The Ultimate Warrior Passes Away

This is such a shock coming just days after Wrestlemania.
Though not one of my favourites at the time, he was one of the biggest stars of the era when I first started watching wrestling as a kid in 1991.
Looking back his fued with Rick Rude in 1989 was smoking!

At least he was acknowledged in the HOF and was able to make peace with many of his peers, (Vince, Hogan, Jake, Nash amongst others) before he died.

I hope Vince releases a public statement
wow. this is so crazy. we just saw him the other day. like its been mentioned, everything that happened leading up to this was eerie. huge warrior mark as a kid. when everyone was a hogan kid, i was a warrior. dont really care what the wrestling nerds have to say about his in ring work.

i remember i would always hope he would comeback. i use to watch his surprise run-in at WM8 all the time, just kept rewinding to that part. Finally got to see him back on TV and now hes gone. At least he got to make peace.

Vince, Stephanie and Hunter never used the word 'shocked' when mentioning his passing. Maybe they knew he was ill and his time was up which is why he returned to the WWE to make peace.

Very sad.
I was definitely shocked to hear that Warrior passed. Very sad and my thoughts and prayers go out to his family.

He is a legend and I am so glad that he go inducted into the Hall Of Fame and made peace with the WWE.

I do agree with what some are saying on this thread that there is more too it and it seems like Warrior and his family (maybe even WWE) were aware of his health and that maybe he was terminally ill. Maybe this is why he made peace and got inducted.

Looking back, when he acknowledged his wife and family at the HOF induction, his wife did seem overly emotional. On RAW, my wife and I were saying that he did look winded and out of sorts but we just thought is was due to his age and not being that physical in a long time (long walk to the ring, shaking the ropes etc.)

I am curious to find out why he passed. Again, very sad. Another taken way too soon.
I just rewatched his speech on Raw and now I do wonder if he knew he wasn't long for this world and knew that what he said that night was the last time he was going to be in a ring talking to his fans. He spoke like he was saying goodbye and even had a sad look on his face as he took the mask off like he knew that was the last time he was going to be the Ultimate Warrior which is strange seeing he and the WWE made peace, a DVD collection of his caeeer was made and is out or about to come out so you think we would of seen a lot more of him had he not died yet he spoke as he was saying his last goodbye.
Woke up this morning half asleep scrolling through twitter and noticed alot of Warrior talk. Opened my eyes to see what exactly was being said and saw the news. It took me by surprise because we all just finished watching him at Mania and Raw and he looked to be in excellent shape for a man in his mid 50's. It hit me pretty good because Warrior was my 1st favorite wrestler when I first started watching. I remember renting Mania 6 all the time just to watch the Warrior/Hogan match. As a fan I'm happy that we got to see him mend fences with WWE, as a person, It saddens me to think that his two young daughters will have to grow up without a father.
Holy shit, I just saw this on the a.m. news... this friggin bums me out, man.

Recently some of us got to read the letter he faxed to McMahon before the "SummerSlam Holdup" and you got the idea him and the boss were really, reeeaaally close. I can't imagine the feeling Vince got when he heard the news... after the shock and heartache I'm sure he was really thankful he decided to let bygones be bygones. There's a good lesson in this for the rest of us.

I hope Warrior got to finish his movie. I own the Self Destruction DVD and I've been interested to hear another side of the story since Warrior announced the new one he was making.

RIP Ultimate Warrior, nobody took their persona more seriously than you did. You're bodyslamming angels now, buddy.
Much sadness surrounds his death. I can't imagine what it must be like to be walking with your significant other and in one second they pass out and pass on. And for his young daughters to now have to grow up without a father is the worst. I hope that his family can find the strength to live a happy and productive life once they get past the grieving and mourning stage.

As a fan Warrior was my first favorite wrestler. Someone that as a kid I believed in and admired. It is because of him that I got hooked at a young age and continue to be a fan to this day.
I'm surprisingly sad considering I was only being born during his major WWF runs, probably saw him in his WCW run with a small understanding of who he was, but can't say I ever followed him in the business. Over the years I came to like him for the workout and motivational stuff he put online.

The timing is eerie and upsetting. I'm glad it happened after he got to experience last weekend instead of before, but in the end all the wrestling BS is pretty irrelevant compared to the loss of the man and what his family must be going through. More than the HoF induction or any of that, I'm happy for him that he seemingly got to put to rest a lot of issues with a lot of different people and embrace them.

