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The Summerslam 1999 Austin/HHH infamous story.


Pre-Show Stalwart
We all know the story that HHH didn't win the title at Summerslam because Austin didn't think he was over enough to win it from him, so he won it the following night instead. While I do agree that HHH's push in the month leading up to Summerslam was kind've forced and it wasn't built up well because the main event changed like 4 times in the last 2 weeks before the PPV, I truly believe the real reason that HHH didn't walk out with the belt was because Jesse Ventura was the referee.

When Jesse was announced as the referee for the main event, he was heavily criticized for it and he figured that raising a heel's hand in victory would've made things worse. I mean, Austin "refuses to lose" to HHH, but lets HHH beat his knees with a chair after the match to set up the injury angle? IMO that was Austin's way of putting HHH over since HHH wasn't getting the belt at Summerslam.

Ok, ignore that fact that Austin practically dominated HHH for over a month when he came back up until the Smackdown before No Mercy, and forget the fact that Austin practically no sold the sledgehammer shot that caused him to lose, beat up HHH backstage and made him runaway in a limo after the match at No Mercy, I still believe that Jesse Ventura was the true difference maker with the Summerslam '99 story.
I’ve always assumed that. It seemed obvious to me. There was no way Jesse was going to let a heel win, which is strange considering how much he supported the heels over the years. Now Jesse was a politician and I’m sure he didn’t want fans in his own state upset that he allowed a heel to walk out champion. He had enough critics as it was. He couldn’t risk losing the support of Minnesota wrestling fans.
That is the story that has always made more sense to me. The IWC always tries to paint main eventers as huge ass kissers who are insecure about their spots but in most cases, it makes no sense. I mean, if Austin did not want to lose to HHH, why did he do so at the very next PPV ie at No Mercy 1999? Oh well, if it were left to the IWC maybe Val Venis would have been champion in 1999.

Basically The Body is a politician and if there is anyone more insecure than a main event level wrestler, its a politician. The reasoning seems a bit bizzare but I guess he saw it as an unneccesary risk. And anyhow, it is not as if HHH's career seems any bit lesser because of that move. If anything, the decision to let Foley win went with the bizzareness of the Attitude Era. I was a mark at that time and I certainly did not think that anything had gone amiss.
Simple fact is Austin refused to put Helmsley over because he was so far benetah him, like Jarrett and Billy Gunn. Vicne had huge plans for Gunn, and after winning KotR was meant to feud with Austin through Survivor Series. Austin vetoed that feud, and refused to elevate Jarrett, a bit rich since the Jarretts gave Austin his first matjor push outside of Texas. Austin is mates with Foley and made it clear he would only drop the belt to Foley. No more argument needed. Jesse Ventura was a guest, he had no say in how the storyline would play out. Austin had Vinces ear and played his card accordingly.
To be honest, not everyone that gets a push needs the belt. Alberto Del Rio won the "Largest Royal Rumble in History", where Triple H won the King of the Ring. Del Rio destroyed the Big Show with his car in frustration over everything, whereas Helmsly battered the holy hell out of his knees.

I agree with what you say, though, as it seems the most logical thing to happen. But, like The Miz, he didn't win the belt at Survivor Series, he won it the next night on Raw, and that didn't really hurt him at all. Difference there is he cashed in the Money in the Bank contract.

Then again, who really cares. Both men are now legends in the business and no one can really take anything away from that. I just believe Austin didn't think he was ready to win at the "Biggest Party of the Summer" (on a side note, that tagline must get changed, seriously!)
Simple fact is Austin refused to put Helmsley over because he was so far benetah him, like Jarrett and Billy Gunn. Vicne had huge plans for Gunn, and after winning KotR was meant to feud with Austin through Survivor Series. Austin vetoed that feud, and refused to elevate Jarrett, a bit rich since the Jarretts gave Austin his first matjor push outside of Texas. Austin is mates with Foley and made it clear he would only drop the belt to Foley. No more argument needed. Jesse Ventura was a guest, he had no say in how the storyline would play out. Austin had Vinces ear and played his card accordingly.
And your proof that these are facts are...

As someone above stated, if Austin didn't want to but Triple H over, why did he do so two months later at No Mercy? Did he not have Vince's ear then?

The Internet is full of people that "know" things. I've heard both stories, but the one that makes the most sense is that Ventura didn't want to raise a heel's hand.

And if you think that in 1999 Jesse Ventura didn't have a say, you don't remember how big a deal it was that he, AS A FUCKING STATE GOVERNOR, was participating in SummerSlam. It was huge! Jesse had a ton of power, and while I doubt he vetoed anything, I wouldn't be surprised if he voiced his concerns to Vince and Vince, knowing the coup is was to get Jesse, acquiesced.

