The Tag Division Thread: Thoughts, Ideas, & Complaints

Who Could save the Tag Division

  • The Hardy Boyz

  • The Dudleys

  • Edge and Christian

  • The Colons - Carlito and Primo

  • APA

  • Hart Dynasty

  • Cryme Time

  • Other

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Spawn of Kane

Dark Match Winner
I've seen so many threads on how to make the tag division better but im yet to see this idea thrown up...if it has then i apologise.

Quite simply...If WWE were to bring back any FORMER wwe tag team to help revitalise the flailing division, who would you like to see return....and why??

I personally would love to see a returning ''face'' APA. I think they could have some seriously good feuds with Corre/ Nexus/ Uso's. And they would be more than a match for the gang mentality of the Corre/Nexus.

So...which team do you think COULD help the MOST in this dire time for tag team wrestling.....And WHY????
Hmm.. Going to keep this short and simple.. No tag team can save the division.. there is only 1 man.. Vince McMahon... He doesn't really care bout the tag division.. soo he ain't going to do anything to help it at the moment..

Now to my answer.. Hart Dynasty! Why break them up? They need all of them tag teams back IMO.. then you'll have a tag division!
Making an NXT series about tag teams would be the answer... but I don't see them doing that...

They have lots of talent that is not being used properly, guys like Regal, Goldust, R-Truth... they should be pros on NXT and teaming with young stars... make the tag title shot mean something to the victors...
Motor City Machine Guns And Beer Money would greatly help the division, will it happen though, no. Why would Vince want to take 4 guys from a company he see's as inferior. I think realistically the only way the tag team division could be saved is if Vince signed about 3 new teams perhaps from the indys to make it an actual divisio.n
Fourtune. Beer Money can compete for the tag titles, and all four of them [Styles & Kazarian] can fued with either Nexus or Corre.
there's not any one tagteam that can save the division , they need a group of actual teams that have good chemistry together not teams that are thrown together cause they have nothing else for them to do
I agree with Capitan Gringo. Beer Money are the best al round tag team going at the moment. However the only person who will save the division is Vince. If he wants to focus on Tag Team wresting he will save it. No point bringing in a new team if you dont care about the division. He showed that with the cruiserweights
I'll restate your question.

Which FORMER WWE Tag Team could save the Tag Team division?

Now, people might get it a little bit more.

One team I could see, if they ever get back into WWE after their stint with ROH would be The Worlds Greatest Tag Team. Although they're in Ring of Honor, its showing them in a new light and constantly letting them grow. If you watch ROH, you'll see how more charismatic both Shelton and Hass have became. Give them a few more months, maybe a year and you never know.

Thing is though, WWE's Tag Team division won't be revived in my opinion, as well as others above. Even if WGTT came back, they'd do the Tag Team thing for a few months, then one of them will turn heel and they'll get into a feud.

One will go on after to do well while the other does better, one will go to Superstars before inevidently being released and ROH get back one of them.
honestly, the most over tag team of the last couple years was cryme tyme, they could have easily had a resurgence in the tag team division, its not in ring talent thats going to get the tag division over again its actually charisma.
No one could "save" the division on their own.

I think if ONE team out there could make a difference, it would be Beer Money coming over from TNA. It would create a buzz and would spark interest in the division, just because Beer Money is a tag team.

But the reason I say no one, is because the division as a whole needs a revamping. One team won't be able to save it, because they need someone of note to be able to compete against.

What needs to be done is a creation of multiple teams. There are plenty of young guys that seem like they could paired with one of the other young guys and form a pretty decent team. Also, there are veterans such as Mark Henry, Goldust and R-Truth that can be teamed with each other or with someone else to at least compete with whichever team they are facing.

Anyway, it needs to be a collective effort from a few people to get this division relevant again. Starting with Vince, and then the teams that emerge as well.
No one could save the WWE's tag team division at the moment. It's beyond help. If it were a lame animal, it's owner would've shot it by now.

The last decent run those titles had was when they were held by Jericho and Big Show and they weren't even a real team!!!

If the revamped design hadn't given it away already, they're worthless.
I voted Hardy Boyz ( Don't shoot me please:p) because along with the Dudley Boys and Edge&Christian had one of the most memorable match in recent history (the first ever tag-team TLC match):worship:. Bring them back to WWE and you will have a decent tag-team division again.
There is no tag team that could save the division because, even if they existed, Vince would break them up into singles stars. The tag team division is dead because Vince wants it's dead.
I don't think the division can be saved with ONE team. It will take multiple teams to really rebuild and strengthen the tag team titles. There's enough talent on the roster to make it happen but WWE doesn't want too. They just wanna build a select few and destroy many.

BUT for the sake of this thread and not getting another spam notice, I'd have to vote for Rated RKO.
The Briscoe Brothers, one of the greatest tag teams of the decade, had a tryout for the WWE, and apparently the WWE didn't offer them a contract. Why, I don't know, but man, those guys would've pumped up the Tag Division like a shot of cocaine.

