The "Title History Restoration" Project

Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
Hey guys,

A while back, Harthan & FunKay were working on a joint project that aimed at updating the Title History thread, giving us more important information regarding successful title defenses, dates and locations. It has yet to be completed fully but as of right now, the World Heavyweight Championship chronicles are done and here is a small taste of how it looks like:


7: Everest (2)


Reign: Civil Revolution (7/17/2009) to Kingdom Come (2/21/2010)
Civil Revolution 2009, MD 26, AS 1, MD 27, AS 2, MD 28, AS 3, All Or Nothing 2009, MD 29, AS 4, MD 30, AS 5, MD 31, AS 6, Lethal Lottery 2009, MD 32, AS 7, MD 33, AS 8, MD 34, AS 9, MD 35, AS 10, Megashow, Kingdom Come II (2010)
Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Defeated: Steamboat Ricky and Carmen Bratchny [Triple Threat] [Pinfall - Carmen Bratchny, via Rock Slide]
  • vs. Steamboat Ricky [Meltdown 26 (8/7/2009)] [Disqualification]
  • vs. "Showtime" David Cougar, Carmen Bratchny, Lars Reidar, Steamboat Ricky, and Titus [All or Nothing (9/25/2009)] [Six Pack Challenge] [Pinfall - Steamboat Ricky, via Rock Slide]
  • vs. USA, Trevor Steel, and Criminal Karnage [Ascension 4, (10/10/2009)] [Fatal Four Way] [Submission - USA, via Mountain Climber]
  • vs. Lars Reidar [Lethal Lottery (11/18/2009)] [Buried Alive Match] [via Burial]


FYI: Before Ty Burna, Everest (i.e. michigan) was the man to beat and THE World champion. This guy was an amazing RPer from the days of old. Even his picture was intimidating...

Looks good, right? Well, that is what I did, combining information found by both FunKay and Harthan and made it into a new format that I think is easier to read whilst providing much more useful information.

This Is Where I Turn To You Guys:

Help Wanted - I'm looking to create a similar format like this for every other championship but unfortunately, it took three people to compile the World title in about a week or so (it's been sitting in the creative room for a while) so to continue doing the rest will take a butt-load of time, getting increasingly difficult the more we let this linger. So, I'm asking for anyone who has the spare time and/or is willing to participate to help us achieve this new format by collecting information and dumping everything we need to know in one thread (preferably this one).

Anyone who helps will have their most known username credited (I'm not updating those who continuously change their username all the time).

Feedback - This is the first time that this has been seen by you guys and I'd like to get your honest thoughts about how this is set up. Is there any information that has been left out which you'd like include? Can we make it more aesthetically-pleasing (i.e. create a better template to make it easier to read)?

Defunct/Prop Titles - Something minor here but the "Elite" title, the "Mayhem Sceptre" and the "Real" World title were just considered props or different adaptations of titles we currently have now. Do you guys consider these to warrant a small thread/post of its own or just leave them be? It wouldn't be as detailed as the other titles but the "Real" World title, "Elite" title and the "Mayhem Sceptre" have been defended before so technically, they are canon.


I'd like to hopefully finish this off around the Kingdom Come area - most likely post-KC so we can update all the championships - but there really isn't a set time frame. The longer we leave this means the more work we have to do to complete it.

So if you have anything to comment on the above bold points, post them below. Even if it is just simple feedback, anything is appreciated.
I think the prop titles should absolutely be mentioned. The "Elite" was after all a brief renaming of "Elite X" and Ricky/Bratchny's "Real" World Championship feud was a lot of fun. They're fun historic moments, you know?
I scored a pinfall during the scramble match at Redemption for the Mayhem Championship last year and it's not recognized as an official reign. I would like to know why Killjoy is able to call himself a 4 time champion, with one being in a scramble match, yet I can't be called a 2 time champion?

Love the new system by the way.
Killjoy is listed as a 3-time champion in the Mayhem title history so this will help us correct any mistakes.
So will I be recognized as a two time mayhem champion? Just curious about how the scramble matches will be looked at. It seems the original one counts as official title reigns, however the one i was in doesn't.
There's a few ways we can do things:

A) Every title change in the Scramble match will count
B) Only the winner of the match is considered an official champion
C) A mixture of the both - the winner is considered an official champion whilst the others are noted as transitional champions.

When we get to the Mayhem championship I'll decide but considering how long that history is, there will have a lot of time to think about it. Any suggestions on how we approach this - question to everyone.
There's a few ways we can do things:

A) Every title change in the Scramble match will count
B) Only the winner of the match is considered an official champion
C) A mixture of the both - the winner is considered an official champion whilst the others are noted as transitional champions.

When we get to the Mayhem championship I'll decide but considering how long that history is, there will have a lot of time to think about it. Any suggestions on how we approach this - question to everyone.

Every title change in the scramble should count. KJ has been calling himself a 4 time champion for so long now that it would seem cruel to take it away. It gives those guys who won the title during the match a nice little reward and it'll make me feel special for being a two time champion.
If you do real world it should be separate. It was considered a gimmick title at the time and was merged after I won it. Titus' catchphrase is mentioning the titles he's won, he never mentions the real world title.

The Elite should count as it was just a temporary rename as should the sceptre.

You should also include KFAD and LL winners.
If you do real world it should be separate. It was considered a gimmick title at the time and was merged after I won it. Titus' catchphrase is mentioning the titles he's won, he never mentions the real world title.

The Elite should count as it was just a temporary rename as should the sceptre.

You should also include KFAD and LL winners.

The Real World Title should have its own separate lineage, as it was eventually unified with the WZCW title. That unification should also be mentioned in the WZCW lineage too.

KFAD should definitely be recorded and should include any time it changed hands as well as what eventually happened to it that year - successful/unsuccessful cash in, against who, when etc.
I think it should also state who RP'd as who. For example Karnage and Constantine both being Dave.
I'd like to say great job on the title lineages. I really like the layout.

Just a suggestion I made before: KFAD and LL should be on there too.

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