The Second Debate - With Your Host, Slyfox696

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Excellence of Execution
As the name of this thread implies, this debate is a lot more about me than the three of you. Why? Because I'm going to have to work with one of you, and I'm pretty picky about who we let on Staff. While you are most certainly trying to score points with voters, this debate is about me.

What does this mean for you? Well, it's fairly straightforward. I'll ask each of you the first question I have prepared for you. You will answer. You will not, however, call out the other candidates. Why? Because you've done that already, and quite frankly, all three of you were boring. So instead of letting the three of you debate each other, if I see bullshit in your post, I'm calling you on it. You then get to reply to me. Any candidate addressing any other receives an Infraction. Maybe two of them, depends what mood I'm in. Oh, and I suppose it goes without saying (though I will anyways), anyone who is not a candidate which posts in this thread will be subject to Discipline as well.

Everyone understand? If not, PM me, and I'll copy and paste this section back to you. Let's begin.

Question for Coco

1. Everyone knows the Spam Friendly Sections (SFS) don't really need a mod. Most Discipline on the forums is handed out for spamming, and that's not an issue in the SFS. The Bar Room has no rules, and you're certainly not going to be a Prison mod, because that would be as useless as making you Bar Room mod. That leaves only Wrestling Spam Zone, Live Discussions and the GSD. I don't think you have the personality to handle the GSD, because you can't go longer than 3 posts without trying to troll someone. So that leaves Live Discussions and Wrestling Spam Zone. One is used only for specific occasions and the other is where the lazy people hang out.

You and I both know these sections don't need a moderator. So the question I have is, "Why do you REALLY want to become a moderator"? You'll have basically nothing to do (which is why I think you chose those sections). You pointed out JGlass is moderator of the Hall of Fame section, which is only used a couple of times a year, so why do we need a second moderator who does nothing? As I think you're reasonably intelligent, I know you can see that you being a spam moderator means about as much as Luther being the old Bar Room mod, or Brezzy as the "Lamerator" back on PW. What's the REAL reason you want to be the next Brezzy?

Question for Crock

1. You've been begging for a moderator spot forever. You've tried to get in good with many Staff members, including myself, to get a moderator spot. I would almost go so far as to say you've been more annoying than Doc was in trying to get a moderator spot. You also knew you could never get in on your merits alone, because I've told you that you couldn't. So now we have this election, and this is your big (and likely only) chance. So you flower your words with pretty ideas about how you want to help the WWE forum. You said, and I quote, "I wouldn't be in this contest if I didn't think I could help, if I didn't think I was right for the job.", which we both know is a bold faced lie, because you've been gunning for a moderator spot for the longest time, even when I told you you weren't right for the job.

So the question I have is what's really going on in that mind of yours? Why do you REALLY want to become a moderator? You have two pages of Discipline on your profile, do you think becoming a Moderator will help protect you more from Infractions? I know I thought that when I became a Moderator, is that why you're doing this? Is it so people "respect" you? What's the real reason? I don't want nonsense about helping the WWE forums, because I suspect you don't care which forum you moderate, you just want to have a bold name. What's the real reason?

Question for Dagger

1. Let's talk about Tastycles, and the lies you told. You originally denied having thrown Tastycles under the bus, which has since been proven you did. You've now apologized for it, which I suppose is admirable, but you've been caught in a lie. And not only did you lie, you continued to perpetuate that lie for days, even after the PM had been published. How do you expect anyone on this forum to trust you, or your word, after this?
Brezzy has a huge knob. Did you see that picture he posted of himself wearing nothing but a tube sock over his dick? Looks legit. Myself, I've got a much less impressive pecker. The tube sock would fall off if I tried to pose a picture like that. I'm not a circus freak. But I'd like to be. Do I think winning mod-ship will make my junk magically grow two or twenty sizes? No. But that doesn't mean the bold name won't help me further compensate for my anatomical shortcomings. It's all about winning for me so that everyone knows what a cool guy I am. I have no intention of moderating. I just want to prove I have the biggest dick in the room. You caught me.
The way I acted that day was unprofessional and not fair to Tastycles. I had absolutely no harmful intentions, I simply had been told (source withheld) that Tasty might be stepping down. Addressing that rumor was none of my business. After re-reading months later what I had sent, I can tell that the way I worded that message came off very shady and I completely understand how it could be viewed as a backstabbing effort. I made a mistake. I apologized to him and said that nothing of the sort will ever happen again.

