The Ruler of the World HQ

Mr. Artistic guy

Better Off This Way
A vote for Psycho Sid is a vote for incomprehensible madness. A vote for Sid Vicious is a vote for the man who is literally the Ruler of the Free world. Illuminati my testicle. A vote for Sid Justice is a vote for the guy who helped Ric Flair beat Hulk Hogan at the '92 Royal Rumble and actually sold the debut of the Shockmaster. Don't believe me? Look at this for professionalism:


I've never seen someone as legitimately scared at someone dressed as a **prejudiced remark removed** stormtrooper. Let alone a muscle-bound titan who killed people for a living. Oh yeah he did. Check this out:


Look at that obnoxious smirk. And nobody has ever stepped over that top rope so well. Best double-chokeslam ever? That's when Bully Ray was a fridge. And talk about intensity. Move over Gunner. Step aside Goldberg. Exit stage left Samoa Joe. Make yourself scarse Ric Flair. Sling your hook Rhyno. But does he have a sensitive side I hear you ask tentatively. Check:


Sure he aint no cunning linguist. But that aint matter:


But lets be honest, is there a single wrestler that wouldn't get at least a little bit terrified if they were watching this?


Or even this:


Those thoughts are going to go racing through your head.

No need for any statistics here. It's academic. Submit to the master, the ruler of the world. You've already lost.
IDK, I think I might just vote for someone who can jump off the middle rope without breaking something.
Big mistake my friend. If they've never broken a bone in the ring, how dedicated can then truly be. Do you not want to vote for someone with the passion in the belly basket? You gotta axe yourself brudda man.

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