The "TNA,TNA" Chants a Problem?



TNA,TNA,TNA can be heard in many WWE events now!
First it was heard a couple of months ago in a Jeff Hardy vs Someone Match!
But now:


As reported earlier, World Wrestling Entertainment has chosen to discontinue the pay-per-view press conferences effective immediately. One source said that the reason for this was that too many people would come to the events to chant "TNA", not to mention "VKM", during the conferences. This problem was especially evident at the New Year's Revolution press conference last week as there were several loud, audible "TNA" chants during the event. To make matters worse, Jonathan Coachman acknowledged the chants by saying, "that like Kansas City, TNA is inferior." All of this was audible on the live webcast on, but it was edited out of the subsequent post of the video.

Anyways, the chants at the New Year's Revolution press conference irritated Vince McMahon so much that he decided to cancel all future pay-per-view press conferences effective immediately.

Also, WWE has really been clamping down on fans' signs in recent weeks. For instance, at the 12/26 house show in Hershey, PA, they were confiscating several signs at the door. The current policy calls for anything lewd, anything TNA related, anti-babyface signs, not to mention anything plugging a website, to be confiscated by sercurity. Furthermore, the term "VKM" has been added to the banned list of signs that fans aren't allowed to bring to WWE events. There have been several reports in recent weeks of security confiscating signs that show the initials of everyone's favorite WWE Chairman, Vincent Kennedy McMahon

Are these Tna chants really getting Vince?
Is TNA trying to get in Vince's Head?
What the Hell is this? Cumon Disucuss!
You know what I think? I think that this should be a major sign to Vince. He can't really ban chants and when I heard it on Monday Night, I figured that they would have censored it! Suprisingly enough, they didn't. I think Vince needs to hear this more often, maybe it will give a confidence boost and get him back to his priorities as to making the WWE the best it can be and not what it is today.
until wwe starts losing ratings and sees a decrease within there sales and seats...then that is when we will c him bring out his best...right now he has no reason to compete...he isnt competing against anyone right now...tna isnt a threat as of right now
I understand banning TNA signs but the anti face signs pisses me off.
And supportive Heel signs are banned too because I heard reports of that when Lita had her last match some people had their "thankyou Lita" signs took off them which is disgusting.
The ONLY way Vince will be able to get those chants to stop is to actually put some decent wrestling on RAW. I think we'd all agree most people who like TNA are there because of the actual wresltling. If RAW had about a month or two with outstading matches the TNA chants would stop!
Vince is irritated because he doesn't like anything he can't control with regards to the business and especially what goes on in his shows. Regulations on the signs used to be very lax during past decade. He's basically trying to take it back to a point where only he chooses who is liked, and not the crowd...which is retarted beyond belief. Are the chants and signs a problem? Yes. If the chants happened on Smackdown or ECW, you can bet your ass that McMahon would have the audio removed.
Why pay money to Vince? Just go to TNA and watch the show and give them the boost they need to compete with WWE. These people are just interfering with the enjoyment of other fans that come to WWE shows. It also pisses off WWE fans that pay to see the show and people disrupt the show. If TNA fans love it so much, why not go to there shows and watch. Allow us who do enjoy WWE to to have fun and get what we pay for. I wish TNA the best and I hope they grow and prosper, but disrupting WWE shows will not make people want to watch TNA.
I understand banning TNA signs but the anti face signs pisses me off.
And supportive Heel signs are banned too because I heard reports of that when Lita had her last match some people had their "thankyou Lita" signs took off them which is disgusting.

You have to be kidding. That's disrespectful to the woman Amy Dumas for all her hard work over the years.

WWE is a parody and shell of its former self. All the "TNA" chants are a message to Vince: 'WE'RE MOVING ON! WE'VE HAD ENOUGH!' Sadly, like someone said, that's not going to change until the ratings massively drop.
Why pay money to Vince? Just go to TNA and watch the show and give them the boost they need to compete with WWE. These people are just interfering with the enjoyment of other fans that come to WWE shows. It also pisses off WWE fans that pay to see the show and people disrupt the show. If TNA fans love it so much, why not go to there shows and watch. Allow us who do enjoy WWE to to have fun and get what we pay for. I wish TNA the best and I hope they grow and prosper, but disrupting WWE shows will not make people want to watch TNA.
Simple. We're wrestling geeks. It's what we do. I hate, I repeat hate, the current direction of the WWE product, but that isn't to say there aren't a few bright spots here and there that are worth tuning in for...even if I have to sort through loads of crap to find it.
Well, if TNA continues like this past weeks show, it will begin to quickly gain an audience, and they have to gain a large audience before they can take the WWE's away, right now with them having shows on at different times there really still isnt competition. you watch WWE for Mondays Tuesdays and Fridays and then watch TNA on Thursdays or saturdays if you missed it. so there isnt really that much competition.

