The Thunder-Blog

Dave and Phoenix run at each other. They both go for a lariat but ending up making contact with each other. Both of them are on the canvas as Dave reaches out for JGlass on the side of the apron. JGlass is reaching out for the tag as Phoenix begins to move towards Chilli Dave. With one final push from Dave, he leaps towards JGlass and makes the tag as Phoenix tries to tag in Chilli...

The crowd go wild as JGlass enters the ring...
And JGlass runs over and clotheslines Chili Dave off of the ring apron! Phoenix lays helplessly in the middle of the ring as JGlass hits a Jedi sized elbow drop. The force is definitely with "Your Friendly Neighborhood Power Trip" tonight!

JGlass lifts Phoenix up for a suplex, but Chili Dave is back in the ring and knocks Phoenix out of the clutch! Chili Dave prepares to take out JGlass, but Dave hits him with a big boot, sending Chili Dave out of the ring! JGlass and Dave look at each other, and it's obvious what they want to do.

Dave lifts Phoenix up for a powerbomb, and JGlass springboards off the rope and hits a seated senton and Dave drives Phoenix to the mat. The Power Glass has connected! JGlass hooks the legs and the ref counts 1-2-3! JGlass and Dave win! Ladies and Gentlemen, Your Friendly Neighborhood Power Trip has won the match, and with it, control of The Thunder-Blog!
Dave and JGlass raise each other's arm in victory...but WAIT! HERE COME DIRTYJOSÉ! He's got a steel chair, and he slides into the ring, wasting no time bringing it down hard on Dave's back. Dave collapses as JGlass turns around and POW! JGlass is busted wide open as the chair makes contact with his face.

DirtyJosé goes to check on Phoenix, who hands him a wad of cash (don't ask me where he got it from). Their business done, DirtyJosé exits the ring, counting his new cash stack.
What? Did you miss my declaration of being a bounty hunter in this thread? You can get your revenge on Phoenix...for a price.

Now I need a partner, and I can start an intergalactic APA.
And JGlass runs over and clotheslines Chili Dave off of the ring apron! Phoenix lays helplessly in the middle of the ring as JGlass hits a Jedi sized elbow drop. The force is definitely with "Your Friendly Neighborhood Power Trip" tonight!

JGlass lifts Phoenix up for a suplex, but Chili Dave is back in the ring and knocks Phoenix out of the clutch! Chili Dave prepares to take out JGlass, but Dave hits him with a big boot, sending Chili Dave out of the ring! JGlass and Dave look at each other, and it's obvious what they want to do.

Dave lifts Phoenix up for a powerbomb, and JGlass springboards off the rope and hits a seated senton and Dave drives Phoenix to the mat. The Power Glass has connected! JGlass hooks the legs and the ref counts 1-2-3! JGlass and Dave win! Ladies and Gentlemen, Your Friendly Neighborhood Power Trip has won the match, and with it, control of The Thunder-Blog!

And this ladies and gentleman is why Creative never writes their own matches ;)

Plus, if it was going to be booked correctly, I'd be stiffing the lot of out of you and refusing to be pinned. Also, CH was the legal man as he was tagged in, continuity folks ;)

I'm sorry JGlass, but into the Rancor pit you go. Dave gets the terrifying task of having to comb the desert searching for droids.
And this ladies and gentleman is why Creative never writes their own matches ;)

Plus, if it was going to be booked correctly, I'd be stiffing the lot of out of you and refusing to be pinned. Also, CH was the legal man as he was tagged in, continuity folks ;)

I'm sorry JGlass, but into the Rancor pit you go. Dave gets the terrifying task of having to comb the desert searching for droids.

Actually, Phoenix my boy, CH was never tagged in. You reached for the tag, but you never got it. David was never the legal man, you met your defeat at the hands of Your Friendly Neighborhood Power Trip, and yo met it good.

And you could fight it all you want, the team of JGlass and Dave is unstoppable.

And Rancors? Bah, I could slay a Rancor with one arm behind my back.
Actually, Phoenix my boy, CH was never tagged in. You reached for the tag, but you never got it. David was never the legal man, you met your defeat at the hands of Your Friendly Neighborhood Power Trip, and yo met it good.

And you could fight it all you want, the team of JGlass and Dave is unstoppable.

On the contrary, I have video footage of Dave dressed up as Lady Gaga during the London Meet, play ball or I bring his cool factor down to yours, which is currently the same level as Jeff Hardy, non-existant.

And Rancors? Bah, I could slay a Rancor with one arm behind my back.

Jeez dude, no need to share your *********ion terminology with us, have some decency around here. I thought I was the heel?

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