The Summer of Ziggler, the Fall of Y2J

The American Legend

Dark Match Winner
I was watching the clips of the Jericho beat downs from SD! last night, and my head started spinning, as it always does, as to what the payoff on this feud is gonna be. Then Ziggler rammed that ladder cart thing into Jericho, and its like the light bulb went off. If WWE pulls this off right, they could have one of the best feuds of the past few years this fall.

I don't know how much time Jericho is going to take off after Summerslam, but there's only one way to write him off tv convincingly. At Summerslam, have him beat Ziggler. Not like, makes him tap out, but have him sell the beat downs and win on a surprise roll up or out of nowhere Codebreaker after kicking out of a Zig Zag. Then have Ziggler lose it. Just snap. Kick the crap out of Jericho. Beat him around the arena. Presto! Now Jericho is 'injured' and has to heal.

Now, get the title on Ziggler ASAP. Have him hold it for about 3 months, and just not lose. Beat Sheamus for it at Summerslam by cashing in, then win the rematch, then beat Orton, then win a triple threat. Cuts a promo talking about how he's beaten everybody, then enter Y2J. He reminds him he was the last guy to beat him, and he hasn't forgotten what he said about not being able to win the big one, or the beat down he gave him. Now he's here to return the favor.

Through the fall/winter they duke it out over and over. Have Jericho take the belt from him, then do something like Orton/Christian, where they face multiple times in different match types, ending with a ladder match or 2 out of 3 falls where Ziggler finally gets it back. Do this right, and Ziggler could hold it for 4 months, then Jericho could hold it for 3 before dropping it. No reason this feud couldn't span from Survivor Series to Elimination Chamber. You know you'd love it.

Would something like this work? I feel like this would match the level of the HBK/Y2J feud from a few years ago, and would do more to put Ziggler over then anything else they've done.
I was thinking something similar to you but instead I was thinking to have Ziggler beat Jericho, then have Jericho say that he needs some time off. Then have Ziggler win and defend the title etc. and then later, maybe later than Autumn/Fall, Jericho can come back, say he is changed and is no longer a loser. He can then become no.1 contender (royal rumble possibly) and then can win the title from Ziggler, continuing this rivalry that, as you said, could be awesome.
As of right now, the ultimate payoff will be Dolph Ziggler being elevated by beating Chris Jericho. Ziggler has had a good deal of matches against the top level stars in WWE like John Cena, CM Punk & Randy Orton. He's always looked very good, downright great even, in his matches against them but he never came out on top against them.

If Ziggler beats Chris Jericho at a one of the WWE's Big Four ppvs, it'll hand him the biggest victory of his career and his stock will only continue on up. The WWE has taken its time with Dolph Ziggler and Jericho is his first real feud since winning the World Heavyweight Championship MITB match, so it's a big step forward. Chris Jericho is a 6 time World Champion in WWE, a 7 time Tag Team Champion, and a 9 time Intercontinental Champion. Jericho has headlined major ppvs, he's main evented WrestleManias, he's feuded with most of the biggest stars in pro wrestling of the past generation. Jericho's someone that's pretty much done it all.

If WWE is looking to play an injury angle with Jericho as a reason for him leaving and for him losing to Ziggler, if he does lose tomorrow night, then it protects Jericho and sets up a way to reignite the feud once Jericho returns. If Jericho decides not to return, then WWE can simply spin the angle with Ziggler having been the man who put Chris Jericho out of wrestling.

But yeah, I think the ultimate payoff is for Ziggler to just be made into a bigger star and this is a big step along the way. Having Jericho defeat Ziggler tomorrow night will make no sense really, especially with tomorrow night being his last scheduled WWE apppearance for quite a while, and will only be a hindurance to Ziggler.
Its not the fall of Jericho at all, regardless of what happened tomorrow, next week or in the upcoming years, Jericho will always be a hero to fans of wrestling. He's held dozens of titles, hes the most successful intercontinental champion in history, he was the first ever undisputed champ....his legacy is set and he is a guaranteed HOF'er. The point with Jericho is he's a fan of the business, and doesnt have such a big ego that he isnt willing to put over new talent. He will have seen Ziggler compete for a long time, and will be more than happy to lose to Zigzag, in order to give him the push he needs and protect the future of old school wrestling, which dolph represents very well with his work. Anyone thinking Jericho is just in it for a pay cheque and is damaging his legacy doesnt know the guy!
Its not the fall of Jericho at all, regardless of what happened tomorrow, next week or in the upcoming years, Jericho will always be a hero to fans of wrestling. He's held dozens of titles, hes the most successful intercontinental champion in history, he was the first ever undisputed champ....his legacy is set and he is a guaranteed HOF'er. The point with Jericho is he's a fan of the business, and doesnt have such a big ego that he isnt willing to put over new talent. He will have seen Ziggler compete for a long time, and will be more than happy to lose to Zigzag, in order to give him the push he needs and protect the future of old school wrestling, which dolph represents very well with his work. Anyone thinking Jericho is just in it for a pay cheque and is damaging his legacy doesnt know the guy!

agree wholeheartedly. Chris Jericho does not need wrestling, he is successful away from the ring and wrestles because he wants to give back to the industry that gave him the platform to become the household name he is now.
Jericho elevating Ziggler is the smart way to go, but what I see happening is Jericho finally winning the big one, but then receiving the mother of all beat downs after the match to see him take time of as per the internet world buzzing about. Or Zigglerr gets that shitted off for losing, he has a Raw rematch with Jerichom, where he puts his MITB briefcase up against Jericho leaving WWE, with Ziggler cheating but getting the pinfall win
For me, Jericho has to put over Ziggler.