RIP :(
I was at work last night when one of my managers told me about Triple H tweeting about Warrior's death. And so I went to yahoo, and it was already on there with a report from ABC News. I had just been on a wrestling site a half hour before on my lunch break, and nothing was said of it. So it must've literally broke right as I went back to work.

This is just so shocking, and so heartbreaking. The biggest reason it's so shocking is that we literally just saw him the day before on national TV, and then he's gone, like that. If we hadn't seen him in years, it would still be surprising, but not like this. This just really caps off a shocking and really now emotional Wrestlemania weekend.

For all of us that grew up watching wrestling in the 1980's and 1990's, that generation, our childhoods have basically died over the last couple of days. One for storyline purposes that could mean something strong in reality, and another that's just flat out real.

First the Undertaker's Streak ending, which pretty much points out that the Undertaker is either finished with wrestling, or is about a match or two away.

And then another one of the "Big Three" of the Hulkamania Era has passed on with the Ultimate Warrior. Randy Savage is also gone. Hulk Hogan is the one that remains.

The timing of this is what makes this so horrible. The Ultimate Warrior had just re-embraced the WWE and the wrestling industry for the first time in 16-17 years. He was coming home. He had signed a multi-year deal to be an Ambassador with a Legends Contract, so it definitely appeared we were gonna see more of Warrior over time, just like with Hulk, HBK, Bret, Stone Cold, Piper, etc. And now that's done. He held a grudge, and the wrestling industry held a grudge against him for so long, and now the two had come together, only for it all to end so soon afterward.

I'm really happy for Jim Hellwig (Warrior), the man that he got to experience his last three days the way he did. Getting inducted into the WWE HOF. Going out in front of a huge stadium one last time. Being embraced and making peace with his peers (Hogan, Vince, Nash, Jake, etc.). Having numerous younger wrestlers come up to him and tell him how much he meant to him (see Daniel Bryan's and Batista's tweets as examples). And then getting to come out on Raw and receive an awesome response from the crowd one more time. Honestly, if you have to depart this Earth, there's really not a better way to go out than the way he did. He made peace with so many people that he feuded with for so long. He finally got the recognition and respect from the WWE and so many other wrestlers he most likely longed for. And most importantly, he got the same from the fans. It's quite beautiful when you think about it.

His death is hitting me so much more than I would've ever expected. Like many, I was a big fan of him as a kid, although I liked Hulk and Macho Man more. And like most, as I grew up and came to know and understand more about the art of pro wrestling, my appreciation for him decreased over time. I also didn't agree with many of his political and social views. I also felt he was too hard on a lot of other pro wrestlers that had drug issues or passed on from those issues. But at the same time, I always felt he was misunderstood as a performer. Many people mocked his promos, because they sounded "non-sensical" but he was like Undertaker, a more supernatural character that was more deep and philosophical than your typical pro wrestling character. There was no one like him, and that became more and more obvious as time went along, when he was never forgotten by wrestling fans and former wrestling fans. Almost a day never went by when someone somewhere was asking, when is the Ultimate Warrior gonna come back? He left a huge impression on people, and he's a wrestling legend that will never be forgotten. Even though he didn't have a lot of classic matches, he was obviously great at what he did, and that was connecting with the fans. Or he wouldn't be so fondly remembered by so many people decades after he had long retired.

Even though he wasn't my absolute favorite as a kid, he was still a huge favorite and he created some of the biggest wrestling memories of my childhood. I'll never forget the ultimate showdown with Hulk Hogan that defined a generation of young wrestling fans. Just like everyone in my age group, I remember my cousin and acting out the match, I'd be Hulk, and he'd be Warrior. I remember one of the most dramatic and emotional, and greatest wrestling matches in history with Macho Man Randy Savage at Wrestlemania VII. I remember, his feud with the Undertaker, where Taker put the Warrior in a coffin on WWF Superstars, and being absolutely terrified that he was gonna die in that coffin if those people didn't get him out! I remember him and Undertaker main eventing the very first wrestling show I ever attended in June of 1991 in a "Bodybag Match." I remember him being betrayed by Jake Roberts in that room with the snakes and getting "bitten" by one as he fell to the feet of Jake and the Undertaker. I remember being there live at the Hoosier Dome (later RCA Dome) when Hulk Hogan was being attacked by Sid and Papa Shango, wondering how Hogan was gonna escape, and marking out when the Warrior came out to save him. I remember that epic feud and match at Summerslam 92 in Wembley Stadium with Macho Man, a match that is severely underrated. He left so many great memories for my childhood. He did that for so many people.

