodbye undertaker for another year
Why the need to write him off TV? He's supposed to be mysterious and eerie. Why not just him disappear from the ring after the match. It would be very cool to see that!
If Sting has indeed signed with the WWE then I could see The Undertaker appearing the following night after Wrestlemania XXX on Monday Night RAW to start a program with Sting leading into WM 31 ala Rock/Cena after WM 27 but that's about it.

As far as another match after WM XXX for Taker, the only up & comers worthy of facing off with him besides The Shield again would be The Wyatt Family & I think the WWE would want to save Bray/Taker for PPV if they ever book that match.
I want to see them tease Taker vs either Cena or Bray at Mania, and be written off television by the Wyatt Family.
wwe dont need taker for replacement or star power. They used him only for wrestlemania season and special raw shows. Wwe keep undertaker to wrestle more wrestlemanias as possible.

I dont think he stay in wwe after wm. After wrestlemania both brock and taker can take timeoff put their story end. May be they give a nod for next wm.

My guess is post wm raw they bring taker to address his match, then brock comes and attack taker for revenge. Or sting comes and save taker from that attack and challenge taker for next wm. This also give brock vs sting at summer slam.
I suppose it depends how he feels after fighting Brock. Last year, I believe he (and company officials) were pleasantly surprised that he felt healthy enough to engage in a few matches after WM29.....and upon approaching management with the offer, they were all too pleased to accommodate, pushing aside whatever else they had planned. Mark Calaway must love the business; why else would he even consider going beyond the requirements of his present contract?

Of course, I also had the notion that he might have intended to wrestle a few more matches post-WM29 than he did, but wound up getting hurt again someone along the line, terminating the initiative.

If that was the case, he might decide to do WM30 and end his participation for another year, which was probably the original idea after WM29. Plus, he isn't facing CM Punk this year; a guy like Brock Lesnar is surely going to inflict more aches and pains than Punk. In fact, after tangling with Brock, we can probably forget about 'Taker engaging in a few matches immediately following WM30; rather, we'll be lucky if he decides not to pack in the whole over.
I don't see Taker working another match this year. Brock Lesnar is one stiff pecker and it'll be a minor miracle if Taker doesn't get injured. I'm sure he'll have bumps & bruises, he'll probably be sore as shit; but I think the biggest issue would be suffering further injuries or aggravating older ones. For instance, I remember reading last year that Taker had undergone surgery on his shoulder, can't remember if it was the left or the right, but I do remember that it's something he'd needed to have done for some time. However, he kept putting it off due to concerns that it might take him out of WrestleMania. When he finally had it, the damage was already done and the surgery didn't really accomplish anything. As a result, allegedly, he doesn't have full strength in that shoulder and never will again.

Given the way the wear & tear has caught up to Taker over the past 5 or 6 years and how physical Lesnar can be, I don't see Taker wrestling again this year. Hell, the biggest worry a lot of people have, including WWE management allegedly, is Taker getting injured and this being his last match period.
You guys complain all the time about part timers but still praise the ultimate part timer, very hypocritical.

Errr, no.

At the end of the day Taker has stuck around & not gone away to pursue more money in a failed acting, MMA career to try & make themselves more relevant. Ala Batista

Ok, Taker ONLY wrestles once maybe twice a year, but in NO WAY is he getting near the big fat paycheck for doing fuck all like The Rock, Brock Lesnar & Batista.

Fair-do's to Batista he's stuck around every week, but you think he's doing it out the goodness of his heart, NO, he's doing it to finance his expensive lifestyle & making himself relevant again like a z-list celeb there, ive said it again

But going back on topic, id like to see taker stick around for a little while, if he thinks he can take it & if he does it'll be interesting to see who he will "feud" with.
Even if The Undertaker can wrestle after his wrestle mania match he shouldn't......ever, Undertaker has nothing left to prove and continues to add another injury to the list every time he steps into the ring. I think he should defeat Brock at. Wrestle mania and then hang up his boots got good with THe Streak intact.

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