He's at that stage of his career now. It's the sole reason he's back, and one of the main reason's why Jericho is one of the all-time greats, because he's happy & willing to do it. There's no ego, no power trips, he doesn't need the fame, or the success, or the money. He's there because he loves the business and knows it's his time to let the younger talent to be elevated to where they need to be.

The way i'd play it is for them to put on the 5-star match we know they can & probably will put on at Summerslam, Ziggler picks up the big win (& rub in the process...) after lots of back & forth & near falls and let Jericho slip away to Kayfabe refocus & reinvent himself (i.e. tour with Fozzy...). Once he's ready to return come the fall, play it out as you mentioned. Everybody wins, especially the genuine fans amongst us...

I think Ziggler will still have the briefcase by then too, supposedly WWE has been advertising RKO vs Sheamus for the Title at house shows after Summerslam, which suggests either a failed cash-in or no cash-in at all anytime soon. But then, knowing the WWE's day-by-day booking of late, you just never know...
I think Jack-Hammer really nailed down the big issue. Ziggler has to win. He can't have a situation like he had early in the year with Punk where won some matches but none of them were clean wins. He has to win 1,2,3, in the middle of the ring. A lot of people think Ziggles has what it takes to be at the top. He is good in the ring, he has improved on the mic, and he gets a reaction. The biggest problem he has is that he has been on the losing end of his major feuds. I honestly believe that Jericho is his last, best chance to be propelled into full main event status. Jericho came back to put guys over. It worked decently with Punk.

If it does happen I can see Dolph going on to big things. His best attribute is his selling. It reminds me of Ric Flair and to a lesser extent Shawn Michaels. When those guys played heels, they made their opponents look like a million bucks. It looked like the face was dominating, then the heel, especially Flair, would do something cheap or straight up cheat to win and it drew massive heat. I think Ziggler has the potential to do that.
Two big "ifs":

--If Jericho is taking time off after Summerslam
--If Ziggler really is being pushed to the top

Jericho has thrown swerves at us before, often while on hiatus from WWE. He's coming back.....he's not coming back. We never know for sure and the uncertainty has become synonymous with Chris Jericho. It seemed definite he was leaving after the PPV, but events of last Friday appear to show some new stuff brewing for Y2J. Who really knows what he'll do?

Sure, he should be helping put Dolph over, given the point of career each one occupies. At 42, we don't know how many more times Jericho will be coming back. Yes, he's still performing at a high level and probably makes more money in pro wrestling than anything else he tries, so why quit permanently?

It's an interesting question: To those who contend Chris is too old to be a wrestler, I say; At what juncture will he be considered too old to sing in a rock band?

As to the second "if", I've been thinking for two years that WWE is determined to boost Dolph Ziggler to the absolute top of the company. They even gave him a 1-day world title reign, they've featured him everywhere there is to be featured as if they planned to have the whole company revolve around him someday. There seemed to be no stopping his push.

That's why I was puzzled when management sent him on that long losing streak, seemingly flying in the face of everything they were trying to accomplish with Dolph. I still don't get it, but neither do I get why it's apparently now been decided that Dolph's the one. He's a good performer but, imo, hardly worthy of the exalted status WWE seems to have planned for him. Still, WWE thinks he is, and that's what matters.

As to the subject at hand, I think it's the Summer of Ziggler, yes. I believe he'll win at Summerslam, having a mega-star like Chris Jericho pass the torch to him. I don't really agree with it, but I think it's where we're headed.

As to Y2J, his career is winding down. Even if he keeps semi-active in WWE for the next few years, I believe he's done winning titles his credit, he's willing to sacrifice the top spot to push guys who follow him.
I'll say it again. How does Ziggler beating a man who's apparently "lost his touch" gonna elevate him? Not that Jericho needs a win or anything. But regardless of who wins, Ziggler's not gonna gain anything from it.

This feud so far has been poorly written. They made Jericho lose all PPVs ever since he returned and now they pair him up with Ziggler who really needs to get over by beating an actual RELEVANT opponent to actually elevate. I like Jericho but the way they made him ever since he's returned is just pathetic.
I'll say it again. How does Ziggler beating a man who's apparently "lost his touch" gonna elevate him? Not that Jericho needs a win or anything. But regardless of who wins, Ziggler's not gonna gain anything from it.

This feud so far has been poorly written. They made Jericho lose all PPVs ever since he returned and now they pair him up with Ziggler who really needs to get over by beating an actual RELEVANT opponent to actually elevate. I like Jericho but the way they made him ever since he's returned is just pathetic.