As for trust? We all make mistakes and I am a firm believer in giving someone a second chance. It is up to me to earn back the trust of anyone that I might have offended. I intend to do just that. There is something to be said for being mature enough to admit when you were wrong and take responsibility for your actions. I do take responsibility for Tastycles being angry and any drama caused by that message. I was wrong and have promised that nothing like that will EVER happen again. If I win this contest and become mod then doing an excellent job at my tasks would be a huge step in the right direction. Being true to myself in my posts without compromising my beliefs to try to please everyone all at once would be an even better route.
Brezzy has a huge knob. Did you see that picture he posted of himself wearing nothing but a tube sock over his dick? Looks legit. Myself, I've got a much less impressive pecker. The tube sock would fall off if I tried to pose a picture like that. I'm not a circus freak. But I'd like to be. Do I think winning mod-ship will make my junk magically grow two or twenty sizes? No. But that doesn't mean the bold name won't help me further compensate for my anatomical shortcomings. It's all about winning for me so that everyone knows what a cool guy I am. I have no intention of moderating. I just want to prove I have the biggest dick in the room. You caught me.

So you have absolutely zero interest in actually doing a job the forum may possibly vote for you to do? You don't seem to be taking this seriously at all. Ignoring for a moment how I seriously doubt KB and I will allow you to be modded if you admit you won't do your job, would your inaction as a moderator not be a violation of trust of every single member who votes for you in the election?

The way I acted that day was unprofessional and not fair to Tastycles. I had absolutely no harmful intentions, I simply had been told (source withheld) that Tasty might be stepping down. Addressing that rumor was none of my business. After re-reading months later what I had sent, I can tell that the way I worded that message came off very shady and I completely understand how it could be viewed as a backstabbing effort. I made a mistake. I apologized to him and said that nothing of the sort will ever happen again.

As for trust? We all make mistakes and I am a firm believer in giving someone a second chance. It is up to me to earn back the trust of anyone that I might have offended. I intend to do just that. There is something to be said for being mature enough to admit when you were wrong and take responsibility for your actions. I do take responsibility for Tastycles being angry and any drama caused by that message. I was wrong and have promised that nothing like that will EVER happen again. If I win this contest and become mod then doing an excellent job at my tasks would be a huge step in the right direction. Being true to myself in my posts without compromising my beliefs to try to please everyone all at once would be an even better route.
So you try to stab a moderator in the back (strike 1), and then lie about it later when you think it could hurt your election chances (strike 2). Do you really think we should allow ourselves to be violated with a strike 3? You promise it won't ever happen again, but you also flat out told the entire forum the story Tasty told was false. Right now, your promises don't hold much weight.

So given the fact your word means very little at the moment, what do you propose we do about this situation? You're looking for votes from people who rightfully don't trust you. You've been shown to act the part of a true politician, someone who will say whatever gets them votes. I'm sorry, but I don't think many of us believe you're being totally sincere. Do you have any evidence you can provide which says otherwise?
Question for Crock

1. You've been begging for a moderator spot forever. You've tried to get in good with many Staff members, including myself, to get a moderator spot. I would almost go so far as to say you've been more annoying than Doc was in trying to get a moderator spot. You also knew you could never get in on your merits alone, because I've told you that you couldn't. So now we have this election, and this is your big (and likely only) chance. So you flower your words with pretty ideas about how you want to help the WWE forum. You said, and I quote, "I wouldn't be in this contest if I didn't think I could help, if I didn't think I was right for the job.", which we both know is a bold faced lie, because you've been gunning for a moderator spot for the longest time, even when I told you you weren't right for the job.

So the question I have is what's really going on in that mind of yours? Why do you REALLY want to become a moderator? You have two pages of Discipline on your profile, do you think becoming a Moderator will help protect you more from Infractions? I know I thought that when I became a Moderator, is that why you're doing this? Is it so people "respect" you? What's the real reason? I don't want nonsense about helping the WWE forums, because I suspect you don't care which forum you moderate, you just want to have a bold name. What's the real reason?
Alright, I gotcha -- this is my only chance at making it.

Me becoming a moderator has nothing to do with discipline. The last time I had any discipline taken against me was on November 17th, 2010. After that, I made sure I'd never break another rule again. I don't really associate the mod spot with respect, either. Sure, somebody could see the bold name and think, "He must be good," but I don't think about it that way. I mean, don't get me wrong, I care about perception, but I'd rather earn respect through my posts or something like that.