I think the best word to describe the passing of the Ultimate Warrior is "bittersweet." It's so tragic, especially with the timing of it and how his future seemed so promising. But he had as good a final three days as anyone in the wrestling industry and will be missed by a generation of wrestling fans who idolized him and still fondly remember him as adults.

R.I.P. Ultimate Warrior (Jim Hellwig) No one will ever fill your shoes.
A lot of people are saying that Warrior didn't look right on Monday but I thought he looked great.

I was wondering about his a bit when I seen his promo on Raw. His hands were shaking a bit, he sounded a bit breathless & his facial colour was really red, but I didn't know whether to put it down to nerves, health or whatever.
Ultimate Warrior was definitely one of my favourites as a kid. He had so much energy and it was just so hard to believe that he could be defeated. The two biggest memories I have of him are his matches against Hulk Hogan and Honky Tonk Man. His appearance and his antics including his promos were one of a kind. This news is really shocking. Double this with Undertaker's streak ending and I'm starting to feel old. Rest in Peace to an undeniably unique and distinctive superstar.
.... warrior will be missed

Of course, the irony is that we spent all those years missing him.....even as he was alive. Whether it was the fault of Vince McMahon, Jim Hellwig or both, he wasted mountains of time estranged from the sport that made him famous. He could have been entertaining us as an active competitor, then a retired personality.....and building himself a nice retirement fund in the process. Instead, he sat at home and all we read of him were angry interviews.

The anger and resentment ruined everything that could have been. Sure, it's great we got to see the breach healed before he died, which is still a bit better than the way we lost Randy Savage before he could get it done, but I still don't see much improvement either way.

Folks who are all hot to hold a grudge as long as they live may feel they've "won" something, but in the end, we all lose when one of them dies and we get to cry that the lost years were nothing but a waste.

Who knows what was going on in Hellwig's body and mind this past weekend? As a loose cannon all these years, I wondered if the "craziness" we've read about was going to manifest itself at WM30. Instead, his behavior was completely normal..... yet we're still left wondering who the man truly was.

Yes, we're properly sad he's gone, but to me, the sadness goes back a lot further than the events of the past 24 hours.
Like many others have stated, I wonder if he knew his time was coming. I saw footage of his match with Orlando Jordan. Not a 5 star match but he still went hard, however at HoF when the "one more match" chant started he was real quick to shout "no" and look really upset about it.

R.I.P. Warrior.
Incredible... It's like he was just waiting for one last run down that aisle before he went.
Wow. Death is sad, and its times like this when its extremely shocking. Sad to hear about Warrior passing away, and my prayers go out to his family. Love him or hate him, he did have in impact on the wrestling business. I'm at least glad that it seems like he buried the hatchet with Hogan and other guys before his death.
i watched wrestlemania, and raw this week with the boy and now with hindsight it does appear warrior was at peace with himself and wrestling after nearly 20 years an angry man at the industry that made him a millionaire, i suspect he knew the end was nigh and this was coming
I’ve witnessed the passing of political leaders, pop icons and religious figures and until this moment I never really understood how they could affect some many people who did not know them on a personal level. Upon learning of the Warriors passing I was immediately filled with feelings of sympathy for his family, personal sorrow and cherished memories of my childhood hero.
The Ultimate Warrior was the larger than life and outrageous super star that converted my young self into an over the top pro wrestling fanatic. To this day, some twenty years later, it is because of the Ultimate Warrior that I remain as passionate as ever.

There are so many fond memories I can recall involving his career in the ring and how the Ultimate Warrior persona affected me personally.

“Get me somebody out here to wrestle. I don’t care who it is,” HTM just before the music hit and moments later a New Intercontinental Champion.

WrestleMania VI – The Ultimate Challenge. For me this is the greatest main event in the epic history of the WrestleMania. Between the magnitude of Champion vs. Champion and the polarizing personalities involved it couldn’t get any bigger. As a young fan I was so emotional over this match my parents found it best to finally break the news that pro wrestling was scripted.

WrestleMania VII – Career vs. Career. A years’ time had passed and now I understood what I was watching wasn’t exactly legit but that did not prevent an emotional over pour when I thought Macho was going to take the victory. As much as a favored Warrior at the time I equally despised Savage over the possibility of him taking my hero away.

