The Thunder-Blog

I did indeed. However, I am always a Dave. Always!

Who did you have on, Dave?
Holy shit!

That is a huge deal, man!

How was it? Nerve-wracking?

Yeah, man. Like I was going to call him at 9:30 my time, since he is on the East Coast, he is an hour ahead. But he thought I meant 9:30 his time. I was like "OH SHIT!!!!!" I thought I screwed it up. But I called him up, checked if he could do a quick interview, he said yep. Then when he called our phone was acting weird, so thank God he was patient with our technical difficulties. But it was awesome.
Yeah, man. Like I was going to call him at 9:30 my time, since he is on the East Coast, he is an hour ahead. But he thought I meant 9:30 his time. I was like "OH SHIT!!!!!" I thought I screwed it up. But I called him up, checked if he could do a quick interview, he said yep. Then when he called our phone was acting weird, so thank God he was patient with our technical difficulties. But it was awesome.

I would have cried if I had lost the opportunity to interview someone like that. Especially if it meant a lot to my future career path. At least the guy was nice enough to not act like a dick and decline the interview or leave during the technical difficulties. He seems like a cool dude. Still, that is a fantastic achievement and learning curve for you.
I would have cried if I had lost the opportunity to interview someone like that. Especially if it meant a lot to my future career path. At least the guy was nice enough to not act like a dick and decline the interview or leave during the technical difficulties. He seems like a cool dude. Still, that is a fantastic achievement and learning curve for you.

He asked if I wanted to reschedule, so I emailed him back with a no, but then said FUCK IT, and called him to find out. John Buccigross truly is awesome, and one of my heroes.
G'Day, Blade.

How pissed are you that you dropped out of Raw last night?

I'm actually not that pissed.... I think I would've been too tired to thouroughly enjoy it like I did this morning. But my god, I love how Barrett just seems like a huge deal already, with Bryan as his pissed off sidekick and his other, less important minions at his side.... I'm loving it.
I honestly cannot see what everyone sees in Wade Barrett. His accent really puts me off of him, for some strange reason. Plus, he has a terrible finisher.
He can talk, wrestle, and he's got a good image. He's got all the tools he needs to make it.... Or would you rather have had Heath fucking Slater win it?
Of course not! I hate Heath Slater.

I would have rather had Otunga or Justin Gabriel win it.
I don't know what it is but I just don't like Barrett at all. I don't think he deserved to win and I would have liked to see someone take the win. I don't understand how people think he can beat people like Cena or Triple H or Orton. He wont!
I don't know what it is but I just don't like Barrett at all. I don't think he deserved to win and I would have liked to see someone take the win. I don't understand how people think he can beat people like Cena or Triple H or Orton. He wont!

It's the accent, Dave. It is nothing special to us Brits but Johnny Foreigner loves it.

That said, I thought Barrett was far and away the best of the rookies, outside Danielson. He is great on the stick and solid in the ring.

I will agree that his finisher is pretty woeful though, but then again it is no worse than the Attitude Adjustment

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