Now, I'd probably take a spot in most sections, if I knew what I was doing in there, but I prefer WWE. It's my favorite section to post in and I even enjoy going through and reading what others have to say. That factors into why I want to be a mod, but so do a few other things. This forum became important to me, after a while. I joined with the intent to post a bit, but became a regular very quickly. I love wrestling and I love discussing it, but I also enjoy the people I rub elbows with on here. When I commit to something, I want to do whatever I can to help, to contribute -- that's part of why the mod spot's important to me too. I strive to be one of the best at everything I do, so I truly think I'd fit in on staff. Then, to a smaller degree, there'll be times where I'll see a rule violation and want to do something, but not want to report it (or go overboard reporting) so as to undermine what staff does.

I like this place, I'm active, and I wanna help. I want to be able take care of the sections I post in and I think I can. Yeah, you've told me before that I couldn't, but I've always felt that I'd be able to prove you wrong, then again, maybe I'm just stubborn.
Now, I'd probably take a spot in most sections, if I knew what I was doing in there, but I prefer WWE. It's my favorite section to post in and I even enjoy going through and reading what others have to say. That factors into why I want to be a mod, but so do a few other things. This forum became important to me, after a while. I joined with the intent to post a bit, but became a regular very quickly. I love wrestling and I love discussing it, but I also enjoy the people I rub elbows with on here. When I commit to something, I want to do whatever I can to help, to contribute -- that's part of why the mod spot's important to me too. I strive to be one of the best at everything I do, so I truly think I'd fit in on staff. Then, to a smaller degree, there'll be times where I'll see a rule violation and want to do something, but not want to report it (or go overboard reporting) so as to undermine what staff does.

I like this place, I'm active, and I wanna help. I want to be able take care of the sections I post in and I think I can. Yeah, you've told me before that I couldn't, but I've always felt that I'd be able to prove you wrong, then again, maybe I'm just stubborn.

This place is important to you, you love discussing wrestling and you want to do whatever you can to contribute...and yet, you've started a grand total of 3 non-spam wrestling threads in the last 6 months. Correct me if I'm wrong, this is the forum you're claiming to want to be mod in, right? In comparison, you've started 3 Bar Room threads in just the last 10 days. 3 threads during the last 180 days in the section you claim to love and want to contribute in , and 3 threads in the Bar Room in the last 10 days.

For some reason, you're coming off as less than sincere to me. Your words say you want to help, and yet you're actions claim otherwise. Which to believe? If you're really so interested in contributing, why haven't you done more to contribute?

So was this your REAL reason for wanting to be a mod, or just what you thought I, and other voters, would want to hear? I'm currently thinking it's the latter.
So you have absolutely zero interest in actually doing a job the forum may possibly vote for you to do? You don't seem to be taking this seriously at all. Ignoring for a moment how I seriously doubt KB and I will allow you to be modded if you admit you won't do your job, would your inaction as a moderator not be a violation of trust of every single member who votes for you in the election?
Not if they vote with my impending inaction in mind.
Not if they vote with my impending inaction in mind.
So, then, your hope is that people vote for you to be a mod so you can do nothing. I see. I guess that takes us back to the first question I asked, and you've yet to answer.

Why do you REALLY want to become a moderator?
This place is important to you, you love discussing wrestling and you want to do whatever you can to contribute...and yet, you've started a grand total of 3 non-spam wrestling threads in the last 6 months. Correct me if I'm wrong, this is the forum you're claiming to want to be mod in, right? In comparison, you've started 3 Bar Room threads in just the last 10 days. 3 threads during the last 180 days in the section you claim to love and want to contribute in , and 3 threads in the Bar Room in the last 10 days.

For some reason, you're coming off as less than sincere to me. Your words say you want to help, and yet you're actions claim otherwise. Which to believe? If you're really so interested in contributing, why haven't you done more to contribute?

So was this your REAL reason for wanting to be a mod, or just what you thought I, and other voters, would want to hear? I'm currently thinking it's the latter.

I've never claimed to be much of a thread starter... If I get an itch to do so, I will, though. I love to just talk wrestling, even in spam sections/through PM, although the WWE section is my favorite place to do it.

I feel like I've done lots around here, but I can always do more. Believe me, I'm more than willing to do whatever is needed.
I've never claimed to be much of a thread starter... If I get an itch to do so, I will, though. I love to just talk wrestling, even in spam sections/through PM, although the WWE section is my favorite place to do it.

