The Ultimate Warrior Passes Away

I think we can all agree that professional bodybuilders are the biggest steroid abusers. And the biggest user is the Mr. Olympia winner. Point being, all the Mr. Olympia contest winners are still alive I believe except for one and I believe the one who has since died won the contest in the 1960's.

And if you do your research you will find that the bodybuilders who do die young are generally linked to recreational drug use. Having that much size and rec drugs just do not mix. It is a toxic combo.

That being said, thousands of men die every year in their 50's from heart attacks. And rec drugs and steroids are not involved. It just happens. We're not all meant to live to be 100 years old. Just that simple.

Makes for nice headlines. Thank you very much Nancy Grace you stupid douche.
If I was Nacy Grace and this was before Mania I'd have had a special show and made bold predictions about which wrestlers would eventually expire due to heart issues related to steroid abuse. Warrior would've been one of the first on my list. This should surprise nobody.

By the way, I though the tribute show was done really well last night. Which shouldn't come as a surprise, WWE can be really classy when they want to be.
It's pretty distasteful that this is even a thread really, much less descending into a "he did this so he deserved it" bashing in some cases.

The man died of a disease that had already claimed 2 generations of his paternal family at similar ages... His dice was cast genetically years before he was born. Choices he made may have been driven by that foreknowledge.

I was born with a severe heart defect and 1978 science got me to the age I am now, I was meant to make it to 4. Within 2 years more surgery is coming and I can "just go at anytime". Thus my outlook was very much "do it now, live for today and burn out rather than fade away". Having that upbringing and knowledge affects you, and what you are willing to do. When I wrestled and got "big", I juiced for a spell... if it did damage to my heart, it couldn't be worse than what was there already and wouldn't "kill me any quicker". Warrior may have looked at things a similar way and rightly or wrongly it worked for him, what he had in life came from those risks, being that size, taking those substances and building the character that fuelled his life. What happened when the Warrior stopped? People thought he'd died and it was someone else... so he got big again. I am sure he may have "regretted" not having more time with his daughters but he knew the writing on the wall long before...and he did the best he could by making sure they were secure, knew they were loved and his pride and joy... and he did what was needed in his life to make sure that was the case...

I will never have kids of my own, I do have children I consider my stepchildren from relationships... but I would never blame or allow my choices of 20 years ago to be blamed for leaving them when that dice was cast before I was even born. Same for Warrior, something in his family for nearly a hundred years has meant the men die in their 50's from heart attacks.. roids don't even get a look in.
....Warrior put something in his body that was going to come back to haunt him later and unfortunately he paid the price for those choices.

As mentioned earlier in this topic, Eddie Guerrero comes to mind. Yes, the coroner said his body was free of alcohol and drugs when he died, but 38-year-old athletes like Guerrero and Florence Griffith-Joyner usually don't die that early if they hadn't spent a good portion of their adult lives poisoning their bodies with substances that should never have been used.

I watched WM6 the other night on the Network, the main event of which had Hulk Hogan losing his world title to Ultimate Warrior. Though I saw the match when it was originally aired in 1990, I was still startled the other night by Warrior's appearance. Even as an 11-year-old, I knew that people didn't develop a physique like that just by pumping iron. At that time, I didn't wonder about what the guy might be doing to himself in the future, but I'm thinking about it now.

I suppose we'll be reading accounts in the coming weeks with medical professionals telling us it wasn't substance abuse that contributed to Warrior's death....and if some of you choose to buy that, it's your business.
His erratic behavior over the years suggested his mind might have been effected by the steroids, as well as his body. Consider all the prime years he spent not plying his trade as a pro wrestler because of all the political garbage he was angry about. Yes, it's nice that the breach with WWE was healed in the days before his death, but that doesn't change all that was lost long before his heart gave out.

He died at 54? In many ways, it's surprising he lasted that long.

Sad.....especially for those he leaves behind.
I'm not sure how much you all know about steroids, and I'm not going to state that he ever abused them at one point in time, but simply taking steroids, and taking them responsibly probably wont lead to death down the line if you're in good health and do proper check ups. There are several other wrestlers who took steroids, and body builders such as Arnold Schwarzenegger who was even bigger than Ultimate Warrior is still alive and kicking, and remember there's even video's of him smoking pot while he was probably taking steroids. Bret Hart is one who is noted for taking steroids after an injury which helped return at a much quicker date, also it's been reported Hogan took steroids through out the 90s, and he's still here.

One man though in particular is Kevin Nash who actually explains his time taking steroids, and the effects of abusing them, it should be noted if Warrior abused steroids to such a high degree he probably wouldn't have had those young kids of his walking him to the Hall of Fame podium since he would have lost his ability to produce testosterone.

At the 18 minute mark Kevin Nash gives a rather detailed explanation on steroids, and how he always feared them because it could cause his blood to become even thicker increasing his chances of having a heart attack, and he states he would give blood every 3 months as to help prevent the chance of a stroke. Also he's a live currently after taking steroids.

Taking steroids isn't an early death sentence if taken Responsibly, but abused like pain killers it can lead to a dark path. Bare in mind that Eddie Guerrero died because of drug abuse and steroid abuse, and it was so bad he died before the age of 40, and it's reported Benoit would have died in roughly a year if he didn't snap like he did.

Dearest Warriors,
It is with an absolutely broken heart I reach out to you. Since the passing of my husband, I have been fortunate enough to insulate my sweet girls and myself from the outside world. In this bubble we have grieved and continue to do so. For a week, I did not allow any television or media to seep through our cocoon. I was told, though, of the outpouring of love for my beloved husband and support for, as he always called us, his Warrior Girls. I can only say thank you.

