The Top Babyfaces In The Company

Con T.

Yaz ain't enough, I need Fluttershy
Are these guys.


Of course it's the fucking Authority. Who else would it be?

When you really break it down, they're the top guys, and it's clear to see why. Creative has done a resplendent job in making me sympathize with the good guys. Why, in kayfabe, these poor fuckers are fighting to keep their jobs. I don't want to see anyone get fired, or lose their jobs. They said it themselves, they have blood in this company. This is their families company, as Triple H and Steph have wonderfully pointed out in their promos. They just want the family business to survive...and even better, provide for their own family. Who could possibly hate that? They may as well put on the opening "Triple H: Then, Now, Forever). And even through that, Stephanie and Triple H are always supporting one another, as a good family should. And yet still, their jobs are on the line.

And why? Well, because John Cena is a dick, out to see this poor family fired from their jobs. Seriously, Cena is such a bastard of an employee. He already got John Laurinitis fired, just to be a dick. He got Vince McMahon fired by fucking up against CM Punk.He tried to get Vickie Guerrero fired... Frankly, this guy's an a-hole.

And what's his gripe? Does he even have one? Not really; John Cena just likes getting people fired. Because he's a dick. Seriously, didn't he also get Eric Bischoff fired? You can count on it every year. And it isn't like Cena suffers anything from losing. Seriously, what happens to Cena if he loses? Nothing, while the Authority is stripped from power. How is this fair?

It's nice to see WWE breaking away from the heel owner storyline. It's been such a recycled storyline, and I'm more than happy to give it a rest. And having such sympathetic characters as owners is a nice break from the norm. Hopefully, the emergence of a new baby face from this stable can lead to the heir apparent to Cena, and usher in the new boom period.
I seriously don't know if you're trolling or not but ok...

No, the Authority are not babyfaces now or ever. The reason why Cena wants them off power ( they arent getting fired, they will just lose control over making decisions on WWE TV, they will just go back to WWE HQ) its because they want things run their way and will take anyone down in the name for what they think its best.

They didnt think daniel bryan should have been the guy to wear the title so they kept him away from it as long as they did until he got injured. Roman reigns tried to take them down because of the involvement with the destruction of the shield but he got injured because of them.

Basically they are "evil" because they do things in an evil selfish way instead of giving eveyone a chance. Enter John Cena. The latest guy they've tried to screw because he didnt do thing their way. They brought brock in, made sure rollins would cost cena the belt in the rematch and now they want to destroy anyone who dares join his team

Basically the authority are not babyfaces they are heels because they abuse their powers..... Plain and simple
I totally agree. If the Authority loses power who will take over the company? John Lauinaitis ? LOL no. Paul Heyman? He already drove one company out of business. You want him to kill the WWE too? Nah, the only logical outcome is that Authority vanquishes the evil Team Cena at Survivor Series.

John Cena is a bad man. He buried the Nexus, he got Del Rio fired, and was spreading Ebola. All the charity work he does? Red Herring. He's been a full fledged heel for a while.

I feel for Triple H's children if he loses his job. Dear god think of the children.
I seriously don't know if you're trolling or not but ok...

Super. Serial.

No, the Authority are not babyfaces now or ever. The reason why Cena wants them off power ( they arent getting fired, they will just lose control over making decisions on WWE TV, they will just go back to WWE HQ) its because they want things run their way and will take anyone down in the name for what they think its best.

That's what they're entitled to; they're the bosses.

They didnt think daniel bryan should have been the guy to wear the title so they kept him away from it as long as they did until he got injured. Roman reigns tried to take them down because of the involvement with the destruction of the shield but he got injured because of them.

So what you're saying is, they were right on both accounts, and both guys are injury prone.

Where do they come off as wrong again?

Basically they are "evil" because they do things in an evil selfish way instead of giving eveyone a chance. Enter John Cena. The latest guy they've tried to screw because he didnt do thing their way. They brought brock in, made sure rollins would cost cena the belt in the rematch and now they want to destroy anyone who dares join his team

What, exactly, makes them so evil? Because if you listen to their promos, they sure as shit don't sound evil. Just people trying Toledo their jobs.

And why is John Cena, the man who got a million chances, griping about chances?

Basically the authority are not babyfaces they are heels because they abuse their powers..... Plain and simple

God, everyone keeps telling me that, but based on what I see on TV... I just don't see it.