I mean, just look at them:

No ONE team can save the tag division. That's why I didn't vote. However...the team I would like to see return is THD. Neither men are doing anything at the moment and reforming might just save their careers.
Edge & Christian. After Edge's current reign, transition the two to the tag-team title division, give them a lengthy run (like a year) while creating new teams and solidifying existing ones to try and kick them off the top of the mountain.
For me it would have to be the New Age Outlaws, especially considering the reaction to semi-attitude era promos over the last 2 weeks on Raw.
If cena can get away with like blow my purple windmill comments on Monday then the Road Dogg would be able to talk about doing it doggie style.
The Outlaws matches from 98- 99 while not being technically amazing, they were always very entertaining and showed their ability as a both heels and faces.
Plus Road Dogg promos before matches against Santino and Kozlov would be classic
I think the return of London and Kendrick could help. They were really over. But they alone can't save the division.

Bring back Edge and Christian, The Hart Dynasty, Cryme Tyme. Edge and Christian would be temporary champs just to help the belts gain recognotion, then the division could be built around the other teams
You guys don't seem to understand that Vince doesn't care about the Tag division. If he did, topics like this wouldn't even exist. It wouldn't matter if we had a time machine to bring all those teams in the poll back today in their prime. Vince doesn't care.
If the tag team division could be saved, it would have to be a huge team bigger than any of those mentioned. Only one tag tea in history was big enough to save a genre of wrestling, and that was the Road Warriors, so what would have to be done would be create a whole new tag team that had that king of impact. Currently he best tag team in any wrestling federation is either The Briscoes, or Kings of Wrestling. But I think a new team that just dominates over any of these teams that work together. The Uso's could have been a team like that, or the Hart Dynasty, but they were just used poorly. WWE would actually have to have about 5 teams, that are just that, tag teams with gimmicks that don't suck.
It would take more then just one team to save the tag division, for starters. It would also take Vince and WWE creative to begin channelling efforts into said division. Unfortunately, it appears the only effort they are willing to make is to take individual stars and put them in temporary tandems that only fit together to propel singles storylines.

On a side note, how many times do we have to see opponents in major singles titles feuds win a tag team championship together? I'm not interested in this John Cena/Miz team at all, personally.
They had plenty of opportunities to do something with the tag division. The truth is Vince has no regard for it so, it would be a waste of time to bring any quality tag team to help a division, the boss is going to screw up anyway.

Let's look at it this way: One of the most popular teams in maybe the last 5 - 10 years was Cryme Time. They never got the belts. Why ? DX got the belts. JeriSHow and Showmiz got the belts. Why ? These guys are single competitors. They have no need for the tag titles. Putting the belts on them was a waste when they had a much more popular and established team that could have made the division worth watching again. And after those teams got the belts they decimated the entire division easily. They could have put the belts on MVP and Henry, they don't do that. I mean there are guys who could be great for the divison but they just seem determined not to put it on certain teams that are immensely popular and onto those no one really wants to see with the belts. That kills the division more than anything else. Then they give it to Marella and Kozlov. Marella with that ridiculous cobra move, they just make a joke out of the division. It's really sad what tag team wrestling has come to in the WWE.
I say they have like a march madness tag bracket tournament of like 16 teams.
Here are the 16 teams i think would definitely bring back a solid division.
1)Edge+Christian= best friends, great star power, maybe a push for Christian
2)Randy Orton+John Cena= get them out of the main even picture, maybe Randy Orton will stop jobbing, and Cena we can finally see you out of the main event picture
3)Mark Henry+Kofi Kingston= power+high flying technique = high success, end of jobbing for Mark Henry.
4)Evan Bourne+Chris Masters= High flying entertainment to one of the most feared finisher back in the day, great potential, good use instead of jobbing
5)Justin Gabriel+Heath Slater= work well together, keep Corre together
6)Michael Mcgillicutty+ Husky Harris= work well together, keep Nexus together
7)Jim Uso+Jey Uso=if properly used they could be great, high potential
8)Zach Ryder+Curt Hawkins= end of jobbing days, great tag team in the past, good look and well deserved push for Ryder
9)Primo Colon+Tito Colon= if this doesn't happen future endeavors for Primo? similiar to Primo and Carlito, good tag team potential
10)The Great Khali+FCW Indian= if this doesn't happen future endeavors for Khali, put over a new Indian star
11)Vladmir Kozlov+Santino= comedy, work well together, need to taken more seriously, my favorite tag team
12)Miz+Alex Riley= champ+ apprentice, great heel team, good potential, make Riley break out?
13)Drew McIntrye+Sheamus= officially jobbing, have nothing better to do, have worked well together in the past.
14)Damien Sandow+Titus O'Neill= FCW Tag Champs says it all, also NXT exposure for Titus
15)Johnny Curtis+Tyler Reks= FCW Tag Team, Reks has a great look, Curtis is a future star, use the talent they have
15)Big Show+Rey Mysterio= baby faces, great pop, work well together, variety of talent
16)Sign a hot independent tag team to get some steam, would make great news , add great exposure.
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