And yea i heard about that "And like Kansas City TNA is inferior." from Coach, i was shocked. it was like, whoa?!? what happened to the whole turning a deaf ear to TNA because they arent worthy?

I think this is all getting to vince and he isnt happy about it. and hopefully people will continue to do it and bug him so that he will begin to put out his best. then Wrestling will be back
What amuses me is... if something is boring fans nowadays seem to chant TNA or VKM or Simply Boring! but when something is extreme/high flying/violent, they chant ECW ECW, no one chants WWE WWE...a little odd. although i guess if TNA hosted a random Rosie Vs trump esq segment the fans might chant wwe in disgust.
What amuses me is... if something is boring fans nowadays seem to chant TNA or VKM or Simply Boring! but when something is extreme/high flying/violent, they chant ECW ECW, no one chants WWE WWE...a little odd. although i guess if TNA hosted a random Rosie Vs trump esq segment the fans might chant wwe in disgust.

WWE/F fans have never really chanted the companys name because their alligiance has always been to indevidual wrestlers rather than the company itself.

The EC-DUB chants were born out of the fans loyalty to the brand. the TNA chants are the same (remeber when ECW chants would fill WWF events in Philly)
Well, if TNA continues like this past weeks show, it will begin to quickly gain an audience, and they have to gain a large audience before they can take the WWE's away, right now with them having shows on at different times there really still isnt competition. you watch WWE for Mondays Tuesdays and Fridays and then watch TNA on Thursdays or saturdays if you missed it. so there isnt really that much competition.

And yea i heard about that "And like Kansas City TNA is inferior." from Coach, i was shocked. it was like, whoa?!? what happened to the whole turning a deaf ear to TNA because they arent worthy?

I think this is all getting to vince and he isnt happy about it. and hopefully people will continue to do it and bug him so that he will begin to put out his best. then Wrestling will be back

The last thing you want to do is have TNA and WWE on at the same time. WWE Slaughtered TNA the last time they went head to head, and that was the freaking Hall Of Fame show. TNA ratings don't warrant a head to head with WWE either.. 0.9
I live close to Knoxville, Tennessee and I went to a house show WWE hosted on December 1st, 2006. When we went in the door, VKM was there in to the side shooting a promo. This promo was shown on IMPACT two weeks ago. After we went inside, we forgot about it and moved on. Then, Triple H had a match with Orton, and all of a sudden, Billy Gun and Road Dog are up there in the stands with us. I got so lucky, they cam right in my section, and I went down there and stood with them. They were looking right at HHH and got all the fans to chant "Road-Dog, Road-Dog". Then security made them leave. It was great. They werent hesitant to pose for a few pictures with fans on the way out either.
Hmm lemme see all it seems people want is a throw back to BG James and Kip Sopp maybe you want more of the old guys in WWE? Hacksaw and Ric Flair aren't enough? how about the ROCK? Stone Cold? maybe the Ultimate Warrior , Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart? from what I see is people who want to live in the past and well that is showing big things when you see Sting ,Big Poppa Pump, Konan, and the rest of the old WCW performers in there. The Day that they put someone else in there who wasn't popular before they went to TNA ( IE Kurt Angle, Christian Cage,Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels) then and only then will I take notice of anything TNA does cause they haven't grown any stars of thier own they had someone else do the dirty work for them. This is like going to your local Safeway and picking up a can of of DR Thunder and saying yeah this is a great new taste and it's much better than anything Pepsi or Coke can do. so for you who chant TNA go ahead and live in the past live off other people's successs keep Chanting TNA and oh yeah weren't the VKM a WWE idea teaming up of ROAD DOGG AND BADD ASS? yeah that's what I thought new ideas is what is needed a homegrown star is what is needed I have seen many within the WWE be a homegrown star.
Actually, BG and Kip were thrown together as a rib because the company didn't have anything for them. Simple as that. There wasn't some genius creative move that McMahon did. The wrestlers did itt by themselves, just like Christian did toward the end of his run, with regards to getting over in the WWE. The problem was that they got over. WAY OVER, and the company had no choice but to help them rescue DX. They basically helped to cement DX as more than a flash in the pan after Michael's injury departure left a gaping hole in the core of the lineup.