I feel like I've done lots around here, but I can always do more. Believe me, I'm more than willing to do whatever is needed.

So if I said to you I think you starting 2 threads in the WWE section each week would serve the forum better than making you a mod, you would no longer be interested in the mod spot?
So if I said to you I think you starting 2 threads in the WWE section each week would serve the forum better than making you a mod, you would no longer be interested in the mod spot?

I mean, if my being a mod would be pointless, then yes. Although, I don't think it would be.
So given the fact your word means very little at the moment, what do you propose we do about this situation? You're looking for votes from people who rightfully don't trust you. You've been shown to act the part of a true politician, someone who will say whatever gets them votes. I'm sorry, but I don't think many of us believe you're being totally sincere. Do you have any evidence you can provide which says otherwise?

You asked where we can go from here. The only direction one can look in a situation like this is forward. I admitted that I was wrong, but now it is time to move on. Focusing on problems from the past cannot prevent anything similar from happening in the future. It would make more sense to dust myself off, get back up, and keep trying. I have come this far and after enduring a tidal wave of hatred, I have yet to utter the words "I quit". This is a great opportunity for me to help improve the forum, which is all I ever wanted.

I place a high value on friendship. Not just with my friends in real life, but also in friendships with members of this forum who I have befriended over the years.

Mitch, who I have long considered one of my closest friends on here. We were rookies together and have sent many messages to each other whether it was one letting the other know about a new thread they posted, talking about things going on at the forum, or making small talk about how things are going in our respective lives outside the forum.

JWGunslinger also comes to mind. He reached out to me when he was brand new to the forum. I appreciated this gesture and took him under my wing, providing advice on how to improve at posting or debating. We became very good friends over that time. He knows he can trust me with anything, just as I can trust him in return.

Mustang Sally is another example. We exchanged numerous PM's after I had made a thread many years back in the GSD needing personal advice. She was one of the first to point out what a nice guy I am, and when our conversations went into more personal topics, she knew she could trust me. I have yet to betray that trust.

I had contacted LSN a few days ago during the midst of all the hate posts going on. I have a ton of respect for him as a poster, more than arguably anyone else on this forum. I wanted to know his true opinions of me, given the things people were saying about me. He responded about 4 days ago with his honest thoughts, and he gave me permission this afternoon to use it as part of my response to Sly.

I apologize for not getting to this sooner, but I'm more then willing to provide feedback on your questions. I'm not going to pull any punches here, as I'm going to call a spade a spade. So, I'll address the issues you discussed in your previous PM.

With regards to Tastycles, I was pretty upset when I saw the PM you sent. I was surprised as well, because you've never tried to use me in my Moderator position to get ahead. But I feel what you did was wrong, and you owe Tastycles an apology, preferably a private message. I feel you did lie to us when you said you never tried to get Tasty to lose his job, which was proven false. You need to handle this with tact and maturity, because this certainly pertains to the election.

However, I do trust you. You were the first person to befriend me when I joined the forums, and you did nothing to support me. You didn't help me in terms of my posting, as I made my name on my own merits. But you were an encouragement, and in my early days when I was infracted for posts I didn't believe to be spam, you explained to me why, and encouraged me to keep posting. Further, Ive told you things in the distant past about my life, and you've respected my privacy. You've never tried to use me to get ahead, even after I was modded. So I do trust you, I just believe you made a bad mistake regarding Tasty, and you need to own up to it. Both to Tasty, and to the forum as well.

As for your chances in the election, I honestly don't believe you'll win. But the fact that you've made it this far should be an encouragement to you. Alot of people have raised some legitimate points regarding you, and some have been non-sensical. I'd own up to the points people have made that you believe to be true, but Id seriously address those who are completely wrong, which is quite a few. I think this will only help your chances. Further, you won the ABC election by a landslide, so you obviously have supporters. That may be enough to get you through, but you do face a stiff challenge, and you need to step up.

As for the homosexuality issue, it has nothing to do with this election. Your moral values have nothing to do with you being a Mod, as long as you don't try to push your beliefs on others. People can try to argue this all they like, but it has nothing to do with your moderating skills.

