The Third Hint


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But before this , they drop hints . They already did . On Friday Night Smackdown! after the draft , Christian said he wanted it to be Edge vs Christian not Edge and Christian . Second , when Randy Orton got to pick Edge's opponent for an episode of RAW in Toronto , he picked The Undertaker , but before that Christian came out and Edge thought that Christian was his opponent . After Edge won , Randy said he didn't know why Christian came out there because 'Taker was his real opponent . . . doesn't that sound like a hint ?

Remember this thread? Yeah, I took a part out of it. Here's the link if you wanna see the thread.

So people thought I was stupid for posting this thread and I still think this is going to happen. People thought I was assuming things too early. Maybe I still am...

I have the third hint.

I was at my friends house and she had the newest addition of WWE Magazine. I was reading it, and I came across something interesting...

A little passage that I read:

As the Rated-R Superstar bid the WWE Universe farewell during his final night on Smackdown, Christian interrupted and, instead of joining his former tag team partner for a five-second pose, called Edge out for lying to the fans. Edge copped to the mischief, and then engaged Christian in some entertaining fisticuffs. You'd think that would be that, but two weeks later, on Raw, Christian made a surprise appearance and challenged Edge to a (re)match nearly 10 years in the making. Edge won the contest with a Spear, but here's hoping their showdown is just the beginning of something much bigger.
The bolded part is the third hint.

Money in the Bank is coming up and Christian is in you think he will win it? Do you think he will cash it in on Edge (assuming he will have the title.)

But, this is WWE, so things can change.

Edit: Wanna not bash me on how this is completely crazy? It's just a prediction. Even if it is out of line, and probably will never happen.
Doubt it. The Money in the bank ladder match briefcases here only allows you to cash in on your brands champions. Christian could therefore not cash it in on a RAW superstar which would be Edge.

I could see the feud happening. But I think you're looking too much into this. The feud won't happen yet. Might never happen at a main event level.

Besides I don't necessarily see Christian winning the Money in the Bank. Well it could make sense. But I'm not counting on it seeing as there's others that could probably use the push far more. Christian is getting older. And maybe he's perfectly fine with putting over talent.

As well as the fact that Edge could very well never be champion during the time Christian would hold the briefcase. And as I said even with that the cash in wouldn't work unless they moved the champions around so that the World Heavyweight Championship and the WWE Championship would be on opposite brands.
Doubt it. The Money in the bank ladder match briefcases here only allows you to cash in on your brands champions. Christian could therefore not cash it in on a RAW superstar which would be Edge.

They could always have Edge switch brands...

I could see the feud happening. But I think you're looking too much into this. The feud won't happen yet. Might never happen at a main event level.

Haha!! I knew you were gonna say that! Like you said, the feud won't happen...yet.

But, WWE could very much be dropping hints. Or I'm just crazy. :)
They could always have Edge switch brands...

I know. But that big the feud really isn't. I doubt WWE is gonna throw Edge back on Smackdown. At least not until the next draft.

Haha!! I knew you were gonna say that! Like you said, the feud won't happen...yet.

The feud has happened in the mid-card level though. Christian and Edge feuding over the Intercontinental championship. Back when they were both miles better in the ring. Edge has lost it due to a lot of injuries. Christian is still great though but he's older as well.

But, WWE could very much be dropping hints. Or I'm just crazy. :)

Without being disrespectful I would say crazy. I don't think you should read this much into the "hints". After all it's just text. The whole "Just the beginning of something bigger" could very well have been the Edge vs Christian match on RAW when Undertaker was supposed to be the opponent.
I think this feud will happen eventually but i see this as a mania feud next year with something happening at the rumble to kickstart the annual interbrand feud that has been going on in the last few years.Too many things would need to fall into place for you're scenario to work out although i would love to see Christian win MITB.
Without being disrespectful I would say crazy.

No harm done.

The whole "Just the beginning of something bigger" could very well have been the Edge vs Christian match on RAW when Undertaker was supposed to be the opponent.