On Sunday night, I was told WWE would pay tribute to Warrior and so I set the DVR planning to watch it when we were ready. As the hour neared, I broke resolve and turned on every TV in the house to full blast and snuggled our daughters close to me on the couch, unsure what we would see. As the scene unfolded with that amazing roster of talent gathered donning Ultimate Warrior shirts and even his face paint, we cheered and sobbed simultaneously. To everyone who stood there, thank you. My girls will remember your bowed heads for the rest of their lives. You are not just Superstars; you are super people.

I cannot put words to what that video tribute meant. We watched it multiple times and, this morning, it was how I started my day; mornings are the hardest for me. I will treasure that song and those images more than anything I own. Vindication. ULTIMATE PERFECTION.

I was told it was reported WWE was "there" for us. "There" is the understatement of a lifetime. They were a warm blanket to us three and we were quickly absorbed into their family. Words are cheap; promises are forever. This family is one I'm honored to be a member of and will gladly be the warm blanket to any of them who need me next.

My husband's speech had so many highlights for me as I sat proudly in the audience looking on at his moment ... I most loved his request for the Hall of Fame to include the, as he called them, "true Superstars," those behind-the-scenes people who make the machine run. See, I'm the person who puts up the ring in our house. I'm the background person who makes things happen seamlessly. I am surrounded by performers in my husband and children, so I felt a kinship with all the people he wanted to shine a spotlight upon who make WWE work. He loved you all, and knew that each of you made his run there possible. Thank you!

To all the ULTIMATE WARRIOR fans: THANK YOU!! He told me when he shook the ropes it was him gathering strength from each of you. Warrior respected you and loved you as do the girls and I. I will reach out to the ropes for your strength to sustain me in the sad days that the girls and I face. UNWAVERING is what you've been. GRATEFUL is what we are.

The Undertaker and I have a lot more in common than you might think. You see, I had a bit of a streak of my own going for the last 20 years. Yes, Warrior and I would have matches of our own ... He would yell, I would cry, he would submit, I would win - always. My quivering chin and "pooched" lip was always more powerful than any clothesline or gorilla press slam. He'd laugh and shake his head and say,"you win, Pooch," but really we both did.

My streak was broken April 8, 2014 when he collapsed. I fought and screamed and cried for him not to leave me, but I wasn't to win this round. Heaven won and I lost, but I had the ULTIMATE love for 20 years and my children learned to be Warriors from THE ULTIMATE DAD. I wouldn't trade a moment of the life we shared, good or bad, for anything on God's green earth. He is the love of my life and gave me the gift of our beautiful, sweet, amazing girls. He was loyal and kind and strong and brave. He taught me to live by his creed,"Live Strong, Act Bold, Be Brave. Nothing's too hard to do, ALWAYS BELIEVE," and with that creed I will carry on and make him proud.

Streaks are broken but legends live forever.

Always Believe,

Dana A. Warrior

Very touching.

R.I.P Warrior



That video package on Monday night really was perfect. Every now and then WWE air a piece of work that makes me feel like they might have the best production team in the world. The Daniel Bryan package at Wrestlemania was a great example of that, and the Warrior package on Monday night was even better. He was a bit before my time but even then, the guys that make those packages know how to pull all of my strings.
Glad I read that. Definitely wish all the best for her and those girls. As a Warrior fan who never broke rank despite his flaws/mistakes, the whole WrestleMania weekend, his death, and the tribute on Raw provided great closure. Like I said on Monday, it's a shame that Macho Man never got that, but oh well. Warrior was vindicated, humanized, and gave us a great moment to go out on. R.I.P Warrior.
The video tribute was amazing and made me feel like a kid again. I told my wife how I used to emulate that for my parents entertainment when I was about 4 or 5 years old, even having brightly colored shoestrings tied around my arms and legs. It was a part of my youth brought back, for at least one more night.

I'm glad that things, in the end, came around for Warrior. Especially so that his wife had the closure with WWE and now with him passing, she doesn't have to harbor a grudge. I just hate it for his little girls who didn't get to see his work in person and now will have to grow up without him.
Feel for the family, especially the girls who lost their father. Glad we as the fans could contribute to comforting the family.
I was never a warrior fan when I was a kid.... however I lost my father at a young age and my heart goes out majorly to those kids and his wife....
I choked up a bit on Monday during the video package and with the ring bell going off.... and after reading his wifes letter just now I am choked up even more......
I pray for them all.
At the time I was a Warrior guy. I mean you were either a Hogan guy or a Warrior guy. He made my childhood fun. Sometimes I think we forget the little kid inside of all of us who watched wrestling for the characters. Who hasn't done a interpretation of the Warrior when we get near a ring or some kinda ropes? I would like to thank him for help making my childhood fun. That was a very nice letter by Mrs.Warrior. Thank you for writing that letter, reaching out to us in your time of sorrow.
Honored to have read that letter,very well said.. First let me say,that the tribute show,was absolutely perfect. I still cant believe he's gone.. We get lost sometimes,in thinking these guys are superhuman,but in fact they are just that: Human. I continue to pray for the little warrior girls left behind,and Mrs Warrior.. Im glad Warrior found peace,and him and the WWE mended fences.. RIP Warrior and Godspeed. God Bless your family
Wow that teared me up when she said her streak was broken on April 8th. I am glad the WWE, and the Warrior fans have been able to comfort her and her girls. I don't know what I would do without my wife, and it was very nice to read that letter. I wish her and her girls the best, and hope that the strength of the Warrior will inspire them for the rest of their lives.

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