The 'ROHbots' Were Actually Right About Punk - Maybe

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
OK, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I have to make yet another thread in the SmackDown section about CM Punk. But, y'know, sometimes a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. He's gotta take those tough decisions, bite the bullet and take the consequences; whatever they may be. And baby, I am all man.

Anyway, it wasn't so long ago now that Punk was considered a 'failed' champion. He'd had a run as face champion and - as should be punishable by law - wasn't the next 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin. His critics brayed like donkeys, saying how this proved Punk was overrated all along. Meanwhile, many of his defenders pointed to his work in Ring of Honor. "Take a look at his heel work," they said. "He's incredible when he focuses on being straightedge."

It's now... uh, a period of time later and I'd say they've been proven right. Punk's second and third title reigns were the highlight of wrestling - and even had me regularly watching SmackDown - before he decided not to wear a suit. Even now, I'd say he's come more into himself with all this Straightedge Society business.

So, were the ROHbots right all along or is just a case of a broken clock being right twice a day?
I think it proves with him being a top heel on SmackDown right up next to Jericho & Batista that he has been rightfully praised. When he came in as a face I was happy just to have in on tv weekly and I was anxiously awaiting his heel turn as I knew that would wind up being better television. Punk's promos with the Hardy feud really is what made that feud what it was since everyone knows Jeff is not very good at mic work. I also believe that to be a good heel you have to speak the truth and get people to hate you for it. Punk preaches a clean lifestyle of no drugs, alcohol or cigarettes and yet people boo because he comes off like a religious zelout spouting his beliefs. It's a great character and a great performer doing what he does best. Is he the absolute best in the ring? Probably not but he is one of the better ones they have and in promos has to be a top 5 company guy.
I think so. As a heel, I always thought he worked better on the stick. He had the right attitude, because in a way, it IS his attitude. Much like the rest of the success stories in wrestling, it was just his personality, amped up. Obviously, I doubt he's that in your face and overbearing about it in person, I'm sure he does question peoples choices. And that works well when you times it by 10 and stick it in front of a camera.

I think they were proven right because they did call it PERFECTLY. As a heel, you'll see what we thought was incredible all along. Can't be much more spot on about it.
I will admit that I had my own doubts about Punk during his first championship run, I thought that he had nothing to offer but a different look, I had never heard him give what I would have called a unique promo. ROH fans were in a much better position as far as expectations of Punk went as they had seen how much he improves and develops when he is allowed to run as a straight edge heel. Punk’s feud with Hardy was easily the highlight of the WWE at the time in my opinion, it was such a clash of opposites, made all the more interesting that Punk who lives a clean life could be portrayed as the bad guy. I think that Punk has used his time in ROH and his past heel runs to hone his game, and that he now has what I would consider almost a perfect heel persona. He has adapted his real life to his character and has blurred the line between the two. With most heels there is a slight awareness on the part of the viewer that they are playing the part of a character, when Punk criticised the fans for drinking and taking drugs and they see the words “Straight edge” tattooed across his stomach, it makes them doubt that he is even playing a character at all. This incorporation of real character traits is a great move in my opinion, and has gotten Punk huge heat and built him up to a huge heel.

Punks experience also comes into play now, having tested out some material in ROH he is now free to innovate in WWE, and has done to a great extent. Punk as a heel has been a breath of fresh air for me, abandoning many standard heel tactics and replacing them to make him what I consider a completely unique heel. Examples of this were him cutting promos during the recent Rumble, gaining him huge heat and putting him in the spotlight, I felt it was a huge rub for him to dominate the early part of the Rumble. Also the Smackdown after he “banished” Jeff Hardy he came out dressed as Jeff to his music, this was another hilariously innovative move and one that gained him a huge reaction from the crowd. I think that the whole of Punks heel run has been golden, and he has taken his experience in a smaller promotion and proven to his doubters that he is capable of building up status through his straight edge heel tactics in the biggest wrestling company there is. If his current run as arguably the best and most creative heel in the WWE is not vindication for Punks earlier fans, then I don’t know what is.
CM Punk is the top heel in the company right now doing what he does best- shoving straight edge down people throat. Personally, I don't think his championship run as a face was bad- I think Punk does well in that role, too. But he is beyond amazing when given the opportunity to be brash and cocky. He's much more animated and his facial expression and movements are priceless.

So, to answer your question, Sam- Of course those damn ROHbots were right! Several members of this forum who are extremely knowledgeable posters regarding the WWE have openly admitted they have limited knowledge of ROH. Someone who isn't familiar with Punk's work in ROH would logically have no idea how he performed as a heel. No expectations. Thankfully the WWE finally gave him the opportunity and he's taken the ball and run with it.

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