Speaking of your ability to be a Moderator, Im mixed about it. im still not sure of what you would add to the WWE section, to be honest. You're a frequent poster in the section, perhaps the most frequent poster. So you bring the passion of being devoted to the section, and I think your posts are better then most in those sections. I think the threads youve previously started have been fairly good, but Id like to see you be a thread starter more frequently, as i believe you do have good ideas. I do think you could add something to the section due to your passion and knowledge of the product, Id just like to see you post more threads that will bring discussion. After the Tasty situation, I was very doubtful of you becoming a Mod, or deserving to be so. But you made a mstake, and knowing you and that you've never stabbed me in the back, I believe the you're guilty of nothing more then poor judgment, and dishonesty in the election. but you've acknowledged your mistakes to me, you were a great encouragement to me when I joined, so i trust you. Im not opposed to you becoming a Moderator.

As for the quality of your posts, they could be better. Id like to see you post more then one paragraph and really dissect the issue, which Ive seen you done before. You're better then most in the non-spam sections, but I believe if you focused on making one or two posts each day special, you'ld be a much better poster. I only say this because Ive seen you do this in the past, and have shown yourself to be a quality poster.

To summarize, I think you've made some mistakes, and it's important to own up to them. I trust you, because you've never broken my trust or betrayed me in two years, and youve had chances. You've been a friend, and I believe if you became a Mod, you'd work your ass off in any way as needed, and you'ld acclimate quickly to learning to find confidence in those Mod abilities, and you'ld be able to stand on your own. As I said earlier, I'm not opposed to you becoming a Mod.

If this came across as harsh, please understand you asked me my honest opinion, so I gave it to you. If you have any questions about my opinions, you know what to do. If people truly knew you, they'ld understand that youre a decent guy who makes mistakes, but who hasn't? Further, you've always been trustworthy with regards to me.


He believes in me, sees my potential, and fully trusts me.

So the point is.... If my friends can place that much trust in me, and someone already on staff can place that much trust in me, then I believe the staff should be able to find trust in me to be able to be an asset to the team if I get the chance to join them. Someone willing and able to step up to the challenge, someone who wants to help improve the forum experience for each and every single one of our posters.
You asked where we can go from here. The only direction one can look in a situation like this is forward. I admitted that I was wrong, but now it is time to move on. Focusing on problems from the past cannot prevent anything similar from happening in the future. It would make more sense to dust myself off, get back up, and keep trying. I have come this far and after enduring a tidal wave of hatred, I have yet to utter the words "I quit". This is a great opportunity for me to help improve the forum, which is all I ever wanted.

I place a high value on friendship. Not just with my friends in real life, but also in friendships with members of this forum who I have befriended over the years.

Mitch, who I have long considered one of my closest friends on here. We were rookies together and have sent many messages to each other whether it was one letting the other know about a new thread they posted, talking about things going on at the forum, or making small talk about how things are going in our respective lives outside the forum.

JWGunslinger also comes to mind. He reached out to me when he was brand new to the forum. I appreciated this gesture and took him under my wing, providing advice on how to improve at posting or debating. We became very good friends over that time. He knows he can trust me with anything, just as I can trust him in return.

Mustang Sally is another example. We exchanged numerous PM's after I had made a thread many years back in the GSD needing personal advice. She was one of the first to point out what a nice guy I am, and when our conversations went into more personal topics, she knew she could trust me. I have yet to betray that trust.

I had contacted LSN a few days ago during the midst of all the hate posts going on. I have a ton of respect for him as a poster, more than arguably anyone else on this forum. I wanted to know his true opinions of me, given the things people were saying about me. He responded about 4 days ago with his honest thoughts, and he gave me permission this afternoon to use it as part of my response to Sly.

I apologize for not getting to this sooner, but I'm more then willing to provide feedback on your questions. I'm not going to pull any punches here, as I'm going to call a spade a spade. So, I'll address the issues you discussed in your previous PM.

With regards to Tastycles, I was pretty upset when I saw the PM you sent. I was surprised as well, because you've never tried to use me in my Moderator position to get ahead. But I feel what you did was wrong, and you owe Tastycles an apology, preferably a private message. I feel you did lie to us when you said you never tried to get Tasty to lose his job, which was proven false. You need to handle this with tact and maturity, because this certainly pertains to the election.

However, I do trust you. You were the first person to befriend me when I joined the forums, and you did nothing to support me. You didn't help me in terms of my posting, as I made my name on my own merits. But you were an encouragement, and in my early days when I was infracted for posts I didn't believe to be spam, you explained to me why, and encouraged me to keep posting. Further, Ive told you things in the distant past about my life, and you've respected my privacy. You've never tried to use me to get ahead, even after I was modded. So I do trust you, I just believe you made a bad mistake regarding Tasty, and you need to own up to it. Both to Tasty, and to the forum as well.