My Mother still keeps, buried away in storage, my Warrior actions figures, Wrestling Buddy, posters, replica title belts, t-shirts I’ll never fit into again, one autograph and a small album of photos as me dressed as the Warrior while running crazy through the house.

R.I.P. Warrior!
It's great that he got to go into the WWE Hall of Fame and cut a Warrior promo in the ring again before passing. The character was always a favorite of mine and many others, and he was a good husband and father, so he'll be missed all around. Too bad it's not a hoax this time. RIP Warrior.
Man didn't we all just see the Ultimate Warrior like 2-3 days ago back on WWE TV? This news is really sad :-( God bless the Warrior's family and his soul. Apart of my childhood is gone as of yesterday. I put the Ultimate Warrior up there with Hulk Hogan as a name in wrestling. He was a true legend in wrestling. When I first heard the news about his death I didn't believe at first but only at first. But tomorrow is not promised. I prayed for the Warrior's family last night before I went to sleep. I'll still praying for the Warrior's family right now.

Rest in Peace to the WWE hall of famer the Ultimate Warrior.
I grew up in DFW. My grandmother used to take me to see WCCW events at the Sportatorium, so of course I was a Von Erichs fan, but I remember watching Warrior when he was Dingo. I was a fan immediately, to the point where I would even get excited when he would appear on the local Westway Ford commercials with their own company mascot, Mean Joe Greed.

When he entered WWF, I was confused about the name change, but remained a fan nonetheless. I had the big silkscreened banner hanging up in my room well into high school, even after I had found other hobbies and interests and stopped watching wrestling for a few years altogether. Twice I saw him perform at Dallas WWF events, first against Mr. Perfect and then later against Andre. When it came time for his match against Hogan for the belts, I was torn because like a lot of kids at the time, they were my two favorites.

I learned later about his quarrels with Vince and his peers, watched the Self-Destruction DVD and was puzzled by his often angry and disjointed political rants and personal rants against Vince, Hogan and such. None of that matters to me as a fan. I never had to work with the man. He may not have been the best, most dazzling wrestler or even the best talker, and compared to many his time in the spotlight was short. The undeniable truth is that he had a connection with the fans, especially young fans, and in the end that is the only thing that matters. You don't always get to catch that kind of lightning in a bottle.

I went to New Orleans this weekend and had an amazing time at Mania and Raw and was really happy to see things come full circle for him. After all the shenanigans of years past and all the back-and-forth bickering and mud-tossing between Warrior and WWE/Vince/Hogan, it felt like there was finally some closure to all of that. It meant a lot to the kid inside me that remembers waking up early on Saturday mornings and painting my face to watch Warrior on the living room TV, or the kid who was excited by nothing more than a cameo on a commercial for a local car dealership.

One of my heroes died. That's all there is to it. Warrior is dead! Long live Warrior!
I rarely ever post here. But because of the recent events this week, I have to.

I am currently 34, I have been a wrestling fan since 7 years old.

People still today in 2014 don't "get" wrestling, understand it, and much less even respect it. Thats ok. Same goes for sports and other hobbies.

First I was moved by Taker's streak ending because most of us thought that'd live forever, didn't. Now the passing of Warrior, never before has someone been inducted in to the HOF, and die approximately 72 hours from that moment. I missed Raw due to work, but I caught the clip online and did notice him looking frail. Its just eerie, but what a send off.

These things like the Streak and Warrior's persona/character mean a lot to us specially fans who have been into this 20+ years because these were our childhood heroes. We had these characters on tv when we had nothing else in the world, when we had family problems, poverty, bad times, all we had was wrestling shows on tv and vhs tapes.

Warrior, thank you so much for everything, you were a unique character on tv and in real life, you stood for what you believed in, you went to war if you had to.

Thank You, I love you. Your work will truly live forever.
Im in complete shock. I woke up this morning on my day off to watch my dvr recording of Raw.
I just finished the Warrior segment when I get online to see what the forums had to say about his apprearance. Then I see news about his death. I am speechless.

He had just come back...go be inducted into the HOF and now he's gone. He was my childhood hero and Im not embarrassed to admit I shed a tear.
The world works in mysterious ways. My heart goes out to his wife and his two beautiful daughters.

RIP Warrior and thank you for the memories. Your legend will live forever.
I thought that when he was on RAW the other night that he just did not look "well." He looked really old and tired. I am not saying that one thing is related to another, just that I am not surprised to read this given how I thought he looked on Monday night.

R.I.P. Warrior.

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