As far as Billy Gunn and Jeff Jarrett are concerned: Austin was right. Jarrett isn't a main eventer, and Billy Gunn was basically Shelton Benjamin with a little less athleticism.
Simple fact is Austin refused to put Helmsley over because he was so far benetah him, like Jarrett and Billy Gunn. Vicne had huge plans for Gunn, and after winning KotR was meant to feud with Austin through Survivor Series. Austin vetoed that feud, and refused to elevate Jarrett, a bit rich since the Jarretts gave Austin his first matjor push outside of Texas. Austin is mates with Foley and made it clear he would only drop the belt to Foley. No more argument needed. Jesse Ventura was a guest, he had no say in how the storyline would play out. Austin had Vinces ear and played his card accordingly.

Regardless if Austin thought that HHH was ready or not, Austin never refused to lose to HHH, if that was the case then HHH would've won the title at Summerslam without Austin having to be pinned. The only stories about him that year that were true was that he didn't wanna work with Billy Gunn and Jeff Jarrett because they weren't main event material. The Billy Gunn/Rock feud was a complete mismatch, as The Rock was a 3X World Champion going up against a guy obssessed with his ass. A Gunn/Austin feud would've had the exact same feeling.
I have always been wondering about that. This is the first time I read theories on that.

It just didn't make sense to me to have Mankind win it, especially if he lost it the next day. When I read Foley's book "Foley is good" I was hoping it would contain any answers, but it didn't. He just wrote that he was surprised to win that night, but not surprised to lose the belt again the day after. The end.

I, too, assumed that Mankind's win was due to Jessie Ventura being the ref. He was getting enough heat as it was being there in the first place, having him declare the evil guy the winner might damage him further (which is silly, but you never know with the pettiness of politicians).

The theory of Austin not wanting to put HHH over makes sense, too, in a way. They could have done a better job of building Triple H up in the months prior. And the whole build-up with constantly changing the main event for Summerslam was messed up, too.
Except I never took Austin for a guy refusing to do a job (except against Lesnar, but that had a different background story). Also, if Vince wants you to job, you job. Doesn't matter who you are. The alternative is to "take your ball and go home."

Oh, as for Austin vetoing feuds between him and Billy Gunn and Jeff Jarrett, because they were not main event material - I can only say Austin is a smart man. He was absolutely 100% right to do so. He did, by the way, recognize the talent Eddie Guerrero had. Shortly before Austin walked out of the company he had just begun feuding with Eddie. This feud happened at his personal request. The feud never happened, unfortunately, but Austin handpicking him made the higher ups see Eddie in a different light for the first time. Eddie himself credited Austin for that.
I think I remember reading stories about Austin not wanting to put HHH over at Summerslam which is why they added Mankind to the mix. I dunno there is always something getting out about someone not wanting to put this guy or that guy over or a Match changing at the last minute. I don't think we will ever know the whole story behind what went down before Summerslam 1999 and quite honestly what does it matter now. Both guys are Legends and have had Great Careers.

Stone Cold did put over HHH two months later at No Mercy and at No Way Out 2001 in the 2/3 Falls Classic they had. I do remember Austin not wanting to Feud with Jeff Jarrett which I can agree with. JJ is not a Main Event calibar guy,Mid-Card at best but WCW pushed him to the moon so there we go.
LOL at this thread. I don't know whether or not austin refused to job to hhh (though I think there's a pretty good chance he did refuse). What I do know is that you guys are maniacs if you think that Ventura refused to raise the hand of a heel in this match- do you really think the average citizen of Minnesota had any idea whatsoever who HHH was in 1999, much less that he was a "bad guy"?? No chance. Cmon people- step your games up.
Jeff Jarrett and Billy Gunn aren't and never were main eventers. Want proof? They never got over again. Main eventers get over and stay over. Don't bring up Jeff in TNA because being a main eventer when you own the fuckin company doesn't count. Don't bring up WCW because when you're the champ and the company is going down the toilet and Vince Russo has a man crush on your beautiful blonde hair that doesn't count either.

I don't think there was an issue here. Guys work the dirtsheets just like they work anyone else. Hell, they even work each other. Who knows what really goes on in their heads. You have any idea the kind of person who wants to be a pro wrestler and is successful at it? You MUST be both egotystical and manipulative. Egotystical to want to do it, to want people cheering and hanging on everything you do, and manipulative to make them do what you want.
LOL at this thread. I don't know whether or not austin refused to job to hhh (though I think there's a pretty good chance he did refuse). What I do know is that you guys are maniacs if you think that Ventura refused to raise the hand of a heel in this match- do you really think the average citizen of Minnesota had any idea whatsoever who HHH was in 1999, much less that he was a "bad guy"?? No chance. Cmon people- step your games up.
Pretty sure they all knew Austin was a good guy and most people understand basic storytelling that if it's a good guy in a big battle, it's likely against a bad guy. So no I don't know what you mean.

