The song that got you into...Offspring


Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens

I was 8 or so and at my grandparents house for the weekend and I had just gotten into DBZ and was browsing looking for anything Dragon Ball and I found a 3 minute clip mash with this song playing in the background. I wasn't as into music as I was then but even at 8 I loved the opening riff and thought this was a good. As I got older and realized it was actually The Offspring that did this song I looked up more of their stuff and I can now say I'm a fan and like most of their music.

Americanna was a great record, and by a mile this was my favorite song that came from it. I originally saw the video in like 2002 and just thought the song had a good tempo to it, and a catchy chorus, also the video itself is pretty funny to watch. It's either this or "Why Don't You Get A Job?"

I think I was in like, 4th grade when this song came out. My Aunt had the Americana tape all of the kids fucking loved this song. Everyone liked this one and Why Don't You Get A Job but my brother and I were the only ones who liked the other songs on the album. My uncle ended up buying us the tape for Christmas and we played that motherfucker into the ground. My mom noticed that we really like Offspring so she ended up showing us Smash and Ixnay of the Hombre. That's essentially how I became such a fan and why The Offspring are my second(sometimes all time) favorite band.
I would argue and say it was the song Gotta Get Away that first introduced me to the band and help launch my interest. But it was only one song from the bad I knew and didn't really jump start my pursuit of the bands music. It wasn't until I heard Bad Habit that made me realize that this was I band I needed to follow.


One of the greatest road rage songs for me personally. I love blasting this song in my car and it was that song that truly got me into the band.
Americana was the first Offspring album I owned. I got it from a friend for a birthday present in 6th grade. I remember playing it all night long while playing Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Weird mix but it was good fun. While the album produced a bunch of hits my favorites were the non-hits "Have You Ever" with it's ending cymbal crashes leading straight into "Staring at the Sun".

Just the change in tempo around the three minute mark in "Have You Ever" knocks me out. And the guitar part after that is insanely catchy.
Probably Dirty Magic and Kick Him When He's Down from Ignition. At the time I just got out of a bad relationship and they discribed how I felt perfectly.

That album and Smash are still on my playlist.

It was Original Prankster for me. I remember hearing "Pretty Fly" and "Why Don't You Get A Job", and thought they were pretty good but I never really bothered listening to anything else by the band until I heard this song.

I thought it was absolutely awesome, and I loved the video too. I ended up buying the "Conspiracy Of One" album because of this song, and ended up discovering great songs like "Million Miles Away" and "Come Out Swinging" because of that. I still listen to those songs today.
I'd have to go with this one that originally got me into them.

Then I didn't really listen to them that much. I heard some songs on the radio but what got me back into them was this song.
I think it must have been 'Pretty Fly For A White Guy'. Saw that all the time on TV when I was a kid. When you heard other songs after that, and they too were ace, you figured you were onto something.

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