The Sinking ship of Brain Kendrick

Fuel The Fire

Getting Noticed By Management
Now before i get all the kendrick lover jumping on me hear me out. I am not saying that this man sucks. I am not saying that this man has no talent I REPEAT..I AM NOT SAYING THIS MAN HAS NO TALENT

What I am saying is that T.B.K will be nothing more then a midcarder for life. IN a way he reminds me of Santino. Not in Character but their both going to be nothing but midcards for Life.
Lets face it guys but we have to admit T.B.K was more entertaining as spanky. All we have now is some dancing flamingo.
Now there has been some talk about him looking for a tag partner but from what Ive seen they haven't tryed teaming him up with people that are not doing anything. One big example...Jamie Noble. WHY? I don't get it. This story line has been nothing but a waste of time and its obvious that no one in the wrestling office is taking this seriously.
Lets face it guys. Their not even giving him a shot at the I.C or the U.S title. Would the Ecw title help him? U really thing that the damage is oready done and its beyond repair.
So if you want a big push for t.b.k give it up. They could try it but it will turn into nothing but a flop.
What needs to be done is the wwe needs to let him go so he can come back as something new or go to T.n.a and see what he can do their
So this is my theory on why T.B.K is just a sinking ship. Hate or love it agree or disagree but you may believe that it is the truth.
I agree to an extent...I wouldn't say it's necessarily The Brian Kendrick that is the sinking ship, however. So much as it's The Brian Kendrick on RAW that is sinking him. Raw has been, and always will be, the showcase for the big names, the mid card gets little attention, and if they don't have anything for you in the mid card, you go to jobber/dark match Hell.

The guy was wrestling top guys on SmackDown, was getting over as a heel, and even was in the WWE Championship Scramble match last year, of which he also actually was the "Champion" during that match, before ultimately Triple H retained.

Throwing Kendrick on RAW was just asking to bury the guy. He's got talent. He's got the look. The gimmick was getting over. It's the poor booking on a show overcrowded with top stars that's sinking the kid.
Here is one thing that bothers me about the IWC. Just because we want and expect certain wrestlers to go to the next level, doesn't mean they will or should or even want to. Many wrestlers are content being "stuck in the midcard" on WWE television, I would imagine. However, I do agree that Kendrick should at least have some more TV time and probably should have been moved to ECW. Though I'm not going to complain about him being in the lower midcard. I think he will probably be moved to ECW soon or at least be given something to do. He is a talent and knows how to be a heel.

Let it be known that I think he has a great gimmick, am really interested in him, and loved him on Smackdown, but there are too many guys ahead of him on Raw that are drawing.

Now, I would sooner call someone like MVP a "sinking ship". Since losing the US title to Kofi (who is amazing), he has been stuck in between the upper midcard and the main event without actually really doing anything. Seems like a feud with Swagger is in the works, which hopefully MVP gets something out of. But if he keeps going the way he is going he isn't going to be able to grab the proverbial brass ring and will have to fade off into the sunset.
TBK really needs a trade back to Smackdown somehow, how great would a feud with him and John Morrison be? Or Rey Mysterio, or anyone except a Raw wrestler. Either he gets traded soon, or we might see the unfortunate future endeavors wish coming down the pipe for him.
I don't mind the current gimmick TBK has, although the random tag partner thing is a bit old. Unless they come out with someone like London, or Kidman (who works for WWE), it won't end up any better than it did when he was with Big Zeke.

I never ever figured he'd go higher than a mid-carder either though. He's a competent tag wrestler, and a decent heel. He's got some nice stuff in the ring, and work well in a Noble-like role of talent enhancement.
The guy is being punished for his questionable attitude and it's a shame because he was someone to look forward to in the last quarter of last year. He'd fit right in on Smackdown, which is less concerned with how big you are. He's pretty much dead on RAW unless Shawn helps him out.
I think WWE's just stuck in one of it's less-blooming periods. Kendrick has a lot going for him. He's not a "sinking ship" and I think that's a major rush-to-judgement. For the moment, he's low on the RAW card but I wouldnt count him out completely, I wouldn't even suggest that Kendrick will be buried purely on the fact he got shifted to RAW.

