The Ultimate Gym-Rat Mix


Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
When I first started in the WZ forums a year ago, the first non-wrestling thread I posted in was a thread dedicated to Workout Music. I got into several bands such as Trivium and Kings of Leon thanks to that thread, and I feel now is a great time to bring it back for all of the Gym Rats on the boards. This should work in tandem with Norcal's Workout Thread in the Bar Room, which you can view here:

This thread is where you can suggest songs that should be on a Gym Rat's iPod, post videos of great workut songs, etc. Please remember - this is not a spamming thread, so do not just list a bunch of songs - I'd rather you post 5 songs and explain why they pump you instead of listing 20.

Disturbed - Dropping Plates. I think the song is about "making albums" (with 'plates' meaning 'CD's') but in the gym, hearing the song "Dropping Plates" makes me think of putting up that barbell in front of me, either in a bench press, row, or especially a squat workout. Disturbed may not be the most technically sound band in history, but you cannot deny their gym rat value.

Bullet for my Valentine - No Easy Way Out. As njperfection and I mentioned yesterday, this cover of Robert Tepper's anthem from Rocky 4 is a definitive workout song. It's basically BFMV screaming at you - there is no way to get away from this workout other than to bust your ass and get through it the hard way. The Tepper version is admirable, but the BFMV version is 5x better.

Travis Barker's remix of Soulja Boy's Crank That. I know, I know. It's crap. But the Barker mix with the guitar has a killer beat and sharp guitar riff, and it's my favorite song to have on Arm Day, because the rythm of the song can dictate a strong pace for bicep curls or tricep extensions.

Drowning Pool - Soldiers. "Get Up, Who's With Me?" they scream in this song written and performed to invoke concern for the US troops in Iraq. This song spearheads Drowning Pool's efforts to raise money for psychological testing and treatment for troops leaving war and re-entering general society. It's also a song that gets the blood pumping HARD.
Welcome to the Jungle by Guns and Roses- The ultimate workout song. It gets you pumped up right when the drums hit. It has a good pace for lifting days. This is my favorite workout song along with....

Rocky Training Montage- Thats right not Gonna Fly Now, which most people have on their mix, but the training montage from Rocky IV where Rocky is training in Syberia. Just put it on you iPod, trust me on this one. If you are not getting pumped during this track then you don't have a pulse.

Real American-This song is usually in the middle of my mix to pick me back up when I'm getting tired. It hits you right from the begining and you'll feel like a new man. If you're extremely nerdy (not that I do this) you picture Hogan slamming Andre and delivering the big leg. HULKAMANIA WILL LIVE FOREVER!

The Time is Now by John Cena- Admit it, you like this song. Its actually got a really good beat and Cena isn't half as bad as all the shitty rappers out today (Souljah Boy Tell em anyone?). The only drawback to having this on your mix is once you're done working out you walk aroung the rest of the day going DO DODO DOOOOOO DO DODO DOOOOO!

The Untouchables by John Cena- I have two Cena songs on my mix, so sue me. This is a good song to start out your mix with, its a badass beat thats a little slower than the rest.

Other songs on my mixes- The Champ by Ghostface Killah, Rise Today and Metalingus by Alter Bridge, The Miz theme (don't judge me), Don't Question My Heart (ECW), Soul Survivor by Young Jeezy and Akon, Face the Pain by Stemm
Seek and Destroy by Metallica- This song is purely badass. I feel the need to tear something up everytime I hear this one.From the opening rift to Hetfield singing "Searching.....Seek and Destroy". This truly does make for a great workout tune.

Stronger by Kanye West- This song just pumps you up so fast. It always flows through my head what dosnt kill you makes you stronger. Its got that beat that makes you feel invinceable. Pushing out reps during this one isnt hard at all.

The Game by Motorhead- Well I am a Triple H fan so this always goes on a workout mix. I cant leave home to go to the gym without this one. The riffs are badass and it can really set a groove for me in the weight room. Its defintitley a great workout song.

And Finally.......

The Four Horsemen theme- I know what your thinking "How does this make for a great workout song"? To tell you the truth I have no Idea. But for me it just pumps me right the fuck up. The guitar rift leads into me trying my hardest to get that last rep out. Plus I always like to have a slow but yet still badass song on my gym-rat mix. Seriously put this one on your Mixtape next time and tell me it doesnt work.
KIng Of Kings By MotorHead- Oh shit motherfucker. This is last set material right here. This song gets me indescribably amped up. Just nasty, nasty, dominant, riffs. Bow down to the fucking king. If you cant get pumped to that I dont know LOL. along with the aformentioned The Game, the two Motorhead tracks that get banged out EVERYTIME im in the gym.

Batista's theme, by Saliva....Hell yea sucka. I walk around tall and talking to myself like Batista does during this. Some extermely intense shit.

Evolution by Motorhead...Its illogical someone hasnt mentioned this yet. Another one with just absolutely PUMPING riffs, heavy, strong, dominant drums. Awesome shit.

And, in agreeance with Slim. I bust out real american at the gym too. Thats some serious inspirational shit right there LOL. I think of more and come back, im sure.
Right now when I work out i lisiten to this.

Devildriver- These fighting words.
Fucking awsome song, I use its like slow start up to start up when im curling or bench pressing. Then when it hits harder I go into full bore shit. Then when it cools down again so do I.

Dimmu borgir- The chosen legacy.
Awsome black metal song, Lol true story had it playing at the weight room in my mp3 and everyone could fucking hear it allmost.

Deathspell Omega - Bread Of Bitterness.
Allways been a awsome song to me. Great guitar rif's. Keeps you going and pumped up.