As for your chances in the election, I honestly don't believe you'll win. But the fact that you've made it this far should be an encouragement to you. Alot of people have raised some legitimate points regarding you, and some have been non-sensical. I'd own up to the points people have made that you believe to be true, but Id seriously address those who are completely wrong, which is quite a few. I think this will only help your chances. Further, you won the ABC election by a landslide, so you obviously have supporters. That may be enough to get you through, but you do face a stiff challenge, and you need to step up.

As for the homosexuality issue, it has nothing to do with this election. Your moral values have nothing to do with you being a Mod, as long as you don't try to push your beliefs on others. People can try to argue this all they like, but it has nothing to do with your moderating skills.

Speaking of your ability to be a Moderator, Im mixed about it. im still not sure of what you would add to the WWE section, to be honest. You're a frequent poster in the section, perhaps the most frequent poster. So you bring the passion of being devoted to the section, and I think your posts are better then most in those sections. I think the threads youve previously started have been fairly good, but Id like to see you be a thread starter more frequently, as i believe you do have good ideas. I do think you could add something to the section due to your passion and knowledge of the product, Id just like to see you post more threads that will bring discussion. After the Tasty situation, I was very doubtful of you becoming a Mod, or deserving to be so. But you made a mstake, and knowing you and that you've never stabbed me in the back, I believe the you're guilty of nothing more then poor judgment, and dishonesty in the election. but you've acknowledged your mistakes to me, you were a great encouragement to me when I joined, so i trust you. Im not opposed to you becoming a Moderator.

As for the quality of your posts, they could be better. Id like to see you post more then one paragraph and really dissect the issue, which Ive seen you done before. You're better then most in the non-spam sections, but I believe if you focused on making one or two posts each day special, you'ld be a much better poster. I only say this because Ive seen you do this in the past, and have shown yourself to be a quality poster.

To summarize, I think you've made some mistakes, and it's important to own up to them. I trust you, because you've never broken my trust or betrayed me in two years, and youve had chances. You've been a friend, and I believe if you became a Mod, you'd work your ass off in any way as needed, and you'ld acclimate quickly to learning to find confidence in those Mod abilities, and you'ld be able to stand on your own. As I said earlier, I'm not opposed to you becoming a Mod.

If this came across as harsh, please understand you asked me my honest opinion, so I gave it to you. If you have any questions about my opinions, you know what to do. If people truly knew you, they'ld understand that youre a decent guy who makes mistakes, but who hasn't? Further, you've always been trustworthy with regards to me.


He believes in me, sees my potential, and fully trusts me.

So the point is.... If my friends can place that much trust in me, and someone already on staff can place that much trust in me, then I believe the staff should be able to find trust in me to be able to be an asset to the team if I get the chance to join them. Someone willing and able to step up to the challenge, someone who wants to help improve the forum experience for each and every single one of our posters.

Most of your post deals with how your friends trust you. What I want to know is how the rest of us can trust you. How can we trust you'll uphold the rules of the forum? How can we trust you won't carry out personal vendettas against people who have mocked you on here?

Also, your post came across as if you were campaigning. I don't want campaigning, I want honesty. How can we trust you, in ways that don't deal with your online friends.
As the name of this thread implies, this debate is a lot more about me than the three of you. Why? Because I'm going to have to work with one of you, and I'm pretty picky about who we let on Staff. While you are most certainly trying to score points with voters, this debate is about me.

What does this mean for you? Well, it's fairly straightforward. I'll ask each of you the second question I have prepared for you. You will answer. You will not, however, call out the other candidates. Why? Because you've done that already, and quite frankly, all three of you were boring. So instead of letting the three of you debate each other, if I see bullshit in your post, I'm calling you on it. You then get to reply to me. Any candidate addressing any other receives an Infraction. Maybe two of them, depends what mood I'm in. Oh, and I suppose it goes without saying (though I will anyways), anyone who is not a candidate which posts in this thread will be subject to Discipline as well.

Everyone understand? If not, PM me, and I'll copy and paste this section back to you. Let's begin.

Question for Crock

2. While people may "like" you as a poster, I don't think many would disagree with me when I say you're a mediocre poster. You rarely have original or thought-provoking ideas, and so many of your posts just seem to be agreeing with whomever will allow you to suck up to them the most. We have mediocre posters all over the forum, why should we make one of them a moderator? Why should we allow a mediocre poster to represent the WrestleZone Forums, especially in the WWE forum, the most visible forum on the site? Why should people want a mediocre poster to represent them?

