The song that got you into...Gorillaz


Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens

It's been a couple weeks since I did the last one of these and for that I apologize. I can't promise I'll be able to do them the same day every week but i usually have 2 days off a week and I'll do one in my music series one day and one in my movie series the other day off (Wednsday this week).​

In high school I spent a lot of time at my friends house and he had music tastes that I wasn't really into before we became friends. One day he played this song for me and I was hooked. There's something about the bass line in this song that I just love and I'ma huge fan of animated music videos so add the fact that Gorillaz does nothing but Animated music videos and they have a high place on my list of favorite bands.​
Easy one for me here, and I'm sure it's gonna be one of the more common choices, but that ain't stopping me.

Yessir, this song blew my mind when I first heard it back in my early high school years, and I became an instant Gorillaz fan. I still am to this day, one of the few bands that I still listen to from my high school days. In fact their debut CD still gets plenty of play from me, a fucking great listen all they way through, it only gets better with age.
I agree with SSC. Same song. I was in 8th grade when this song was huge and I remember being confused by the song title. I was like wtf, "Clint Eastwood?", I don't get it. Turns out there was nothing to get, it was just a really catchy song. I prefer "Feel Good Inc." in all honesty though.
To go with the trend it was Clint Eastwood that got me into Gorillaz. Simply because it was the first song I had heard from them. I was in the 6th grade and hadn't heard anything like it at the time so my father bought me the cd a few days after I heard the song. Been hooked ever since.

That whole first album is phenomenal and I still listen to it often.

Great choice SSC, and it is the same for me. "Clint Eastwood" was the first Gorrilaz first single, and I was really looking forward to it, having been a fan of Damon Albarns earlier band "Blur"- who I still think are the best band he has ever been a part of.

I remember thinking what the hell does this have to do with Clint Eastwood, and the style of song itself really surprised me, but I liked it.

Still a good tune, but my favourite Gorrillaz track is "Dare"
Easy one for me here, and I'm sure it's gonna be one of the more common choices, but that ain't stopping me.

Yessir, this song blew my mind when I first heard it back in my early high school years, and I became an instant Gorillaz fan. I still am to this day, one of the few bands that I still listen to from my high school days. In fact their debut CD still gets plenty of play from me, a fucking great listen all they way through, it only gets better with age.

Ok mine is the same except I didn't actually hear the original. The first time I heard the Gorillaz was in a mashup with Broken Dreams, and it took me away. I ended up looking them up, and loving them. I ended up downloading the original Clint Eastwood and then Feel Good Inc.

I ending up liking Broken Eastwood more for some reason, even though the quality is a little bit more. It was THE song for my end of 2010. The beat of the Gorillaz mixed with the Chosen One? HELL YES!

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