This is the newest edition of WWE magazine. And, if you read my first post again, I said that WWE said:

You'd think that would be that, but two weeks later, on Raw, Christian made a surprise appearance and challenged Edge to a (re)match nearly 10 years in the making. Edge won the contest with a Spear.
That was referring to the match with the whole Undertaker confusion.
I think you're reading what you want out of it all. Maybe the feud will happen one day. Maybe they'll team up one day. But what you have to realize, is that WWE doesn't plan anything more than a few days in advance. There's ideas flowing around all the time, but things change on a day to day basis. There are years where they haven't even picked out the Wrestlemania main event until after No Way Out.

However, there are some time that the WWE drops hints, or has certain guys compete in the main event, or mentions a specific person, just to see how they react. Maybe they are stirring the pot, biding their time trying to figure out the best way to unleash a Christian/Edge feud. Also, for anybody that didn't read your last post, this was incredibly difficult to understand. I had no idea what the hell you were going on about until the very end of it. I think you need to sit back and watch, and stop guessing at things. It's the same thing with the mystery GM. They probably dropped the Stone Cold hints to see how we reacted to it. I would bet any amount of money that they still haven't made a decision yet. The entire angle was probably done, not to surprise us or give us entertaining television, but to give them time because they had no idea how to replace Bret Hart.

If Edge and Christian does happen at some point in the future, it won't be planned until it happens. Until then, maybe they'll drop a few hints every now and again, trying to test the waters with the crowd.
This is the newest edition of WWE magazine. And, if you read my first post again, I said that WWE said:

That was referring to the match with the whole Undertaker confusion.

I completely read that out of context then.

But again. It says "here's hoping their showdown is just the beginning of something bigger". The keyword is "hoping". WWE always types this kind of stuff. There's nothing into it. As I've said - You're reading too much into this. I still have to see Christian actually winning. Which I'm not completely sold on. Before I will even look into him in a feud with any main event player.
Yeah.... I'm going to be less nice here. Blame the Russo programming I just watched.

I'm not sure about this theory, because it would take Christian getting into the main event. And for that to happen, Christian is going to need to be a heel. Because, quite frankly, Christian is boring as sin as a face. His matches are always great, but there's just something about him that looks like he has a shit eating grin. I just don't buy into him as a face, and the only time I've been moderately entertained by Christian is when he's a heel.

Compile that with the obvious logic that for Christian to turn heel, Edge must turn face, and you have a bonafide, "Coulda, shoulda, but never will" feud. Even if this feud takes place, I guarantee you, it's not going to live up to your, or my, lofty standards. It's going to be eerily similar to Edge/Jericho; a feud in which we expect for everything to be fantastic, but it's going to be boring as shit.

Also, that would take Christian winning the MITB. At this point, I give him the second to last best chance to win this contest. Meaning, he's just not winning. Period.
Edge and Christian will lock horns at some point but I am pretty sure that it will be at WrestleMania next year.

There has been speculation as long as my arm since Christian came back into the WWE but it has rarely ever came to anything and when it has, it hasn’t been allowed to grow into a feud. They have some matches here and there but they have not been able to feud and I am pretty sure that is going to happen sooner rather than later. Right now though, there is no chance that it is going to happen. For one, Edge and Christian are on different brands and whilst there is a couple of scenarios that could see them end up on the same show, I wouldn’t buy into any of them.

You have mentioned the Money in the Bank ladder matches and that Christian could win one of them… Or Edge could win one of them. To me, Christian is the best choice for this and I don’t imagine that Edge will be winning his MITB match. If Christian does win the MITB match for Smackdown and then cashes it in on the same night, who is to say that Edge doesn’t go after him with his Money in the Bank contract, if that is allowed. Either way, I just think we are jumping to conclusions and truth be told, I doubt either of them are going to win their respective matches and that is probably for the best if we are to see them meet in a match soon.

Randy Orton is feuding with Edge right now so I think that effectively rules either of them winning the MITB ladder match for their brands. Christian could win his but I hope he doesn’t. I think they should just build him up constantly without the belt and have Edge and Christian face off at WrestleMania. If either of them are holding a strap, I don’t think we are likely to see it.
I think there will be an Edge/Christian feud someday, but not someday soon. First of all Christian needs to turn heel, Edge would need to turn face and Edge would have to come back to Smackdown. And I think both Edge and Christian are really stale face. There are just too many pieces that need to be fit together.

But I do understand that you are just predicting. :)

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