The Terrordome Could Be Something Special

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
The first ever Terrordome was a total pile of donkey shit. I thought that the first time I saw it on Bravo, and I thought it this morning when I saw Sacrifice on DVD. It's just one big bump after another. You have one and before you have time to digest it the person who was on the recieving end has rolled to the side and here another one comes. Too many wrestlers, and too much stuff happening.

But if you take away 6-8 wrestlers and have less bumps it could become a great gimmick match. Take the Hell In A Cell as an example. The Terrordome isn't innovative. It's the same as most cage matches. Yet if you asked fans to pick between the HIAC involving the Foley bump or the Taker/Lesnar one they'd pick the former. Purely because of those two impressive bumps. the reason HIAC matches today aren't talked about is because main event wrestlers really don't need to do anything so risky. But in TNA you have plenty of undercard wrestlers who'd break their neck in the ring and they'd probably be happy about it. Most will do anything to get a little notoriety. And the Terrordome is the perfect gimmick for that.
Totally agreed. Although, in my opinion, they should alter one thing. It should be the first person to touch the ground instead of the first person to climb out of the top. That way you can have people getting tossed back in, and have someone fall flat on their face to win it. Make it a four man match and you could have a winning formula. Throw Elix Skipper in the mix and give him free reign to kill himself and that's an even better formula.
Terrordome, I was looking forward to this match and man it didnt deliver. First thing is first it was bright red, something I really didnt think look menacing to be honest it just looked a pile of red shitty steel bars. I do also agree that should be first man to touch floor as more suspense can be built if one two guys touch floor same time. I think if they added that rule, repainted it and had a limit of 4 wrestlers in each it would run much more smootly, but good on TNA for trying a new concept thats one of the things I find most interesting about them.
I don't think TNA stars, whether they're out to make a name for themselves and can take more risks then WWE stars can or not, should be following in Mick Foley's footsteps. I agree that the Terrordome should be altered some and the changes that have been mentioned above are all sound, but more crazy risks I don't agree with. Mick Foley was insane to do the things he did and he got seriously hurt doing them, and only by luck and some strange durability with his body did he not come out far worse from that match then he did. TNA's stars aren't Mick Foley and they shouldn't jeopardize their careers or lives doing ridiculous bumps, but instead learn how to have a more entertaining match without the insane risks. You can do crazy spots without pushing it TOO far, and if Kurt Angle's not a liar and sincere about how TNA's more worried and helpful with his health then the WWE then they certainly wouldn't allow their wrestlers (any of their wrestlers, regardless of star power) take those kinds of risks.
I agree with putting a limit on it at about 4 wrestlers and not taking so many risk in the match. But, what if instead of a free-for-all match, they make it a tag team match sometimes. It would be great. They could do all sorts of stuff with the tag team and high flying moves all at once. I think it would be a lot better than a bunch of guys just hurting themselves by doing a lot of risk taking things.
Totally agreed. Although, in my opinion, they should alter one thing. It should be the first person to touch the ground instead of the first person to climb out of the top. That way you can have people getting tossed back in, and have someone fall flat on their face to win it. Make it a four man match and you could have a winning formula. Throw Elix Skipper in the mix and give him free reign to kill himself and that's an even better formula.

Thatll be worth the PPV buy alone.

But on a serious note I absolutely agree, I for one was really looking forward to this "New innovative match" (Note the quotation marks)

But it was crap.
Simply put.
I mean most of the spots didnt even make sense, that crazy bit when one was on the cage, 2 on the turnbuckle, and the other 398 of them underneath, and they all just fell in a heap, on top of eachother.
What the fuck?

But as you said about the HIAC is completely true.
Look at the announcement of taker vs egde HIAC at summerslam on the last SD!.
The crowd popped when it was announced they were facing eachother.
But went shitfaced crazy when HIAC was announced.
Because of the crazy ass bumbs and other nutty shit that wrestlers who entered that structure in times passed have taken they immediately believe they are in for something special.

Hell TNA have proof of this in their own back yard, Ultimate X, the crowd will always turn up for ultimate X purely based on matches past (even if they do have them far to often).

And I honestly believe the terror dome, or whatever else they call it (because imo that name sucked as much as the match, and paint the mother black as well) could do the same.

My 2 cents there for ya.
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