For the longest time in recent history WWE has been flamed for seeing the same guys on the top rung forever, and for not pushing new and fresh talent where it is obvious. I look at it this way though, and see that ever-so-slightly this trend is going out the window. Look at Jeff Hardy and CM Punk. Not saying they're new faces, but they've broken ice. Morrison, Miz, Kofi, MVP and even now Ted DiBiase Jr... all of those guys are making shells for their own at the moment. I saw Kendrick recently at a house show last weekend... and my God! He was impressive! If they can put Goldust on RAW every week, eventually Kendrick will find his way. Im not trying to discredit Goldust because I've always been a big Goldust supporter - but maybe instead of thinking "This guy will be the next world champion!" or "This guy will never be world champion!" like I think we're all guilty of doing, we should appreciate Kendrick's progress as he makes it.

Basically, when I think of Kendrick at the moment, I think of HBK and Jericho when they started... and look at what they've done since then.
I agree TBK is a joke now, hell he got beat by Santino! The weakest IC champ in the history of the WWE! Well what can he do now other than go to TNA? I think he's a sinking ship as you refer to him as, because he's not over with the kiddies who seem to be WWE's major center of attention as far as audience's go. Hence the PG era.
I think they are gonna stick with the random tag partnes and very soon, they will start slowly turning him face. Then, out of nowhere, his random partner will be the returning HBK. He'll eventually turn heel on Micheals and that will bring his characer to fruiton on RAW. I also do agree Bourne vs Kendrick could be a great match if they don't bury it under the pile o' shit that has been repeating CENA's big main event's every week against the same 3 guys.
I don't think Kendrick should be headlining shows (unless he's on ECW, like he currently should be), but he could definitely be used A LOT fucking better.

I mean, with the exception of size, this guy truly has it all. With WWE struggling so much with their mid-card (let's just face facts... pretty everything there sucks, unless it involves main eventer), you need to push guys who can bring credibility back to the belts like the Intercontinental Title and US Title. And TBK can definitely do that, but guys like him don’t ever get chances to prove themselves.

Seriously, as good as Rey Mysterio vs. Chris Jericho has been, why waste that kind of cool shit on wrestlers already established? Kendrick would've been PERFECT for Jericho's role in that storyline. You see.. that shit pisses me off and it's mainly why WWE has no fucking clue what they're doing. Instead of doing shit like that to actually elevate someone, they waste it by giving those kinds of opportunities and TV time to guys who are already stars and don't need it. Jericho's fine without that storyline and there's plenty of ways you can use him to elevate a new, young, fresh babyface, or in the main event. And the same case for Mysterio, who could definitely elevate someone like TBK for people to finally start taking seriously. It just blows my mind how WWE uses their young talent in the mid-card.
Lets face it. Kendrick's problem is his size and the precence of a very talented roster. Bourne, Swagger, Kingston, MVP, and The Miz make a solid mid-card. He is too short and his his in ring ability is below all of these guys. He is comfortable on the mic and that will keep creative searching for something for him to do, even if it is to job to the rest of the RAW roster.

Cody Rhodes America's Dream, WWE's Nightmare
Here is one thing that bothers me about the IWC. Just because we want and expect certain wrestlers to go to the next level, doesn't mean they will or should or even want to. Many wrestlers are content being "stuck in the midcard" on WWE television, I would imagine. However, I do agree that Kendrick should at least have some more TV time and probably should have been moved to ECW. Though I'm not going to complain about him being in the lower midcard. I think he will probably be moved to ECW soon or at least be given something to do. He is a talent and knows how to be a heel.

Let it be known that I think he has a great gimmick, am really interested in him, and loved him on Smackdown, but there are too many guys ahead of him on Raw that are drawing.

Now, I would sooner call someone like MVP a "sinking ship". Since losing the US title to Kofi (who is amazing), he has been stuck in between the upper midcard and the main event without actually really doing anything. Seems like a feud with Swagger is in the works, which hopefully MVP gets something out of. But if he keeps going the way he is going he isn't going to be able to grab the proverbial brass ring and will have to fade off into the sunset.