Behemoth - Decade of Therion
I love how the singer just like sings out words in blurts. Its just a mid paced song so i just use it to keep a beat when I job.

Killa c - Torn.
Fuckin just love how this song creaps along. Just fucking awsome to cool down to.
Pretty much all the songs off of Metallica's Kill 'Em All. All are high energy and heavy with riffs that'll pump you up. The Four Horsemen is the perfect song when you're running on the treadmill. Fuck it, pretty much anything from Metallica before The Black Album.
CM Punk's Theme - Great intro, great base and lots of screaming, how can you not be pumped?

Disturbd - Down with the Sickness - By all intents and purposes, the ultimate gym song. Most people in the weighlifting community over here seem to think so.

AC/DC - Thunderstruck - The intro, the drums, it's all awesome. And 'm not biased at all from being a Texans fan... Came out to this song before my final lift at my last competition.

Bullets & Octane - Ain't your Saviour - remembered this off an old Smackdown v RAW game, found it, downloaded it, lift to it. The way the into kicks in is awesome, like the song is being slowly cranked up, then the song decends into awesome madness.

Im not gonna lie, music gets me through the last few reps of a heavy workout.
rise against-state of the union-nice and hard beat some good vocals sick breakdown at the end

from autumn to ashes-the after dinner pay back-really good guitar riffs good mix between the singer and the screamer gets me amped when im lifting

dmx-whats my name-sick beat dmx has that i just don give a fucc attitude hes always on my playlist at the gym

coheed and cambria-everything evil-the singer has such a high voice and it sounds so good with the music one of myfav bands

jay-z-what more can i say-one of the best rappers ever good beat the lyrics in this song r sick always makes the gym playlist
Well I have updated my workout mix. I have a whole bunch of different shit on there now. This shit gets me real fucking amped.

Metalingus - Alterbridge- Yes this is Edge's theme song. Biut it fucking rocks when your trying to put up that last rep. This song brings so much energy to my workout its unbelievable. Great song for when your either starting your workout or finishing it.

Wanted Dead Or Alive - Bon Jovi- This song is fucking great for the middle of your workout. At this point in my workout I'm usually getting really tired and this song gives me the power to Cowboy Up and keep it up with some intensity. I also love one a couple of laid back but still rocking songs when I'm liftin' and this fits the bill.

What This World Needs - Casting Crowns- Nobody here ha probably heard this song or even this band. They are a christian rock band. I need some inspiration when I work out and god gives it to me. Its got a great pumping guitar rift and incredible lyrics. This is the inspiration song of the workout.

My Sacrifice - Creed- Fuck it. I have a Creed song helping me along with my workout. To me its a great song and gets me through a set. I personally sacrifice alot when I work out. Blood, Sweat, and tears at times. Another good inspirational song to help me through.

Liberate - Disturbed- This song I put on there for no other reason other than it being badass. Its a pumping song so it naturally gets me pumped up. Really no meaning behind this one other than it just being badass.

Black Cat - Mayday Parade- Great uptempo song for the beginning of my workout. I usually play this one when I'm warming up on the treadmill. Fast rhythm gets me going. I run along with the beat on this one. Great warmup song.

Big Bull Rider - Toby Keith- I'm a cowboy at heart. This song just has a fast beat to it and really gets me pumped. Great guitar rifts=Last rep for me. Plus Im a huge fan of Toby Keith so I've got to have him on my mix tape.

Gimme 8 Seconds - Toby Keith- Exact same thing as I've stated above.

Take My Life - Jeremy Camp- Another christian rock anthem to get me going. Its got that head pumping beat and makes my workout a lot easier. Very energetic tune here.

Hero Of The Day - Metallica- The obligatory metallica song. I chose this one for its laid back beat but totally bad ass nature to it. When I work out. I am the hero of my day. Corny I know but it works.

Ace Of Spades - Motorhead- To steal a line from NorCal "Oh shit Motherfucker." Also the obligatory Motorhead tune for the mix. This song is designed for the end of the workout to get me amped up and push through those last couple of reps. Plus its fucking Motorhead.

No More Words - Jeff Hardy's New Theme- Easy song to get amped to. I put it at the top of my workout. Usually when I'm running the treadmill for the first 10-15 minutes. So fucking energetic and it gets me pumped for the workout.

Maybe you guys will use some of these. They work for me but they may not work for you. I'd still recommend that you check these songs out though.
Here are 5 songs that I have to listen to at least once while at the gym:

Sober - Tool - It gets me started off, and it's not bad to listen to while finishing off either. Everything starts off slow, yet hard, and it keeps building up right to the end. Just a great song that gets the blood flowing for me.

Paper Planes - M.I.A. - You've probably heard this on the Pineapple Express trailer. Rob Emerson came out to it the other night before his fight with Manny Gamburyan, and I've been blaring this lately on my iPod while I do cardio. I don't know what it is about the song that gets you going. It could be the beat, or it could be the gunshots and "ka-ching" you hear throughout the chorus. Either way, it's a great song, and I highly recommend it.

You May Think I'm Worth a Dollar, but I Feel Like a Millionaire - Queens of the Stone Age - Another song that gets you amped, whether you're doing cardio or weights. The beat is great as are the lyrics, which are screamed... most notably "Give me Toro, give me some more"... it forces you to kick it into another gear.

This Fire Burns - Killswitch Engage - Another song that I just crank while at the gym. It's hard, gritty, and the lyrics are pretty motivating as well.

Intro - DMX - I'm not a big fan of DMX at all, and I don't even care for the lyrics, as it's his usual generic crap. But the beat is great, and it keeps me moving.

Other songs: Cracker - Low, Stronger - Kanye West, Streets on Fire - Lupe Fiasco, Hell Yeah - Rev Theory

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