The Straight Edge Messiah and the Bibical Messiah

How do you feel about CM Punk invoking Christlike Imagery?

  • I like it.

  • It insults me on a religious level.

  • It insults my intelligence.

  • I'm indifferent towards it.

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I don't believe I was showing any hostility towards anybody when I stated that if you are offended by something in a program to simply change the channel. I completely understand that everyone is entitled to their own opionions and beliefs. I can understand someone being offended while watching wrestling by something that goes against their personal or religious beliefs. I would be personally offended if they all of a sudden started using the race issue negatively in WWE. And since I would be offended...I would SIMPLY change the channel. I believe that is why there are so many different channels on the television nowadays for that exact reason. WWE simply cannot cater to everyones personal or religious choices in entertainment all of the time. They try to find a balance.
I do have to admit...I'm not religious...well, not I do have to concede that all the things involving CM Punk might be easier for me to watch than someone that is a devout Christian. I think that also might be why it's easy for me to say that if you are offended by change the channel.
I'm a Catholic and I have no problem with this angle. In fact, I love it. The relgious imagery is necessary to truely show that the Nexus is a cult. Punk did the exact same thing with the Straight Edge Society (which should have been given a larger push than it did) on Smackdown. The fact that they are using this imagery is brilliant because it is always bound to get heat from someone, even if they think Punk is a great wrestler. I am just happy that we are actually getting a well written storyline for once. Slightly off topic, i though that montage they put together where Mason Ryan debuts with Punk talking about faith in the background was awesome.
I don't believe I was showing any hostility towards anybody when I stated that if you are offended by something in a program to simply change the channel.

The hostility of which I speak is one where those who write "change the channel" are simply being narrow minded, and unwilling to engage in an actual debate regarding the subject. I was in no way singling you out here, it happens all the time. I think I know JGlass well(although Id never speak for him) enough that he's not bitching about the topic, he's generating discussion and creating a place for people to debate over the topic.

I completely understand that everyone is entitled to their own opionions and beliefs. I can understand someone being offended while watching wrestling by something that goes against their personal or religious beliefs.

The problem is, he said from his opening post that he's NOT religious. J noted from the beginning that it was the comparison between Jesus and Punk that is infuriating, not insulting or offensive. There's a large difference between the former and the latter two.

I would be personally offended if they all of a sudden started using the race issue negatively in WWE. And since I would be offended...I would SIMPLY change the channel.

And that's your right to do so. I find myself in the lonely position of neutral in that i don't take anything I see in a wrestling ring seriously. I see it for what it is, sports entertainment. All the shenanigans, cheap humor, and jokes at other's expense don't bother me the way they do some because I realize that wrestling isn't trying to teach me anything about morality or doing the right thing. It's about entertainment, and that's why I watch. If I no longer am entertained, Ill stop watching. It's as simple as that, honestly.

I believe that is why there are so many different channels on the television nowadays for that exact reason. WWE simply cannot cater to everyones personal or religious choices in entertainment all of the time. They try to find a balance.

Nor should they have to. Its no different then watching your favorite TV show. Quite simply, it's scripted to be suited towards appealing to a certain demographic. That demographic has nothing to do with race, religion, or sexual orientation, to give examples. In the case of the CM Punk angle, they're appealing to an edgier demographic, or at least attempting to. Religious or not, it may not be someone's cup of tea for their own personal reasons, and that's perfectly fine. Just because you and I don't have a problem with it doesn't mean that others just like us won't. It doesn't mean they should change the channel either.

I do have to admit...I'm not religious...well, not I do have to concede that all the things involving CM Punk might be easier for me to watch than someone that is a devout Christian. I think that also might be why it's easy for me to say that if you are offended by change the channel.

But that's a false concession to make, honestly. If you decide to stick around the forums long enough, you'll likely get to know like many others have that Im a devout Christian. Yet I found nothing offensive or cringe-worthy about Punk's actions. If anything, I find that WWE is portraying Punk in a manner that speaks to his hypocrisy when comparing himself to Christ through his various actions, specifically the ones that involve religious symbolism. I see them portraying Punk as the opposite of Jesus through his actions, and he's drawing a tremendous amount of heat for it. I don't think the fact that they started this angle in the south is a coincidence either, as people in the south on the whole tend to be more touchy and rigid when it comes to their faith. So they've done a great job of drawing heat for him right out of the gate. And I certainly don't mean to be offensive when I say that it's my belief that it's a narrow way of thinking to simply say "change the channel" if someone is offended by one angle. It's entertainment, and all of us somewhere are going to find something, sometime, that rubs us the wrong way. JGlass just found a touchy subject, religion, which is why it's generated such heated debate. He's backed it up in an excellent way as well, making valid, thought provoking points. I simply think that's the end-all of the matter, not whether one should turn the TV if they find a few segments offensive.
Considering the fact that CM Punk has been building himself as the savior back when he was on Smackdown and building the Straight Edge Society, mixing it with the fact that he had a sort of Jesus like look

There is a ton of Christlike imagery and many allusions to Jesus in Punk's current gimmick. He has the long hair and the beard

"Jesus-like look?" It's amazing to me how many people are ignorant of the fact that the popular conception of Jesus the Christ which is associated with him is not what he actually looked like. Regarding the long hair, 1 Corinthians 11:14 says, "Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?" This would hardly have been said if Jesus himself had long hair. So I've never understood all these people who claim to see Jesus's face in corn flakes and other objects.
"Jesus-like look?" It's amazing to me how many people are ignorant of the fact that the popular conception of Jesus the Christ which is associated with him is not what he actually looked like. Regarding the long hair, 1 Corinthians 11:14 says, "Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?" This would hardly have been said if Jesus himself had long hair. So I've never understood all these people who claim to see Jesus's face in corn flakes and other objects.

Don't be dense, it doesn't matter what Jesus REALLY looked like, or even if he existed at all. He could have been a 7 foot tall Asian man with a mohawk in reality, but because he's portrayed as a white dude with long brown hair and a beard, that is what matters.

Unless of course you're misinterpreting this post to say that the WWE is actually trying to push CM Punk as the second coming (or third, I lost count), in which case you are mistaken.

I understand it's fun to flex your knowledge on any given topic (I do it all the time), but in this case what Jesus actually looked like has nothing to do with what people think he looked like, which is more important in this case.

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