The Tin Can Award for Best Spam Thread

Which is the best spam thread of the year?

  • Why Aren't You Going to Vote For Dagger?

  • Exclusive, Awesome WZ Frontpage Reports: Brought to you by Lee

  • Diet Soda's Caricature Cavalcade

  • Motaste Junk - Stop your brain thinking for 168 seconds

  • Glass Ass: The OFFICIAL JGlass Thread

  • GSB's Post-Vasectomy After Care LD - What Rhymes With Sterile?

  • Breakfast is my favourite meal of the day

  • WWE 13 Hype Thread

  • The WZ Ask a Staff Member Thread

  • KB Answers Wrestling Questions

  • *OFFICIAL* Old Crusties(mostly KB and NorCal) BS about wrestling

Results are only viewable after voting.

Nate DaMac

Fuck erbody but me
This poll will be open until December 31st. If there is a tie, the winner will be decided by written votes.

Why Aren't You Going to Vote For Dagger?
Exclusive, Awesome WZ Frontpage Reports: Brought to you by Lee
Diet Soda's Caricature Cavalcade
Motaste Junk - Stop your brain thinking for 168 seconds
Glass Ass: The OFFICIAL JGlass Thread
GSB's Post-Vasectomy After Care LD - What Rhymes With Sterile?
Breakfast is my favourite meal of the day
WWE 13 Hype Thread
The WZ Ask a Staff Member Thread
KB Answers Wrestling Questions
*OFFICIAL* Old Crusties(mostly KB and NorCal) BS about wrestling
As much as I love the Glass Ass thread, I've never laughed at anything as hard as I did the Why You Shouldn't Vote For Dagger thread.
So far I am the only one voting for GSB getting his nuts chopped. You people are sick.
This is now like my third time voting for GSB, I seriously laughed my ass off at some things in his thread for no longer being a man. That shits hilarious and you basterds need to realize that.
There are many good choices here. GSB's Post-Vasectomy LD was a brilliant move by GSB and took the bar room by storm. It sparked the rise of GSB, the rightful 2011 rookie of the year, and now he has a solid following on the forums. Lee's exclusive wrestling reports thread is the pinnacle of making fun of the homepage, something we all do, and Lee's sarcastic tone just shined through his posts in this thread. The "Why Aren't You Voting for Dagger" thread is possibly the biggest drama starter of the mod election (besides the election itself). It was a rally point for both Dagger supporters and Dagger detractors, and it could be argued that it was that thread that spurred on the Dagger supporters to win him the election.

All of those threads were great, but there is one thread that has been posted in year round where friends have shared their thoughts, their jokes, and their lives. I am of course talking about The Glass Ass. It's corny to vote for my own thread, I know, but I hardly consider it my own thread anymore, it just happens to have my name on the title. It truly represents a bar room: I might be behind the counter, but it's the regulars sitting on the stools that makes it special. I enjoy every conversation I have in there (yes, even with Stormtrooper), every debate gives me a different perspective to view something from, and every joke makes my day a little better. I've had a lot of fun discussing Mass Effect, and therefore philosophy, with Ming, Skyrim and history (and Skyrim history) with Barbosa, movies with Sam, television with Coco, wrestling with NorCal and Crock, comics with Justin and FunKay, getting to know Theo and Harthan better... and the list can go on for a while.

All these thread provided a lot of fun for a month or two, or even a little longer... but the Glass Ass thread has been home to more great conversations than all these other threads combined.
Being that we are on Wrestlezone Forums, anything mocking WRESTLEZONE should get more credit.

Exclusive, Awesome WZ Frontpage Reports: Brought to you by Lee did that, and did that AWESOMELY. Vote Exclusive, Awesome WZ Frontpage Reports: Brought to you by Lee.
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Being that we are on Wrestlezone Forums, anything mocking WRESTLEZONE should get more credit.

Exclusive, Awesome WZ Frontpage Reports: Brought to you by Lee did that, and did that AWESOMELY. Vote Exclusive, Awesome WZ Frontpage Reports: Brought to you by Lee.

Only when Lee posts the mockery and not someone trying to emulate him to little success

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