I totally agree. If the Authority loses power who will take over the company? John Lauinaitis ? LOL no. Paul Heyman? He already drove one company out of business. You want him to kill the WWE too? Nah, the only logical outcome is that Authority vanquishes the evil Team Cena at Survivor Series.

John Cena is a bad man. He buried the Nexus, he got Del Rio fired, and was spreading Ebola. All the charity work he does? Red Herring. He's been a full fledged heel for a while.

I feel for Triple H's children if he loses his job. Dear god think of the children.

This man gets it. Quick, someone give this fellow a spot on creative.
The Authority are highly unappreciated on these forums. Can you think of any other couple in wrestling history who have had to suffer what they have and still keep a strong relationship flourishing? No. No one can. These two are the epitome of true love.

Not only do they keep their bond unbroken, but they do their jobs better than anyone in power has. They could easily fire/hire a hitman/sue the superstars who get too big for their britches, but do they? Nuh uh. They're the real heroes here. And they don't let peer pressure from the fans change what they know will be best for business.

This should be an Authority Appreciation Thread.
AOf course it's the fucking Authority. Who else would it be?

Suddenly, I see everything in a new light. It's a brand-new chapter in the continuing series: "Hey, America, you've been rooting for the wrong people!"

But a congratulatory haiku to the author of this thread. He's made me understand what a rotten shithead John Cena is. I never stopped to realize all he's done to rip apart the very fabric of WWE. In these trying times, when jobs are so hard to find, here's this Massachusetts moron, ripping people's livelihoods away from them.......and what price does Cena pay if his team loses? Nothing. Nothing!

Then, there's Randy Orton. Think of all the McMahon/Levesque Faction has done for this ungrateful bastard, employing and supporting him when no one else would. Their reward? He's turning against them, isn't he? I can't believe he could be so callous.

Mostly, I cast a negative eye toward myself. I rooted for Cena, rooted against the Authority.....until Dirty Dutch Oven made me see the light inside the Amana range.

Still, it took me too long to see it....and when I consider all the wasted time and fruitless effort, a huge tear wells.

How I could have been so rotten?
Of course it's the fucking Authority. Who else would it be?

When you really break it down, they're the top guys, and it's clear to see why. Creative has done a resplendent job in making me sympathize with the good guys. Why, in kayfabe, these poor fuckers are fighting to keep their jobs. I don't want to see anyone get fired, or lose their jobs. They said it themselves, they have blood in this company. This is their families company, as Triple H and Steph have wonderfully pointed out in their promos. They just want the family business to survive...and even better, provide for their own family. Who could possibly hate that? They may as well put on the opening "Triple H: Then, Now, Forever). And even through that, Stephanie and Triple H are always supporting one another, as a good family should. And yet still, their jobs are on the line.

Ok, speaking kayfabe wise, there jobs are on the line because they've done a shitty job at running the joint. They gave the title to a Champion who hasn't been seen in nearly 2 months, are "injuring" their top superstars left and right, and have basically amassed the whole locker room against them. It's "anarchy" as one would say.. Also, you're either joking or you're one naive sumbitch.

And why? Well, because John Cena is a dick, out to see this poor family fired from their jobs. Seriously, Cena is such a bastard of an employee. He already got John Laurinitis fired, just to be a dick. He got Vince McMahon fired by fucking up against CM Punk.He tried to get Vickie Guerrero fired... Frankly, this guy's an a-hole.

Vince Mcmahon was the one who made the stipulation...

And what's his gripe? Does he even have one? Not really; John Cena just likes getting people fired. Because he's a dick. Seriously, didn't he also get Eric Bischoff fired? You can count on it every year. And it isn't like Cena suffers anything from losing. Seriously, what happens to Cena if he loses? Nothing, while the Authority is stripped from power. How is this fair?

They cost Cena the title ? Also if Team Cena loses, they apparently will lose their jobs as well... You're argument is falling apart at the seams...

It's nice to see WWE breaking away from the heel owner storyline. It's been such a recycled storyline, and I'm more than happy to give it a rest. And having such sympathetic characters as owners is a nice break from the norm. Hopefully, the emergence of a new baby face from this stable can lead to the heir apparent to Cena, and usher in the new boom period.

Funny man
Super. Serial.

That's what they're entitled to; they're the bosses.
Does it make it right though? And isn't that at the crux of this discussion?