Question for Dagger

2. What's the real reason YOU want to be a mod? You've been doing everything short of offering a bribe to get your name in bold. Why are you so interested in becoming a mod? Is it a power trip? I know it's not because you want to help the WWE forums out, you were gunning for Video Games mod ever since Lee stepped down. Then, come Election time, you change to the WWE forum. So don't feed me a line of BS, I want the truth. What's your real intentions here? I want honesty, not flowery words or campaign speak.

Question for Coco

2. You're a racist. I've known that for years, going back to the time we spent on PW together. I remember you once getting banned for changing your name to Ku Klux Koko, and putting on a sig banner which, if I remember correctly, was Christian crosses with a Nazi swastika on them. If you wish to hate black people that's your business, but I'm a little concerned at the idea of letting a racist represent these forums. Tell us why we should let a racist represent these forums.
I was under the impression that we live in a post-racial society now. As such, your question baffles me. Could you more clearly illustrate the problem?
I was under the impression that we live in a post-racial society now. As such, your question baffles me. Could you more clearly illustrate the problem?
The problem is a racist Staff member reflects on the rest of the Staff, and the forum in general, as well. The idea the WrestleZone Forums is racist is absurd, and is not one I wish to see falsely attached to us.

Now that the problem has been more clearly explained, please answer the question.
No, I understand the part about how you don't want one person's actions and beliefs sullying the reputation of the whole team. My problem is the racism thing. Do you really believe it's still an issue? It is 2012 after all.
Most people on this board aren't aware of my racism and nobody (yourself included) has a clue as to the degree of its legitimacy. If my own racism doesn't even reflect poorly on me in the eyes of most people on this board, if nobody notices because I keep it holstered most of the time, exactly what harm do you think it will cause the board?

You should let a racist represent the forum because it honestly seems like nobody except you gives a shit.

Is that what you were looking for, big guy?
Question for Crock

2. While people may "like" you as a poster, I don't think many would disagree with me when I say you're a mediocre poster. You rarely have original or thought-provoking ideas, and so many of your posts just seem to be agreeing with whomever will allow you to suck up to them the most. We have mediocre posters all over the forum, why should we make one of them a moderator? Why should we allow a mediocre poster to represent the WrestleZone Forums, especially in the WWE forum, the most visible forum on the site? Why should people want a mediocre poster to represent them?

While I disagree that I'm mediocre, I can always get "better" as a poster. When I first came around here I was of the school of thought that Bryan Danielson was better than John Cena. Over time, that clearly changed, as I'm willing to take Cena over most anybody now -- I learned from others, I got better. I'm not very flashy when it comes to my posts either, but I think I generally offer some solid arguments/facts. While I may not stray from the norm much, I don't go out of my way to stay in line with certain people or anything like that. If someone went and said, "Hulk Hogan is the worst wrestler ever" and gave a brilliant argument as to why, I'd still have to disagree. I post based on what I think about wrestling, but I don't necessarily think I'm mediocre, as a result. While I'm sure there are some who would agree with your assessment, there are some who would disagree too. I'd be more than willing to prove your assessment wrong, though.

That being said, take a look at Ferbian. Many called him mediocre, but nobody ever questioned how good of a moderator he was, as far as I'm aware. I'd do whatever I could to be the best moderator I could be -- that's why people should want me to represent them.
Most of your post deals with how your friends trust you. What I want to know is how the rest of us can trust you. How can we trust you'll uphold the rules of the forum? How can we trust you won't carry out personal vendettas against people who have mocked you on here?

Also, your post came across as if you were campaigning. I don't want campaigning, I want honesty. How can we trust you, in ways that don't deal with your online friends.

I had asked LSN to be completely honest and objective with me. It was an evaluation from a staff viewpoint, rather than a friend. He criticised me heavily and challenged me in ways that I can still show improvement. However.... He also said he fully trusts me in my abilities to look after my section, enforce the rules, be approachable to help new posters, and that he likes my dedication. In fact, when I had contacted him requesting the evaluation I specifically asked him to not do it as a friend. I wanted the honest truth, and from a staff viewpoint. If someone as respected in these parts as LSN can trust me, then I hope the rest of the forum would be able to as well. The only other thing I can do is let my posting speak for itself as I move on and try to earn back any lost trust.
Question for Dagger

2. What's the real reason YOU want to be a mod? You've been doing everything short of offering a bribe to get your name in bold. Why are you so interested in becoming a mod? Is it a power trip? I know it's not because you want to help the WWE forums out, you were gunning for Video Games mod ever since Lee stepped down. Then, come Election time, you change to the WWE forum. So don't feed me a line of BS, I want the truth. What's your real intentions here? I want honesty, not flowery words or campaign speak.

