The Thunder-Blog

I'll put "More Cowbell" as one of the choices on my namechange poll if I lose my Wrestlemania bet if you do that Charlie.
I don't think he will either, but Doc wanted something to bet on and I came up with that.

A couple of weeks ago, I might have been open to the situation but the way that The Miz has dominated him over the last few weeks, has shown me that there is no way that John Cena is going to lose at WrestleMania.

Should still be an interesting match though.
So apparently I got a 90 on my last test (36/40) but the teacher feels not enough of the class did well enough, I'm guessing a bunch of people got like 12's or something. Should I care that the rest of the class didn't care enough to study?

She might be having us retake it, that test was draining enough the first time.
What's up, Dave?

Not too much, Brudda.

I'm just about to call up Domino's and have them deliver me a pizza to eat whilst watching American Dad and chilling out.

What's up with you?

So apparently I got a 90 on my last test (36/40) but the teacher feels not enough of the class did well enough, I'm guessing a bunch of people got like 12's or something. Should I care that the rest of the class didn't care enough to study?

She might be having us retake it, that test was draining enough the first time.

Wait! Why the Hell should you have to sit it again? It wouldn't be so bad if she said that if you did any worse, then your first score would only be counted but that sounds like a crock of shit, from my point of view.
Well, I am trying to decide on what to do. What time would you be getting here at and on what day? I mean, I will have food ready for Lee because he is coming up on the Saturday. Dave might be coming up on the Saturday and that's cool. However, Tasty is coming in late on Sunday and I am just thinking about getting snacks for people to eat during the show.

Oh, BTW... I will be doing a run down of the road to WrestleMania, starting with Royal Rumble and then Elimination Chamber before WrestleMania comes on. This will likely start around half 6 on Sunday night.
Not much, Dave. Just played some Black Ops, I love the new Zombies map.

Sounds like an epic WM party, fellas.

I haven't played Black Ops since I got bored with the multi-player and that was around 3 months ago. Still, I bet the new maps are pretty badass.

As for the party, I can't wait. I hate hosting shit but this ought to be a pretty awesome night.
I started playing again when the new maps came out, the Zombies map is excellent. Very fun and challenging.

I'll probably just stream it while chilling on the LD. Not a huge deal for me, especialy since none of my friends watch wrestling.
Wait! Why the Hell should you have to sit it again? It wouldn't be so bad if she said that if you did any worse, then your first score would only be counted but that sounds like a crock of shit, from my point of view.

Not only that, but the test is 10% of our grade, meaning with the most I can get out of it is 10 points; with me getting a 90, I'll be getting 9 points towards my grade pretty much, so what's one point?
I'll be at Airdre Station at 18:42 according to train times and if all goes according to plan.

So, there might be some time for you to grab a quick bite. Just tell me something that you want and when you get here, I will have it ready for you.

I started playing again when the new maps came out, the Zombies map is excellent. Very fun and challenging.

I'll probably just stream it while chilling on the LD. Not a huge deal for me, especialy since none of my friends watch wrestling.

I wanted to start playing it again but I really could not be bothered going to the extra expense of buying the maps and then keeping my Live subscription. I just let it expire and I don't really mind.

I never stream WrestleMania or the Rumble. I generally stream the rest of them but those two are worth paying for. Especially when it only costs us £15.
I started playing again when the new maps came out, the Zombies map is excellent. Very fun and challenging.

I'll probably just stream it while chilling on the LD. Not a huge deal for me, especialy since none of my friends watch wrestling.

There is no fucking point. Surely there is something that you can do about it? Maybe you could go to the head of department and see if there is some way you can just use the first one? I don't think it is very fair at all.
That's why having a PS3 works for me. I don't have to pay for anything like that, only maps.

I don't feel like whipping out $50, especially when I'll watch alone.

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