The song that got you into...Red Hot Chili Peppers


Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens

I couldn't do it guys, I just couldn't pick 1 song. The entire Californication Album is fan-fucking-tastic and is what got me into the Red Hot Chili Peppers. The album came out about 1 month before I turned 12 and I got it for my birthday and fell in love. I still have the CD and listen to it all the time. Everything from the Vocals to the drums is awesome and the 4 songs I picked shows how good this Album really is and why it's in my top 5 all time favorite albums. I've since heard classics like Under the Bridge & Higher Ground (and everything else on their What Hits?! album) but for me personally nothing will top Californication for sheer awesomeness.​

Under the Bridge

The song that got me into the RHCP. I was actually with a friend of mine and he put one of their albums in and I we were listening to this song. I was like WHOA! what's this song and who's this group. Red Hot Chili Peppers definately got my attention.

However my favorite albums has to be Stadium Arcadium and my favorite song Dani California.
Milenko you picked my four favourite tracks from that album, and all 4 would be in my top 7 or 8 Chilis songs!

The first one of their songs I really got into has to be Californication, I still think that video is one of the best I have ever seen. It was so different, with the band members running around as if some kind of computer game, so ahead of its time. I had just started making compilation CDs of my favourite music at that point, and I think Californication was on CD 2 or 3, I loved it.

I much prefer that style of Chili Peppers track rather than the funkier style of "Give It Away" or "Suck My Kiss", Anthony Kiedis is a very good singer and he doesnt show it enough.

Other than Californication, my favourite Chil Peppers songs would have to be:

1. Californication
2. Fortune Faded
3. By The Way
4. Otherside
5. Fortune Faded
6. Parallel Universe
7. Scar Tissue
8. All Around The World
9. Dani California
10. Fight Like A Brave

Don't get me wrong, I've heard Red Hot Chili Peppers songs before, and I liked them, but this was the song that had me 100% sold on them. Whatever the reason, I truly loved this one. It made me sit-up and take notice and really like the Red Hot Chili Peppers. There's such passion in this song, you can truly here it in Kiedis' voice. The playing here is great too with an awesoem guitar solo in there. Also, it was on the Death Note movie soundtrack which more than likely helped me love it.
I must admit, I'm not a massive Chilli's fan, but I went through a phase where I listened to them non-stop. By The Way was the song that started my temporary craze for them, the video was awesome and you could just simply rock out to it and people wouldn't think you were an idiot because they'd be rocking out right alongside with you.
Give it away was probably the first song that I heard by them that made me say, "who is that, I want to listen to more of them". I never got really into them but Jon Frusciante and Flea's playing made it worth having to watch Kiedis dance around all the time. Now that Frusciante left I probably won't listen to anything new from them.

Don't get me wrong, I liked Under The Bridge and Give It Away, but this is the song that truly made me a fan.

I have since named Under The Bridge as one of my top 5 all time favorite songs and this one doesn't even crack my top 10. But this is the song I used to listen to a lot when I was younger. Just the laid back nature of it made me so calm when I was younger.
'I Could Have Lied'

One of the first songs i learned to play on guitar. My friend put this on a cd & gave me some sheet music to learn from. This song is great & shows the melodic side to RCHP quite well, before the later albums. Anthony does have a great voice & its lost on most people who only know them for the faster songs.
RHCP cover of Higher Ground would have to be the one for me. I actually heard this song in the first Power Rangers movie that came out when I was a kid. The bassline is just insane. Another honorable mention would have to be Scar Tissue. I'm actually a big fan of the entire Californication album. The chili peppers are a damn good band to just kick back and relax to or when going for a long drive.
Wow, I have to think of the song that got me into the Red Hot Chili Peppers, thats like asking me to remember my first word.

Hmmm, it possibly is By The Way, this was when it was first released and I just loved it, the combination of singing and rapping as well as the music itself (and the video) made me love it. But I just love the RHCP, my friend gave me a copy of the greatest hits with Give It Away, Suck My Kiss, Californication along with Higher Ground ( which I'd previously heard on the Power Rangers movie)

After that I heard Dani California, Knock Me Down, Fight Like A Brave, Warped, Aeroplane, True Men Don't Kill Cayotes, Jungleman and I decided to buy all the albums.
I've been listening to them for as long as I can remember, but the first song of theirs I can remember hearing was probably Californication. That song is still pretty great to listen to after all these years (and learning to play it gave me more appreciation for it), and turned me into a definite RHCP fan. I think I need to go get more of their music now.

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