Yeah, thats what I been thinking too. Ziggler beating a "washed up" Jericho isn't going to do much to elevate him. Storyline wise, it makes more sense for Jericho to win and show Ziggler he still has it.
i would have jericho beat ziggler at summerslam only for ziggler to them come out and beat shemus for the title later on in the night. then have him feud with shemus and then orton. have these feuds last until royal rumble were jericho would return as a surprise entry and win. then that would set up ziggler vs jericho at wrestlemania very nicely.
Jericho is coming into Summer Slam 'injured'. Jericho goads Ziggler into putting the MitB contract on the line in their match. "If Ziggler is sooo sure of the win, then why not? etc" And Jericho walks out the winner. The next night on Raw Jericho states that this was just the start of him winning the big ones again. But unlike with when he arrived as Y2J (With the countdown clock) or when he returned this year (with the strange children). The WWE Universe will know what is gonna happen (Jericho cash in MitB) but they will have no idea when or where...

Jericho has done a good job of being a team player since he came back. And having him win the MitB briefcase redeems the lack of victories in this stint and gives him instant credit on his return from touring with Fozzy. Creating the option of a successful cash-in or having Ziggler crash the 'surprise' and stop Jericho winning the World Title. Then have the building Ziggler go over in a heated feud.

But the main reason I would want to see this is for the sake of Dolph Ziggler. I honestly don't believe an opportunistic cash-in and an unconvincing Title run is going to give him what he needs. Ziggler needs to be given storylines, he needs a new finisher, possibly to break away from Vickie. And he needs to be in a position that when he wins the Title...the people crave him doing it. He has to be built towards it in a way that makes the people want it to happen and believe that it has to happen. (Similar to HBK's first WWE Title WM XII or CM Punk at MitB last year.) Then you have a chance of making Ziggler a Main Eventer beyond 2012.
I'll say it again. How does Ziggler beating a man who's apparently "lost his touch" gonna elevate him? Not that Jericho needs a win or anything. But regardless of who wins, Ziggler's not gonna gain anything from it.

This feud so far has been poorly-written. They made Jericho lose all PPVs ever since he returned and now they pair him up with Ziggler who really needs to get over by beating an actual RELEVANT opponent to actually elevate. I like Jericho, but the way they made him ever since he's returned is just pathetic.

Yeah, thats what I been thinking too. Ziggler beating a "washed up" Jericho isn't going to do much to elevate him. Storyline-wise, it makes more sense for Jericho to win and show Ziggler that he still has it.

I would have Jericho beat Ziggler at Summerslam

Jericho walks out the winner

To these last four posters who've said that Jericho will defeat Ziggler at Summerslam, and he did, I commend you. It's obvious that Ziggler's gonna lose at the PPV since

Ziggler has had all the momentum going into Summerslam. Anyone who's watched WWE at least since the Attitude Era SHOULD know better that when a guy dominates another guy most of the month going into a PPV, the other guy usually ends up winning in their match. Prime examples include Edge spearing Jericho every week only to lose to him at WrestleMania XXVI and Jericho questioning Punk's Straightedge Lifestyle only to come up short at Extreme Rules 2012. Okay, these examples may include Jericho himself, but these are good examples nonetheless. Think about it.

I was actually surprised that no one created a new thread about the result of this match once Jericho defeated Ziggler at Summerslam, but after refreshing my CP and re-viewing the Punk/Cena/Show Thread, I realized that this thread's still open. And from the looks of it, no one has commented about it ever since, until now. Figured the Ziggler fans were too disappointed to even bother.

Now knowing that Jericho defeated Ziggler at Summerslam, I can safely say that I'm proud to have successfully called Jericho winning - sorry Ziggler fans. Don't worry though Ziggler fans. This doesn't mean that his push is done. Remember Barrett defeating Then-Mr. Money-in-the-Bank Bryan at the same PPV last year? Bryan still ended up winning the World Heavyweight Championship at the end of the year, right? Ziggler's gonna get another WHC Reign.

Personally though, I would have had Ziggler and Bryan defend their MITB briefcases and lose them to Jericho and Barrett respectively. At least Jericho and Barrett defeated Ziggler and Bryan respectively, so that's good enough for me.
I was a little surprised that Ziggler lost last night until I found out that SummerSlam isn't Jericho's last scheduled WWE appearance. Tonight's Raw is his last appearance, so I look for Ziggler to pose a challenge to Jericho for a rematch tonight in which he avenges his loss last night.
I was a little surprised that Ziggler lost last night until I found out that SummerSlam isn't Jericho's last scheduled WWE appearance. Tonight's Raw is his last appearance, so I look for Ziggler to pose a challenge to Jericho for a rematch tonight in which he avenges his loss last night.

I was with you on Ziggler needing to go over and was surprised myself. Didn't know he would be on Raw tonight. Like you said I look for the Ziggler to avenge his loss, or at the very least beat him down and run Jericho out. I'm still pretty surprised they had Ziggler tap though.

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