The Smarkdown Hotel

The Butcher

The title should read: "The Smarkdown Hotel". If anyone with the ability to fix it would do so, I'd appreciate it.

I really don't read the WrestleZone main page that often, and the only column I check for is Madden's. So after reading Mark's latest piece, I happened to notice this article, only to find that it's part a series that has been around for nearly a month now. I skimmed through them, and they seem well written enough. I didn't feel like reading them tonight, but I'll likely get around to it. Cutting to the chase though, the nature of the series made me curious about the author and whether or not he's a poster here. I doubt he'd want to identify himself, but I can't help but ask: will the real Michael Sullivan please stand up?

Also, for those who have read these pieces, feel free to share your unfiltered thoughts and opinions on them.
I haven't read this week's article but I know when my thread was discussed I really liked how he did it so I have no problems with how it was done so it's all good with me.
I haven't read this week's article but I know when my thread was discussed I really liked how he did it so I have no problems with how it was done so it's all good with me.

Good to know. I don't have any problem with the guy or his article. I'm honestly just curious as to whether or not he is here among us and, if so, if he'd be willing to admit it. The site doesn't provide a bio for him like it does for the others, and I figure an individual who'd write about the forums would be a user. Like I said, I doubt he'd want to identify himself, as I'm sure he's seen the treatment Killam gets. Couldn't help but ask, though.
There was a rumor and only that on the main page that it was Kermit but... That's all I have heard. And I was curious too.
Well no way could I do it sober.

We treat Killam like that because Killam kinda sucks at talking about wrestling. This guy's not so bad, except the 'Hot Topics' he discusses are neither hot nor topics that are overly discussed.

Also it's not me. My pseudonym is Chuck *****io.
Unrelated note, I wonder if I whined to Justin and Josh on twitter enough to let someone from the forums (me) special guest on their show would they allow it. They literally film it like 10 mins walking from where I live.
Unrelated note, I wonder if I whined to Justin and Josh on twitter enough to let someone from the forums (me) special guest on their show would they allow it. They literally film it like 10 mins walking from where I live.

Mac... :disappointed:

How about instead of whining to them you make a well reasoned case for why you should be on their show? While whining may be a better representation of the forums at large, I doubt it's going to get you a guest spot.
His username is rge2010. He's the guy that made the "What is TNA and why should I watch it thread" and posted an article regarding the responses.

On a side note, Butch, you posted on that thread.
I have to ask you Butch, are you pulling a more subtle SixMovesOfDoom manoeuvre?

You'd all know if I had a column.

His username is rge2010. He's the guy that made the "What is TNA and why should I watch it thread" and posted an article regarding the responses.

On a side note, Butch, you posted on that thread.

Yeah, I remember the thread. Wouldn't have guessed him. You sure about that?
You'd all know if I had a column.

Yeah, I remember the thread. Wouldn't have guessed him. You sure about that?

Yes, Michael said he made the thread and when. I searches it, the OP's user was rge2010, the same name as all the other threads he talks about like "who is the biggest jobber".
Where did he say that it was him, though?

"Each week, WrestleZone columnist Michael Sullivan tackles an intriguing or controversial subject from the WrestleZone Forums."

However, the weird thing is, each username is different. They can't be alts because he would have been caught by now. So I suppose, he doesn't actually have an account on the forums, clicks on some threads as a guest and makes a fucking article about the topic. If he gets paid for that, KB has a job for life.
Unrelated note, I wonder if I whined to Justin and Josh on twitter enough to let someone from the forums (me) special guest on their show would they allow it. They literally film it like 10 mins walking from where I live.

Didn't you quit WZ forever?

If he gets paid for that, KB has a job for life.

kb would have to bring himself to read the threads then. Wouldn't wish that fate on anyone.

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