Those of us who would chant TNA do so because we are displeased with the current direction of the WWE. Not because we want to live in the past or because TNA is just the "cool thing to like." If we wanted to live in the past, we'd support a re-barfed DX, another lousy Hogan match, and Ric Flair dragging his legacy through the mud each week. I don't speak for every TNA fan, but I know that I look toward the future. Steiner is gone, Sting dropped twenty pounds for his return and looked damn good in his title match last Sunday, and Konnan is a manager now. However, you'd be hard pressed to find a TNA fan who would piss and moan because the WWE roster is comprised of a raided talent base that was primarily from ECW and WCW (just like in the 80's when they raided the territories of Canada and the US). A lot of the current crop of WWE stalwarts are far from homegrown. Benoit, Booker, RVD, HHH, HBK were all from somewhere else earning their stripes before they ever laced up the boots in Titan.
A lot of the current crop of WWE stalwarts are far from homegrown. Benoit, Booker, RVD, HHH, HBK were all from somewhere else earning their stripes before they ever laced up the boots in Titan.
I agree with you for the most part, except even though HHH and HBK wrestled in other promotions, they weren't really established stars until WWE got there hands on them. HHH was in WCW, but did basically nothing, and HBK was in the AWA, and didn't do much as well (at least as a singles competitior). WWE made these guys.
Those of us who would chant TNA do so because we are displeased with the current direction of the WWE. Not because we want to live in the past or because TNA is just the "cool thing to like." If we wanted to live in the past, we'd support a re-barfed DX, another lousy Hogan match, and Ric Flair dragging his legacy through the mud each week. I don't speak for every TNA fan, but I know that I look toward the future. Steiner is gone, Sting dropped twenty pounds for his return and looked damn good in his title match last Sunday, and Konnan is a manager now. However, you'd be hard pressed to find a TNA fan who would piss and moan because the WWE roster is comprised of a raided talent base that was primarily from ECW and WCW (just like in the 80's when they raided the territories of Canada and the US). A lot of the current crop of WWE stalwarts are far from homegrown. Benoit, Booker, RVD, HHH, HBK were all from somewhere else earning their stripes before they ever laced up the boots in Titan.
Amusing that you haven't come up with a single star in TNA who is homegrown talent or even made bigger as a result of being in TNA. Also from what I have read Steiner has just signed a year deal with TNA and should be returning shortly . so yes you want to live in what was the Attitude era when you were commenting on everyone else you talking about the Hogan Era of the WWE Personally if I was gonna see any era be relived it should be the Hart Era of the WWE, you named one guy who was a buyout from WCW (Booker) you also listed guys who came to WWE cause WCW wasn't right for them ( HHH, Beniot) and you listed someone who jumped from a sinking ship (HBK) from the AWA. you failed to Mention the likes of MR Kennedy, Undertaker, Kane. Rock, Bob Holly, Test, Brock Lesner, Edge. Randy Orton, Brent Albrit, Kevin Thorne, all guys who can be very entertaining and got the big push from the WWE , where would Rey Mysterio be without the WWE? floundering in the X division where they pretty much had Samoa Joe dominate it then Kevin Nash?:wtf: all in all I would have to say you are a pencil necked geek who doesn't understand a good time unless it was all laid out for you and you were told how to have fun. IE you are Genertaion Y cause you make me look at you ask WHY?
They will stop raw and ppv's becoming live so they can edit the audio.

He has a right to not have TNA signs or TNA chants at his shows. However he has no right to take away supportive signs to any employee of his show. Thats just wrong and shouldn't be done. So if HHH was heel? and returned? would they take away his Welcome Back signs?. Lets answer. They didn't do that before.

As much as i love HHH. One set of rules for every person?
they will never stop raw and ppvs from being live jus so they can edit the audio....he has a right to do whatever he wants..his show is what is on at that time being therefore there are certain rights that people do not have at that point in time..its like any form of school..once you walk into the buidling you lose the majority of your rights and have to oblige to the rules of the school
True. BUT. half the audio is already edited from ours. and ours is supposedly live. But its actually 2 minutes behind.
WWE has become the new WCW. Huge egos dictating to fans what the fans supposedly want. I don't know about the rest of you, but no one TELLS me what I like. WWE has almost always done this but now that we have sham-champs like Cena and Lashley I can no longer sick back and watch those who have payed their dues get trampeled into the ground because they speak their mind, I'm looking at you RVD.