Ventura had to be perfect in everything he did. Politicians take the smallest thing and run with it. Even by some crazy chance no one figured out that HHH was the bad guy, Ventura's opponents would have let them know he was.
Pretty sure they all knew Austin was a good guy and most people understand basic storytelling that if it's a good guy in a big battle, it's likely against a bad guy. So no I don't know what you mean.

Ventura had to be perfect in everything he did. Politicians take the smallest thing and run with it. Even by some crazy chance no one figured out that HHH was the bad guy, Ventura's opponents would have let them know he was.

So essentially Ventura would be willing to raise the hand of the deranged lunatic who would rip his hair out a short time before OR the hand of the beer drinking, finger flipping Austin, but not HHH bc he was a bad guy? And this would come up in political debate? "Jesse is not fit to be governor because when he guest refereed the main event of summerslam he let hhh win"?? again, LOL.
So essentially Ventura would be willing to raise the hand of the deranged lunatic who would rip his hair out a short time before OR the hand of the beer drinking, finger flipping Austin, but not HHH bc he was a bad guy? And this would come up in political debate? "Jesse is not fit to be governor because when he guest refereed the main event of summerslam he let hhh win"?? again, LOL.

Regardless of what Austin and Mankind characters were, they were still faces and Triple H wasn't.
Regardless of what Austin and Mankind characters were, they were still faces and Triple H wasn't.

Which in no way, shape or form could POSSIBLY have any political implications whatsoever. Do you really think this could have come up in a debate? If anything, the fact that he was there in the 1st place, but certainly not the fact that HHH won the match. Surely you people are smart enough to acknowledge this.
LOL at this thread. I don't know whether or not austin refused to job to hhh (though I think there's a pretty good chance he did refuse). What I do know is that you guys are maniacs if you think that Ventura refused to raise the hand of a heel in this match- do you really think the average citizen of Minnesota had any idea whatsoever who HHH was in 1999, much less that he was a "bad guy"?? No chance. Cmon people- step your games up.

Anytime an outside celebrity appears on WWE he sides with the good guys. By 1999 Ventura would be considered an outside celebrity despite his long history in wrestling. He was wildly popular with wrestling fans in Minnesota so why would WWE want to end the show on a sour not with those fans? I’m not saying people would have demanded Ventura be removed from office. Basic wrestling 101 says celebrity involvement = good guy victory.
Which in no way, shape or form could POSSIBLY have any political implications whatsoever. Do you really think this could have come up in a debate? If anything, the fact that he was there in the 1st place, but certainly not the fact that HHH won the match. Surely you people are smart enough to acknowledge this.

It had nothing to do with politics, as a governor he had a "good guy" image to live up to, and raising the hand of a heel wouldn't have fit that image. It would be like if Arnold Schwarzenegger had helped out Triple H instead of Austin or The Rock when he appeared on Smackdown that one time to promote his movie.

Makes a whole lot more sense than the Austin refusing to lose story. If that were the case then Austin didn't have to take the pinfall loss.
Gotta go with the big outside star raising the hand of the fan favorite reasoning. Lawrence Taylor won the main event of a Wrestlemaina, for God's sake, to send the fans home happy. To a lesser extent I am sure he was under a microscope in his home state as governor, so I am sure he wanted to do everything right. This to me is just a case of wanting to send the fans home happy.
That is the story that has always made more sense to me. The IWC always tries to paint main eventers as huge ass kissers who are insecure about their spots but in most cases, it makes no sense. I mean, if Austin did not want to lose to HHH, why did he do so at the very next PPV ie at No Mercy 1999? Oh well, if it were left to the IWC maybe Val Venis would have been champion in 1999.

Basically The Body is a politician and if there is anyone more insecure than a main event level wrestler, its a politician. The reasoning seems a bit bizzare but I guess he saw it as an unneccesary risk. And anyhow, it is not as if HHH's career seems any bit lesser because of that move. If anything, the decision to let Foley win went with the bizzareness of the Attitude Era. I was a mark at that time and I certainly did not think that anything had gone amiss.

The Body was/is not a politician like the other politicians. That's like saying Ron Paul is like the other republican candidates. There's significant difference.

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