The Thunder-Blog

Good brotha, just listening to my friend's radio show, hanging out on here before work. The female is doing very well also. I hadn't seen much of ROH before I went on Saturday, but the show was fantastic. I loved it, and am trying to buy tickets for the show in July. The matches ruled all.
Oh that reminds me. You know how I was telling you of what my friend was doing? It turns out that her boyfriend has noticed and they cancelled all of our plans because he feels that he is getting a little "too friendly". It all worked out.
Excellent. Don't give him a chance to make any moves. Although does that include cancelling plans with you as well? Like not allowed to hang out?
Mega bump...

After that Raw last night, I can't help but post non-spam. It has been a while since I wanted to that but thanks must go to the WWE Creative for pushing me to that again. Plus, I am enjoying it.

Anyway, how is everyone?

Move over, Dave Cena. You've had your time in the spotlight. The DoXTor's Office is where it's out now.

*wrecks yo shit*
We could indeed.

I feel that we have had out fill of factions though...

Yeah, Doc!

We get to play the grizzled veterans this time and grumble about how they have been done to the death and how they should stop etc.
That's a good idea.

I would try and fill them all out but I honestly can't think of enough good rookies.
Danielson is the best of the bunch and Ferbian is the best rookie we have.

Wait, is he a rookie?
No, Danielson is a master ring technician with charisma. Ferbian makes mistakes and his posts aren't masterpieces, they're merely very good. He's can be Gabriel because he's over, and fairly good on the mic and exciting in the ring, but hardly the best.

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