So what you're saying is, they were right on both accounts, and both guys are injury prone.
That's ignoring the conspiracy theory that Triple H is actually paying doctors to over diagnose and perform unnecessary surgeries just to hold Bryan down! And the follow-up theory that Reigns found out and they gave him a hernia and told him it would get worse if he didn't keep his mouth shut.

What, exactly, makes them so evil? Because if you listen to their promos, they sure as shit don't sound evil. Just people trying Toledo their jobs.
I agree. The unemployment rate is high in Toledo, anyone who actually has a job must do it to the best of their ability to insure their security, even if others may find that "evil".

And why is John Cena, the man who got a million chances, griping about chances?
Because this is America dammit. The land of opportunity and the freedom to bitch about those opportunities.

God, everyone keeps telling me that, but based on what I see on TV... I just don't see it.

I hope I have addressed the thread sufficiently because I'm not sure what's being asked.

But if not here's this insight too:
The Authority are heels because their opening promos are longwinded and no one likes longwindedness, and I don't even know if that's a word.

Also Stephanie officially turned heel when she badmouthed Lana who is the voice of Rusev- a superstar who we clearly learned in a recent thread has obviously been booked as a face.

Maybe it's cos don't have enough posts yet, but I cant quote the OP, but your point about Cena loving to get people fired is so damn true! He was also the one who got Chris Jericho fired originally and sent him to work at McDonalds.
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Cena was the real reason JTG was fired this year
I can definitely see your point and I think part of this problem lays on JBL's shoulders. He's the heel commentator and I appreciate what he does but sometimes he does it too well. He's brought it up multiple times, what are the Authority doing wrong exactly?

They told Orton to cash in MitB? Which is the idea behind it anyway. But that's so awful! They helped protect Orton, this guy isn't getting any younger and he's been world champion a dozen times, having some help isn't a bad thing, hell Cena needs help this Sunday. They supported ending an anti authority faction? So basically, they calmed their employees down. If you look at almost any action they've done from their perspective(that of a boss) they are the faces here.

Especially the last few weeks when they've been saying this is their blood, they love this business. Triple H has been involved in it for longer than half the fans have been alive! He finished a match with his quad blown out! Recovered from an injury they said he couldn't recover from. Helped multiple guys get to the top, how much advice has he given throughout his career? Then you have Stephanie who since she was born has been literally raised in this business! How many guys in WWE can say that? How about fans?

Yet they are the bad guys because they oppose John Cena? The same John Cena who almost turned Bray face half a year ago, who gets Brock Lesnar cheers! And a super good point about Cena, he opposes management more than Austin ever did!

Why is this stipulation even on the match at Survivor Series? I seriously missed that episode of Raw but someone mentioned Lesnar being champ. So what is Triple H supposed to strip Lesnar of the title? Last time he messed with Lesnar he got both of his arms broken!

And as for taking out Cena's team mates on Raw, can we even prove Triple H said for them to do that? Even if he did, he has every right to! Why shouldn't he put team mates in a match? They had a prize for winning. Yet that's a heel move? Rusev and Henry coming out, even if instructed by the Authority, isn't that bad. They did 3 moves in total. Rusev kicked Sheamus and put the Accolade on Big Show. Henry did a worlds strongest slam and the announce table happened to be in the way! So is Cena AAing Triple H through a table excusable then? He hit his boss which was grounds for being escorted out of the building against Brie Bella!

Very good thread OP, this is the kind of thinking I like seeing on this site! The opposite side, good job
How I could have been so rotten?

You haven't been rotten Sally, you've been mislead. We've all been mislead. Here we are thinking that John Cena, is a star, the face of the WWE. His face is everywhere, T-shirts, hats, books everywhere, and thank God for the OP for opening our eyes to what's really going on. Cena hates all of us.

He's the one who is controlling us, making us spend our money to go and see him, buying his image and wearing it on our bodies. Goddammit he even makes these kids at the show go out and buy markers to make signs. He's brainwashing the lot of us. WAKE UP PEOPLE.

Poor HHH and Stephanie, here they are just trying to make ends meet, and that bastard John Cena is trying to take the very food they eat off the table. God knows they'll be at a food bank next week begging for something to feed their poor starving kids. Instead of limo's they'll have to show up on the bus. Quick let's have a whip round to buy them bus passes, the poor things that they are.

Yes that John Cena is a dick all right, and should be shot and pissed on, and not necessarily in that order. I can't watch wrestling again the same way.

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