The Thunder-Blog

I just saw that. Senoir Static has made his triumphant return :p

Don't think much of your song though. I prefer this :)

It was certainly a strange one, Baller. It's not that I didn't like it but it was all over the place. You need to focus more on making it more centred on an actual point. You got there in the end and I think it worked but it was really sporadic. If I had to give you one piece of advice, it would be to calm your RP's down a little. Make them simpler and focus on getting one central them over.

And Nita, I kinda liked that song.

Dave, I went back to sleep after I posted lol. I am still damn tired, but have work in a few hours. So I think I am going to go somewhere, get some food, and max out.
I'm going to try. Two places people will be getting smashed, but I can't really drink, as I have to pick up my mom at like 1 or 2 in the morning. The other place will be non-alcoholic party. All three will be with like 2 people I know, and rest all strangers. So I'm not entirely sure right now.
I had concrete plans up until today and then everything seemed to go to shit before my eyes. That's OK though. Still early yet.
You can find something. I have no doubts about that. Plus I have work until 11:30 tonight, so I need to make up my mind so I can jet over there ASAP.
Yeah, I am sure you will have time to think about it at work. It's 6 and a half hours to the big countdown though and I have literally no plans. Sucks TBH.
Yeah. Apparently, they are not well or can't be bothered or whatever. Sucks really but I'll find something. Even if it chilling round at a friends house for the night.
Chilling at a friend's house is a never fail way to go. Always good times. Besides, no need to get truly wasted (unless you are Tastycles) on New Years lol. Just askin' for trouble.
Lol, so I PM'd Paradox about the avy. Hopefully he changes when he comes back on. He was good rockin' the David Flair one.
Haha! Selfish much!?

I'm kidding. It looks good on you. Paradox should know his place...

I am no doubt selfish when it comes to Punk. Hell, me and Thriller are the Second City Saints. I have to be Punk haha.
I am sleepy.

That's too bad. What are you doing to bring in the New Year, mate?

Because of the Stevie sig. I'm Stevie-approved, dammit!

Lee asked for it. Who am I to turn him down?

I am no doubt selfish when it comes to Punk. Hell, me and Thriller are the Second City Saints. I have to be Punk haha.

Exactly. Before I saw a picture of you, I actually imagined Punk when I thought of you if that means anything at all.
Exactly. Before I saw a picture of you, I actually imagined Punk when I thought of you if that means anything at all.

Haha, 48.7 actually said the same thing before. But exactly. I always envision most people similar to their avatars. But now I have the beard going sorta like Punk, only not as thick as his. And I'm not as fit lol.

Going to grab food. Be back in like 15 minutes.

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