Imagine if we had the internet back in the day and of course we were all 10 years older. What would people say about Jake the Snake, Ravishing Rick Rude, Mr. Perfect, Superfly Jimmy Snuka, Earthquake, Typhoon, Doink, and a whole bunch of others that “got stuck in the Mid – Card to Lower – Card levels”??
Lmao. Shinking ship. Has he even been on tv in the past month? I think he is too small to be taken seriously in any feuds with the talent they have on Raw. Maybe Evan Bourne, but he seems to be preoccupied at the moment. His gimmick is rather interesting, but a cocky 4'2 heel wrestler doesn't really work for me.
Lmao. Shinking ship. Has he even been on tv in the past month? I think he is too small to be taken seriously in any feuds with the talent they have on Raw. Maybe Evan Bourne, but he seems to be preoccupied at the moment. His gimmick is rather interesting, but a cocky 4'2 heel wrestler doesn't really work for me.

Nate Thank you! Please let them know.

How is TBK a sinking ship? You have to be at the top for a long period of time to even have the word "sinking" associated with your career. The guy is a joke. He doesn't have the size, the look, and the crowd doesn't give two shits about him.

Please let this be the last thread I ever see on this board referring to this tired ass fucking jobber unless he actually gets a real push that's worth talking about. Until then, let jobbers do what they do best. Get pinned.
Sinking ship? I don't believe he ever floated. The was a hole in the hull ever since he started to pursue a career in wrestling. He weighs 125 soaking wet and can't get into the big rides at Disneyland. Brian Kendrick was NEVER going to be anything. Ever. People simply cannot buy into a man his size as a legitimate competitor. Besides, who can recover from being Spanky? Give up hope on the man, everyone. He's a jobber. It's what he does best.

The Brian Kendrick's gimmick is awesome - and he has the general look to pull it off. The dude is no shorter than Eddie Guerrero was, he just needs to beef up a little bit, and he will have everything it takes. The dude is awesome.

Just look at that guy, Raw Power. He's just a normal guy. Could you buy into him competing with Kane, Triple H, Randy Orton, or anyone of the like? Having the look is fifty percent of what it takes to be a wrestler. NorCal could be a very skilled wrestler, but God made him too small. I admire that he's come this far, but he never had any hope of making it.
Are you sure kendrick didn't fail the drug test and is on suspension. Kendrick looks pepetually high. He never really had the skills to carry on a good fued on his own. He has been a great tag teamer but he is nothing without another smaller guy and the only options are chavo (hell no), mysterio (face never turning heel and too popular), noble (will only drag kendrick down), wang yang (same as noble), bourne (face and should stay that way plus he will be destroyed in a tag team),and primo/carlito (same category since both jokes right now and either of them willl work with kendrick but it wouldnt help their carrers at all even hurt it). So in conclusion kendrick is a tag wrestler that is it, not a solo wrestler and he needs london around to pervent a sim snuka thing happening to him. Honestly him and london should reunite in tna so he needs to leave the wwe. Kendrick is not a sinking ship, he is just a tag wrestler who needs the right partner, his old one.
Hopefully what I say next clears some heads. Some of you are saying that TBK is too small, and so was Rey Mysterio. TBK's size doesn't look credible, but yet we have a couple of 7ft'ers (Show, Khali, etc..), and even the Worlds Strongest Man Mark Henry losing on a monthly basis to stars half their strength, and size. Wrestling is fake, and so in general size means nothing.

The man hasn't done much because he has been given much. Plain and simple there is nothing else to it. His gimmick is still fresh, and I'm sure he has his "act" to clean up as well. Once something creative is thrown his way, I'm sure he will capitalize. Not sending him to ECW was a huge mistake, but I'll live with it. TBK has all the tools to succeed in the WWE despite what many of you have said against his ability. HBK trained him, and helped him get where he is today for a reason folks. Hell, he is still employed for a reason folks.
Size isn't completely irrelevant. Sure someone like Kofi Kingston can beat a guy like Big Show once in awhile, but guys like Kendrick, Bourne, and Kingston will never be main eventers. Rey Mysterio may have had a run with the title, but it was only for a few months and it was mostly to reach out to the hispanic audience.

For smaller guys, the IC or US title or competing in some world title matches is their ceiling. You can't just have little guys beating really big guys left and right. It takes away the little realism that is left in wrestling. Smaller guys like Kendrick can be successful in the WWE, just not in the main event.

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