Stop watching the product. Stop buying the PPVs. Stop buying the merchandise. Stop the slaughter on the legacy of ECW and support the companies that give a shit about pushing REAL TALENT like TNA and ROH.

As far as the chants go, If your a TNA fan why are you even there at a WWE event getting censored and paying Vinnie Mac to boo his product with a bunch of 12-yeard-old-girl Cena fans? WWE IS NOT WORTH YOUR ATTENTION OR MONEY.
Agreed. But for me HHH, HBK. Taker.. Will always keep me watching.. Kurt Angle is all about wrestling hes not exactly under the sports entertainment category so generally the only reason i'd tune into TNA is to watch Christian Cage
The tna chants arent a problem rly they are just more of idiots chanting if u think that tna is better y dont u just go to their shows instead of being a jackass and chanting shit seriously
Amusing that you haven't come up with a single star in TNA who is homegrown talent or even made bigger as a result of being in TNA. Also from what I have read Steiner has just signed a year deal with TNA and should be returning shortly
Notice the fact that my post was put up before the news update regarding Steiner's contract? I stand corrected on that. Scooby Snack for you. Whether or not you can consider someone homegrown is down to if they actually were reared and trained strictly by that company or if your talking about where you FEEL they got their break from. It's clearly a matter of perspective. The vast majority of wrestlers in any major company aren't necessarily homegrown by that strict definition, which is why I didn't just $hit out names of TNA athletes, if you noticed.
so yes you want to live in what was the Attitude era when you were commenting on everyone else you talking about the Hogan Era of the WWE
Whoa. Reaching a bit? I have no desire of reviving the Attitude Era, but at least to have the intelligence in some of the writing and the crispness in the wrestling that the Attitude Era produced (namely from 1997 at its inception). Not their disjointed bull$hit that frequents cable these days. The other stuff I was discussing was basically me voicing my displeasure at the current and recent state of WWE programming with regards to DX (most of last year), Hogan matches (2002 on), and Flair (ever since he re-signed with WWE years back). I think the product is sub-par at best...these are just some of the prime examples of why I think this way.

you named one guy who was a buyout from WCW (Booker) you also listed guys who came to WWE cause WCW wasn't right for them (HHH, Beniot) and you listed someone who jumped from a sinking ship (HBK) from the AWA.
A lot of it comes down to what your terms of being "successful" are with regards to whether someone got their start as a what you might consider homegrown talent or as an outsider coming in with continued success. Yet again, a subject that is very debatable and a matter of perspective with regards to whether you think someone is indeed, homegrown and where they got their "start."

you failed to Mention the likes of MR Kennedy, Undertaker, Kane. Rock, Bob Holly, Test, Brock Lesner, Edge. Randy Orton, Brent Albrit, Kevin Thorne, all guys who can be very entertaining and got the big push from the WWE , where would Rey Mysterio be without the WWE? floundering in the X division where they pretty much had Samoa Joe dominate it then Kevin Nash?:wtf:
I won't waste my time answering the first half of this as I did further up. Mysterio would be earning his paycheck instead of wrestling undertalented big men (for the most part) doing half-assed renditions of his old style (which was far superior to what he does now). Actually, he'd be entertaining intelligent fans and wrestling some competition that could actually push his abilities for once, as opposed to him playing "human lawn dart" for big-men who can't work past a three-move spot. He also wouldn't be wasting his time in angles that sully the name of Eddie Guererro (R.I.P) and bore the hell out of me. Samoa Joe dominated it because he had the workrate and talent to do so. Obviously you've never heard the motto of the X-division, so I won't even bother explaining it to you. Kevin Nash wrestled about two "X-division" matches en route to his 50th inury in five years, so I fail to see how he's the cornerstone of anything with regards to the division. He's a mouthpiece for it now, nothing more.

all in all I would have to say you are a pencil necked geek who doesn't understand a good time unless it was all laid out for you and you were told how to have fun. IE you are Genertaion Y cause you make me look at you ask WHY?
And all in all I'd have to say you are clueless with regards to just who I am and go fishing for a lot of guesses when you should stick wrestling discussion without calling me names. You don't see me dissecting your poor punctuation and spelling, do you? I have fun plenty of times, however, my idea of fun has nothing to do with being bored stiff by WWE programming and just taking whatever bull$hit they feed me. I have higher standards than that. Deal with it.

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