The Undertaker a.k.a. MomentumTaker rant.


Dark Match Winner
I don't know if anyone has touched on this but I'll go for it anyways. I'm writing this as an Undertaker fan but there's something I've been thinking about since Breaking Point is coming up and Undertaker's going against CM Punk. Supposedly, Undertaker has never tapped out and I've heard of how people can't see 'Taker tap out because of his character and his luster, etc...

There's was a report earlier saying that the current plans for the 'Taker Vs. CM Punk match is to have Undertaker go over. This won't surprise me a single bit because he always wins. The way it goes is he beats you in a match and that's it; the storyline is over. Many times in the past, a young guy comes around and would annihilate everyone until he gets to The Undertaker and then loses all that momentum for nothing and all that. To me it's kind of like something I would call "The Goldberg Effect" where you gain alot of credibility and then it get's flushed down the toilet.

I feel that Undertaker's gimmick is too one-dimensional because it's always the same storyline. You always get the Deadman Vs. the cowardly heel over and over again. The lights go off, he appears behind you, he beats on you, the same old stuff...

My question is since CM Punk won back the World Title not too long ago, do you think his momentum will go down the shitter just like many new faces and be a typical victim of The Undertaker and do you think Undertaker's "mystique" of being an "unstoppable force'" is good in the long run when new faces will keep coming and gain some credibility?
The simple answer, I'd say would be No. As you said, The Undertaker is usually involved in the same storylines, and apparently, "always wins". If you are losing to someone who wins most of the time, it would be great to defeat them, but then it won't be such a bad thing if you do lose, like most others do. C.M. Punk losing the World Heavyweight Championship to Jeff Hardy at Night of Champions killed his momentum more than losing it to Undertaker.

Although I can't agree with the part where you said, Undertaker "beats you in a match and that's it; the storyline is over." That's not necessarily true, we've seen Taker defeat people like Randy Orton, Batista, and others in their first encounters, and their fued continues for months with them having several victories over him. In both cases, a loss to Undertaker (ironically at WRestlemania) didn't hurt them in the longm but helped them improve.

There's no reason for thinking that losing to Undertaker will harm you or your momentum. The Undertaker has let a countless amount of people go over him in the past, so sometimes he wins, sometimes he loses.

The Undertaker's gimmick is too one-dimensional? Yes. But so is a lot of other people's. John Cena's gimmick is one who tries to teach respect to his opponents, while getting his ass whooped in the ring, but magically recovering to win the match. Rey Mysterio has one of a small underdog who's the "little guy in the fight", but with the size of his heart, he can overcome unsurmountable odds. Triple H is similar to Cena, but gets a lot more offense in the ring, than him. So, I guess you can call The Undertaker's character one-dimensional, but so is others. Taker's might be the easiest to point out.

To sum up I will say that C.M. Punk losing the title to The Undertaker just 3 weeks after winning it won't harm his credibility or momentum as much as you'd think. If that happens and WWE wants to leave time before the return match, Punk can simply feud with Matt Hardy a little longer, while Taker defends against someone else. Sure, Undertaker doesn't need the title, but holding it won't hurt him (unless it's another short, forgettable reign). Punk will be in the WWE years after Taker retires... he'll have plenty of time to have more title reigns and become more dominant with experience.

That's just my opinion.
imagine the heat and heel promos CM punk could get/cut if he wins (won't happen) that would be awesome. but like EVERYONE i'm not quite expecting taker to tap out. back to the thread, i don't think punk will lose any momentum. i hope they make a feud like they did with edge and taker last year.
i would love to see cm punk make taker tap. dont get me wrong taker is a legend and one of the best every but this would not hurt him a single bit and it would make punk a true maineventer. but cm punk losing wont really hurt his monentum. he will win the title back from taker and then hopefully feud with morrison and then hoppefully edge.
I heard Taker will win to me that would kill Punk new personality and momentum as a new heel. im starting to see anotha Edge with Punk keep winning and losing the title.I hated that with Edge so im gonna hate it with Punk.Why would they do this?If some1 helps Punk who is he fueding with next?Matt aint ready they destroyed that at SS by letting Taker attack Punk/(which was dumb,why not at Smackdown,when he attacked Jeff when he was saying his goodbye?)Who is Taker fueding with?Bortista,dont wanna see him. Taker vs Batista or Kane,CM Punk vs Rey(steroid man)Mysterio or Matt (i should have feuded at BP wit Punk but had to wait,you see after Punk was rubbing the makeup off,he went to talk bout Taker,then the fans was cheering Jeff,which big brother Matt should have feuded with).Unless they make Taker pass out,which we saw with SCSA and Bret before,cant see Taker losing at all.One question why make it a submission match?

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