The Ultimate Legend

The Dragon Saga

Whale in a Teardrop
I'm sure a lot of you have watched it, but I just did, and I actually shed a couple tears. I don't remember the last time anything wrestling related made me cry even a little. Might have been when Eddie Guerrero died, but thinking about what made me get so emotional, I think its justified.

If you haven't seen it, there is a part where Warrior gives Vince a childrens book, The Little Engine That Could, because Vince once told Warrior he often thinks of the WWE like that, as the little thing that has done so much, which is how he also saw Warrior. And between shots of Warrior signing the book for Vince with a message and handing it to Vince, there is an interview with Vince where he gets really emotional, and has to stop talking.

I think this is one of the most powerful pieces of footage the WWE has ever recorded, and the entire documentary as a whole, especially in the time frame they put it out and with all the footage and Warrior/Hogan burying the hatchet, it's crazy. Go watch it, don't not.
Just finished watching it, all i can say is WOW!
The way WWE put that together in such a short time is incredible.
Best WWE documentary, hands down. Truly humbling, and watching it really made me realize how historic the Ultimate Warrior's career was.
Do I know you?

Hahaha.. Its quite possible but wouldnt be from here:p

Actually speaking of Warrior did anyone else find the RAW "Tribute" night for him to be a little disappointing?
Compaired to Eddie's,Owen Harts and Benoits I feel they could have done more rather then just short video clips from the past.
The Warrior Week programming has been fantastic. I've been hard on the Warrior over the years, but I've certainly lightened my stance on the guy. The WWE Network did a damn good job this week.

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