The real reason that I want to become a mod is, and has always been, that I just want to help improve the forum. I am on this forum every single day. Whether that be posting, starting threads, making small talk with friends, repping people, or just reading through threads to see what's being talked about. I love it here, otherwise I would not have poured out 3 years and 4000+ posts here. Since my availability is so open and my level of activity is so large, I had always figured I would be an asset to the staff if I got recruited. Obviously that has not happened yet, but the intention to help was always the root of my desires.

As for the WWE section.... Believe it or not, and I am being 100% honest here, I have actually wanted to moderate it ever since back when Sidious was running the section. I posted there a lot and I estimate that around three quarters of my posts have all come from there. I also liked the Video Games section and it is no secret that I wanted to moderate it as well. Both IC and Lee have modded it during my time here, and once both had stepped down, I thought it was my chance, so I stepped up in regards to my activity in that section by posting up a storm and creating several new threads to help keep people coming to the section.

Some time has passed, and I will admit I was extremely torn between Video Games or WWE as my final decision for my platform. I ended up picking WWE because I felt my strengths as a poster and threadstarter could be better utilized there. I post in there almost daily anyhow, so with all the time I spend in there I thought I would be a good choice to assist in looking after the section. Then I could still look after the Video Games section on the side, I wouldn't be able to delete posts but I'd still be able to infract if someone broke the rules.

Perhaps I should have stuck with Video Games as my platform instead of going with WWE, as that section does desperately need a mod. It receives more traffic than other sections such as the Newswire or Hall of Fame which are much smaller. I tried to pick the platform that would help best show my strengths as a poster. That may have been a mistake, looking back on it. The truth is though, that the desire to moderate either WWE or Video Games had always been there.

When it all comes down to it.... I am simply just a friendly guy who loves to post non-spam. I am constantly on here, either reading threads or posting/creating, and would love the opportunity to help keep this place running smoothly. No politics, no BS, I truly just want to help make the forum a better place and since I am on here so much, I thought I would be a big help if I became a mod. It's not a power trip. I want to remain a source of help or encouragement for others, but to be able to do it as a mod would make it a bigger deal for new posters that one of the mods is reaching out to them and being kind to them when they have questions or need help. I would like my name to be added to the list of mods who help out in this way. It would be an honor and the opportunity to be of assistance is all I ever wanted.
The real reason that I want to become a mod is, and has always been, that I just want to help improve the forum.
Many would argue the forum would be improved if you'd leave. Are you willing to honor that request?

As for the WWE section.... Believe it or not, and I am being 100% honest here, I have actually wanted to moderate it ever since back when Sidious was running the section. I posted there a lot and I estimate that around three quarters of my posts have all come from there. I also liked the Video Games section and it is no secret that I wanted to moderate it as well. Both IC and Lee have modded it during my time here, and once both had stepped down, I thought it was my chance, so I stepped up in regards to my activity in that section by posting up a storm and creating several new threads to help keep people coming to the section.
So you're saying you only want to work when you think there's something to be gained from it. That's not how being a moderator works. Lee noted it to me when he stepped down, that you would begin a thread starting spree and you did.

If you truly want to help the forums, why only do it when there's an open mod spot? It makes a person think there's an ulterior motive which you're not sharing.

I ended up picking WWE because I felt my strengths as a poster and threadstarter could be better utilized there.
And yet, you've only started ONE thread in the WWE forum in the last 5 months. If the WWE section needs thread starters, why haven't you been doing it? Is it because there was no mod spot available?

Perhaps I should have stuck with Video Games as my platform instead of going with WWE, as that section does desperately need a mod. It receives more traffic than other sections such as the Newswire or Hall of Fame which are much smaller. I tried to pick the platform that would help best show my strengths as a poster. That may have been a mistake, looking back on it. The truth is though, that the desire to moderate either WWE or Video Games had always been there.
Basically what I'm getting from this is you like the Video Game section better, but thought you'd have a better chance to win a mod spot in WWE sections. Which I would think would make a voter strongly question whether or not you should be voted as a WWE mod, if you just aren't really into it.
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