Clearing the Backlog...


doesn't know REAL wrestling...
This is the closest I will get to making an actual New Year's Resolution...

Inspired by one of my facebook friends, I am going to attempt to read 52 books and watch 52 movies in 2014.

Doesn't sound like all that much of a challenge, especially to those who went to the cinema more times in 2013 than I have been in 30 years, but it will be a tester for me as I can literally go months without watching a movie, despite having a rather large collection of DVDs.

As for books, I read a lot so for the purposes of this any books that I read for research/writing purposes will not be counted unless read from cover to cover, which is unlikely considering many of them are largely are boring even for me.

I am also going to attempt to make each book a new read rather than retreading old paths. I will try the same with the movies too.

Currently Reading
  • Peter Heather Empires and Barbarians: Migration, Development and the Birth of Europe (2009)
  • James Bowder (ed.) Beyond the Wall: Exploring George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire (2012)
Reading more books is a resolution of mine as well. Unfortunately, I shan't be counting the graphic novels I'm sifting through at the moment. Those aren't really books.

Come at me, nerds.
Reading more is on my list as well. Unfortunately, I shan't be counting the graphic novels I'm sifting through at the moment. Those aren't really books.

Come at me, nerds.

I have at least 20 collections of Judge Dredd ahead of me at some stage in the next year. Not sure whether to count them are not. Each one is 300+ pages long but then there is not all that much reading involved...

Damn it, Coco. Not five minutes in and you have presented me with a poser.
I could probably do the movie thing since I go through phases where I watch one or two movies a day for an extended period of time.

I couldn't do the book thing. I used to really like sitting down and reading novels and biographies or autobiographies but now I have a hard time focusing on them. If I didn't have alternate forms of entertainment I'd probably read more. Although this reminds me I bought Chris Jericho's second biography in 2012 and haven't read it yet. I may have to find it and read it.
I skipped through all the Fozzy chapters and still found it incredibly dull.

Edit: You can go months without watching a movie? This must be how other people feel when I tell them how often I have sex.
how the hell do you guys have so much time

Working from home and only having the most part time of part time jobs helps.

Edit: You can go months without watching a movie? This must be how other people feel when I tell them how often I have sex.

I was in the middle of a prolonged drought until last night... when I watched Eastern Promises.
A book a week? Easy peasy.

Do you fail if you overshoot the film challenge?

Nah, 52 is the minimum target.

As for a book a week, it will all depend on which books I pick up. A few in my 2 Read pile are rather large and hard to get through tomes, although there are also a couple of 220 page virtual novellas to balance things out.
I'm going to join you on this, if you don't mind. For films I don't have time to go the cinema that many times, so it'll just be things I haven't seen before. I'm also going to listen to a new album a week.

So far:


1. Mary Poppins



1. Eastern Promises
2. Zulu*

*Seen before


Currently Reading

1. Peter Heather Empires and Barbarians: Migration, Development and the Birth of Europe (2009)
2. James Bowder (ed.) Beyond the Wall: Exploring George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire (2012)
Ooh, can I join in too with the film thing, because I want to try and go to the cinema at least once a week this year.

1. American Hustle
I've got American Hustle and 21 & Over (don't judge me) down in the films category. 12 Years a Slave tonight.
Might join if its ok?

1. Bret Hart: My blah blah blah Shaun Micheals sucks.

1. The Perfect Storm

Currently starting the Drenai series, so that should boost me a bit! I used to watch two films a day in my youth, but I've most certainly lost that freedom and ability.

Ps. I will most likely pillage the lists of others for what sounds appealing!

1. Mary Poppins



1. 18 Months - Calvin Harris

Or as it should be called, "the soundtrack to 18 months of nights out in Basildon". It's hit after hit, there's no doubting Harris can write a catchy tune, and I first pulled the millionaire ex (and potentially future) girlfriend listening to "We Found Love in a Hopeless Place" in Walkabout, so it was quite good really.

First Viewing

1. Eastern Promises

Repeat Viewing

1. Zulu
2. Die Hard With A Vengeance


Currently Reading

1. Peter Heather Empires and Barbarians: Migration, Development and the Birth of Europe (2009)
2. James Bowder (ed.) Beyond the Wall: Exploring George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire (2012)

Slow going in the reading department, mainly due to Heather's book being a tough read and having plenty of writing to do.
Oh, we're counting repeat viewings.

In that case, I have American Hustle, 21 & Over and Scott Pilgrim so far.
Watched Dallas Buyers Club tonight. Pretty amazing movie. Jared Leto in particular is incredible in it.
I'm only counting going to the cinema. Hard mode. If over time this becomes untenable then I will allow myself to count films I missed at the cinema over the past few years and am now seeing for the first time on Netflix/Lovefilm.

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